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Pastor Jeff Lilley

3MinuteBibleStudy: AAG BSP #092 Revelation 10:8-11 - 0 views

    The purpose of this Bible Study is to offer a Unique, Interesting and Fun way to study the Bible. Our goal is to provide everyone with a detailed, step by step, verse by verse Bible study. I think the best part of the study is that it will be interactive. YOU get to ask the questions and give the answers too.
Pastor Jeff Lilley

3MinuteBibleStudy: AAG BSP #091 Revelation 10:3-7 - 0 views

    The purpose of this Bible Study is to offer a Unique, Interesting and Fun way to study the Bible. Our goal is to provide everyone with a detailed, step by step, verse by verse Bible study. I think the best part of the study is that it will be interactive. YOU get to ask the questions and give the answers too.
Robbie Lowdown0

The Lowdown Truth: White Stone Remnant Conference Recap - 0 views

    White Stone Remnant Conference

esus #verseoftheday #jesusquotes #bible - 0 views

    Christianity is not a religion; it's all about Jesus and to be his children. The followers or the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26). God reveals his love for us in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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