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IN Too

The Unconditional Love of God « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    The reality that God loves us unconditionally is often described in the Bible by one word: "MERCY".
IN Too

Walk Within the Love of The LORD « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    There are many, many things that we are taught from the time we are born; but to truly grasp the love that Christ has for us is by far the very most important.
IN Too

A Couple Crucial Characteristics of the Christian Church « Reflections in the... - 0 views

    The core of the church is faith in God (exemplified by works), and brotherly love demonstrated by unity (not uniformity); that is what God is looking for. So let's not get distracted by things that are of lesser importance.
IN Too

Meditating on The Mercy of God « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Meditate a little on this MERCY of the Lord: It is TENDER Mercy; It is GREAT Mercy; It is UNDESERVED Mercy; It is RICH Mercy; It is MANIFOLD Mercy; It is ABOUNDING Mercy; It is UNFAILING Mercy
IN Too

You Are Loved « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    You don't have to be on the A team. You don't have to be on the B team. You don't have to have made the team. You are loved.
Hans Neukomm

Death - 2 views

    After a loving life - loving all and sharing with all The single most loving experience ever will be to experience death
IN Too

Qualifications for the Kingdom « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    If the spiritual is more important than the physical, how should we spend our time and effort?If what we do is more important than what we say, how should we approach ministry?If (the ongoing work of) Salvation is more important than miracles, which one do we need to solve our problems?
Hans Neukomm

Kriya Yoga, - 0 views

    Kriya Yoga is created by God and a gift of love to all mankind. Taught and published by the Cyberspace Ashram is Jesus Kriya Yoga brought from God with a clear emphasis on its original root and goal - God and Love.
IN Too

Our Father's Perfect Plans « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    From the beginning of time God has wanted the heart of mankind. He wants us to call on Him and come to Him in prayer, to seek His will, and trust Him in all things. When we do, He is always available to us, longing for all to look to Him and live. His arms are always open to any who will turn to Him. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Missionary Organization to Mozambique, Africa & the World, Sponsor a Child, School for ... - 0 views

    moved by God
IN Too

…and They'll Know We are Christians by Our Love « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is the love we share (by our actions, not just words!) that makes people believe we are sincere. It is how much we sacrifice for each other that opens the door for the gospel message. It is by bearing each other's burdens that we fulfill the Law of Christ.
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