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The significance of God taking the name Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom - 0 views


started by angelapardie on 09 Jul 18 no follow-up yet

The significance of God taking the name Jesus in the Age of Grace - 0 views


started by angelapardie on 08 Jul 18 no follow-up yet

The Relationship Between Each of the Three Stages of God's Work - 0 views

The Relationship Between Each of the Three Stages of God’s Work  Relevant Words of God: From the work of Jehovah to that of Jesus, and from the work of Jesus to th...

started by angelapardie on 03 Jul 18 no follow-up yet

God's Best Protection for Mankind | Eastern Lightning - 0 views

  Kuiqian    Rizhao City, Shandong Province My station in life, or status, was something I could never let go of, and when God created an environment that exposed me, I...

started by angelapardie on 28 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Embarking on the Path of Belief in God | Eastern Lightning - 1 views


started by angelapardie on 01 Jul 18 no follow-up yet

The Importance of Coordination in Service | Eastern Lightning - 0 views


started by angelapardie on 26 Jun 18 no follow-up yet
IN Too

In Danger? Don Deer Feet! « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    So as we go about our lives, making decisions about finances, health, relationships, employment, education and family (to name a few) let us call on our God, let us seek His face, let us search out His will. Life is a struggle and we can't see all the dangers ahead; it is difficult to know what choices to make. Truly, we have no hope of surviving on our own. But God is faithful: if we live by faith He will make our feet like hinds' feet so that our steps are assured and we can escape to safety. If we trust in God, He will make our feet surefooted so that we can escape the wiles of the devil.
IN Too

God's Power can Only be Perceived through the Eyes of Faith « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    If we, by faith, accept the God described in the Bible, then we know that nothing can stop God's overarching will for and in this world. Therefore, every circumstance of life must work together to execute God's plans. Even the evil that men choose to do cannot escape His inexorable (unstoppable) will from being accomplished. It is only with this understanding that we can have hope rather than despair in the various tragedies, big and small, that beset our lives.
IN Too

Be ALL you SHOULD Be | Part 1: A DEFENCED CITY « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Nothing we do of our own strength can protect us from the evils of this world… But, while we are walking in God's will, though the evil of the world may touch us, it can't defeat us, because a believer's victory is not in earthly security, it is in eternal security. Our victory isn't in physical safety, it is in spiritual strength: we are victorious when God's will is accomplished in us, not when we escape the travails/struggles of life.
José Bortolato


    São a causa de não sermos consumidos, para não dizermos: exterminados completamente, mas... por causa de Jesus, podemos contar com ela. Recentemente cientistas puderam filmar uma colisão de duas estrelas de nêutrons. Equipe de cientistas observou evento em 70 telescópios ópticos; as estrelas
    Mesa, Moabe, Jorão, Israel, Josafá, Judá, Edom, guerra, depressão, triunfo, desespero, medo, escape
José Bortolato

JÓ - III - POR QUÊ? - 0 views

    Jó capítulo 3º Esta pergunta é milenar. Traduz o interesse em saber-se coisas que escondem motivos existenciais. Alguma coisa está oculta, mas deveria abrir-se comigo e expor por completo, desfazendo esse mistério. Quem me ajudará? Ninguém pode me responder? Por quê? Por que isto aconteceu
    Amigos, condolências, tristezas, perguntas, maldições, reverência, sacerdote, Jò, Jesus, escape
IN Too

Tackling Temptation « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is crucial for every child of God to realize that satan is always on the prowl to destroy the testimony of Christians by throwing temptations into their path. The devil knows our weaknesses sometimes better than we even do! And, He will keep hitting on those areas of our life to try and make us stumble.
José Bortolato


    Sim, Deus quer nos orientar a cada instante.   Não pode ouvir a Sua voz?   Aguce seus ouvidos espirituais, aqueles outros ouvidos, que discernem as coisas de Deus.   Não são os ouvidos físicos. São os ouvidos espirituais.   Como aguçá-los?   Procure sentir que quando a voz de Deus
    Sim, Deus quer nos orientar a cada instante.   Não pode ouvir a Sua voz?   Aguce seus ouvidos espirituais, aqueles outros ouvidos, que discernem as coisas de Deus.   Não são os ouvidos físicos. São os ouvidos espirituais.   Como aguçá-los?   Procure sentir que quando a voz de Deus
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