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Admission into the Kingdom « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is mercy, God's mercy, that makes Salvation available. Mercy opens the door of Salvation to let us into the Kingdom of God.

…and They'll Know We are Christians by Our Love « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is the love we share (by our actions, not just words!) that makes people believe we are sincere. It is how much we sacrifice for each other that opens the door for the gospel message. It is by bearing each other's burdens that we fulfill the Law of Christ.


    O que temos para guardar? Pode parecer que não temos muitas coisas de valor, mas há algumas que nos são muito preciosas, mais do que quaisquer quantias avaliadas de bens materiais. Em Neemias, no capítulo 7º, lemos que aconteceu um episódio que encheu os corações dos judeus moradores de
    Sambalat, Tobiah, Gesem, asdoditas, enemies, walls, doors, gates, houses, home. Guard
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