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in title, tags, annotations or urlCIVILIZACIÓN MINOICA - 0 views
Los Minoicos - YouTube - 6 views
Grecia en la Edad del Bronce-Homero - 5 views
Creta y Micenas - YouTube - 1 views
Grecia, Edad del Bronce (Historia del Arte) - YouTube - 1 views
Obras comentadas: Máscara de Agamenón 1550 a.C. Palacio de Cnosos (Creta). Sala hipóstila 1450-1400 a.C. Palacio de Cnosos (Creta). Dama minoica, "La parisina" 1450 a.C. Puerta de los Leones (Micenas) 1250 a.C. Crátera monumental de Dípylon 750 a.C. Cleobis y Bitón 610-590 a.C. Moscóforo 570 a.C. Vaso François 570 a.C. Aquiles y Ayax jugando a los dados 550-30 a.C Kore del Peplo 530 a.C.
How Cool Is Writing? | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos - 0 views
A sample of Linear B script, the earliest Greek writing, 1450 BC, and an adaptation of the earlier Minoan Linear A script. This piece contains information on the distribution of bovine, pig and deer hides to shoe and saddle-makers. It is a script made up of 90 syllabic signs, ideograms and numbers, a form earlier than that used for the Homeric poems. These clay tablets were fortuitously preserved when they were baked in the Mycenaean palace of Pylos fire 250 years later.
Civilitzacions Minoica I Micènica - 0 views
Hª de grècia i minoica-micènics-fosca - 0 views
Κνωσσός - 0 views
Civilización Minoica - 0 views
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