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Dives Gallaecia

Grecia, Edad del Bronce (Historia del Arte) - YouTube - 1 views

    Obras comentadas: Máscara de Agamenón 1550 a.C. Palacio de Cnosos (Creta). Sala hipóstila 1450-1400 a.C. Palacio de Cnosos (Creta). Dama minoica, "La parisina" 1450 a.C. Puerta de los Leones (Micenas) 1250 a.C. Crátera monumental de Dípylon 750 a.C. Cleobis y Bitón 610-590 a.C. Moscóforo 570 a.C. Vaso François 570 a.C. Aquiles y Ayax jugando a los dados 550-30 a.C Kore del Peplo 530 a.C.
Dives Gallaecia

How Cool Is Writing? | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos - 0 views

    A sample of Linear B script, the earliest Greek writing, 1450 BC, and an adaptation of the earlier Minoan Linear A script. This piece contains information on the distribution of bovine, pig and deer hides to shoe and saddle-makers. It is a script made up of 90 syllabic signs, ideograms and numbers, a form earlier than that used for the Homeric poems. These clay tablets were fortuitously preserved when they were baked in the Mycenaean palace of Pylos fire 250 years later.
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