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George Siemens on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - YouTube - 0 views

    Howard Rheingold interviews George Siemens on MOOCs, May 2011, 21 minutes long video Youtube based, Week 1, September 12, 2011 EXCERPTS that intrigue me: At 2.12 into interview: "We encouraged people to create their own spaces. Our assumption was that educational institutions need to stop providing spaces for learners to interact, and allow learners to bring their spaces with them which means they have an archive. So people were setting up spaces in Second Life. We had the course syllabus translated into 5 languages, we had 2,300 people signed up to join. We let people do basically what they wanted." At 3:22 -"We wrap the social elements around the content. That's how traditional education is done. Here is your text, here is your readings, now talk about it. Our assumption was partly that we wanted the social interactions to actually produce the content which doesn't mean that we wanted to run through open meadows learning randomly. We still started off each week with readings, literature that we wanted them to engage in, videos, we wanted to keep everything open. We did have a closed journal but those were optional." 4:11 "The content isn't what you are supposed to master at the starting point. The content we provide you with at the start is the catalyst to converse, to form connections with other learners in the course, with other academics around the world, to use the content as a conduit for connections. Because once the course ends, the learning experience typically in a university setting typically stops. It's done. And even if you are really passionate about it, the university severs those connections on your behalf. But with the internet, those connections exist well past the course." But if your colleagues are blogging ... or are active on the internet, it's easy to stay connected. 6:05 HR question: In regard to Moodle are you using a Discussion Board or chat board, what parts of Moodle are you using? 6:12 "We are continuing to experime

Enterprise Community Management: "joining up" learning and working « Learning... - 0 views

    Great blog post by Jane Hart at Learning in the Social Workplace on Enterprise Community Management for managing and supporting learning within the workplace. It takes the comments by Donna LaCoy in 2012 discussion about how learning is not always a recognized component of work to show that in fact, someone has to manage and support such learning in ECM. Excerpt: his emerging practice is known as Enterprise Community Management (ECM), and is much wider than just supporting one small team or community of practice within an organisation, but is about having responsibility for building and sustaining a community across the whole of the organisation. In fact as ECM can include a significant range of responsibilities, in a large organisation it undoubtedly needs to be undertaken by a number of people. Screen Shot 2013-03-17 at 08.14.02ECM activities are likely to include integrating all social and collaborative initiatives into a common platform planning the new community's strategic approach promoting and supporting its use within training (both online and face-to-face, but particularly within induction/onboarding) helping to support its use for team knowledge- and resource-sharing supporting individuals as they build and maintain communities of practice and other interest groups developing an ongoing programme of both face-to-face and online activities and events - to encourage employee engagement on an ongoing basis helping to model social and collaborative working and learning behaviours as a major part of helping workers use the technology building the new personal and social skills required for productive collaboration in the organisation measuring the success of community in terms of business performance (not just in terms of social activity) Whoever takes on these ECM responsibilities is going to have a significant influence and impact on the business. But more than this, as face-to-face training goes out of fashion an

Social Networked Learning - 0 views

    Social Networked Learning in Complex Information Environments by George Siemens, Slideshare, January 13, 2012, presented at American University at Society for Learning Analytics Research Fabulous overivew of social networked learning. 1/4 the students in HE took at least one online class in Fall 2010

Introduction to Social Learning - 0 views

    access to several TribalCafe Slideshare programs that present social learning, social media and agile leadership, social strategy, nonprofits social media, etc.

Siemens.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    This paper written by George Siemens in 2008 on Learning in Networks raises issues very similar to those we are raising in our discussion. Google Scholar, Scopus, and open access journals offer increased access to academic resources; an extension to more informal approaches such as regular internet search and Wikipedia. Social software (blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, instant messaging, Skype, Ning) provide opportunities for learners to create, dialogue about, and disseminate information. But what becomes of the teacher? How do the practices of the educator change in networked environments, where information is readily accessible? How do we design learning when learners may adopt multiple paths and approaches to content and curriculum? How can we achieve centralized learning aims in decentralized environments? This paper will explore the shifting role of educators in networked learning, with particular emphasis on curatorial, atelier, concierge, and networked roles of educators, in order to assist learners in forming diverse personal learning networks for deep understanding of complex fields.

Small changes to make a big difference and modernise workplace learning « Lea... - 0 views

    Unusually good assessment IMO by Jane Hart of how modern learning differs from traditional training practices, 4/28/2014. She identifies six key features: autonomy small and short continuous on demand social anywhere, anytime, on any device Are these features then the new standards for learning concierges, learning coaches, learning stewards and facilitators? As well as for the learners themselves?

Scope & Concerns  |  Our Focus  |  Ubiquitous Learning - 0 views

    A description of ubiquitous learning from the introductory chapter on Ubiquitous Learning by editors Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, 2008, University of Illinois Press. It explains how "ubiquitous computing can lay the groundwork for ubiquitous learning." ..."ubiquitous learning is a new educational paradigm made possible in part by the affordances of digital media." It conveys seven changes or moves of ubiquitous learning as follows: Move 1: To blur the traditional institutional, spatial and temporal boundaries of education Move 2: To shift the balance of agency Move 3: To recognize learner differences and use them as productive resource Move 4: To broaden the range and mix of representational modes Move 5: To develop conceptualizing capacities Move 6: To connect one's own thinking into the social mind of distributed cognition and collective intelligence Move 7: To build collaborative knowledge cultures

Leveling Up | Connected Learning Research Network - 0 views

    Leveling Up research project makes me think about all the benefits of being associated with a purpose driven online adult group. It may start out as a research group, one may participate to help deliver an outcome/product, but the growth that one can experience through reflection, application, adaptation, and sharing with the 'team' is where the learning occurs on an individual basis. How can one do a better job of harvesting the learning collectively for the group and for exporting (for whatever reason) to other audiences? Excerpt: "Our gaming cases center on the learning resources and supports that surround specific game communities. The experience of games is bigger than the designed games themselves. Players think about and work on games before, during, and after play. They develop complex relationships to their play, write detailed theory about their play, invest in their gaming reputations, and bring all of this into other social contexts. All of this "other" activity is known as the metagame, and designing for it is a key consideration in the crafting of games. More explicitly, gaming activities that include a social media component, span physical and virtual space, leverage the social labor of players in ways that reinforce and extend the experience into the everyday lives of the players."

learningtheories-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1614 × 1145 pixels) - Scaled (44%) - 0 views

    Wonderful HoTEL (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) visualization of learning theories from key concepts, to learning paradigms or 'world views,' learning theorists, and scientific disciplines, from The online learning facilitator role that we are most familiar with functions primarily in communities of practice, social constructivist settings, and connectivist networks including MOOCs

Visitors & Residents | TALL Research on Blip - 0 views

    19 minute presentation by Dave White, University of Oxford, on differences between internet visitors and residents, 2009. TALL blog Digital residents see web as social space; visitors see web as a collection of resources. Visitors are more goal oriented and ROI is a bigger issue for them in learning new technology which they are capable of doing when they want to do it than being on the net is for residents. Visitors do not value social aspect of learning in same way as residents do. A visitor needs content, will to learn, and expert. A visitor probably not wish to learn or value Twitter because it is a residential platform that is understood and appreciated only when used repeatedly. Similarly, we never got some educators to appreciate our conversation platform because they were in and out asap. They never got a sense of the place. White says that culture and motivation are biggest factors in people becoming more residentially inclined on the internet, not age or skills attainment. Interesting dichotomy that works better for me than the digital natives and immigrants model by Prensky in 2001

A structure for scaffolded social learning: bubbles and gateways | Julian Stodd's Learn... - 0 views

    Just saw this blog post by Julian Stodd, March 21, 2013, scaffolding social learning. He refers to the bubbles as the discussions or conversations that take place in response to the formal learning/presentation. Like his graphic of the scaffolding with bubbles.

E-Learning Archives - The Educators - 1 views

    Great videos on e-learning with such topics as: How does one get started as Instructional Designer? Does Social Media Selling Works? How to build your digital footprint. What's your learning style? Knowledge Creation Digital Age. Embrace the digital communication age. What we're learning from online education. The educators is as site that has resources and blogs about learning. You can spend days here!

What is Connected Learning | Connected Learning - 0 views

    Killer infograph on Connected (equitable, social, and participatory) Learning from Connected Learning Principles, Connected Learning.

Disciplines of social learning leadership | Wenger-Trayner - 0 views

    A brilliant look by Wenger-Trayners on social learning leadership disciplines, December 30, 2014

Half an Hour: Becoming MOOC - 0 views

  • Learners often select and pursue their own learning. Constructivist principles acknowledge that real-life learning is messy and complex. Classrooms which emulate the 'fuzziness' of this learning will be more effective in preparing learners for life-long learning." (Siemens, 2004)
  • There are two types of MOOCs.
  • An xMOOC
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • cMOOC
  • major criticism of the cMOOC is based on the free-form nature
  • Students have to manage their own time, find their own resources, and structure their own learning.
  • navigating the chaos and making learning decisions is the lesson in a cMOOC.
  • 21st century literacies, and digital literacies.
  • connectivity with people worldwide
  • constant flow of information
  • Framework for 21st Century Learning, which addresses several dimensions of this new type of learning, including core skills of collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking, and supporting skills such as workplace skills, information media skills, and the traditional core types of literacy and numeracy.
  • literacies specific to the digital medium itself
  • Mozilla Foundation
  • Web Literacy Map
  • Three major types of skills are identified: exploring, building and connecting.
  • previously under-represented function of sociality and connection.
  • The theory of knowledge underlying the creation of the cMOOC suggests that learning is not based on the idea of remembering content, nor even the acquisition of specific skills or dispositions, but rather, in engaging in experiences that support and aid in recognition of phenomena and possibilities in the world.
  • Cognitive dissonance is what creates learning experiences.
    Excellent comparison of xMOOC and cMOOC and justification of cMOOC by who else, the cMOOC creator himself, Stephen Downes, February 11, 2015. Highly recommend it.

Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    Brief look at social media use pros and cons in classroom; pros outweigh the cons of well-managed Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-in-based social learning activity.

Social Networked Learning | New Learning - Ny læring | - 0 views

    interesting use of on connected learning and connectivism

Open Social Learning in Higher Education: An African Context -- By George Siemens & Kat... - 1 views

    video that came up in CPsquare discussion 10/2013 on Open Social Learning in Higher Education
    In trying to implement an open course for educators in West Africa, they found that everyone engaged, except the West Africans

The attack on higher ed - and why we should welcome it | - 0 views

  • Yet our original vision continues to shape our research and teaching practices: networking individual learners to foster knowledge creation. It remains my firm belief that the complex challenges that society faces can only be met through a learning architecture that emphasizes knowledge generation over knowledge duplication.
  • As 2013 drew to a conclusion, the 18-month intoxicating hype machine produced the inevitable headache.
  • They discovered, on the backs, or within the wallets, of their VC partners, that knowledge building is a complex integrated system with multiple facets. The linear nature of MOOC solutions to the perceived problems of higher education (better instructional software and greater numbers of learners) failed to account for knowledge building as an integrated social, economic and cultural activity of society
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Universities have not kept pace with learner needs and MOOCs have caused a much needed stir — a period of reflection and self-assessment. To date, higher education has largely failed to learn the lessons of participatory culture, distributed and fragmented value systems and networked learning. MOOCs have forced a serious assessment of the idea of a university and how education should be related to and supportive of the society in which it exists.
  • MOOCs will begin to include ideas around personalizing and adapting the learning experience. Several projects, such as CMU’s Open Learning Initiative, suggest the role of adaptive learning in MOOCs. Instead of one course for 100,000 learners, each learner gets her own course, reflective of her knowledge profile. Many of the current shortcomings of MOOCs, such as poor completion rates, stem from companies trying to build scale before tackling personalization.
  • For MOOCs or their successors to survive and thrive, the question of offering recognition that is itself widely recognized becomes a critical indicator of success.
  • The discussion they have generated reflects a university system struggling with its transition to a digital world.
    essay by George Siemens, 1/31/14, on why MOOCs and the discussion/dialogue they promote are good for higher learning overall.

Professional_Development_My_Way.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    A wonderful testimonial by a language arts teacher--Melinda Rench--in IL on the value of connecting with peers via social media (Ning, Twitter, and personal networks) to feed her mind and soul, Winter 2012. See excerpt below: "Using social networks to further my learning has enriched my professional life in more ways than I can name. I have a support network, a never-ending source of inspiration and new ideas, and a learning network that spans the globe. It is professional development that matters and feeds my soul."
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