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Group Members

6 members total, 1 receiving alerts immediately, 2 receiving alerts daily, and 0 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • shared 139 items

    member since 2008-04-16

  • Daniel Stouffer

    Daniel Stouffer

    I am Daniel. I am a part-time writer, passionate Solar Energy Consultant, and a Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Emissions educator. Trained in English and Mathematics, I dabble in writing pieces of this or that on the Internet and referring cool content.

    shared 0 items

    member since 2010-01-31

  • d s

    d s

    shared 0 items

    member since 2008-04-24

  • Tony Chop

    Tony Chop

    I’m offering services of web design, development, content management, online marketing and apps development. I have facilitated people and companies make, find, and use the best stuff on the Web. I have spoken at international conferences on content strategy, user experience and online marketing.

    shared 0 items

    member since 2014-10-28

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2015-12-10

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2016-04-14

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