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August 1, 2003
The Catalytic Mentor
An award-winning chemist at Rutgers U. takes students under her wingHere on the main campus of Rutgers University, Martha Greenblatt often passes buildings that were once part of Camp Kilmer, a military base that received European refugees in the 1950s.
An internationally known chemist, the Rutgers professor remembers the camp from her days as a teenager from Hungary, alone and unsure of what lay ahead.
Now her lab is filled with smart young graduate students from China, Russia, Turkey, and the United States. Over the years, she has had 27 graduate students and 25 postdoctoral students in her lab. Because of her own personal and professional experiences, she understands what they are going through, and she goes out of her way to guide them. That means pushing them in their research, encouraging them to make outside contacts, even coaching some in English, all to develop in them the skills to become independent thinkers and successful scientists.
In the spring, Ms. Greenblatt, 62, received the Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal, given annually in recognition of significant achievements by a female chemist in America. The American Chemical Society honored her as "a leading solid-state chemist and scholar, teacher, science advocate, and outstanding role model." The award is particularly satisfying to her because it celebrates her serving as a mentor to young scientists. In addition, the university has made her a Board of Governors professor, the highest rank a Rutgers faculty member can hold.
In any field, a great mentor can make a big difference. But, in the sciences, such a figure can mean the difference between a lackluster dissertation and a mediocre job offer, on the one hand, and a publication that is a catalys
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in title, tags, annotations or urlThe role of listening in interpersonal influence - 0 views
Using informant reports on working professionals, we explored the role of listening in interpersonal influence and how listening may account for at least some of the relationship between personality and influence. The results extended prior work which has suggested that listening is positively related to influence for informational and relational reasons. As predicted, we found that: (1) listening had a positive effect on influence beyond the impact of verbal expression, (2) listening interacted with verbal expression to predict influence (such that the relationship between listening and influence was stronger among those more expressive), and (3) listening partly mediated the positive relationships between each of the Big Five dimensions of agreeableness and openness and influence.
How Professors Really Feel About Digital Technology [#Study] | EdTech Magazine - 1 views
As a follow-up to their study on how professors view online learning, Inside Higher Ed partnered with Babson Survey Research Group to explore how college professors and administrators interact with technology. The survey, summarized in Digital Faculty: Professors, Teaching and Technology, posed questions about digital learning content, e-books, social media, communication, learning management software and a variety of other technology-related issues. Here are a few key points from this excellent report.
Apps for education session - 0 views
The Catalytic Mentor - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views
In any field, a great mentor can make a big difference. But, in the sciences, such a figure can mean the difference between a lackluster dissertation and a mediocre job offer, on the one hand, and a publication that is a catalyst for a promising career in academe or industry, on the other. An effective mentor acts as an advocate, a role model, and a guide to academic and professional development.
http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/Modified%20Peer%20Instruction%20ENG.pdf - 1 views
In the on-going quest for improved learning in large-class settings, an active-learning approach for an introductory physics course yielded mixed results, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modified Peer Instruction in Large Introductory Physics Classes examined the use of collaborative, multiple-choice format question (MCFQ)-writing activities for students as a supplement to standard peer instruction methods.
UW - CIP - Appendices to Co-Op Report - 0 views
€ Working Paper: International Experiences Peer Service by R. Broers and I. Seelemann
UW CIP - International Connections Report - Current - 0 views
The environment on campus is already international in many respects, due to a multicultural and diverse student body with many ethnic and international students' clubs. Exchange programs are a tremendous learning experience for students and interest in them is growing every year, as evidenced by the number of active student exchange agreements and students participating. Faculty coordinators work on a volunteer basis, and the success of the exchange programs is due in large part to their enthusiasm and dedication. Some exchange agreements provide possibilities for work terms abroad, and these are very attractive to students as a way of broadening their international experience and providing potential employment opportunities upon graduation. In spite of resource limitations, the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services has been quite successful in finding international placements for students. Waterloo has a strong National Alumni Council and alumni in approximately 100 countries around the world, many in positions of influence.
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