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in title, tags, annotations or urlNew Accessibility Standards Begin Jan. 1 - At Guelph - 0 views
The role of listening in interpersonal influence - 0 views
Using informant reports on working professionals, we explored the role of listening in interpersonal influence and how listening may account for at least some of the relationship between personality and influence. The results extended prior work which has suggested that listening is positively related to influence for informational and relational reasons. As predicted, we found that: (1) listening had a positive effect on influence beyond the impact of verbal expression, (2) listening interacted with verbal expression to predict influence (such that the relationship between listening and influence was stronger among those more expressive), and (3) listening partly mediated the positive relationships between each of the Big Five dimensions of agreeableness and openness and influence.
How Professors Really Feel About Digital Technology [#Study] | EdTech Magazine - 1 views
As a follow-up to their study on how professors view online learning, Inside Higher Ed partnered with Babson Survey Research Group to explore how college professors and administrators interact with technology. The survey, summarized in Digital Faculty: Professors, Teaching and Technology, posed questions about digital learning content, e-books, social media, communication, learning management software and a variety of other technology-related issues. Here are a few key points from this excellent report.
Flipped Classroom Successes in Higher Education | Emerging Education Technology - 1 views
Best, Worst Learning Tips: Flash Cards Are Good, Highlighting Is Bad | - 1 views
In a world as fast-changing and full of information as our own, every one of us - from schoolchildren to college students to working adults - needs to know how to learn well. Yet evidence suggests that most of us don't use the learning techniques that science has proved most effective. Worse, research finds that learning strategies we do commonly employ, like rereading and highlighting, are among the least effective.
OpenSim - 0 views
Learning Space Toolkit - 1 views
Office of Information Technology - OIT - 0 views
Teachers | StoryCorps - 1 views
Flipping the Classroom: The Why and the How - Download Free Content from Apple Distinguished Educators on iTunes - 0 views
Course Description This course is designed for teachers and administrators interested in the flipped classroom model. The course has two main components: WHY flip your classroom and HOW to flip your classroom. Why Flip? Participants will get a glimpse into the what and why of the flipped classroom beginning with an iBook. This iBook will provide readers with the history, background, research, and examples of flipped classrooms through interactive texts, keynotes, and videos. This text is the preface to the second portion of the course addressing how to flip the classroom. - 1 views
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