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Mark Morton

Flipping the Classroom: The Why and the How - Download Free Content from Apple Distinguished Educators on iTunes - 0 views

    Course Description This Course is designed for teachers and administrators interested in the flipped classroom model.  The Course has two main components: WHY flip your classroom and HOW to flip your classroom. Why Flip? Participants will get a glimpse into the what and why of the flipped classroom beginning with an iBook.  This iBook will provide readers with the history, background, research, and examples of  flipped classrooms through interactive texts, keynotes, and videos.  This text is the preface to the second portion of the Course addressing how to flip the classroom.
Jane Holbrook

SALG - Student Assessment of their Learning Gains - 0 views

    The Student Assessment of their Learning Gains (SALG) website allows instructors to gather learning-focused feedback from students. The SALG survey asks students to rate how each component of a course (e.g., textbook, collaborative work, labs) helped them to learn, and to rate their gains toward achieving the course goals. The SALG survey can be customized to fit any college-level course, and can be administered multiple times per course. A baseline instrument allows faculty to compare gains relative to incoming student characteristics.
Jane Holbrook

NCAT - Project Descriptions Sorted by Model - 0 views

    Models for course redesigns of large-enrollment, introductory courses using technology to achieve cost savings as well as quality enhancements.
Mark Morton

How Free Online Courses Are Changing the Traditional Liberal Arts Education » EdTech@VCCS - 3 views

    "PBS Newshour: How Free Online Courses Are Changing the Traditional Liberal Arts Education"
Jane Holbrook

Hybrid (blended) course design at the University of Wisconsin - 1 views

    In "hybrid" classes, a significant amount of the course learning activity has been moved online, sometimes making it possible to reduce the amount of time spent in the classroom. The University of Wisconsin has a detailed website that outlines examples, best practices and questions to ask when designing a blended course
Mark Morton

i teach | exchanging ideas on teaching - 0 views

    In general, research has found student evaluations of teaching to be a valid and reliable means to evaluate instruction. However, it is necessarily true that student evaluations reflect the students' perceptions and points-of-view. Therefore, it is important to view course evaluations as just one measure of teaching effectiveness-a set of data that can be used alongside peer evaluation of teaching, instructor self-evaluation, and other measures.
Mark Morton

Stanford's latest iPhone and iPad apps course now free on iTunes U - 0 views

    Learn how to develop you own iPhone and iPad app by downloading the "iPhone Application Development" course created by Stanford University. It's available on iTunes U. 
Jane Holbrook

Blended course design web presentations - 0 views

    From Alan Aycock at the University of Wisconsin - a collection of video presentations on different aspects of blended course design and delivery.
Mark Morton

The Professors' Big Stage - - 0 views

    Massive Open Online Courses
Mark Morton

Quora - 0 views

    Quora easily allows you or your students to find questions that have already been posed (that is, by individuals who might or might not have any connection to your course). More than likely, responses to those questions will have already been contributed. 
Mark Morton

Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class - 1 views

    Abstract: 'We compared the amounts of learning achieved using two different instructional approaches under controlled conditions. We measured the learning of a specific set of topics and objectives when taught by 3 hours of traditional lecture given by an experienced highly rated instructor and 3 hours of instruction given by a trained but inexperienced instructor using instruction based on research in cognitive psychology and physics education. The comparison was made between two large sections (N = 267 and N = 271) of an introductory undergraduate physics course. We found increased student attendance, higher engagement, and more than twice the learning in the section taught using research-based instruction." 
Jane Holbrook

5 stage model of interaction by Gilly Salmon - 0 views

    Individual access and the ability of participants to use CMC are essential prerequisites for conference participation (stage one, at the base of the flights of steps). Stage two involves individual participants establishing their online identities and then finding others with whom to interact. At stage three, participants give information relevant to the course to each other. Up to and including stage three, a form of co-operation occurs, i.e. support for each person's goals. At stage four, course-related group discussions occur and the interaction becomes more collaborative. The communication depends on the establishment of common understandings. At stage five, participants look for more benefits from the system to help them achieve personal goals, explore how to integrate CMC into other forms of learning and reflect on the learning processes.
Jane Holbrook

Online Video Lectures and Course Materials - Open Yale Courses - 0 views

    Cloudworks allows you to find other people's learning and teaching ideas, designs and experiences as well as sharing your own. You can also get access to many learning design tools and resources to help you create learning designs.
Jane Holbrook

Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare - 0 views

    Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT.
Mark Morton

Ken Coates discusses 'trigger warnings' on CBC's The Current | Macdonald-Laurier Institute - 0 views

    Teaching disturbing content in university courses.
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