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Pete Muir

Support for the ZK framework - 2 views

    ZK CDI extension 1.0RC was released that supports multiple ZK custom scopes, variable resolver, UI components as managed beans and UI event handling using CDI event notification model. More information on ZK CDI project home
Adam Warski

Assisted Inject - 4 views

    Implementation of Assisted Inject, similar to the one in Guice:
Pete Muir

JDBC API - 5 views

    A type safe version of the JDBC API
Pete Muir

Injectable Properties - 3 views

    Gavin's blog shows how to provide injection of values from properties files
Pete Muir

@Named at the package level - 2 views

    Gavin's blog shows you how to add support for placing the @Named annotation at the package level
Adam Warski

Stackable security interceptors - 2 views

    Shows how to create interceptors which can use information from annotations stacked on one element through meta-annotations
Gunnar Morling

A portable extension for JSR 223 scripting engines - 3 views

    A portable extension providing some qualifier annotations which allow to retrieve JSR 223 ("Scripting for the JavaTM Platform") script engines via dependency injection.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Drools Module - 1 views

    The module provides full integration will all features of Drools 5, a simple yet powerful configuration and ease of use. This gives you enhanced integration of Drools with rich Internet applications based upon the Java EE environment.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Faces Module - 1 views

    Focused on enhancements for the Java Server Faces (JSF) web framework, extended integration between JSF and CDI, and integration between JSF and other Seam 3 modules. Included in this module is the ability to interoperate with Seam's i18n support, debugging output for JSF, context implementations for JSF's flash scope (@FlashScoped) and view scope (@ViewScoped), @Inject into JSF system event listeners, converters and validators, support for nested conversations, view metadata components such as viewAction and restrictView, etc.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Remoting Module - 0 views

    Requiring just a minimal amount of JavaScript, Seam Remoting makes it trivial to invoke server-side bean methods with full support for CDI-specific features such as the conversation scope and bean qualifiers. The powerful Model API lets you to work remotely with a server-side object graph of managed entities by allowing client-side changes to be incrementally applied to the managed server-side model, all within the scope of a managed persistence context. Support for client-side bean validation (based on JSR-303) is also planned for the future.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - International Module - 0 views

    Internationalization and localization are very important for those of us who develop applications for non-English speakers, but is unfortunately poorly supported in various places in Java. It certainly isn't seamless to configure. Seam aims to provide a unified approach to configuring your application for the right locale, propagating the locale to all aspects of the application.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - JMS Module - 0 views

    Seam extends the CDI programming model into the messaging world by allowing you to inject JMS resources into your beans. Further, Seam bridges the CDI event bus over JMS; this gives you the benefits of CDI-style type-safety for inter-application communication.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Persistence Module - 0 views

    This module brings transactions and persistence to non-EJB managed beans, provides a simplified transaction API and hooks transaction propagation events to the CDI event bus. It may also bring features handled by Java EE containers to your CDI application running on Java SE or servlet containers, like Tomcat or Jetty.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - XML Configuration for CDI - 1 views

    XML-based bean declarations for defining additional beans, or augmenting the beans defined via annotations. The file format is typesafe and extensible, accomodating multiple namespaces, each representing a Java package with XML elements belonging to these namespaces representing Java types, fields and methods.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Servlet Module - 1 views

    Provide utilities and functionality to complement the Servlet API such as injection of request, response and session objects.
Pete Muir

Seam 3 - Security Module - 0 views

    Seam Security provides a powerful set of authentication and authorization services for CDI applications. Authentication is based on the JAAS standard and allows for total control over the user authentication process. Authorization is based on a pluggable, extendable API and offers a number of features for locking down the sensitive parts of your application - ranging from simple role-based security checks all the way through to advanced rule-based and ACL permissions. To make life even easier, Seam Security provides an Identity Management API for managing the users and roles within your application, and a Permission Management API for managing the permissions for individual domain objects and other user-defined permissions. For more advanced security requirements, seamless integration with PicketLink allows you to take advantage of an even greater range of security backends, such as SSO, Kerberos and SAML.
Adam Warski

Object Services, or bridging anemic and rich models, in CDI/Weld - 1 views

    An extension which allows you to "add" methods to a hierarchy of classes and invoke them in a polymorphic way. The classes containing the new methods can leverage CDI injection etc.
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