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Shida Zhang

Debian mirrors - 1 views

shared by Shida Zhang on 15 Mar 11 - Cached
    • Shida Zhang
      What are the specific reasons that some Debian packages couldn't be distributed in the States? Any specific examples for those packages?
    • Duncan Gillespie
      I'm not positive, but I believe that certain packages were not allowed to be distributed in the US because some of the software used in the Debian packages mimicked commercially available software. It may be similiar to how wikipedia got in trouble in its infancy because people would copy articles from encyclopedias like Britannica and make the information available for free. Like wikipedia, Debian is community driven (open-source).
  • Debian is distributed all around the world using mirrors in order to provide users with better access to our archive and to reduce the load on our servers.
  • Prior to Debian 3.1, there was also a Non-US packages archive (debian-non-US/) which included Debian packages that could not be distributed in the United States due to software patents or use of encryption.
Tyler Sax

Blogs | The Tor Blog - 1 views

    • Hadley Stein
      This is kind of confusing. Why is it that this more technological discussion on the internet is uncommon. If it is important that we understand these concepts to understand technology, privacy etc., why isn't it always accessible? Do those you understand these concepts purposely make it inaccessible to those who do not?
  • The question he didn't even know to ask is, "What are safe and secure computing and online practices?"
  • how to think about adversaries online, what is ssl, what it means, what are phishing, viruses, botnets, and state-sponsored malware. By the end of the 4th hour, he understood how tor is different than a simple vpn or proxy server, and when to use tor and when it isn't needed. 3.5h of that discussion was basic operational, computer, and online security and safe practices.
  • ...13 more annotations...
    • Hadley Stein
      Is it a problem when even people who you would except (or at least hope) understand how the internet works do not? This really highlights the lack of education surrounding th internet.
  • Look at the infrastructures of google, facebook, yahoo, and microsoft to see the challenges that lie ahead for these tools.
    • Hadley Stein
      I had never really thought about the infrastructure, specifically the money, required to develop the internet.
  • who uses and how they use it matters
  • What one should or should not do is policy and law, what one can actually do or not do is technology.
    • Tyler Sax
      Good quote
  • technology exists to circumvent internet censorship
  • what a proxy is
  • technology exists to circumvent internet censorship
  • Technology is agnostic, who uses and how they use it matters.
  • Circumvention, anonymity, and privacy tools used in a free world can be a minor annoyance,
  • i.e. wikileaks used wikis, ssl, email, and yes, tor, but in the end, it's an annoyance. We don't have people in the streets rioting trying to overthrow our govt. Wikipedia uses the same technology in wikis, ssl, and email. Everyone loves Wikipedia and considers it a net positive.
  • 1 billion people are online in some way
  • In the 1930s, the feds and police warned of mass chaos if the interstate highway system was built in the US. The ability for criminals to quickly transit between cities was of grave concern.
    • Tyler Sax
      I like this analogy about internet security
    What is the line between moral and immoral? Who determines what is moral or "net positive"?
Jaclyn Udell

Mirror (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In computing, a mirror is an exact copy of a data set. On the Internet, a mirror site is an exact copy of another Internet site. Mirror sites are most commonly used to provide multiple sources of the same information, and are of particular value as a way of providing reliable access to large downloads. Mirroring is a type of file synchronization. A live mirror is automatically updated as soon as the original is changed.
  • To provide access to otherwise unavailable information. For example, when the popular Google search engine was banned in 2002 by the People's Republic of China, the mirror elgooG was used as a way of effectively circumventing the ban.
Shida Zhang

BBC News - Anonymous leaks Bank of America e-mails - 2 views

  • In late 2010, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said he planned to release documents in early 2011, which could bring down a well known bank.
  • Previously, he had claimed to be in possession of a hard drive containing internal documents from a senior Bank of America official. The Wikileaks release has yet to appear, and it is unclear if those files are the same ones obtained by Anonymous. One of the documents appears to show an employee of Bilboa Insurance asking a colleague to delete certain loan identifying numbers from their computer system.
  • the e-mails form the first part of a series of planned leaks that will prove Bank of America engaged in improper mortgage foreclosure practices.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Subsequently, sites mirroring the content have sprung up and the documents have also been released through peer-to-peer networks.
  • Anonymous members have engaged in a campaign of action against websites and companies that assisted the United States government in its attempt to isolate Wikileaks.
Shida Zhang

BBC News - Anonymous hacktivists say Wikileaks war to continue - 1 views

    • Shida Zhang
      Note: they are trying to create hundreds of mirror sites for Wikileaks.
  • Paul Mutton at the security firm Netcraft, who is monitoring the attacks, said Visa is considered a more difficult target and the attack on it required a much larger number of "hacktivists" - politically motivated hackers - 2,000 compared with 400 for Mastercard.
  • Anonymous, which claimed to have carried out the attack, is a loose-knit group of hacktivists, with links to the notorious message board 4chan.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • PayPal, which has stopped processing donations to Wikileaks, has also been targeted.
  • Security experts said the sites had been targeted by a so-called distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS), which swamp a site with so many page requests that it becomes overwhelmed and drops offline.
  • "We feel that Wikileaks has become more than just about leaking of documents, it has become a war ground, the people vs. the government," he said.
  • "The idea is not to wipe them off but to give the companies a wake-up call," he said. "Companies will notice the increase in traffic and an increase in traffic means increase in costs associated with running a website."
  • DDoS attacks are illegal in many countries, including the UK.
  • Anonymous is also helping to create hundreds of mirror sites for Wikileaks, after its US domain name provider withdrew its services.
Shida Zhang

mirror site from FOLDOC - 0 views

shared by Shida Zhang on 15 Mar 11 - No Cached
  • networking> An archive site or website which keeps a copy of some or all files at another site so as to make them more quickly available and to reduce the load on the source site. It is generally best to use the mirror that is physically closest to you as this will usually give the fastest download.
    Definition for mirror sites
Tyler Sax

Big Pharma caught spying on the WHO - Wikileaks - 2 views

  • Public health advocates reacted strongly to the leaked documents.
    • Tyler Sax
      This might be an interesting topic for more research. How have different groups reacted to the leaked documents?
Tyler Sax

WikiLeaks - Submissions - 0 views

    • Randall Bass
      The Wikileaks postings are meant to be the beginning of a chain of reference. 
  • That is why we have created our novel method of submission based on a suite of security technologies designed to provide anonymity. We have put a great deal of technical and design work into the drop box because we take the journalist-source relationship very seriously.
    • Randall Bass
      What is the security architecture of Wikileaks? What makes the drop box secure? (RBass)
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Communication is secured with SSL encryption.
  • 3.3 High risk postal submissions
  • This is because our journalists write news stories based on the material, and then provide a link to the supporting documentation to prove our stories are true. It’s not news if it has been publicly available elsewhere first, and we are a news organisation.
  • we do not solicit it
    • Tyler Sax
      This assertion was certainly challenged when it came to the most recent US government document leaks. Some speculated that Assange (or someone on his "team") helped the US soldier gain access to the documents
Randall Bass

five minutes to speak | The Tor Blog - 4 views

    Interesting brief talk about Internet security and the role of proxy technologies, esp under repressive regimes. Though check out the comments too. Clearly there are downsides and social hazards to proxy technologies too.
Edward Maloney

Google Labs Books Ngram Viewer - 1 views

    Google's Book Viewer being used by the Cultural Genome Project.
Edward Maloney

Find out what\'s in a word, or five, with the Google Books Ngram Viewer - 0 views

    From Google's Blog
Edward Maloney

Scholars Elicit a 'Cultural Genome' From 5.2 Million Google-Digitized Books - 1 views

    Chronicle of Higher Education Article on the Cultural Genome Project
Edward Maloney

CNDLS Design Seminar - 2 views

    The web is no longer just an integral part of our lives; the web significantly defines the way we engage with the world. To be a wholly educated leader, a successful and effective member of an organization or business, and or an engaged citizen, it is now vital to understand web technologies beyond the level of a consumer. Instead of seeing the web as something that "happens behind the computer screen," the liberally educated person must understand how the web works and shapes our lives. This means understanding how data travels, what happens to your personal information on the web, how the definition of privacy is changing, how the web serves as a publishing and authoring platform, how media is shared and remixed, and how an online economy is changing the way we learn. In Spring 2011 we will launch a Design Seminar to begin mapping out integrated academic approaches to the Web, modeling the ways that multiple disciplines and perspectives are necessary to really comprehend the technological and cultural landscape.
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