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dan click

Research Strategy: Developing Research Strategy - 0 views

    Summary: This site defines research strategy as a plan of action that gives direction to your efforts, enabling you to conduct research systematically rather than haphazardly. After the author defined research strategy, she went on to describe the steps involved with research strategy. A couple of the steps were to choose and define your topic and get background information. After each step she would explain it and give advice on the best way to do the step. The description of research strategy was extremely thorough, giving examples of each step and making the information clear and easy to read. How is it useful? This site gave a very good explanation of research strategy. Everything on the site was easy to find and clearly explained. The site touched every topic concerning research strategy and gave me an understanding on how to use it. Why is it useful? The organization of the site made it useful. I found the information I needed fast and now have a good understanding of research strategies. The amount of information this site contains also made it useful. Every topic concerning research strategy was explained in depth. How is it credible? The website has an .edu address meaning it's for education. A site intended for education must contain valid information. Why is it credible? The site was made by The University of North Carolina Asheville meaning it was written by a highly educated individual and intended for education. Citation: Ferguson Janet (2005). Developing a Library Research Strategy. Retrieved on November 7, 2009 from
dan click

Reading Strategies - 0 views

shared by dan click on 08 Nov 09 - Cached
    Summary: This web page was created in order to educate college students on better ways to read. The site also discussed ways to obtain and remember the information better. The site gives advice like taking notes while you read and talking back to the text. The author also advises to sit up when you read, and read in area with good lighting. The list for the reading strategies is long; these are just a few examples from the text. How is it useful? The site gave a ton of strategies for reading. There was a lot of information on this site. The author explained the purpose for reading strategies. People learn in different ways, a list of strategies will help people find a strategy that works for them. Why is it useful? The site explained reading strategies very thoroughly. Everything on the site was well laid out and the information was well organized. This made finding the information quick and easy. How is it credible? At the top of the page the author noted that some of the information was from a lecture by Dr. Lee Haugen, a former reading specialist at the ISU Academic Skills Center. If the site was false, the author wouldn't have cited were they got information from. Why is it credible? The author of the site put a lot of time and effort into making this site. There is a lot of information present, I don't think someone would go through that much trouble and give false information. Citation: Dr. Kathleen King. Reading Strategies. Retrieved on November 7, 2009 from
dan click

Listening Strategies - 0 views

    Summary: This site lists the strategies for listening. It is a clear, easy to read list. The page gave tips like maintaining eye contact, focus on key words and phrases and tune out other sounds and noises. The sites homepage also had links for more information on different strategies. How is it useful? This site provided a good source when looking for this type of information. The site was easy to read and I obtained the information quickly. If I were looking for other strategies this would be the site I would use. Why is it useful? The amount of information provided by the site was also useful. The site showed all of the different strategies for listening. The other links would also make this a useful site for teachers and students alike. How is it credible? The site has contact information to contact the author of the site. If the site was a fake, the author would not provide contact information. Why is it credible? The site provides so much information that it would be a waste of time if it contained false information. The site is a tool to help teachers and students, teaching them about different strategies and how to obtain information in different ways. The people who make these kinds of sites make them to help educate people. Citation: (1997). Welcome To Listening Strategies. Retrieved on November 7, 2009 from
dan click

Author:The Rhetorical Situation (TRACE) - 0 views

    Summary: This article briefly describes the purpose of author in the rhetorical situation. The page is asking all of the questions necessary to set up a rhetorical situation. Author is defined with the use of simple examples and questions to help you figure out how to use author in a rhetorical situation. The page also defines the other parts of the rhetorical situation and defines rhetorical situation itself. How is it useful? The article defines author by telling you things to consider when interpreting who the author is. It says to consider background, experience, education, affiliations, and value of the author to better determine the author's part in the situation. Why is it useful? The article's simplicity helps make it useful. There is no hunting for definitions or searching through paragraphs of information, the definition is clearly stated. How is it credible? It is credible because it adapted from a book called Perspectives on Argument by Nancy Wood. It seems like a very credible definition based on its roots from where it was generated from. Why is it credible? The article was taken from a book and then posted on the web for students use. The definitions are correct and there seems to be no suspicious things about the site. Citation: Wood, N. (2001). Perspectives on Argument. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from \n
Kyle Martin

Context - 0 views

Kyle Martin

peer review - 0 views

shared by Kyle Martin on 10 Nov 09 - Cached
jeff veek

drafting strategies - 0 views

    Drafting is the process of writing down and organizing ideas. There are sertain questiones that you should ask yourself when writing a draft. I have found this website very helpful. It explains how to write a draft and questions that you should ask yourself when writing the draft. This website is credibe, it is a website for teachers.
jeff veek

peer review stratigies - 0 views

    Peer reviewing is a very helpful process when writing a paper. When other people read wour work they may catch some mistakes that you didnt catch. The reviewer may also have input on thing that you can do differntley and have new ideas. I found this website very helpful. It helped me understand peer reviewing, and gave me new ideas on how to make it most effective. This site is credible it is a writers website and has a comment are were other viewers can put in their input.
jeff veek

editing strategies - 0 views

    Editing is fine tuning the essay. Reading the paper over and over again correcting errors and making the paper flow. This is a very good website for editing a paper. It clearly explains how to edit a paper. it also has an editing checklist that can be very useful. This site is credible it is a college educational website.
jeff veek

proofreading strategies - 0 views

    Proof reading a paper is one the final stages when writing a paper. Its the final editing stages of the paper. This site is useful it has lots of information and strategies on proofreading. This site is credible it is from merritt college website.
jeff veek

HOME-WCU-Fall 2001 The Rhetorical Situation - 0 views

    This particular document is a college class syllabus that was penned by a english teacher. The way that the subject matter was presented was in a very easy to read format. It had multiple examples in which the material could be used.The teacher is a fifteen year veteran of the classroom with a M.A in English as well as a B.A in literature. I found this link very informative .
    Author: This website had a lot of good information on it about the author in a rhetorical situation. If you want what your writing about to act mad or sad, you need you use your words, to describe the way they feel. You need to describe to the reader what is happening in your writing. You have to be Involved in what you are writing, and have voice in your writing, so it draws the reader in, and always double check your work. This paragraph is very resourceful, it gives you examples of how you can make your paper better, and it goes to get detail in how you can capture your reader, and make your paper really good. It shows you great examples of what to do. Be captured in your reading and so will the reader. This website is credible. It is used only for educational purposes.
jeff veek

The Rhetorical Situation: The Rhetorical Situation: Audience and Text - The OWL at Purdue - 0 views

shared by jeff veek on 04 Nov 09 - Cached
    Audience: The audience is one of the biggest parts of the literature They determine how they feel about the piece; if they liked it, hated it, feelings like that. They also bring attention to that piece, if they liked it or hated it they will tell their friends, and that will bring people to read the paper more. Its a process, to see if you can capture the reader right away, and if you can they will stay and read it more, and if you cant then they wont read it anymore. T The website was resourceful, and showed great examples on how the reader should feel when they read the paper. This website was credible because it has all been copywrited by a big university. It is used for educational purposes.
jeff veek

Doing a Rhetorical Analysis of a Text - Kiefer - 0 views

    Exigency: The Exigency that you write could be, your values as a writer, or even how a life experience touched you. Writers often write about something in their life, sometimes they are problems, and other times they can be something good. This makes writers get into their writing, and describe how they feel, capturing the reader. This website was good. It explained what motivates most writers to write well. This web site was credible because it was from Colorado State Universary.
jeff veek

research strategies - 0 views

    This website states that not only should research of your paper start in the library or internet, but it should start in your mind, of the subject you want to do, and what about the subject you want to learn about. Once you find out what you want to research you start in the library and find out as much as you can about your subject. This website broke down the research in easy ways that everyone can learn, you have different links with information and examples on them. It was very resourceful in the way of all the examples, and data that was shown on this website. It makes research easy, and well thought out. This website was very credible. It is a educational webside.
jeff veek

listening and reading strategies - 0 views

    On this website, it tells you that you dont only listen when someone is speaking to you. You listen to radios, Television, and even when your reading, you listen to yourself go over the words. If you re-read your work, you should be listening to how the paper sounds, or how the story sounds to you in your head, because the next reader will get the same thing from your paper. This website is very useful in the way you want to write your paper, it gives you ideas of how you should captivate the reader. You dont only listen to the story, you have to comprend what that author is trying to tell you, it gives you great points, on how to make your paper better. this website is credible it is an educational sight and has lots of refrences.
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