Computer-Based Learning Strategies: "Notefish" - save info from the web into a single online page, organize, and share. Great for synthesizing information strategy.
Computer-Based Learning Strategies: "Notefish" - save info from the web into a single online page, organize, and share. Great for synthesizing information strategy.
We know students love learning on our platform. Students love going to a Class and learn the basics of a new skill. We wanted to take that even further. We created Courses to allow teachers to create more in-depth, organized, and well thought-out learning experiences. We think that Courses will allow you learn even more about the skills that you are passionate and curious about.
TIE (Technology & Innovation in Education): a great portal to web 2.0 tools in education. Organized in disciplines, activities, and functions - you can investigate ways to integrate technology into the classroom.
the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system. Developed by the Association of Research Libraries, SPARC has become a catalyst for change. Its pragmatic focus is to stimulate the emergence of new scholarly communication models that expand the dissemination of scholarly research and reduce financial pressures on libraries. Action by SPARC in collaboration with stakeholders - including authors, publishers, and libraries - builds on the unprecedented opportunities created by the networked digital environment to advance the conduct of scholarship. Leading academic organizations have endorsed SPARC.
Springpad (remember, act, share): like Evernote - a service to put everything in the cloud - this application lets you quickly and easily save ideas and info that you come across everyday. They enhance what you upload with a link and then you access it from the web or your phone.
let your audience decide on questions in REAL time (while you are presenting); get EVERYONE's voice w/voting boxes - organize lectures or presentations around what people want to hear about.
"The Myth of the Machine is a two volume series of books taking an in-depth look at the forces that have shaped modern technology since prehistoric times. The first volume, Technics and Human Development was published in 1967, followed by the second volume, The Pentagon of Power in 1970. He shows the parallel developments between human tools and social organization mainly through language and rituals. [1] It is considered a synthesis of many theories Mumford developed throughout his prolific writing career."