Car Dealers Charge Higher Interest Rate - 0 views
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Tony An on 12 May 10It is estimated that consumers spend almost around $20 billion against excessive interest rate per year. Such a high amount is lost from consumer's pockets only because they enter into a contract with car dealers who offer a high interest rate to avail high profits. Usually car dealers borrow loan at wholesale interest rates and then lend to borrowers at a higher interest rate. "A borrower must always do proper researching before opting for an auto loan. Some people usually get trapped by auto dealers and end up paying high interest rates. The burden of paying a higher monthly payment leads the borrowers to go for an auto refinancing option. This helps them lower their interest rate and monthly payments", explains Anthony Tribunella, Expert and Director of Operations at Auto Relief Group. "Another option to lower your interest rate can be a loan modification procedure. Loan modification service providers negotiate and renegotiate loan terms with the banks and financial institutions and convince them to agree on terms that are beneficial to the borrower and ultimately reduce the financial burden of them", Anthony adds further. For the past fifteen years, the Modification Specialists of the Auto Relief Group have been helping consumers in all aspects of the car and financing business, and due to the current recession, have decided to dedicate themselves to assisting consumers renegotiate their car loan or lease, avoid repossession and maintain ownership of their vehicle by working directly with lenders to restructure loans, extend terms or reduce payments. About Auto Relief Group Auto Relief Group offers Car Loan Modification service, we assist car owners in renegotiating their car loan or lease, avoid repossession and maintain ownership of their vehicle by working directly with lenders to restructure loans, extend terms or reduce payments. We provide our clients with customized reports, expert advice and negotiation assistance when restru