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Leslie Camacho

Reverse Mentoring Cracks Workplace - - 0 views

    "In an effort to school senior executives in technology, social media and the latest workplace trends, many businesses are pairing upper management with younger employees in a practice known as reverse mentoring. The trend is taking off at a range of companies, from tech to advertising. "

6 Facts You Must Know About Construction Jobs Scenario - 0 views

    Are you searching for construction executive jobs? Take a look at these 6 facts & trends that you must know about construction job market in USA.
Leslie Camacho

Archived: International Education Programs Service - Title VI Programs: Building a US International Education Infrastructure - 0 views

    "The United States today faces unprecedented demand for globally competent citizens and professionals. Although 9/11 brought broad public and political attention to global integration and national security needs, the Federal government has long recognized this need. To this end, U.S. Department of Education (ED) Title VI and Fulbright-Hays programs form the vital infrastructure of the Federal government's investment in the international service pipeline. These programs' support for foreign language, area, and international studies infrastructure- building at U.S. colleges and universities ensures a steady supply of graduates with expertise in less commonly taught languages (LCTLs), world areas, and transnational trends. Title VI primarily provides domestically-based language and area training, research, and outreach while Fulbright-Hays supports on-site opportunities to develop these skills."
Leslie Camacho

News & Trends in Management - - 0 views

    "The average number of applications submitted per job opening fell to 118 in the fourth quarter, from 187 during the same period in 2010, according to new research from the Corporate Executive Board."
Leslie Camacho

Seven Steps for Career Professionals to Take When a Reporter Calls - 0 views

    "Have you ever received a call from a reporter looking for a career development professional? Such calls could be triggered by a number of different events. If you advertise your services or events such as career or job fairs, reporters may follow up. If the economy is in a downturn, with major employers eliminating jobs and millions of people re-thinking their career futures, reporters may come to you as an expert source of comment and analysis. If the economy is expanding and people are exploring new work options, reporters may seek observations about the resulting trends. If your organization issues a press release, you should be prepared to field any inquiries that result."
Leslie Camacho

How to Succeed in the Age of Going Solo - - 0 views

    "Today, with unemployment rates hovering at 10%, and all our worries about the job market rooted in the moment, we are in danger of failing to see an important longer-term trend: More Americans are working as consultants or freelancers, either having given up or been forced out of the salaried world of 9 to 5."
Leslie Camacho

Hiring Managers Take Their Time Filling Jobs - - 0 views

    "Hiring has yet to hit a rapid clip, but it's not for lack of job openings. Since December, the economy has added about 130,000 jobs a month, barely more than what is needed to keep up with population growth, according to the U.S. Labor Department. Meanwhile, the number of job openings advertised online has grown by more than 400,000, to 4.2 million, according to the Conference Board, a research organization. That increase continued a trend that began in the spring of 2009."
Leslie Camacho

Shared Workspaces Grow in Popularity as Workers Seek Affordable Facilities - - 0 views

    "Forget privacy. Shared workspaces are the latest trend in office space. The offices, set up in a variety of ways but emphasizing open space and the ability to rent a single desk, are also known as co-working spaces. Such offices have long been popular with technology start-ups in the San Francisco Bay Area looking for cheap space, but as the latest tech wave rises, shared workspaces are popping up in cities around the country. Besides the cost advantages, entrepreneurs in technology and other fields say they like co-working spaces because their open floor plans boost collaboration, offer more flexibility on leases and can even help land investors."
Leslie Camacho

Career Management, Career Changes, Executive Development - Wall Street Journal - - 0 views

    Videos, articles, advice, and trends regading to the job market and employment
Leslie Camacho

17% of smartphone owners use check-in apps | Electronista - 0 views

    3 in 4 mobile users check-in from a smartphone comScore, a market research firm that measures trends in the digital world has released a study that shows just how mobile the world has become. Their research reveals that many mobile and smartphone users checked in using mobile apps such Facebook Places, Foursquare and Gowalla. The study, which surveyed users in March, found that 16.7 million, or 7.1 percent of the total US mobile subscriber base used location-based "check-in" services on their phones. 17.6 percent of the estimated 12.7 million smartphone owners now use these services.
Swati Mehra

10 reasons to invest in a play school franchise - 0 views

    Young entrepreneurs often choose to go for a play school franchise, rather than experimenting with other industries. This rising trend tells a singular story: investing in play school franchise is lucrative!
Swati Mehra

Business potential of nursery school franchise in India - 0 views

    Changing lifestyles, and corresponding family structures have greatly influenced the education industry over the last couple of decades. While a significant number of entrepreneurs are opting for nursery school franchise in India, there's some sound reason for the trend.

Today Current Affairs National and International 25th July 2014 - 0 views

    Here are the trending today's current affairs national and international. Focused on different competitive exams, these current affairs daily will be cooperative for your preparation. This is a combination of recent updates embedded under 6 major parts as - technology, sports, politics, economics, Indian society and finally international events.
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