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Aaron Roberts

Everything About Financial Literacy - 0 views

    Financial literacy is imperative both for individuals to have financial security through all stages of life as well as for society to function in such a way in order to avoid financial pitfalls such as the financial crisis of 2008.
    Financial literacy is imperative both for individuals to have financial security through all stages of life as well as for society to function in such a way in order to avoid financial pitfalls such as the financial crisis of 2008.
sam smith

Financial Advisory Services | Financial Management Advisor | financial advisors - 0 views

    Financial Buzz Magazine™ is distributed online and in various regional newspapers around the World. We provide news to individuals in the financial advisory services industry such as, but not limited to, Financial Management Advisors, Financial Advisors, Investment Seminars, Management Consultants, Stock Brokers, Financial Advisor Seminars, Investment Bankers, Accredited Investors, Hedge Fund Managers and Insurance Representatives.
Skeptical Debunker

Lawrence Lessig: Systemic Denial - 0 views

  • So in coming to this meeting of some of the very best in the field -- from Elizabeth Warren to George Soros -- I was keen to hear just what the strategy was to restore us to some sort of financial sanity. How could we avoid it again? Yet through the course of the morning, I was struck by two very different and very depressing points. The first is that things are actually much worse than anyone ever talks about. The pivot points of our financial system -- the infrastructure that lets free markets produce real wealth -- have become profoundly corrupted. Balance sheets are "fictions," as Professor Frank Partnoy put it. Trillions of dollars in liability hide behind these fictions. And as expert after expert demonstrated, practically every one of the design flaws that led to the collapse of the past few years remains essentially unchanged within our financial system still. That bubble burst, but we can already see the soaring profits of the same firms that sucked billions in taxpayer funds. The cycle has started again. But the second point was even worse. Expert after expert spoke as if the problems we faced were simple math errors. As if regulators had just miscalculated, like a pilot who accidentally overshoots the run way, or an engineer who mis-estimates the weight of cargo on a plane. And so, because these were mere errors, people spoke as if these errors could be corrected by a bunch of good ideas. The morning was filled with good ideas. An angry earnestness was the tone of the day.
  • There were exceptions. The increasingly prominent folk-hero for the middle class, Elizabeth Warren, tied the endless list of problems to the endless power of "the banking lobby." But that framing was rare. Again and again, we were led back to a frame of bad policies that smart souls could correct. At least if "the people" could be educated enough to demand that politicians do something sensible. This is a profound denial. The gambling on Wall Street was not caused by the equivalent of errors in arithmetic. It was caused by a corruption of the system by which we regulate those markets. No true theorist of free markets -- and certainly none of the heroes of even the libertarian right -- believe that infrastructure markets like financial systems can be left free of any regulation, including the regulation of rules against fraud. Yet that ignorant anarchy was the precise rule that governed a large part of our financial system. And not by accident: An enormous amount of political influence was brought to bear on the regulators of these core institutions of a free market to get them to turn a blind eye to Wall Street's "innovations." People who should have known better yielded to this political pressure. Smart people did stupid things because "the politics" of doing right was impossible. Why? Why was their no political return from sensible policy? The answer is so obvious that one feels stupid to even remark it. Politicians are addicts. Their dependency is campaign cash. And in their obsessive search for campaign funds, they let these funders convince them that for the first time in capitalism's history, markets didn't need the basic array of trust-producing regulation. They believed this insanity because it made it easier for them -- in good faith -- to accept the money and steer financial policy over the cliff. Not a single presentation the whole morning focused this part of the problem. There wasn't even speculation about how we could build an alternative to this campaign funding system of pathological dependency, so that policy makers could afford to hear sense rather than obsessively seek campaign dollars. The assembled experts were even willing to brainstorm about how to educate ordinary Americans about the intricacies of financial regulation. But the idea of changing the pathological economy of influence that governs how Washington governs wasn't even a hint. We need to admit our (democracy's) problem. We need to get beyond this stage of denial. We need to recognize that until we release our leaders from a system that forces them to ignore good sense when there is an opportunity for large campaign cash, we won't have policy that makes sense. Wall Street continues unchanged because the Congress that would change it is already shuttling to Wall Street fundraisers. Both parties are already pandering to this power, so they can find the fix to fund the next cycle of campaigns. Throughout the morning, expert after expert celebrated the brilliance in Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Nation's last truly great financial collapse. They yearned for a modern version of his system of regulation. But we won't get to Franklin Roosevelt's brilliance till we accept Teddy Roosevelt's insight -- that privately funded public elections tend inevitably towards this kind of corruption. And until we solve that (eminently solvable) problem, we won't make any progress in making America's finances safe again.
    Everyone recognizes that our nation is in a financial mess. Too few see that this mess is not simply the ordinary downs of a regular business cycle. The American financial system walked the American economy off a cliff. Large players took catastrophic risk. They were allowed to take this risk because of a series of fundamental regulatory mistakes; they were encouraged to take it by the implicit, sometimes explicit promise, that failure would be bailed out. The gamble was obvious and it worked. The suckers were us. They got the upside. We got the bill.
Takeshi Seo

Gold and silver - 0 views

    • Takeshi Seo
    • Takeshi Seo
      this site is about Wealth Accumulation Planning. it will give you advice to become financially successful. it has a short comparison about investment in different financial sectors and their results. 
    This site will provide you with suggestion on wealth accumulation. Here u will be guided to your financial goal. To become financially successful one must take cautious steps in investment. Saver can be loser these days. Money they saved becomes less valuable than it was before. This blog site will help you to become financially successful.
    this site is about Wealth Accumulation Planning. it will give you advice to become financially successful. it has a short comparison about investment in different financial sectors and their results.
sam smith

Financial Advisor Seminars - 0 views

    Financial Buzz Magazine provides information to Financial Management Advisors and also hosts Advisor Seminars in to help financial provides to provice better financial advisory services.
Aaron Roberts

Why Financial Planning is Important for the People - 0 views

    Most of the people now days I see are doing the mistake of ignoring financial planning and will think to manage financial planning when all the benefits got expired. So, it's necessary for all that they have to start financial planning early as you will save a lot. The more early you start more benefits you will get and you can take benefits at any stage of life.

Best Financial Advisors - Dubai, Dubai - 2 views

    Money Protects™ is a Techno driven and digitally accelerated company offering Financial Freedom Debt management, Financial planning and Wealth Management digital bespoke solutions. Our Asset Backed restructuring & Low risk Asset Building Investments Innovation is a key to bring long term sustainability & growth.
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    Money Protects™ is a Techno driven and digitally accelerated company having the best Financial advisors in Dubai.
    Money Protects™ is a Techno driven and digitally accelerated company having the best financial advisors offering Financial Freedom, Debt Management, Financial Planning, and Wealth Management digital bespoke solutions. Our Asset Backed restructuring & Low-risk Asset Building Investments Innovation is a key to bring long term sustainability & growth.
    Money Protects™ is a Techno driven and digitally accelerated company having the best financial advisors offering Financial Freedom, Debt Management, Financial Planning, and Wealth Management digital bespoke solutions.
Leonardo Gottems

Euroinvestor Cockpit Social Media Platform Wins Best New Financial Service Application ... - 0 views

    Copenhagen-based online trading and financial specialist has won the award for Best New Financial Service Application at the Danish Internet Awards for its new Equity, financial news, stock Investment user interface, Cockpit. "We are extremely proud of this award as this has been the biggest development project in the history of" says Euroinvestor CEO Jeff Saul...
sam smith

Financial Planning Helps You Make Your Money Count For The People You Love - 0 views

    One of the biggest mistakes I've seen people make when it comes to financial planning is to ignore it completely or put it off for so long that the big benefits of financial planning expire worthless. The earlier you start planning the more bang you'll get for your buck, however, financial planning is valuable at any age.
Aaron Roberts

Financial planning - 0 views

    We can help you for all your financial management plans because in this uncertain world you need to have some financial managements for the future.
    We can help you for all your financial management plans because in this uncertain world you need to have some financial managements for the future.
vimal mistry

Financial Accounting - 0 views

    Unique financial accounting business services blog for financial accounting, bookkeeping accounting software and financial accounting business.
    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
Aaron Roberts

Financial Tools And Calculators - 0 views

    FinLit's financial tools and calculators to help individuals plan their financial future.
    FinLit's financial tools and calculators to help individuals plan their financial future.
Aaron Roberts

FinLit News - 0 views

    FinLit offers a variety of services and resources to help build financial literacy. Learn more about financial literacy from FLiCs, Articles and Experts.
    FinLit offers a variety of services and resources to help build financial literacy. Learn more about financial literacy from FLiCs, Articles and Experts.
Leonardo Gottems

House of Lords debate on the Financial Services Bill - 0 views

    [Finance Services , Opinion , Regulation and Compliance ] In the second reading of the Financial Services Bill, Lord Sasson opened the debate outlining the government's proposals for financial services regulation. He said: "A thriving financial services sector is vital to the prosperity of … more
Nathan Wilsones

Getting Cash Advance has Become Much Easier - 0 views

    12 month loans for bad credit are very helpful financial aid for all those people who are going through a financial crisis and need external financial help to meet their short term financial commitment. These finances are unsecured in nature and you don't require any security for the approval of the applied amount at
Skeptical Debunker

Bankers winning financial reform battle - Answer Desk- - 0 views

  • Proponents of comprehensive regulatory reform hope for sweeping measures to protect consumers from predatory lending, rein in high-stakes Wall Street trading in arcane derivatives, boost capital requirements for banks that want to bet big with depositors' money and spread some regulatory sunshine on the dark pools of the “shadow banking system” that caught regulators flat-footed when the market spiraled into the abyss in the fall of 2008. “We cannot afford to let the status quo continue,” Sheila Bair, head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., told a meeting of business economists in Washington. The final law is still in doubt. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., has pressed for reform during a year of intensely partisan bickering. On Friday, Dodd — a lame duck who announced his retirement after disclosures that he accepted favorable terms from subprime lender Countrywide Financial — claimed that the Senate Banking Committee he chairs was “days away” from wrapping up a bill. Any resolution faces a major political hurdle that has drawn the most public attention: a proposal to create a new agency to protect consumers from predatory lending and other abusive financial practices. While the "systemic risks" to the financial system may represent a bigger threat in dollar terms, voters might be more focused on the consumer impact.Dodd said that’s not hard to understand.“The subject matter of derivatives and swaps and the issue of systemic risk and too-big-to- fail seem somewhat removed from the general public,” he told CNBC after the Senate compromise was reached. “Watching my credit card go to 32 percent rates and huge fees, watching prepayment penalties on mortgages, these are things that millions of people understand.”
    As Congress this week inches toward a new set of rules to avert another global financial collapse, it is focused on two conflicting goals: reforming the banking system to protect consumers while still giving lenders the freedom to take risks. So far the score looks like: Bankers 1, Consumers 0. More than a year after a wave of risky mortgage bets brought Wall Street to its knees, banks and other financial institutions are still playing by the same rules that got them into the mess.
CCH India

Financial Management and Its Basic Aspects for Businesses - 0 views

    "Financial management comprises of forecasting, planning, organizing, directing, co-ordinating and controlling of all activities relating to acquisition and application of the financial resources of an undertaking while keeping in view its financial objective."
Stella Tang

Chengdu Tax Planning - 0 views

    Chengdu Tax planning is a logical analysis of a financial situation or plan from a tax perspective, to align financial goals with tax efficiency planning. The purpose of tax planning is to discover how to accomplish all of the other elements of a financial plan in the most tax efficient manner possible. Tax planning thus allows the other elements of a financial plan to interact more effectively by minimizing tax liability. Precise and well made tax plan is the key factor of a successful and lawful business. Contact Us If you have further queries, don't hesitate to contact us anytime, anywhere by simply visiting  website, or calling China hotline at 86-021-31397141, 86- 18930833905,86-0791-88167848,86-18970952901 or emailing to,
Aaron Roberts

FinLit Financial Literacy - 0 views

    Watch FinLit's financial literacy clips (FLiCs) for a variety of information covering student loans, investing, budgeting and more.
    Watch FinLit's financial literacy clips (FLiCs) for a variety of information covering student loans, investing, budgeting and more.
Aaron Roberts

Financial Literacy Clips - 0 views

    Watch FinLit's financial literacy clips (FLiCs) for a variety of information covering student loans, investing, budgeting and more. Watch FLiCs for information on budgeting, saving, investing and more.
    Watch FinLit's financial literacy clips (FLiCs) for a variety of information covering student loans, investing, budgeting and more. Watch FLiCs for information on budgeting, saving, investing and more.
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