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Frank Ward

Getting Started with Firefox extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
GroundWork Service

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Simplifying the Australian Tax System for Businesses - Scott Partners - - 0 views

    No small or medium sized enterprise owner needs to be told that Australia's tax system is complex. In fact, some people would probably go a little further and describe it as something more akin to Frankenstein's monster, with two thousand page tax acts, dozens of regulations and hundreds of interpretive documents.
    No small or medium sized enterprise owner needs to be told that Australia's tax system is complex. In fact, some people would probably go a little further and describe it as something more akin to Frankenstein's monster, with two thousand page tax acts, dozens of regulations and hundreds of interpretive documents.
Alex Morgan

10 Tips for How to Use Quickbooks Accounting Software - 0 views

    QuickBooks Pro offers various options which can speed up the accountancy process. Each main section i.e. customers, vendors, employees etc. has a distinct page offering navigational tools with useful features.
Natalie Stewart

Banking Degree Programs | Business Updates | - 0 views

    Find out more about online banking degree programs. This page explains what the courses are, what employers expect, and what you can expect to earn.
Priyanshu Rawat

Vodafone Bill Desk - 0 views

    Vodafone provides Vodafone bill desk for fast and easy billing of your Vodafone postpaid bill. So enjoy this facility using this link available on the page.
Nika Ogellag

Do I Qualify? - Sell My Pension - 0 views

  • Sell My PensionSell Your Pension Fast! Do I Qualify? Here at we want to help people who have a real need, emergency, or simply want to get to their hard earned cash quicker than it’s coming. Many of those who work with us wouldn’t qualify for a low APR loan or credit card and and in many cases, this is their only option.
    Here at we want to help people who have a real need, emergency, or simply want to get to their hard earned cash quicker than it's coming. Many of those who work with us wouldn't qualify for a low APR loan or credit card and and in many cases, this is their only option.
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
subhrakant jena

indian manufacturers - 0 views

  • - world's local B2B Marketplace of manufacturers,suppliers,exporters,buyers online business directory and largest yellow pages,Buy Sell offers from india & foreign Countries
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