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Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

Keep Enjoying Unlimited Data on your iPhone through Sprint - 0 views

    iHospital explains some of Sprint's advantages over the competition. iHospital is the place to go for Mac Repair, iPad Repair, iPhone Repair and any Apple Repair. Come see us in Atlanta.

How to Develop Brand Loyalty - 0 views

    Every marketer desires brand loyalty. I see a lot of giant offers, beautiful ads, funny commercials, and eye-catching billboards. Although there is nothing wrong with that at all, it won't foster brand loyalty. As a consumer and a marketer, I'm a big believer in the little things. The details of life are what capture my attention, memory, loyalty, and passion. I find this truth to be evident in the world of client relations and relationship building.

How a Tweeting Town Can Revive a Community - 0 views

    What makes me passionate about my job is my belief that social media can help bring back the small town feel we lost along the way. I grew up near a small town in Florida named Clermont. Our claim to fame was our hills of citrus groves, and our community was largely made up of small and family run businesses. But, over the years the citrus groves were hit hard by freezes, and as Orlando started to creep closer they were replaced by subdivisions, and large corporations started pushing out the little guys.

5 Reasons You Should NOT Read Marketing In The Round - 1 views

    There is a lot of buzz going around about Gini Dietrich and Geoff Livingston's new book Marketing In The Round. I am here to set the story straight, and to tell you why you don't need to read this new marketing book.

How to Answer Twitter Questions Like the Pros Do - 0 views

    One of the best ways businesses can use Twitter for client acquisition and brand development is by answering questions people ask relating to their service and/or product. It's also a great way to grow your online community, and meet fellow colleagues in your industry.

Which One Wins? Boardroom Meetings vs. Google Hangout - 0 views

    You know what's really odd? I've never met any of my staff in real life. Not one! The Shift Digital team is spread out all over the world, and thanks to Google Hangouts, we get to "meet" every day at 12:30 pm ET. Like the boardroom, we've all become quite familiar with each other, and sometimes it feels as though we've all met in each other in person already.

How to Enable Google Authorship Information with Better Author Bio Plugin - 0 views

    Better Author Bio is a wonderful plugin used by many WordPress sites to enable additional author information as well as links to the author's social media profiles.

Test Drive of Google Drive - 0 views

    The Shift Digital Team has been using Google Drive for about a week now and so far we're loving it! For those of you who are not familiar with Google Drive, it is the optional replacement for what was Google Docs. One of the key features of Google Drive is that, like dropbox, it has as desktop app that creates a folder on your computer and allows you to two-way sync all of the files and folders between your computer and your Google Drive account.

How to Create Your Way to Your Dream Job - 0 views

    It's no secret that we are in a tough job market right now. Recent college graduates or those with little experience in their desired career field are going up against seemingly insurmountable odds in their job hunt. You often get to a point where you wonder what else you can possibly do or where else you can look for employment.

3 Simple Tips for Getting Your Social Charisma On - 0 views

    If you're like the million other folks online doing a 'Google' search for information, finding the information you need to read is pretty simple. But connecting with potential clients and the people behind the information may not be so charismatic.

5 Painless Ways to Get Maximum Blog Comment Love - 0 views

    Publishing your blog is no easy feat. We get that. It definitely takes blood, sweat and tears. And no, I'm not being overly dramatic. Any serious blogger will tell you that the secret to a successful blog includes consistency, dedication, and inspiration.

How to Master Your Online Persona and Fan Base via Social Media - 0 views

    Creating your online persona to promote yourself, or your business, is essential because it gives you full control of how your online audience perceives you. The beauty of having this control is that you can entice an audience to see you in the best light to promote yourself from whichever angle you choose.
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