Flying virtual airplanes | December 12, 2011
Fly To Learn and Build A Plane have joined forces to use STEM education software to build virtual airplanes. The program will culminate in an Aviation Challenge where students compete using their digital planes against one another in regional and national competitions."
"I love to
fly. I've flown in jetliners, in sailplanes, in balloons, in helicopters, in gyro-
planes, in small airplanes, and in antique aerobatic airplanes. But more than
any other type of flying, I love ultralight-type flying."
December 30 - In 1905… The Wright brothers sign a contract for one million francs with Frenchman Arnold Fordyce for the sale of a powered flying machine capable of flying a nonstop distance of 31 mi. When contingent of French government officials come to Dayton in April 1906 to change the agreement by seeking exclusivity for one year, the idea is dropped; for their trouble, the Wrights received 25,000 francs (then about US $5,000), the first money they earn from flying.
"It was 1911 when small town girl Harriet Quimby moved from Michigan to New York. Inspired by the challenge of flying an "aeroplane," Quimby took flying lessons and on August 1, 1911, became the first American woman to get her pilot's license. In the 100 years since, women have gone on to fly around the world and launch into space. But despite these advancements, aviation continues to be a male-dominated field."
"Check out our fun flight facts for kids and learn how planes fly as well as interesting information about aviation history, the Wright Brothers, animals that fly and much more."
"The "Supersonic bi-directional flying wing" has wings of alternating length at each compass point and therefore can solve both situations, by taking off in one orientation, then essentially flying sideways when it's time to go supersonic. I'd like to see video of how this happens in motion, but from what I can see in the stills, it looks like the dual engines up top determine the direction of flight, and that the rest of the plane rotates around them. "
Best Paper Airplanes .com is a free site that illustrates how to make unique folded Paper Planes that you'll find nowhere else - because these ten paper airpcraft models are original, copyrighted designs. Some are easy to bulid, some are flying origami as well as paperairplanes, but all are fun to fold and fly.
On a windy day like today what better excuse than to teach turns around a point. Ground reference maneuvers commonly get taught at the very beginning of a students training just to be neglected later on as an "elementary" flight maneuver. However that is so far from the truth! If students really learned how to compensate for wind using varying bank angles they would fly better traffic patterns and improve all aspects of their flying
The Women Fly Project with online
products just for women flyers. The Your
Stories button encourages sharing photos
and words about the joy and enthusiasm
for flying.
"Harrison Ford shares his love of aviation, flying his DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver, his Bell 408 Helicopter, or several of his other airplanes. He shares some insight on the difficulties of filming Six Days, Seven Nights, and his desire and challenge in actually being the pilot in command for the flying scenes.
"On May 21, 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh completed the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in history, flying his Ryan NYP "Spirit of St. Louis" 5,810 kilometers (3,610 miles) between Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York, and Paris, France, in 33 hours, 30 minutes. With this flight, Lindbergh won the $25,000 prize offered by New York hotel owner Raymond Orteig to the first aviator to fly an aircraft directly across the Atlantic between New York and Paris. When he landed at Le Bourget Field in Paris, Lindbergh became a world hero who would remain in the public eye for decades. "
"Amazing pictures from Switzerland show where "jetman" Yves Rossy gave this incredible flying display, using a tailor-made jet pack. The aviation enthusiast leapt from a helicopter and performed a series of aerial acrobatics above the Alps. He then joined two jet planes in a synchronized flight. To synchronise their flight paths the jets reduced their speed to 220 kilometres per hour (137 miles per hour), which put their engines at a point close to stalling. Rossy's previous aerial feats include flying the English Channel and looping the loop around a hot-air balloon."
"Being able to fly off on holiday is something we may take for granted. But how does the big metal tube you're flying in stay up in the air? We'll find out in the latest Naked Science Scrapbook. Plus we'll see that if the plane's engines stop working, you won't just plummet out of the sky"
"Humans have wanted to fly for thousands of years. Modern jet engines allow us to fly more efficiently, at greater speeds than ever before. In this Naked Science Scrapbook, we'll find out how engineers stop the engines from melting at such high temperatures, and why you couldn't run a plane on coal"
"GPS has been the biggest game changer. Before GPS with few navaids available you really had to know the country to navigate to a village in low visibility. Many of the villages out on the tundra are really hard to find even in CAVU. Now you just follow the line right to the runway and the things will even tell you where the terrain is. When I started my first flying job (before GPS) I was warned by my boss that all my passengers had more hours flying in that area and would know the country better than I did. He told me about the "Eskimo ADF" which means you watch your passengers and when all their heads turn at once you probably just flew past their village."
"I first started thinking about airplanes and flying when I was about 12. We
lived next door to an airline pilot and I thought that his job was really cool.
My sister became a pilot first and she convinced me that I should also learn
to fly. After she became an instructor she helped me earn my instrument
rating and eventually I too became an instructor. I now hold Single and Multi-
engine, Instrument, Certificated Flight Instructor, Advanced Ground
Instructor ratings, and a Master Instructor accreditation."
"Japan's Flying Sphere UAV (With Video)
The Japanese Defense Ministry unveiled at a trade show the latest version of a small unmanned spherical aircraft that can take off with vertical thrust, fly horizontally, and roll controlled across the ground. It has also demonstrated (on video) that it can maintain its position in space autonomously, while being batted at with a hand. "
"Download any of the free paper airplane designs below and get flying!
Just print out the template onto standard 8.5" X 11" printer paper. The fold and cut lines are clearly printed right onto the template, and each paper airplane design has easy-to-follow instructions. Make sure to read the printing tips at the bottom of this page. Also see the Flying Tips page for information about how to get the best performance out of your models. "