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Geelen Jannsen

Fast alles ist erste besser, bp holdings international news reviews - 2 views

    Wir scheinen in einer apokalyptischen Moment zu sein, als eine Kultur. Ausgehend von der Film-Trailer, es sieht aus wie die menschliche Rasse grundsätzlich in diesem Sommer nach Erde, World War Z verschraubt ist, und dies ist das Ende - eine Komödie! - während Washington (und seine schwarzen Präsidenten) von Cyber-Terroristen im Weißen Haus unten belagert werden werden. In der realen Welt sind wir bombardiert mit Warnungen über unsere Schuldenkrise, unsere Wirtschaftskrise und natürlich unsere politische Krise, das heißt, unsere Regierung Unfähigkeit, seine anderen Krisen bewältigen. Republikaner geworden vor allem mehrjährige Propheten des Untergangs, Warnung, dass Präsident Obama Außenpolitik unser Ansehen in der Welt, dass Obamacare zerstört zerstören unser Gesundheitssystem, dass Out-of-Control-Ausgaben, Wachstum-Tötung Steuern und lockere Geldpolitik machen uns zu einer Dystopie von Inflation, hohe Zinsen und wirtschaftliche Lähmung. Entspannen Sie sich! Sachen sind OK. Und während Sie nicht sagen, aus Anschluss an die Nachricht - die Presse lässt sich nicht gerne Bericht über Flugzeuge, die sicher landen oder scheinbar offensichtliche Dinge, die nicht gestern geschehen - Dinge werden immer besser. Die Apokalypse ist nicht nah. Wir sind jetzt im vierten Jahr von einem langsamen, aber stetigen Aufschwung. Die Wirtschaft ist das Hinzufügen von rund 200.000 Arbeitsplätze pro Monat und hat seit dem Ende der großen Rezession 6,8 Millionen Arbeitsplätze im privaten Sektor. Die Börse ist auf einem Allzeithoch und hat fast verdoppelt, da Obama sein Amt antrat. Der Wohnungsmarkt ist erholt. Es stimmt, dass 7,5 % Arbeitslosigkeit viel zu hoch ist, aber es ist besser als die zweistelligen Arbeitslosenraten wir im Zuge der Finanzkrise hatten, wenn die Apokalypse wirklich war nahe. Die Regierung hat sogar einen Gewinn der gescholtenen Wall Street Rettungsaktionen eingeschaltet, die die Kernschmelze beendet.
    wow... es ist erstaunlich ich so.
Tommy Hudson

spain bp holdings madrid reviews | Swiss-HSBC Holdings, rahaa varat tilkkutäkki - 1 views

  • HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) n sveitsiläinen yksityinen pankki oli "avoin ovi" rahanpesun ja terrorismin rahoituksen koska johtajat laiminlöivät valvontaa, sanoi Herve Falciani, entinen ohjelmisto teknikko syytetään varastaa tietoja. Falciani tehdyt huomautukset eilen, kun Espanjan syyttäjä kysyi, oliko HSBC: n Genevessä toimiva yksikkö pöytäkirjat rahanpesun tai terrorismin rahoituksen valvontaa. "Pankki näin häpeällistä toimia," hän sanoi. Falciani esiintyy kansallisen tuomioistuimen Madridissa taistelemaan luovutuspyynnön Sveitsin viranomaiset. HSBC, Euroopan suurin pankki markkina-arvo on sanonut, sai tietää 2008 Falciani oli varastettu lisätietoja 24000 tilejä oma pankista Genevessä. Falciani yhteistyössä Ranskan tutkijat, jotka käyttivät tiedot etsiä petoksentekijöistä ja samaa tietoa Italian, Espanjan ja Britannian syyttäjät. Espanjan syyttäjäviranomaisen vastustavat Sveitsin luovutuspyynnön, koska Falciani n toimet eivät ole rikos Espanjassa, sanoi syyttäjä Dolores Delgado. "Emme ole voinut valvoa lausuntoja, jotka tänään esitettiin," David Bruegger, HSBC: n yksityinen pankki, Zürich-pohjainen tiedottaja sanoi sähköpostitse ilmoitus tänään. "Kuten luovutuspyynnön päässä Sveitsin liittovaltion syyttäjä, HSBC ei osallistu tämä ja emme siis ota kantaa." Espanjan kansallinen tuomioistuin päättää, onko Espanjan hallituksella on oikeus luovuttaa Falciani ja päätös luovutetaan hallitukselle, tuomioistuimen tiedottaja sanoi. Tietosuojasäännösten noudattamisesta Sääntelyviranomaisten pyrkii poistamaan ristiriidat, jotka ovat johtaneet manipulointi benchmark lainakorot tutkinta Libor on edelleen ympäri maailm
    I en ole, että paljon online-lukija on rehellinen, mutta sivustosi todella mukavaa, keep it up! Menen eteenpäin ja kirjanmerkki sivustosi palata myöhemmin. Paljon kiitoksia:)
samuel elm

Marokko inviterer spanske selskaper å investere | madrid holdings, bp spain - 1 views

    Youssef Amrani, Marokkos representant-utenriksminister, har oppmuntret spanske selskaper å kopiere deres latinamerikanske modell som har hatt så mye suksess. Madrid, Spania, 10 April 2013 - Youssef Amrani, Marokko 's representant-utenriksminister, har oppmuntret spanske selskaper å kopiere deres latinamerikanske modell som har hatt så mye suksess. Under et møte med spansk Minister for Foreign Affairs og samarbeid, José Manuel García Margallo, bemerket Amrani suksess spanske selskaper har hatt de siste årene i Latin-Amerika og inviterte dem til å eksportere denne modellen til Marokko. "Spanske selskaper kan duplisere sine latinamerikanske opplevelse i Marokko". Han har også bemerket at hans land kunne tjene som en "port of entry" for Maghreb, Sahel og Midtøsten. "Det er muligheter til å samarbeide. Vi vet nettverkene", sa han. Amrani understreket at Marokko har startet ned "en irreversibel veien mot modernitet", og at forholdene er beleilig for spanske selskaper som "har ressurser til tross for krisen". Marokkanske utenrikspolitikk diplomat bekreftet at Marokko presenterer en rekke forretningsmuligheter, og mener at den spanske økonomien er sterk nok til å investere i utlandet. Han har også uttalt at det er rom for nye initiativer i sektorer som konstruksjon, infrastruktur, finans og landbruk. Amrani også garantert sikkerheten for spanske selskaper i et strengt regelverk. Han henviser til klagene over utpressing og ekspropriasjon presentert av spanske bedrifter med en marokkansk tilstedeværelse. Amrani innrømmet at misbruk av de marokkanske myndighetene i spanske selskaper med kontrakter i landet, som har ført til klager av den foreningen av bedrifter påvirket av utpressing i Marokko (AAEM), er "uutholdelig". Related Group Info Videos: Articles:
Sophie Hoffmann

BP Holdings Blog to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From t... - 0 views

    BP Holdings Blog and Press Release BP is to be the lead sponsor of a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition which will bring masterpieces from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg to Britain for a unique show at one of this country's finest historic houses, Houghton in Norfolk, opening on 17 May 2013. The magnificent art collection, which originally hung at Houghton, was brought together by Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), and following his death was sold in 1779 to Catherine the Great of Russia and was later housed at the State Hermitage Museum. Peter Charow, BP's Vice President for Russia said: "We are pleased to bring the exhibition to its original home. BP is a major supporter of culture in both the UK and Russia." Over 70 paintings from the collection, including masterpieces by Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo are being reassembled for the first time in over 200 years and shown in their original settings at Houghton. The exhibition includes works on loan from the Hermitage and other Russian museums as well as loans from the National Gallery, Washington and the Metropolitan Museum, New York. The exhibition will reproduce the original hang of the Grand Rooms at Houghton, bringing them back to their original splendor. In its scale and ambition, the exhibition will be a fitting celebration both of 250th anniversary of Catherine the Great's accession to the throne, and the long and distinguished history of Anglo-Russian cultural relations. For over a decade BP's support for Russian culture includes the Mariinsky Theatre and the Valery Gergiev Foundation. In 2011-2012 BP extended its support and has partnered with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko musical theatre and annual Dyagilev musical festival in St Petersburg further demonstrating BP's commitment to Russian cultural life. In the UK, BP is a major supporter of the arts w
Katharina Adelheyd

BP HOLDINGS - Konkurranse svindel varsel/wordpress - 0 views

    Som mange selskaper synes det at BP er også blir målrettet av svindlere hevdet at en BP konkurranse har blitt vunnet og søker bank og annet personlig detaljene BP har nylig mottatt klager fra medlemmer av publikum råder at de ble kontaktet av enkeltpersoner informere dem om at de har vunnet en BP-konkurranse og en premie. "Premier" på tilbud fra kontanter til biler, biler eller plasma TV. Oppringeren ber noen ganger for identitet tall, fysiske adresser og/eller bankvirksomheten detaljene før prisen kan kreves. Vi vil oppfordre personer kontaktet ikke for å svare på noen oppringere hevde å representere BP og tilbyr Premier av noe slag, heller ikke for å frivillig informasjon. Kontakt oss hvis du får en telefon fra noen som hevder å arbeide for BP gratulerte du på å vinne en premie i en BP-konkurranse. Du kan enkelt kontrollere dette ved å ringe våre kundesenter kontakt på 0860 222 166, eller ved å besøke bps nettsted og sende oss en e-post ved hjelp av kontakten be oss på vår hjemmeside. Det ville være til stor hjelp i å prøve å begrense denne typen aktivitet hvis du fikk så mye informasjon fra den som ringer som mulig og gi dette til BP. Til slutt alltid oppmerksom på at alle autentisk BP konkurranser og vinnere navn er oppført på nettstedet vårt på delen relevante konkurransen på og kan kontrolleres for ektheten.
Miranda Krausse

bp madrid spain holdings-BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain-Multiply-Newsvine - 0 views

    Description:BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is a leading online resource for businesses and entrepreneurs.This Blog aims to support businesses and people considering putting up a business, as well as to provide access to relevant information and services. It contains vital information, support and services for you and your enterprise. it doesn't matter whether you work for a private company or are on your way to building one.BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is all for credibility and accuracy so the editorial team led by pros sign on to a strict code of conduct.Up-to-date and practical, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is the first place to check online when you are in need of tips and relevant market trends. Status:FreeLanguage:EnglishType:Public (group is listed in Multiply directory of groups)Category:BusinessMembership:Membership is open to all Multiply users.Content:Group content may be viewed by non-members.Group members may post: Blog, Photos, Video, Calendar, Reviews, Links, Notes and Products.Posts are not moderated. Related article:
Katharina Adelheyd

BP Holdings news: Amenas Situation Update - 0 views

BP today gave a further update on the situation at the In Amenas joint venture in Algeria and its response following the terrorist attack on the site early on Wednesday morning (16 January, 2013). ...

bp holdings madrid spain articles news hong kong

started by Katharina Adelheyd on 23 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Evan Carter

BP Holdings-Neutralen Geschäft vorbei drückt den Umschlag - 1 views BP Target Neutral hat einen major Deal mit FedEx zum Ausgleich des CO2-Fußabdrucks von 200 M...

bp holdings blog and press releases

started by Evan Carter on 25 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Liesbeth Femke

BP Holdings - Spanish corruption scandal rumbles on as euro economy 'turns corner' - as... - 0 views

    Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the eurozone financial crisis, and other key events in the world economy. The unfolding corruption allegations in Spain continue to dominate the agenda, after helping send European stock markets sliding yesterday. El País, which broke the story last week, reports this morning that Spain's anti-corruption prosecutor is holding a wide-ranging investigation into claims that senior members of the ruling People's party, including prime minister Mariano Rajoy, received secret, illegal payments over many years. The prosecutor, it says, is comparing the PP's last 13 years of public accounts with the 'secret accounting system', which El Pais claims was created by treasurer Luis Bárcenas. According to El País the investigation will consider whether any individuals, or the PP, committed tax fraud by not declaring secret payments, and whether limits on political donations were breached.
nerea arreguin

International BP Madrid Holdings: Spanish PM publishes tax returns amid kickbacks scandal - 1 views

    (Reuters) - Spain's prime minister published his tax returns on Saturday in a bid to quell reports he and other conservative politicians received secret cash payments but the opposition said many questions remain unanswered. The government's website posted tax authority documents detailing Mariano Rajoy's income and tax payments from the past ten years. His ruling People's Party (PP) also revealed four years of financial accounts on Friday, in another attempt to put the matter to rest. The scandal, centered on ledgers supposedly made by a former party treasurer, have cut support for the PP to the lowest level on record and pushed up borrowing costs just as it seemed Spain was getting to grips with a financial crisis that had raised questions about the future of the euro zone. Former PP treasurer Luis Barcenas has described as fake handwritten ledger entries published on January 31 by El Pais newspaper purporting to show payments funded by construction firms made to PP leaders including Rajoy. Rajoy has said the payments were not made and that the party is organizing an external audit into the affair. The opposition Socialists said the published accounts of Rajoy and the PP did nothing to explain the Barcenas papers. Socialist spokeswoman Soraya Rodriguez said Spaniards wanted more than Rajoy's tax records. "Spaniards are fed up of waiting for answers that never come," she told journalists in Valladolid on Saturday. Cayo Lara of the United Left party said the publication of the accounts was meaningless as members of parliament have to declare their assets in any case. The tax returns do not cover the first half of the period of entries in the ledgers published by El Pais, which run from 1990 to 2009.
    Thanks for the writeup. I definitely agree with what you are saying. I have been talking about this subject a lot lately with my father so hopefully this will get him to see my point of view.
Evan Carter

Fabrikanten enquête punten op nieuwe neergang in de eurozone - 1 views global holdings bp business madrid Londen-Hoopt dat de eurozone zouden kunnen ontstaan van recessie snel werden ...

global holdings bp business madrid

jy williams

Can your town compete? What makes competitive cities / BP Holdings article code 8525808... - 1 views

Singapore is currently the most competitive city in the world, beating out New York and London, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, which focuses on global research. However, says the EIU...

bp holdings article code 85258080768 Can your town compete? What makes competitive cities

started by jy williams on 02 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Karla Waltraut

Stumbleupon: BP Holdings, Avoirs de BP sur les responsables politiques accusé... - 2 views

Si comme moi , vous allez en plus belles auxiliary materials , il suffit all d' voir ce site tous les jours . Depending vais toujours ici pour les dernières nouvelles sur l'éc...

holdings BP accuse les dirigeants de la Louisiane épater la Galerie politique au cours catastrophe Deepwater Horizon

Cristina Harden

BP Holdings Madrid News updates shares slip despite takeover - 2 views

I was checking on some tips about financial ones and lead me to this site, I am really grateful that I found this, this will help me for sure. I'll practice you advices.

bp holdings madrid news updates Shares slip despite takeover

Alenka Berg

BP Holdings: Shell , Statoil face FTC control in U.S. - Oil - probe - 1 views BP Plc, Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) und Statoil ASA (STL) sind unter Kontrolle durch die US Feder...

bp holdings shell statoil face ftc scrutiny in u.s. oil probe

started by Alenka Berg on 16 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
alderic gerst

BP Holdings Madrid Articles Reviews: Shanghai bourse försvarar hantering ... - 3 views

Vad en mycket bra POÄNG you fuck harder men do you vet faktiskt finansiell planar ring är i princip Bruket av budgetering , Förvaltning av dina investeringar och långsiktiga...

bp holdings madrid articles reviews Shanghai bourse försvarar hantering av Everbright glitch


Demand of US oil rises at fastest - 1 views Oil demand in the US is rising at its fastest pace in more than two years, driven by buyers of industrial fue...

started by goularanda on 13 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
alderic gerst

BP Holdings Latest Articles: Brysselin varoittaa Ranska yli verojen korotuksiin - 1 views

Source: Komission sunnuntaina varoitti Ranska ei katsomaan uusia veronkorotuksia, kuten Euroopan unionin toiseksi ...

bp holdings latest articles Brysselin varoittaa Ranska yli verojen korotuksiin

started by alderic gerst on 28 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
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