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Luciano Ferrer

Teacher Strikes and Private Education in Argentina - #paper - - 0 views

    "This article analyzes teacher strikes in Argentina during 2006-2012. It stands out how teacher strikes prevail over claims from other unions, and are shown to be relevant events for education policy just for some provinces and only for public schools. We found that none of the policy measures implemented over the last decade has proven to be effective in reducing conflict. Analyzing a dataset on labour unrest, this study builds an index of teacher labour conflict to better understand the evolution of teacher strikes over time and under the various provincial governments that integrate the Argentinian federal education system. The article shows no correlation between teacher labour unrest and the growth of private enrolment. However, we note that despite the lack of statistical correlation, teacher strikes should not be ruled out as an explanatory variable of the increase in private education in Argentina."
Gloria Quiñónez Simisterra

Free Technology for Teachers: Swabr - Create a Private Microblogging Network - 8 views

    Plataforma parecida a edmodo con funciones como twitter para uso en organizaciones.
Luciano Ferrer

Educated Hope in Dark Times: The Challenge of the Educator-Artist as a Public Intellectual - 0 views

    "... Reclaiming pedagogy as a form of educated and militant hope begins with the crucial recognition that education is not solely about job training and the production of ethically challenged entrepreneurial subjects and that artistic production does not only have to serve market interests, but are also about matters of civic engagement and literacy, critical thinking, and the capacity for democratic agency, action, and change. It is also inextricably connected to the related issues of power, inclusion, and social responsibility.[2] If young people, artists, and other cultural workers are to develop a deep respect for others, a keen sense of the common good, as well as an informed notion of community engagement, pedagogy must be viewed as a cultural, political, and moral force that provides the knowledge, values, and social relations to make such democratic practices possible. In this instance, pedagogy needs to be rigorous, self-reflective, and committed not to the dead zone of instrumental rationality but to the practice of freedom and liberation for the most vulnerable and oppressed, to a critical sensibility capable of advancing the parameters of knowledge, addressing crucial social issues, and connecting private troubles into public issues. Any viable notion of critical pedagogy must overcome the image of education as purely instrumental, as dead zones of the imagination, and sites of oppressive discipline and imposed conformity. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

Ocho explicaciones para el crecimiento de la educación privada en Argentina, por @narodowski @mauromosche @remogottau - 0 views

    "1.) la privatización de la educación como un efecto del mejoramiento de los ingresos de la población; 2.) la privatización de la educación como resultado del incremento de huelgas docentes; 3.) la privatización de la educación como efecto de familias que buscan mejores resultados educacionales; 4.) la privatización de la educación como consecuencia de procesos de segregación y autosegregación socioeconómica; 5.) la privatización de la educación como efecto del neoliberalismo; 6.) la "publificación" de las escuelas privadas; 7.) la privatización de la educación como un fenómeno cuasi espontáneo; 8.) la privatización de la educación como política de Estado."
Javier Carrillo

Homepage - LabXchange - 0 views

    " THE POWER TO CREATE Reuse learning assets LabXchange brings together high-quality content from a variety of sources in the form of online learning assets, including videos, assessments, and simulations. Our re-engineered Open edX platform gives users the flexibility to search, select, and insert these assets into their own customized learning pathways. Create your own pathway Users can add material to link the learning assets they select to create their own storylines, clarify new learning objectives, and adapt existing pathways to better meet their needs. Share what you have learned Users will be able to share their pathways privately or with a small group to spark discussion and receive feedback. THE POWER TO EXPERIMENT"
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