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Dagmar Machutta

Blended learning impacts more than just academics | Christensen Institute - 1 views

  • But despite these shortcomings in academic quality and rigor, there were other important benefits of the program that were available as a direct result of the use of blended learning.
  • the self-paced curriculum in the blended-learning program put these students in the driver seat of their own learning for the first time.
  • that many students come into the program with the self-perception that they are “rejects” who aren’t smart enough to be successful in school or in life. They often have difficult social and family issues outside of school and do not know how to deal with frustration in a positive and productive way.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But for this teacher, blended learning enabled him to magnify his role as a coach and mentor.
  • a powerful enabler of self-motivated learning and increased teacher support.
    "The implementation of blended learning that I saw during my visit clearly has room to improve when it comes to providing high-quality academic instruction. But for the students in the program, blended learning is a powerful enabler of self-motivated learning and increased teacher support."
Michael Kimmig

10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use - 10 views

    "Whether you're new to blended learning or a seasoned veteran of blended learning, there's always more to learn. Take a look at 10 of the top resources for blended education, also known as hybrid learning, from some of the most notable names in the field. So, in addition to great resources like YouTube, iTunesU, and a variety of blogs and social media channels, here are 10 of the most popular blended learning resources teachers use." (by Janis Beem)

BlendKit Course: BlendKit Reader: Chapter 2 | Blended Learning Toolkit - 5 views

  • High impact activities increase learner engagement and result in greater success in learning.
    • Robin Thompson
      What are high impact activities?
    • dr_bzen
      In my reading of this sentence, these activities are related to collaborative learning situations.
  • link the best technological solutions for teaching and learning with the best human resources…. encourag[ing] the development of highly interactive and collaborative activities that can be accomplished only by a faculty member in a mediated setting.
  • e second relates to the rapid decentralization and distribution of most of society’s channels of communication – newspapers, television, radio, and, more recently, academic publishing – and raises concerns of how learners are to make sense of information in a field that is fragmented and distributed, rather than well organized and coherent (such as information found in a traditional textbook).
    • Robin Thompson
      Very valid concern!
    • dr_bzen
      I have been working on creating a feedly site where students are directed to go for information.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Students are able to read each other’s work and gain insight from both instructor and their fellow students.
    • Robin Thompson
      This is what we are doing in our discussion posts for this course.  
    • dr_bzen
      So very true! Its interesting the anxiety I feel when I read this model. Even with my desire to turn this learning over to students, a part of me wants to hold onto control.
  • only asynchronous forms of communication can cause students, and even instructors, to feel disconnected
  • Blended learning, in all its various representations, has as its fundamental premise a simple idea: link the best technological solutions for teaching and learning with the best human resources…. encourag[ing] the development of highly interactive and collaborative activities that can be accomplished only by a faculty member in a mediated setting. (p. 332)
    • dr_bzen
      I've seen this dynamic happen in my classes when I don't give enough structure to an activity.
  • disruptive strategies
    • dr_bzen
      What does this mean in this context?
  • often fall into conflict on principles of minimal or guided instruction and instructivism or constructivism
  • Atelier Learning
  • Helping students to gain the skills they require to construct these networks for learning, evaluating their effectiveness, and working within a fluid structure is a massive change in how the dynamics of classrooms are usually structured.
  • Curtis Bonk (2007) presents a model where the educator is a concierge directing learners to resources or learning opportunities that they may not be aware of. The concierge serves to provide a form of soft guidance – at times incorporating traditional lectures and in other instances permitting learners to explore on their own. Bonk states:
    • dr_bzen
      This is the model I see myself gravitating toward -- though without knowing it was actually a model. I wonder what about my background learning/teaching has drawn me to see this as a way of doing blended learning.
  • While learners are free to explore, they encounter displays, concepts, and artifacts representative of the discipline. Their freedom to explore is unbounded. But when they engage with subject matter, the key concepts of a discipline are transparently reflected through the curatorial actions of the teacher.
    • dr_bzen
      Is the difference between this and concierge that the instructor sets up the frame in which the learning happens?
  • media to articulate ideas or thoughts”
  • When you design your own online course environment, keep interaction in the front of your mind.
  • Create a threaded discussion or wiki assignment,  asking students to review the syllabus and then to write one or two things that they would like to get out of the course, how the material could be made more meaningful to them or for their goals, and even their preliminary opinions about some of the main course themes or topics.
  • Again, it will not require a huge effort to create one general threaded discussion to let students tell you about the applicability of the materials to their lives or studies or to express their opinions about different aspects of the content itself.
  • The assignment can also enable other student techno expressions, such as photos, brief descriptions of where they are from, or even a sense of “in the moment” place (e.g., “From my computer, I can see the pine tree in my yard through the San Francisco fog each morning”).
  • The first classroom meeting is face-to-face. At this meeting, we ask students to use pastel pencils and construction paper to draw a symbolic representation of how they see the educational process.
  • If you have a choice, we recommend designing a hybrid course over a fully online course. 
  • There are a number of potential audiences to whom students could express themselves: to the instructor, to an expert in the field, to a small group of peers, to the entire class, to prospective employers, and to the public.
  • A special education credential  student writing a reflective weblog entry about a classroom observation only for the supervising faculty member might use different language than for the public at large. These types of experiences will prepare the students not only for future coursework but also for job interviews.
  • VODcasts
  • Before, the assignment, write clear instructions, including information about your policies on academic integrity and plagiarism. Provide examples of prior students’ work.
  • If this is the first group to do this type of assignment, go through the assignment yourself to create a model of what you consider to be good work. Let students know what could happen to their work if someone else were able to change it.
    I had the same thing happen to me: I was using a model without knowing it was a model! I'm glad I now have vocabulary to describe my work in the classroom.
Kelvin Thompson

Toward a Definition of "Blended Learning" (University of Manitoba's Learning Technologies Centre) - 3 views

    The University of Manitoba's Learning Technologies Centre has assembled a brief literature review on blended Learning formats/definitions. This brief compilation surfaces the complexities inherent in blended Learning approaches
    The LTC server at the University of Manitoba has been decommissioned and so this link no longer works. In my (ultimately unsuccessful) search for this lit review, I came across this 2011 COHERE report on blended learning:; there's a decent reference list at the end of the document. COHERE is a Canadian group, Collaboration for Online Higher Education and Research.
Michael Kimmig

A Two-Gear Construct for Envisioning Blended Learning | Edutopia - 6 views

    "Teachers using blended learning correctly can be one of the best ways for students to meet the challenge of the Common Core and develop ownership of their learning. But what does "done correctly" mean? If a teacher moves from a traditional teaching style (Point A) to using blended learning correctly (Point B), what does Point B look like? What is the optimal blended learning model?"

Can 'Blended Learning' Be Redeemed? - 0 views

    A rather interesting article which attacks the basic premise around Blended Learning and asks what are we mixing to create the blend? Some valid points on how the definitions of e-Learning, blended Learning and traditional Learning are arguably inherently flawed.
Kelvin Thompson

Introducing the Digital Learning Quadrants - 5 views

    An alternative schema to the "digital native" vs. "digital immigrant" dichotomy. Emphasis is placed upon one's own adaptation to technology-rich culture using the axes of "access" and "participation" to form a classification quadrant. Some observations are particularly relevant for participation in informal learning via Personal learning Networks and open, online courses as well as in technology-mediated academic courses.
    I like this schema! (I tend to like anything that moves away from rigid, binary-type either/or dichotomies, where we are either include/excluded, with few options for growth and movement.) I am really enjoying BlendKit2012 and only wish I had more time to explore.

Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation [INFOGRAPHIC] #edtech #edutech - 8 views

    Interesting Infographic that looks at what is 'blended learning', why it's spreading and how it works (with examples).
    Great infographic on blended learning with embed code. Takes the approach of Blended learning as a Disruptive Innovation
    Excellent breakdown of different blended learning models - there are 6! Anyone using an LMS (or other online tools) to supplement classroom teaching is already in "Face-to-Face Driver" mode.
Karen Haines

Blended Learning Theory and Design Principles | Teaching and Learning Excellence - 5 views

    Looks at learning theories and how they relate to design for online learning - behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism Also liked the section on deeper learning principles
    This link provided clear and organized information that we can use to organize the content and types of our course activities. It added another layer of information to what was already provided by the course. It seems to prove that when you read about the same topic but coming from different sources, the learning process is facilitated. Obviously, it takes more time but unless I'm sure of what I'm doing I like to prepare myself before jumping in to our own activities. Are you guys experiencing difficulties getting started on the DIY activities? I am taking forever...! But, in the end, I know that the acquired knowledge acquired by doing the project will prove to be more satisfactory and productive than just reading about it...Thanks to everyone who posted these links!

Blended learning definition by Clayton Christensen Institute - 4 views

    This definition says that blended learning is about combining online learning with traditional schools to create an integrated learning experience, with some students' control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of their learning.
James Kerr

Blended Learning: 10 Trends Infographic - 1 views

    A new infographic, released by DreamBox Learning, "Blended Learning: 10 Trends," gives a snapshot on how right now, making student Learning is more personalized, more engaging, and more collaborative is what's driving innovation. DreamBox Learning is a Getting Smart Advocacy Partner. This infographic complements the white paper, " Blended Learning Innovations: 10 Major Trends" released March 20.
James Kerr

It's called blended learning (not blended teaching) for a reason | eSchool News | eSchool News - 6 views

    Is your Learning Management System paradigm teacher- or student-centered? Long-term success depends upon the correct answer. Many educators now accept the need to provide course materials online in a Learning Management System (LMS) or Online Learning Environment (OLE) for blended Learning to occur successfully.

Scaffolding Student Learning: Tips for Getting Started | Faculty Focus - 1 views

    Many of us who teach in higher education do not have a teaching background, nor do we have experience in curriculum development. We know our content areas and are experts in our fields, but structuring learning experiences for students may or may not be our strong suit. We've written a syllabus (or were handed one to use) and have developed some pretty impressive assessments, projects, and papers in order to evaluate our students' progress through the content. Sometimes we discover that students either don't perform well on the learning experiences we've designed or they experience a great deal of frustration with what they consider high stakes assignments. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) proposes that it's important to determine the area (zone) between what a student can accomplish unaided and what that same student can accomplish with assistance.
    Many of us who teach in higher education do not have a teaching background, nor do we have experience in curriculum development. We know our content areas and are experts in our fields, but structuring learning experiences for students may or may not be our strong suit. We've written a syllabus (or were handed one to use) and have developed some pretty impressive assessments, projects, and papers in order to evaluate our students' progress through the content. Sometimes we discover that students either don't perform well on the learning experiences we've designed or they experience a great deal of frustration with what they consider high stakes assignments. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) proposes that it's important to determine the area (zone) between what a student can accomplish unaided and what that same student can accomplish with assistance.

Blended Learning Course Design Mistakes to Avoid - 1 views

    Blended learning course design entails more than simply converting content for online delivery or finding ways to supplement an existing face-to-face course. Ideally, designing a blended course would begin with identifying learning outcomes and topics, creating assignments and activities, determining how interaction will occur, and selecting the technologies to best achieve those learning outcomes.
Sergey Yershikov

'Blended learning' as an effective teaching and learning strategy in clinical medicine: a comparative cross-sectional university-based study - 0 views

    Blended learning was statistically significantly better than traditional learning in all domains of the educational environment, except for social perception, and in all types of examination: written, objective structured clinical and case scenarios.
Dagmar Machutta

The Basics of Blended Learning - YouTube - 1 views

    "Learn about Education Elements and high level concepts of blended learning."
William Buchanan

Using Blended Content with Team Based Learning for Clinical Education - 2 views

I changed my teaching from traditional lecture to team based learning after seeing a class using TBL. I was impressed that this would be a better way to teach. I try to have most of the content a...

blendkit2014 education clinical blended learning team based learning

started by William Buchanan on 27 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Amy Roche

Creating Learning Objectives - Flipped Classroom Style (But Applicable to Blended Courses Too!) - 6 views

    A majority of the time when hybrid/blended learning courses are created, they also incorporate a "flipped classroom" approach. This approach includes having online lectures done outside of the classroom prior to class and using in-class time for active hands-on application that extends learning. To help clarify what is expected prior to class and what is expected after the face-to-face session having separate objectives as stated in this article is a good best practice.

NACOL Blended Learning: The Convergence of Online and Face-to-Face ... - 3 views

    Article by NACOL about Blended Learning. Includes case studies of several US K-12 blended schools. Lessons learned (p. 15) and Looking Ahead (pp. 16-17) worth reading and reflecting upon.
Rob Straby

Tony Bates Blog about Online Learning - 2 views

    Tony Bates is a leading Canadian researcher and writes in the online learning field. I highly recommend subscribing to his Blog for weekly insights. He is currently writing a new text that will be open and online. Tony writes about online learning in general, however, he also writes regular posts on blended learning, see for example:
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