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Kelli Montgomery

Focus On Effectiveness | NETC - 0 views

    Are you looking for practical ways to improve student achievement? Strengthen teaching and learning processes with research-based instructional strategies combined with effective technology use. Twelve core strategies link to 30 classroom examples that show how to apply key research, using technology to engage learners and improve achievement.
Randy Rodgers

AllThingsPLC - Research, education tools and blog for building a professional learning community - 0 views

    "This site was created to serve as a collaborative, objective resource for educators and administrators who are committed to enhancing student achievement. We invite you to share your knowledge, ask questions, and get expert insight into the issues teachers face each day in the classroom." Includes blog, resources, information and statistics on networks and their effectiveness.
Randy Rodgers

Educational Games, Worksheets & Homework Help for Kids, Parents and Teachers | Game Classroom - 0 views

    Games for grades k-6. "We've thoroughly searched the web for engaging and educational games for kids, and we've collaborated with top educators to ensure that all of our games are age-appropriate, relevant and compliant with academic standards. Our team of educators has also created a vast library of "Homework Help" as an additional resource for students, teachers and parents."
Randy Rodgers

Record & Share your Ideas | - 0 views

    Record video and share alongside slideshows online. 3 free presentations/month.
Randy Rodgers

APPitic - 1,300+ EDUapps - 0 views

    Edcuation apps collection
Randy Rodgers

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Business | - 0 views

  • And yet the dominant model of public education is still fundamentally rooted in the industrial revolution that spawned it, when workplaces valued punctuality, regularity, attention, and silence above all else.
  • Decentralized systems have proven to be more productive and agile than rigid, top-down ones
  • In 1970 the top three skills required by the Fortune 500 were the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. In 1999 the top three skills in demand were teamwork, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • We don’t openly profess those values nowadays, but our educational system—which routinely tests kids on their ability to recall information and demonstrate mastery of a narrow set of skills—doubles down on the view that students are material to be processed, programmed, and quality-tested. School administrators prepare curriculum standards and “pacing guides” that tell teachers what to teach each day. Legions of managers supervise everything that happens in the classroom; in 2010 only 50 percent of public school staff members in the US were teachers.
  • Teachers provide prompts, not answers, and then they step aside
  • There will be no teachers, curriculum, or separation into age groups—just six or so computers and a woman to look after the kids’ safety. His defining principle: “The children are completely in charge.”
  • “schools in the cloud,”
  • as the kids blasted through the questions, they couldn’t help noticing that it felt easy, as if they were being asked to do something very basic.
    Must. Read. Such a valuable lesson and another example of how we are doing it wrong.
Randy Rodgers

HootCourse - 0 views

    Create Twitter and Facebook connected networks for courses. Messages can be publicly or privately displayed.
Randy Rodgers

TodaysMeet - 1 views

    Site lets users create a discussion page and update visitor input in real time. Nice way to gather questions, ideas, etc. from group.
Randy Rodgers

Obama calling for more schooling --either more hours or more days. - Lynn Sweet - 0 views

  • economic progress and educational achievement have always gone hand in hand in America.
  • The source of America's prosperity, then, has never been merely how ably we accumulate wealth, but how well we educate our people. This has never been more true than it is today. In a 21st century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there's an internet connection; where a child born in Dallas is competing with children in Delhi; where your best job qualification is not what you do, but what you know - education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it is a prerequisite.
  • of the thirty fastest growing occupations in America, half require a Bachelor's degree or more. By 2016, four out of every ten new jobs will require at least some advanced education or training.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • politics and ideology have too often trumped our progress.
  • Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with your precious tax dollars. It's not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.
  • the first pillar in reforming our schools - investing in early childhood initiatives.
  • Early Learning Challenge Gran
  • better standards and assessments
  • They are spending less time teaching things that don't matter, and more time teaching things that do
  • challenge our states to adopt world-class standards that will bring our curriculums into the 21st century.
  • develop standards and assessments that don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking, entrepreneurship and creativity.
  • money is tied to results
    • Randy Rodgers
      Research doesn't support the idea that money=successful schools, unfortunately.
  • using data to track how much progress a student is making and where that student is struggling
    • Randy Rodgers
      Individualization--good plan
  • third pillar of reform -- recruiting, preparing, and rewarding outstanding teachers.
  • I am calling on a new generation of Americans to step forward and serve our country in our classrooms. If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make the most of your talents and dedication; if you want to make your mark with a legacy that will endure - join the teaching profession. America needs you.
  • extra pay to Americans who teach math and science
  • if a teacher is given a chance but still does not improve, there is no excuse for that person to continue teaching
  • fourth part of America's education strategy - promoting innovation and excellence in America's schools.
  • I call on states to reform their charter rules, and lift caps on the number of allowable charter schools,
  • We can no longer afford an academic calendar designed when America was a nation of farmers who needed their children at home plowing the land at the end of each day.
  • expand effective after-school programs
  • rethink the school day to incorporate more time - whether during the summer or through expanded-day programs
  • let us all make turning around our schools our collective responsibility as Americans. That will require new investments in innovative ideas. That is why my budget invests in developing new strategies to make sure at-risk students don't give up on their education; new efforts to give dropouts who want to return to school the help they need to graduate; and new ways to put those young men and women who have left school back on a pathway to graduation.
  • The fifth part of America's education strategy is providing every American with a quality higher education - whether it's college or technical training.
  • simplify federal college assistance forms
  • the goal of having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by the year 2020.
  • Adults of all ages need opportunities to earn new degrees and skills
  • bottom line is that no government policies will make any difference unless we also hold ourselves more accountable as parents.
    President Obama's first address on educational reform.
Randy Rodgers

Main Page - Web 2.0 That Works: Marzano & Web 2.0 - 0 views

    Wiki with materials linking Marzano and Web 2.0 tools.
Randy Rodgers

QuizEgg - Online Quiz Maker for Educators - 0 views

    Create online quizzes in multiple choice, true/false, multiple response, fill in the blank, word list, and essay formats. They are graded automatically, and reports instantly available on student results.
Randy Rodgers - Blogs for Teachers and Students - 0 views

    Student blogs requiring no email for account setup. Blogs can be private or semi-private (password controlled), and teacher and/or tech admin has complete control.
Randy Rodgers

Skype in the classroom (beta) | Skype Education - 1 views

shared by Randy Rodgers on 17 Feb 11 - No Cached
    Skype's global education community. Invite other classes to participate in projects or join existing ones.
Randy Rodgers

Realtime Behavior Management Software - ClassDojo - 0 views

    Online tool for tracking student behavior with simple points system, cute avatars for students. Think assertive discipline.
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