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Garrett Eastman

Educational Video Game Design Based on Educational Playability: A Comprehensive and Int... - 0 views

    Abstract: "Design techniques can have an important effect on how video games teach and players learn. The ability to harness these techniques in the design of educational video game can impact the motivation and engagement of playing and learning by creating more options for players to connect with game content as well as to other players. This article focuses on the design phase of the game development process and highlights the role of some techniques that can be used to design a successful educational video game (guidelines and design patterns). These techniques provide information on good practice and form a basis for evaluating the educational video game quality, acting as useful tools for developers to enhance video game playability. To this end, we have presented a set of guidelines and design patterns in order to provide an acceptable level of playability and, in this way, a better player experiences and learning achievement."
Garrett Eastman

Exploring social play in a shared hybrid space enabled by handheld augmented reality - 0 views

    Abstract: "Reality-based interfaces bring new design opportunities to social games. These novel game interfaces, exemplified by Wii, Kinect, and Smart phones, leverage players' existing physics, bodily, environmental, and social skills. Moreover, they enable a shared hybrid physical-digital space in which the players' co-presence can be enhanced by their physical and digital co-location. However, many digital social games occupy players' attention with the digital display and content, reducing their attention spent on one another and limiting the synchronization of actions and emotions among players. How do we design technologies that do not interfere with social play but enhance and innovate it? In this thesis work, I focus on one particular kind of reality-based interfaces, Handheld Augmented Reality (HAR), to extend players' interaction from the small mobile devices to the shared hybrid space around a computationally trackable surface. This thesis explores how to encourage social play with HAR interfaces, which brings in challenges of designing with the affordances and constraints of the HAR interface, understanding the complicated phenomenon of social play, and integrating these understandings in multiplayer HAR game design. Adopting Research-through Design as the overarching research method, I collaborate with multiple teams, design and study three multiplayer HAR game prototypes. I present four main contributions. First, this work yields design artifacts and examples of social games with HAR interfaces. I communicate to the game design and Augmented Reality communities through these prototypes, including BragFish, ARt of Defense, and NerdHerder. Second, I provide empirical findings on social play in a shared hybrid space. Through lab-based user studies, observation, video analysis, interviews, and surveys, I collect and analyze interpersonal play behaviors and emotions in the shared hybrid space enabled by the HAR interface. Third, I adopt and adapt sociologic
Garrett Eastman

Sanctions, Punishment, and Game Design: Designing MMORPGs for Fair Treatment of Players - 0 views

    "paper discusses the question of how game designers can keep their games fair when adding collaborative content and rewards. The paper presents findings from World of Warcraft in-game chat transcripts and data gathered through an online survey that was placed online for approximately 9 months during 2010. From the chat transcripts, we find that players sometimes do abuse mechanisms for collaborative content, which displeases the other players involved. We also find that players believe that there needs to be some kind of sanctioning mechanism to players that abuse grouping mechanisms. Finally we present suggestions to game designers on how to create sanctioning mechanisms based on human cooperation research."
Garrett Eastman

Target Selection for AI Companions in FPS Games - 0 views

    Abstract: "Non-player Characters (NPCs) that accompany the player en- able a single player to participate in team-based experiences, improving immersion and allowing for more complex game- play. In this context, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) teammate should make good combat decisions, supporting the player and optimizing combat resolution. Here we investigate the target selection problem, which consists of picking the op- timal enemy as a target in a modern war game. We look at how the companion's different strategies can influence the outcome of combat, and by analyzing a variety of non-trivial First Person Shooter (FPS) scenarios show that a mathemat- ically simple approach significantly improves over common strategies typically found in games, and can achieve results similar to much more expensive look-up tree approaches. This work has applications in practical game design, show- ing that simple, computationally efficient target selection can make an excellent target selection heuristic"
Garrett Eastman

Virtual Cinematography in Games: Investigating the Impact on Player Experience - 0 views

    Abstract: "Cinematography is a key aspect in the development of mod- ern computer games. The quality of the visuals depends, not only on the accuracy of the rendering, but on the way that the scene is presented to the player. Which element should be included in the frame, from which point of view and in which positions are all aspects that have been widely stud- ied in classical cinematography. However, it is still unclear how the principles developed for the lm medium are ap- plicable to an interactive medium such as computer games. This article presents a study, which explores the interplay between cinematography and player experience. The results of the experiment demonstrate the existence of an impact of the cinematographic behaviour of camera on both player's a ect and her in-game behaviour. Furthermore, this impact is dependent on the game mechanics highlighting once more the di erence between classic cinematography and game cin- ematography"
Garrett Eastman

Using Player Profiling to Enhance Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Video Games - 0 views

    "By analyzing the data taken from many different types of gamers through gameplay testing the players linear difficulty graph slope can be found. Once a target slope has been established the difficulty will increase or decrease based on how the player performs; that is, if they are falling too far behind or staying too far ahead of the target curve it will have to readjust again to keep them from getting bored or frustrated."
Garrett Eastman

A Slower Speed of Light - 0 views

    "A Slower Speed of Light is a first-person game prototype in which players navigate a 3D space while picking up orbs that reduce the speed of light in increments. Custom-built, open-source relativistic graphics code allows the speed of light in the game to approach the player's own maximum walking speed. Visual effects of special relativity gradually become apparent to the player, increasing the challenge of gameplay. These effects, rendered in realtime to vertex accuracy, include the Doppler effect (red- and blue-shifting of visible light, and the shifting of infrared and ultraviolet light into the visible spectrum); the searchlight effect (increased brightness in the direction of travel); time dilation (differences in the perceived passage of time from the player and the outside world); Lorentz transformation (warping of space at near-light speeds); and the runtime effect (the ability to see objects as they were in the past, due to the travel time of light). Players can choose to share their mastery and experience of the game through Twitter. A Slower Speed of Light combines accessible gameplay and a fantasy setting with theoretical and computational physics research to deliver an engaging and pedagogically rich experience."
Garrett Eastman

Game AI Revisited - 0 views

    From the abstract: "Traditionally, the tasks associated with game AI revolved around non player character (NPC) behavior at di erent levels of control, varying from navigation and path nding to decision making. Commercial-standard games developed over the last 15 years and current game productions, however, suggest that the traditional challenges of game AI have been well addressed via the use of sophisticated AI approaches, not necessarily following or inspired by advances in academic practices. The marginal penetration of traditional academic game AI methods in industrial productions has been mainly due to the lack of constructive communication between academia and industry in the early days of academic game AI, and the inability of academic game AI to propose methods that would signi cantly advance existing development processes or provide scalable solutions to real world problems. Recently, however, there has been a shift of research focus as the current plethora of AI uses in games is breaking the non-player character AI tradition. A number of those alternative AI uses have already shown a signi cant potential for the design of better games. This paper presents four key game AI research areas that are currently reshaping the research roadmap in the game AI eld and evidently put the game AI term under a new perspective. These game AI agship research areas include the computational modeling of player experience, the procedural generation of content, the mining of player data on massive-scale and the alternative AI research foci for enhancing NPC capabilities."
Garrett Eastman

Player-Created Content In Trials Evolution | - 0 views

    "A video celebrating the 100,000+ items of player-created content that can be found and played in Trials Evolution on Xbox Live Arcade."
Garrett Eastman

Video-game players helping advance genetic research - 0 views

    Web based game Phylo designed by McGill comp sci professor enables players to manipulate sequences involved in genetic diseases
Garrett Eastman

Killing for Girls: Predation Play and Female Empowerment - 0 views

    Abstract: "Predation games--games in which the player is actively encouraged and often required to hunt and kill in order to survive-have historically been the purview of male players. Females, though now much more involved in digital games than before, are generally encouraged to play games that stress traditionally feminine values such as socializing with others, shopping and nurturing. This paper argues that playing games that virtually simulate predation (which is true of most violent videogames) has many benefits for female players. Predation play teaches participants how to survive and excel in stressful, competitive, aggressive environments. To remain in the game, players have to sharpen their wits, learn to face fear, accept challenges and come back from defeat to play again. Negative effects are also discussed."
Garrett Eastman

Player Evolution | Facebook - 1 views

    Live streaming platform coming in October 2011 enabling multi-player gaming and viewing over the web
Garrett Eastman

Scaling Online Collaborative Games to Urban Level - 0 views

    Abstract: "With the growing availability of personal communication devices we are witnessing a tremendous increase in the demand for mobile services based on location and context. Mobile gaming is, of course, following this same trend. Unfortunately, differently from other services, location- and context-based gaming strictly requires near-field communication to interact with nearby players in order to create teams and arenas. Since currently adopted technologies suffer from scalability (Bluetooth) or energy (WiFi) constraints, Opportunistic Networks (ONs) have already been addressed as a viable solution to involve a considerable number of players on a wider area. While massive multiplayer games are commonplace on wired networks, it is not yet clear how player experience is affected by the increased delay and probabilistic message forwarding introduced by a huge population over an ON. In this paper we address this problem by proposing an opportunistic collaborative game, which is meaningful for the category of collaborative puzzle games, and evaluating its playability and scalability by means of simulations on a real city topology."
Garrett Eastman

Movers and Shakers : Conversation and Conflict in a Serious Game for Tablets - 0 views

    Abstract: "Movers and Shakers is a tablet - based serious game that explores how subversive game design can foster meaningful conversational conflict beyond outside the game's digital screens . This two - player strategy puzzle was developed at the Singapore - MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and is used as a research tool to ex plore novel challenges in multi player serious games. The project provides insights into the affordances and challenges of mobile serious games for co - located players."
Garrett Eastman

Supporting Player Diversity: Game Interfaces for People with Disabilities - 0 views

    Abstract: "As a way to support developers , we propose the creation of specialized tools to deal with accessibility. The hypothesis defined was that it is possible to produce tools that coul d reduce the cost and effort needed to adapt games for people with special needs while achi eving a sufficient level of usability and a pleasant player exper ience . Because of the ambitious of the approach , the goal of the project is to explore if it is feasible through preliminary research . T hree experiments were set up to cover and explore different alternatives , given the diversity of player characteristics and game develop ment approaches . In these experiments we targeted t wo different platforms: a desktop game authoring tool oriented to educators , and a mobile game development framework oriented to programmers . In these experiments we used the to ols developed to produce several games that were also tested by end users . While the project focuses on disability, the ideas proposed can be generalized and applied to support optimizing game interfaces for a wide and diverse audience."
Garrett Eastman

Investigating the Solution Space of an Open - Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual F... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The rich interaction space of man y educational games presents a challenge for designers and researchers who strive to help players achieve specific learning outcomes. Giving players a large amount of freedom over how they perform a complex game task makes it difficult to anticipate what t hey will do. In order to ad dress this issue designers must ask : what are students do ing in my game? And does it embody what I intended them to learn? To answer these questions, designers need methods to expose the details of student play. We describe our a pproach for automatic extract ion of conceptu al features from logs of student play sessions within an open educational game utilizing a two - dimensional context - free grammar. We demonstrate how these features can be used to clu s- ter student solutions in the e ducational game RumbleBlocks . U s- ing these clusters , we explore the range of solutions and measure how many students use the designers' envisioned solution . Equipped with this information, designers and researchers can focus redesign efforts to areas in the game where discrepancies exist between the designer s' intention s and player experience s."
Garrett Eastman

Democracy has arrived! A Model for Ethical Decision Making of Players in MMOs - 1 views

    Abstract: "In digital games and virtual worlds, like in other digital media, the structure of the medium, its code, influences the emerging interaction and culture. A deliberate modification of this code to facilitate democratic decision making might thus lead to more meaningful interaction in games. If we see virtual worlds as learning environments this might even help players to understand and question real-world power structures. A way to modify the code of a virtual world is by extending its interface with an add-on that interacts with the application programming interface of the game. In this paper we present the design vision and theoretical framework of a digital tool for ethical decision making that will be implemented in the virtual world World of Warcraft. Its purpose will be to supply players with means to modify the power structure built into the code of this virtual world and to support more ethical and democratic decision making in the game."
Garrett Eastman

ZooU: A Stealth Approach to Social Skills Assessment in Schools - 0 views

    Abstract: "This paper describes the design and evaluation of Zoo U, a novel computer game to assess children's social skills development. Zoo U is an innovative product that combines theory-driven content and customized game mechanics. The game-like play creates the opportunity for stealth assessment, in which dynamic evidence of social skills is collected in real time and players' choices during gameplay provide the needed data. To ensure the development of an engaging and valid game, we utilized an iterative datadriven validation process in which the game was created, tested, revised based on student performance and feedback, and retested until game play was statistically matched to independent ratings of social skills. We first investigated whether the data collected through extensive logging of student actions provided information that could be used to improve the assessment. We found that detailed game logs of socially relevant player behavior combined with external measures of player social skills provided an efficient vector to incrementally improve the accuracy of the embedded assessments. Next, we investigated whether the game performance correlated with teachers' assessments of students' social skills competencies. An evaluation of the final game showed (a) significant correlations between in-game social skills assessments and independently obtained standard psychological assessments of the same students and (b) high levels of engagement and likeability for students. These findings support the use of the interactive and engaging computer game format for the stealth assessment of children's social skills. The created innovative design methodologies should prove useful in the design and improvement of computer games in education."
Garrett Eastman

Mobile adaptive procedural content generation - 0 views

    From the abstract: "In this paper, we propose the integration of two PCG-based approaches (experiencedriven and context-driven PCG) to support the generation of adaptive mobile game levels. We present and discuss the implementation of our approach in an existing game, 7's Wild Ride. Gameplay semantics and player modeling are used to steer a level generator, featuring a time-dependent dynamic diculty adjustment mechanism. From our two user studies, we conclude that (i) context-driven levels are preferable over traditional ones, and (ii) the game can adapt to di erent player types, keeping its gameplay balanced and player satisfaction."
Garrett Eastman

An Overview of Networking Infrastructure for Massively Multiplayer Online Games - 0 views

    From the abstract: "n the last decade the popularity of MMOGs has exploded. Unfortunately, the demand has far outweighed the resources commercial game providers can provide. Many MMOGs are suffering from scalability issues, resulting in game world partitioni ng, service down time and server crashes. The centralized server architecture of most modern day MMOGs is unable to cope with this increase in the number of participating players. Hence, there is a need for a scalable network architecture which can support these large number of players without affecting the overall gaming experience for each player. In this paper, we provide a review on the existing networking infrastructure solutions for MMOGs. This includes description and comparison of different im plementation techniques for the deployment of massive multiplayer on-line games, which work as a client/server and peer-to-peer paradigms. "
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