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Tips for Creating Accurate, Competitive and Profitable Bids - 1 views

Axis Capital Group, Singapore, a company is servicing many Southeast Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Beijing China, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, provides you with tips for creating accurat...

tips for creating accurate competitive and profitable bids axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by celenholt on 20 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

Capitalizing on Construction Equipment Rental Fleets - 6 views

It means you treat them as a capital expense and write them off over a longer period, as against putting them through on the current year p & land adversely affecting profit figures.

axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing Capitalizing on Construction Equipment Rental Fleets


Axis Capital Group Review: Get to know the top marketing tips for excavation contractors - 2 views

    If you are going to systematize a show or you just want to start your business marketing is the key to become successful. It is just a start up company and you don't have any experience but you should take marketing help to establish it properly. There is huge number of consumers who really interested in your products or services therefore; to reach out to them you can take help from marketing. Similar in case of excavation contractor you need to apply marketing. There is huge scope on this field that enables young people to indulge in construction business and earn profit. So, if you are an excavation contractor who want to establish good reputation in this industry can try some tips for marketing. It will help you to make your dreams come true. Whether you belong to huge, reputed companies or not you can use the different strategies of marketing to increase your company's status. Axis Capital Group, based in Singapore, is a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy construction equipment throughout Southeast Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more. Here are few tips for marketing. Take a look: * You need to apply clear, perfect and consistent branding for your services. It helps to enhance your reputation. It is also very important to give a professional and perfect look to your business from each aspect so that it can make a proper identity for your equipment, services and also to your company. If you still do not make a perfect logo for your business or do not use any clip art on your business card then it is the high time that you should contact a professional. There are many such personal that can create visual image that can represent your work and company properly. Warning! You should remember to put the logo on truck

Capital Equipment Definition, Meaning, and Examples - 8 views

A noncapital asset is property that is not a capital asset. The following kinds of property are not capital assets.

capital equipment definition meaning and examples axis group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing


Axis Capital Group shares Hassle Free Construction Tips - 1 views

Axis Capital Group a construction company based in Singapore which branched out to Jakarta, Indonesia, shares some tips on how to construct a hassle-free construction. Plot and Location Th...

Singapore Jakarta news axis capital group shares hassle free construction tips

started by willh00p3r on 05 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Heavy Equipment Safety Warnings - 2 views

Operator Training Safeguarding heavy equipment operators starts with right training. Training should contain formal (classroom-type) instruction, demos by the trainer, practical exercises execut...

Heavy Equipment Safety Warnings axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 12 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

Lease or Loan: Impact on cash flow, on your available credit and on your tax situation - 0 views

Axis Capital Group, Singapore, a company is servicing many Southeast Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Beijing China, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, provides you with vital information on leas...

Lease or Loan axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 19 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

Road Traffic Injury in Focus - 1 views

Traffic is the number one problem in Jakarta. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world so it is understandable that its capital has more than a half of share of its citizens since...

Road Traffic Injury in Focus

started by k3lsiebuck11 on 14 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
Harold Amsterdam

Australia Small Loans- Get Small Loans Aid To Fulfill Your Urgent Expenses - 0 views

Numerous individuals who are searching for an advance don't essentially require a great deal of cash. Whether it is cash to hold you over until you next paycheck or a little credit to help pay off ...

Australia small loans small loans small loans Australia small cash loans short term loans same day loans short term cash advance small cash loans Australia

started by Harold Amsterdam on 09 Jul 15 no follow-up yet

Don't Give Up Your Hopes - 1 views

A business is sanctioned to two vital phases, the profits and losses. One or the other, you show a profit in your business or you fail to benefit. These are the major elements that maintain your bu...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta Kuala Lumpur heavy equipment accident tips

started by cloudreams on 10 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Review: The Industry Today - 1 views

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to identify that the construction industry has experienced noteworthy fluctuations during the past years. Between poor housing markets, a scarci...

Review: The Industry Today axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 26 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints - 1 views

Axis Capital Group, Singapore: How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints The primary factor as you consider rental versus ownership costs, and unless you have fixed ...

Axis Capital Group Singapore How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints

started by willh00p3r on 09 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Government Of Indonesia Sets Slight Increase For BUMNs Spending - Axis Capital Group Si... - 1 views

    Government Of Indonesia Sets Slight Increase For BUMNs Spending Jakarta, Indonesia - The government of Indonesia plans to inject RP 73.08 trillion for 42 state-owned enterprises (BUMNs or Badan Usaha Milik Negara), just above the RP 72.9 trillion budget last year. Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama said during a speech that the city administration hoped to perform better in 2015 than it did last budget year, which percentage-wise saw the lowest in spending and revenue. Only 59% of the 2014 allocated budget was spent last year, causing the slight increase. The budget was far from the RP 82 trillion which Ahok had predicted. This was discussed on a business meeting between the government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives in Jakarta on January 28. In the 2015 State Budget (APBN), the capital injection to BUMNs was budgeted at Rp 5.1 trillion for four state-owned companies. In the 2015 RAPBN-P, the allocation has been increased to Rp 72.9 trillion for 42 BUMNs. The objective is to enable business entities, which represent an arm of the government to realize the vision and mission of the president in building infrastructure. However, many construction companies have complaints if these goals are all materialized. For more information, please visit

Steps to Becoming a Heavy Equipment Repair Technician for Axis Capital Group, Singapore - 0 views

  Axis Capital Group, based in Singapore, is a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy construction equipment throughout Southea...

New D9T Dozer Enhanced Review axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 01 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

What to check before buying new heavy equipment - 1 views

    With the numerous other businesses in Jakarta Indonesia, construction companies are achieving the status each day. It transpires due to its remarkable benefits that assist others to generate big return from it. Construction business like Axis Capital Group, Singapore is the finest program to gross big income and form a sturdy place in the market. At present, coming as a new comer in this line of work and aspire to manage your business profitably, thenceforth it is significant to buy necessary heavy equipment for your site. There are a lot of kinds of heavy machinery that can be advantageous in construction site. On the other hand, there are some features that you must recognize accurately prior to buying the equipment. The most significant point that demands your focus is the specification of the equipment. Every single machine comes with diverse specifications that you must become skilled at so that you can acquit yourself well with your requirement. At this point you could be speculating why the specifications are so vital. Characteristics of the various machines: The features are the most notable thing of a machine. A machine cannot deliver good job without effective features. You need to understand that each machine has various features or else you will be having lots of complaints in the future. Features act as the identity character of a machine. You will have to check different parts and features of any machine that you are going to purchase. In actuality, there are various models of excavator. You will get this item in different sizes and you will get it in various amounts too. To learn more regarding equipment, must understand its specification

2015 Annual Report & Forecast - 1 views

    Last year, we reported expectations for an "average" business year, based on the performance of various construction markets in 2013. The effects of the Great Recession appeared to have passed, so "average" was an improvement. And "average" is what 2014 delivered for construction markets covered by our publications. Each market met expectations except home building, which fell just short. Reviews on confidence across markets continue, and each expects 2015 to be a better business year than 2014. The level of confidence, however, is still cautious. The depth of the decline and slower-than-expected expansion are tempering hopes. Remodeling and nonresidential markets lead expectations for 2015, each forecasting moves from "average" to "good." Frauds are anticipated and easily detected. Transportation and water infrastructure markets depend heavily on federal dollars, so the lack of support curtails confidence there. Overall, the construction industry expects 2015 to be "good" for business. Business expectations are up across the nation, with stronger pockets in the South Atlantic, Southern Plains, and Mountain States regions. Such forecast from Axis Capital Group in Jakarta is the same. Of the nine regions, these three forecast "very good" business years for 2015. Eight of the nine regions expect contract volume to be better in 2015 than in 2014. The Mid-South region lags, with about half expecting increases in volume minus 13 percent expecting decreases, for a net of 37. Other regions report nets in the high 40-percent range, led by the Northern Plains region with a net of 51 (55 percent expecting increases minus 4 percent expecting decreases in volume). Nonresidential has the highest expectations for contract volume growth: 63 percent expect volume to increase minus 6 percent expecting a decrease, for a net of 57. Both infrastructure markets report nets of 30. Tran
    For genuine and Serious inquiry of any form of banking instrument (BG/SBLC/MTN/DLC/LC).Please Contact : Mr. Mahendra Jain,Email Skype ID: Jaindra.bglease

Axis Capital Group Review: Miner with Big Trucks - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - Indonesia is one of the biggest mining industries in the world, both legal and illegal miners have grown their business especially in coals. The country placed 4th in the top 10 coal producers in 2013. The Indonesian coal industry is rather fragmented with only a few big producers and many small players that own coal mines and coal mine concessions (mainly in Sumatra and Kalimantan). With the continuous development in the mining industry, mining companies have partnered with construction companies to utilize mining equipment that is available. This earthmoving and mining equipment section lists equipment that has been designed primarily to move earth and minerals in large earthmoving and mining projects. Some of this equipment finds it place in other applications, however, and the use of bulldozers and articulated trucks on road and highway projects are just a couple of examples. One area of surface mining includes giant machines such as drills, electric shovels and giant draglines, some of which have buckets that are capable of moving 160 cubic yards of material in one scoop. Although somewhat smaller than the electric shovel or especially the giant dragline, the mass excavator also fits here, which is basically a large version of the excavator that is used more for mass excavation than for more limited exaction or trenching. Underground mining equipment is aimed at moving material in a very headroom and space environment. You will notice similarities with some of the surface mining equipment as well as some very specialized pieces developed specifically for the underground mining application. All of this equipment is used with extra warning and precaution. Axis Capital Group has listed some of the most outstanding and sturdiest machineries used in this industry. Articulating Truck An articulated dump truck has hinge between the cab and the dump box, but it is distinct from semi-trailer trucks in that the cab is perm
Harold Amsterdam

Small Loans Australia- Tired Of Your Financial Worries? Set Yourself Free With A Loan! ... - 0 views

    If you are in urgent need of cash to meet your short term cash requirement, small loans Australia gives you multiple benefits. Because the lender does not evaluates or consider your past financial history, so you are free from the worry of carrying pile of bank statements or waiting for long awaited approvals.

Quality Leasing Capital Equipment Company by Axis Capital Group - 1 views

    Axis Capital Group, Singapore is our first company of choice. Our family is into bed and breakfast and when we finally decided to expand to Jakarta Indonesia, since the City is booming on tourism, we immediately contacted Axis. They were actually our partners since day one of the construction of our first business, also bed and breakfast and is located in Southeast Asia as well. This business has yet to give us our machine next month, they are a bit expensive than others but the quality of their machines are tried and tested, you can trust that they would lease you a quality equipment. I never heard of any customers who had issues and complaints against them. I also commend their customer service hotline. I usually get pissed on waiting too long just to talk to real people and not the answering machine but theirs is very customer friendly, no waiting time and no rude and no nothing representatives. I have read some reviews about Axis that I thought were just some part of black propaganda or some unhealthy competition from some envious rivalries. They were unreasonable. When we paid them the amount that they were supposed to get by June 2000, our first transaction with Axis, one of their front desk assistant promised us that we are going to get our equipment within one week and they did deliver in the promised time and even earlier. We did not have to call them several times just to follow-up on or orders in fact we did not even make any call, nothing at all. When I checked the equipment, all the orders were there and in quality condition despite transported from a far land. For the past years that we are close deals with them, we never had any complaint at all. This is one company you should never worry about scams or fraud; they are just as genuine as you want your business to be. I recommend them along with my business name.
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