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Spotting a Good Renting Deal - 1 views

Everybody wishes to have a good equipment renting deal, and maybe you are not excluded from this. The most significant aspects which regulate your quality of the deal are discussed below: High l...

spotting a good renting deal Axis Capital Group Equipment

started by willh00p3r on 15 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Capitalizing on Construction Equipment Rental Fleets - 6 views

It means you treat them as a capital expense and write them off over a longer period, as against putting them through on the current year p & land adversely affecting profit figures.

axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing Capitalizing on Construction Equipment Rental Fleets


Axis Capital Group Review: Telematics May Improve Your Bottom Line - 1 views

Construction equipment has improved so much from its beginnings more than 100 years ago. This is mostly true of technology developments that are intended to provide more important information to e...

Axis Capital Group Review Telematics May Improve Your Bottom Line

started by willh00p3r on 08 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Construction Indonesia 2015 - Upcoming Trade Fairs - 1 views

This coming September 9 - 12 September 2015, Jakarta. Construction Indonesia 2015 is collocated with: A. Electric B. Power & Renewable Energy C. Mining Indonesia Infrastructure d...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta news Construction Indonesia 2015 - Upcoming Trade Fairs

started by willh00p3r on 30 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Grows with Singapore Infrastructure and Construction Industry - 1 views

    Singapore - The infrastructure industry is growing by the minute and not only does it affect the leading cities in Asia like China and India on its growth but developing nations as well such as Indonesia and Singapore. Axis Capital Group, with branches on both countries, has predicted this growth and has leveled with the biggest names in the industry in Singapore. In pursuance of delivering only quality construction equipment, the company also aims to provide Singapore as well as Indonesia with all the assistance it can give for growth. In Singapore alone, construction contracts are predicted to reach between $29 billion to $36 billion this year, given a sustained pipeline of public sector projects. This is according to the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Singapore. This follows an exceptionally strong performance from last year where a total construction demand set a new record of $37 billion, fuelled by a higher volume of institutional and civil engineering construction contracts. According to Global Intelligence, Singapore is the ninth most attractive city for real-estate investors for 2015. Many foreign investors have come to the country in search of greener pastures. However, as many alien nations seek out Singapore's potential, many of the country's wealthy business owners travel abroad for the expansion of their own brands, especially in UK, Australia, America, Japan and in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Nevertheless, the nation's growth remains debatable and has been contested by other reviews. According to Bloomberg Business, Singapore said a global slowdown in the final months of the year will cap full-year economic growth at about 3 percent before an uneven recovery in 2015.The country's main economy remains modest despite the slight increase but many still believes that there is still a bright future ahead for the construction industry. You can also check our company's video here: <a

Axis Capital Group Review : Indonesia Sufficient to Construction Needs - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - With the continuous plan to build infrastructures, the government of Indonesia states that the country has enough provision of local construction materials. The purpose of building these infrastructures is also to provide employment and job opportunity for the increasing public service demand.   Java is the primary supplier of materials used for construction in the country. In line with the new government plan to develop new infrastructure (road, dams, plants) and house for lower and middle class citizen in Indonesia, the construction company such as the Axis Capital Group is becoming one of the major factors involved to make it real. 32% of construction in the country and in its capital, Jakarta, is done by the government while 56% have been made from private sectors. Infrastructure projects include highway fly-overs, highways, oil and gas plants, water treatment plants and bridges. Other projects include factories, supermarket and sports clubs.   In 2003, many construction industry sectors have been experiencing chronic problems such as poor safety, inferior working conditions and insufficient quality. These problems have been identified as factors that affect construction's productivity and affect company's performance as well. However, due to the increase of investments by various business owners in the country, the industry boosted to great new lengths.   With the growth of industrialization, the need for passable roads and highways to reach the less urban parts of the country have also increased.

Axis Capital Group joins Mining Expo 2015 - 1 views

    Axis Capital Group gets its plate full this year with heaps of events to attend to. Before attending in the Concrete Show South East Asia which will be held on the last week of October, Axis will first attend the 17th International Mining and Mineral Recovery exhibition and Conference on the 9th - 17th of September, 2015 at Kamayoran in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ever since the event's launched in 1998, International Mining Expo has been the only trade event that has all the major suppliers and potential customers in one venue. This show has become the key platform for established companies to promote products and equipment in the mining industry. Last year, the exhibition highlighted the huge opportunities that exist in the mining sector in Indonesia. The show comprises two specific trade exhibitions: Mining and Construction Indonesia which has combined total of 26,000 attendees. With 19, 737 industry professionals, 787 exhibitors, 43 countries, 3 international group pavilion participants and 33, 428 sqm. of space, it is truly an affair to look forward to. Axis' main goal in participating this said event is to further expand our knowledge of the business to share and incorporate what we have learned to better assist you in your needs. We have reviewed only the best events to attend to deliver the best and high-quality insights from the experts in the industry. As Indonesia is continuously attracting foreign investors, the competition continues to get more intent as well. Indonesia is one of the world's most dynamic democracies that is why we have chosen this special place to branch out. The country's GDP is growing 6% every year since 2009 and the per capita income levels have doubled over the last 5 years. Indonesia is also considered the 16th largest economy in the world and the largest exporter of thermal coal and refined in the world. 17.3% of Indonesia's vast natural resources including petroleum, gas, tin, nickel, copper, coal,

Steps to Becoming a Heavy Equipment Repair Technician for Axis Capital Group, Singapore - 0 views

&nbsp; Axis Capital Group, based in Singapore, is a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy construction equipment throughout Southea...

New D9T Dozer Enhanced Review axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 01 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

Requirements you need to become a Heavy Equipment Operator - 1 views

Machines are being used by heavy equipment operators when working on transportation projects and constructions. Operators normally must finish a formal training program in order to study exactly h...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Requirements you need to become a Heavy Equipment Operator

started by willh00p3r on 03 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Roaring Indonesia: Property Industry to Grow In 2015 on Rising Middle Class and Infrast... - 1 views

The worldwide house price boom is continuing as property markets outside Asia is growing more rapidly than earlier. Global Property Guide's latest report has unveiled that the housing prices in m...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta tips roaring indonesia property industry to grow in 2015 on rising middle class and infrastructure spending

started by willh00p3r on 29 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Construction Equipment Review: Singapore Leading the Green Wave - 1 views

    The heat is on for the advocacy of a much greener cityscapes and buildings in Singapore. The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) in the country announced that they aim that in 2030, Singapore will be much greener than today with 80% of its building certified to be green. Being "green" doesn't entirely and literally mean buildings will be painted green all over. That is, these buildings and infrastructures will be water and energy efficient, with a high quality and healthy indoor environment, integrated with green spaces and constructed from eco-friendly materials. In Singapore's densely built land area with limited space and few natural resources, pursuing green environment is necessary to sustain. In 2012, the government has started their campaign by building public housing blocks as testing ground for future eco-friendly projects. Over 80% of Singapore's residents live in public housing, called HDBs after the Housing and Development Board that builds them. They put various eco-friendly features in Treelodge@Punggol, as the project is named, that help capitalizing on the wind, enhancing greenery, reducing energy consumption, etcetera, all in one development. However, maintaining eco-friendly building such as this comes at a high price as well. To afford the cost, the government tied up with private sectors to continuously provide the funding. There are currently 1, 700 green buildings in Singapore, making up approximately 21% of the total building stock. It is projected to hit 35% in 2020, according to Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. There is also greater awareness of the benefits and strong business case of green buildings.

Axis Capital Group Singapore: Axis Capital Group Expands Its Business to Jakarta - 1 views

    Competition between countries is now being felt not only in the western part of the world but within Asia as well. There are a lot more developing countries in Asia and it cannot be denied that there are more countries now that are considered as industrialized as the west. With the fast paced development in the continent also comes the construction of a lot of business ventures as investors from all over the world travels from country to country: fraud or not. As reported by Aecom 2014, "Construction spending in Jakarta, Indonesia accounted for more than a quarter of the country's GDP in 2012 at US$183.8 billion. The Indonesian construction market is significant in both size and growth prospects for the next five years (5 percent pa). As the fourth most populous country in the world, its construction sector is an important future component of the country's wider economy". Axis Capital Group can now provide its services and products to Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta which is considered as the fastest pacing country in Asia in terms of infrastructure and construction. With its base in Singapore, the company, now in Jakarta, leases and sells high-quality construction equipment all over Asia since 1999. Their products range wide from cranes to excavators and other similar or related light and heavy construction equipment. The company can provide wide selection of new and used machine units on sale and rental. The equipment delivered is assured to be dependable and cost-effective for the prospective owner or user, especially coming from an asset management company that guarantees delivery of full service to its valued clients. Axis Capital Group carries the impressive line of reputable construction equipment manufacturers which are globally recognized
    For genuine and Serious inquiry of any form of banking instrument (BG/SBLC/MTN/DLC/LC).Please Contact : Mr. Mahendra Jain,Email Skype ID: Jaindra.bglease

New Great Preferences Available for Processing Coastal Vegetation, Vines, Thin Material - 1 views

Axis Capital Group has constantly been in advance when it comes to handling dense, stringy green waste like palms, vines and coastal vegetation. This kind of material can be a dispute to process f...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Kuala Lumpur Jakarta Review

started by willh00p3r on 30 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Features Transportation Equipment - 2 views

Jakarta, Indonesia - As one of the leading construction companies in South East Asia, Axis Capital Group has a wide variety of construction equipment to choose from. We also have special equipme...

features transportation equipment Axis Capital Group reviews Singapore Jakarta Hong Kong

started by willh00p3r on 06 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Hire a General Contractor - 2 views

Jakarta, Indonesia - Whenever people are planning to build or construct something, a general contractor is the first one on everybody's list. General contractors are the "big picture" thinkers. ...

General Contractor Hiring at Axis Capital Group reviews Singapore Jakarta Hong Kong

started by willh00p3r on 13 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Asia Continues To Attract Foreign Market - 7 views

    According to the Asia Construction Outlook 2014 survey, the prospect for both the size and the growth of Asian Construction market remains positive with 92% respondents in agreement. It is expected that the market will continue growing healthier for 50% for the remainder of the year. The survey results in AECOM 2014 indicates that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand stand out as countries which respondents expect to become increasingly attractive to foreign suppliers of construction service. However, comparing to the 2014 survey results with those from the 2013 survey indicate that respondent's views have become more pessimistic regarding long-term market attractiveness in Singapore and India. Indonesia's construction industry has performed well during the Jakarta review period, driven by strong economic activity and high levels of investment. The country, along with Malaysia is said to be the forefront of market growth in the region for the next 12 months. Multinationals have been increasing their footprint in Asia for years as they have moved from selling into the region to also investing here. Asian companies are also being competitive threats outside the region as well, as they set their site on the global dominance. It is never easy to set foot into a developing nation. Aside from the competition that may arise against local businesses, there are also competitors among fellow foreigners, causing a lot of complaints. Indonesia is a key target for infrastructure companies because its nearly 250 million people are increasingly demanding better health care and transportation. In 2012, the government has even imposed a stricter process for foreign investors that plan to start business in the country. On the other hand, in the sudden increase of companies with the same industry, project managers and the public have become ke
  • ...3 more comments...
    The rapid advance of competitors is among the realities forcing some companies to change the way they do business across Asia and emerging markets.
    Asian countries have continued growing in the last decade. It seems that the western continents are lagging out and the east have finally pacing towards big development
    Axis Capital group has built their reputation over time. With years of quality service and reputable equipment, they already have a good name for themselves.
    How come Axis still operates? I know they are a fraud company. No doubt about it.
    There are lots of Asian countries which are close to being able to compete with other western continents. Asian people are hardworking people and very intelligent. Why doubt their capacity to deliver?

Floating Equipment Safety and Inspection Emergency Planning - 2 views

Jakarta, Indonesia - Marine Construction utilized floating vessels in a daily basis. Considering these vessels will generally have everything from cranes to large pile driving equipment to thous...

floating equipment safety and inspection emergency planning Axis Capital Group reviews Singapore Jakarta Hong Kong

started by willh00p3r on 01 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
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