member since 2013-11-15
I'm a 20-something grad student blogging about my experiences with bipolar disorder, EDNOS, and adult-diagnosed autism.
member since 2013-11-15
member since 2013-11-16
Aspie Kent
Professional mid-40's, married father of two, diagnosed with ADD and autism (Asperger's) as an adult.
member since 2013-11-16
member since 2013-11-17
Invisible Autistic
A self-diagnosed autistic's reflection on life in the deep end of the Social Skills swimming pool
member since 2013-11-17
Alana (sleepwakehopeandthen)
Autistic grad student and all about my life (I have a blog!) Also, now I know twitter.
member since 2013-11-18
member since 2013-11-18
Does what it says on the tin - feminism coupled with neurodiversity. Also tends to obsess over Doctor Who and offer people virtual cups of tea.
member since 2013-11-19
Group Members
9 members total, 1 receiving alerts immediately, 5 receiving alerts daily, and 1 receiving alerts weekly.