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Project Foundry® - Project Based Learning Management and Student Portfolio Bu... - 1 views

    Project Foundry is an online learning management and student portfolio system that allows innovative educators to scale authentic, integrated, individualized learning.
Rob Manning

Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures - 0 views

    Five screen capture tools to consider. Now all we need is a free one that allows for easy annotation of video screencasts.
Rene Hahn

Integrating Technology into the Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 4. Seek out Web-based professional development. I am finding that Web-based training is very appealing to classroom teachers simply because there is no time in a school day to learn how to use/integrate technology. In many districts today, planning time has been significantly reduced. This leaves teachers with either early morning, after school, weekend, or Web-based training as the only options for technolgoy professional development. Web-based training, if designed effectively and utilized rich multimedia, gives teachers convenient anytime, anwhere training. In fact, I created a Blackboard course about Blackbord that utilizes interactive streaming flash video. If a teacher wants to learn how to create and and suggestions for integrating a wiki in a Blackboard course, they simply watch a streaming video on how to accomplish this. This, then, allows teachers to apply skills and have complete control over their own learning/training pace. I think more teachers need to inquire/push for Web-based technology professional development to their I.T. departments and administrators; not just be provided with hyperlinks to online tutorials that merely show you how to use educational software.
    Simply a comment from an educator, and their spelling is appalling! However he/she makes a good point about web-based PD.
Rene Hahn

Edutopia Technology Integration - 0 views

  • he technology integration module is meant for use either after completion of the project-based learning module or with participants who are familiar with project-based learning. The module is designed for a two- to three-hour class or session. It can be used in conjunction with trainings of software applications that are used in classroom settings. "We're Here to Raise Kids": Character Development Is Key: Students prepare a day ahead for Ben Franklin Broadcast News by downloading images to be used as backdrops for the credits. Credit: Kathleen Duxbury Part One, Guided Process, is designed to give participants a brief introduction to technology integration. It answers the questions "Why is technology integration important?"; "What is technology integration?"; and "How do you integrate technology into the classroom?" Part Two, Group Participation, guides participants in envisioning technology integration. It asks participants to visit various educational Web sites. The participants are then asked to brainstorm ideas for technology integration garnered from visiting and discussing these sites. The tasks will be accomplished using group collaboration and han
    This article is an excellent summary of why we need to integrate technology into the curriculum.

Education World ® Technology Center: Managing Technology: Tips from the Experts - 0 views

  • Always run through a technology lesson before presenting it to the class -- and always have a back-up lesson prepared in case the technology fails.
  • Type directions for frequently used computer operations -- opening programs, inserting clip art, printing documents, and so on -- on index cards, laminate them, and connect them with a circle ring. Keep a set next to each computer.
  • When working on lengthy technology projects, print out step-by-step instructions. Include some that say "Save your work; do not go any further until you help your neighbors reach this point."
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Appoint classroom technology managers
  • If you're a language arts or foreign language teacher using Microsoft Word, teach your students how to use the Text to Table feature.
  • Turn your classroom into a museum. After a lesson using presentation software, allow students to walk around the room and view everyone else's work
  • Post a list of all your rules for technology use in a visible place
  • Attach plastic hooks to monitors to hang headphones on when they're not being used.
  • Type PLEASE WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS on 8½ by 11 papers, laminate them, and tape one sheet to the top of every monitor
  • Have students turn off their monitors when you're giving directions.
  • When working in a computer lab, assign each student a computer.
  • Have each student keep a Tech Folder for storing ongoing technology projects
  • When students are working on small group technology projects on classroom computers, divide the tasks so some students are working on the computers while others are working at their desks on another part of the project
  • Provide a sign-up sheet for the computers. When one group is finished using the computers, they must notify the next group that it's their turn.
  • Set up teams of computer helpers,
  • Never assume you know it all! Offer a free pencil to any student who teaches you something you didn't know.
    effective tech management techniques
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