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Zombie Town Proposal | AU COMM Studies - 2 views

    • Chad Harriss
      The steps you have here a do a pretty good job of planning your process. You might also want to consider creating a draft of these sentences to recruit to your project. For example, distinguish between the plan and the description of the plan.
    • Chad Harriss
      Think about how and why you are using Lost Zombies. Spend a little time describing that too.
    • Chad Harriss
      One social media strategy that might be useful is the flash mob idea. I have a book you can reference for this concept if you like. Of course, flash mobs can also be risky since there is no guarantee of participation.
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    • Chad Harriss
      Be more specific about how.
    • Chad Harriss
      What is the purpose for you? Expand your ideas here. If you say this well it can become your pitch.
    • Chad Harriss
      The second draft I suggested above should capture the pitch you construct in your five sentences. In short, the reader of this proposal should get excited about your idea. What you have created so far is a fairly solid plan of action, and that is absolutely necessary for success in this area. Now try to really capture your idea in a five sentence pitch that will make others want to take part in your idea.

Personal Project Proposal « whatsamariah - 2 views

    • Chad Harriss
      This expression of your goal is solid and clear. It plainly states what you hope to do and how you hope to do it.
    • Chad Harriss
      One addition that I might make is to include a link to an example of how a collaborative blog might work. For example, link to the Professor Hacker article I shared with you.
    • Chad Harriss
      Why not provide the reader some links to these models here?
    • Chad Harriss
      Narrow this audience more. You're concept is really tied to a more specific group of college-aged people.
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    • Chad Harriss
      This is good. You might be able to polish this just a bit. Think about how your passion can inspire your recruitment of others. Try to choose words that will both embody your passion and be accessible to your readers. You're very close to this already.
    • Chad Harriss
      You've really captured the idea of the 5 Sentence steps. Your sentences stand on their on merit and your descriptions only reinforce your ideas. I think the area for the greatest improvement is in Step #4. The blog will not do this alone. Think about other avenues that can be used to spread your idea. In other words, integrate other forms of media into your idea, or at least open the door to this in your proposal.

Griffin Taylor Drumbeat Parts 1&2 | AU COMM Studies - 0 views

    • Chad Harriss
      Bringing the 5 Steps content to this blog in this way is a copyright violation. You can bring this content here legally by simply linking to it.
    • Chad Harriss
      This anecdote is useful in contextualizing your idea. The big idea here is clear. I might suggest tightening up the language just a bit but you are on the right track.
    • Chad Harriss
      The key at this step is to analyze what others are doing. Learn from their successes and failures. Emulate or adapt the former and avoid the latter. It might be useful to even offer some links so the reader can see how your idea is different. Moreover, if you can find certain streams of information to cull ideas from or to participate in conversations with, then it will only help your idea spread. Take a look at some of Henry Jenkins' work on the concept of spreadability.
    • Chad Harriss
      BTW, your idea of spreading this idea into a network of universities is similar to the idea of a wire service. You may want to look at that structure for some ideas.
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    • Chad Harriss
      BTW, if you and Derek (and even potentially Joe) choose to combine efforts then make sure you work together to create a single proposal.
    • Chad Harriss
      You have a couple of audiences worth considering and you may need to communicate with those audiences differently. For example, you will need to recruit contributors a bit differently than readers. Try to define both fully and completely. You also may need to divide those two audiences into smaller segments (i.e. students, alum etc.) 
    • Chad Harriss
      This section also highlights that potential employers for your student writers are also worth considering.
    • Chad Harriss
      Revise this to really sell your idea. Use these sections as an opportunity to really make others want to participate in your project. Orient your words around your idea more than around you.
    • Chad Harriss
      Punch up these sentences. This list of rather dry phrases does an excellent job of planning the process, but a not so excellent job of selling the idea. It might be good to keep both levels because they are both useful, but your public face needs to be a bit different. I expect that changes to your five core sentences will also dictate changes to the descriptions below.
    • Chad Harriss
      While learning HTML, Java, Flash etc. may eventually be necessary, you might be able to simplify things a bit for your prototype. Think about other tools you might use. I recommend that you take a look at Storify in combination with a blog to see if this might help. It may not but it's worth exploring.
    • Chad Harriss
      What you have described is a bit different than uploading content. Also, make sure you are a familiar with copyright if part of your plan involves borrowing content from other places.
    • Chad Harriss
      Check out cmap tools
    • Chad Harriss
      or Xmind.

Personal Project Proposal | frankdelia - 4 views

    • Chad Harriss
      This goal seems doable, but I'm a little curious about why you have this goal? If you are able to personalize your goal a bit then it will help. Also, it becomes clearer in (B) what your proposing. Is there a way to integrate this info into (A). Overall, you need to be more clear about what this project is. You suggested to me in the past that you want to become an aggregator of information within a specific topic area. If this is your goal, then what already exists needs to include some sources that you will pull from. It might also include what channels you might use to promote yourself as an aggregator/expert in this area by sharing this material with others.
    • Chad Harriss
      The hard part with this audience is figuring out how to reach them. One of the challenges associated with younger audiences is fragmentation.  I like the notion of targeting high school coaches. I wonder if there are already channels that these guys are plugged into?
    • Chad Harriss
      Remind me and I will show you how to use Diigo to save bookmarks and share those bookmarks directly on your blog. 
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    • Chad Harriss
      Punch this up a bit. If you better identify your goal then these sentences will come more naturally. You should also build in a social media campaign to promote and distribute the information you collect. Also think about the organization of these sentences. #5 may your most important sentence yet it's buried at the end. Sometimes chronology works to a disadvantage and thoughts should instead be organized around importance.
    • Chad Harriss
      If organization of information is one of your selling points, then you need to begin working on developing your system.
    • Chad Harriss
      It would also be handy if you could create a way for these folks to communicate with one another. Think about what's out there what technologies you could use.
    • Chad Harriss
      How will users contribute ideas? 
    • Chad Harriss
      How will it survive? 
    • Chad Harriss
      See Shirky for some ideas here. What does he say needs to be present for people to join in reaching a goal?
    • gibbs119
      Hey Frank, You might even want to consider making a wiki and sending people the link and branching out that way. It can help make it more organized as well.. ie. categorizing suppliments, training, goals and schedules, etc..

Drumbeat for Personal Project- Eli Rios III | AU COMM Studies - 0 views

    • Chad Harriss
      I think you can expand this idea a bit. Is Ultimate only about throwing skills? How will keep content fresh? Is there a way to make this concept more social so that users keep the content fresh?
    • Eli Rios III
      I thought being highly specific on the nature of the forum would help centralize information and generate more ideas and followers. By expanding the idea to allow for more concepts, I think the website can be more multi-faceted in its approach to engaging its audience.
    • Chad Harriss
      Having a video uploading component addresses some level of what i mentioned above, but there might be other things you can do as well. Didn't you tell me that Meetups are common in other places? Is this a component you could integrate into your concept?
    • Chad Harriss
      Okay, but now define the "Ultimate" audience. Where else can you find these people? Are there pre-existing communities you can tap in to?
    • Eli Rios III
      I agree, I should a lot more specific in how I communicate this audience. In order to create a more successful drumbeat, I should specify my audience so that it is a portrayal of authenticity.
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    • Chad Harriss
      Your responses to the question posed in the notes above may also allow you to refine your response here. The key thing you can do is become a bit more specific about defining your audience.
    • Chad Harriss
      In short, I'm suggesting that you broaden your goal and more concisely define your audience.
    • Eli Rios III
      Yeah, starting to realize throughout my whole proposal that I was too concise in the nature of my project and used sweeping generalizations to define my audience. Looking back, I think I need some tinkering in what way these two aspects should unite.
    • Chad Harriss
      This should be your project's story. This is your opportunity to pitch the idea. Pretend we are considering giving you funds to put this together. Make us believe that your idea is worth funding.
    • Chad Harriss
      This step is also the framework for your process. The first three sentences you've offered do not really address your project directly. Aren't your goals more in categories like promotion, education, community building etc. Also, think about the verbs in the sentences that you right. Whatever you propose needs to be active and assessable.

Drumbeat Prop. (cooking show) - Google Docs - 2 views

    • Chad Harriss
      In the future, I'd like all project work to be presented in the blog. The Diigo sticky notes work awkwardly in Diigo. This is not your error, but it's a change I want to make for feedback purposes.
    • Chad Harriss
      Rework this to explain your personal goal. Is the show really your goal, or is it the acquisition of certain skills? Use the drumbeat process to really dig into your project. It should be more than basic description.
    • Chad Harriss
      Comment applies to 1a.
    • Chad Harriss
      1b: Use your evaluation of what exists to inform your project. How are these programs created? What stylistic elements exist? What audiences are sought?  Also, are there communities devoted to this topic that already exist? Can you add your voice to that existing community instead of creating a new community?
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    • Chad Harriss
      1c: You might have a solid idea here. How do college students cook differently than other audiences? Is there a way to tailor your approach to this specific audience in order to offer something that does not exist? Do college students, particularly in dorms, have access to different equipment? Can you make these differences a signature for your program?
    • Chad Harriss
      1d & 1e: Rework these. Try to use 1d and 1e to sell your idea to audience members and people who might fund your project.
    • Chad Harriss
      Section 2: Use the five sentences to really summarize your project for your audience and collaborators. See the examples provided on the Drumbeat blog entry. Don't bury your lead. The third sentence is really heart of your project. Lead with that one, then build out of that sentence to explain your project. You, like some other folks doing video projects, might want to consider doing this step twice. One time should focus on your process and production planning. The other should focus on selling your idea in a way that might be presented on a one or two page flyer. If you punch up this section, then you'll have something to show folks and encourage them to help. It seems like you still have a long way to go with your project and you'll need some hands along the way.  Some folks working with video might even want to consider combining efforts so you can learn from one another. The production skills are the same regardless of the content so if your primary goal is to acquire these skills then figure out a way to make this manageable.

The Chalkboard: How Teachers Use Technology - Education - GOOD - 1 views

    Infographic: how teachers use technology in the classroom

From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned - 1 views

    From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned:

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: The Long Story about the Short Medium: Twitter as a ... - 1 views

    The Long Story about the Short Medium: Twitter as a Communication Medium in Historical, Present, and Future Con...

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources - 0 views

    Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources: list of digital storytelling resources and tools.

Jimmy Wales on Collaboration - 0 views

    My video interviw w/ Jimmy Wales abt collaboration skills

Want to Reach Students? Let Them Build Stuff - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Edu... - 0 views

    New post by @jbj: "Want to Reach Students? Let Them Build Stuff"

FYE Proposal -Mariah, Derek, Frank, and Griffin | AU COMM Studies - 2 views

    • Chad Harriss
      You guys need to look a bit better. A quick search using the terms "blogging" and "first year experience" turned up this site: There are also some other links I did not dig through.
    • Chad Harriss
      You don't have to literally respond to each question under the sub-heading. You will express yourself more directly if you use those questions to guide your blurb rather than confine your blurb.
    • Chad Harriss
      There are other groups to consider. For example, would a connection with the Writing Center make sense? How about the libraries? If you refine your goal, then the audiences may become a bit more clear too.
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    • Chad Harriss
      Tell us why you chose your approach rather than why you chose the project.
    • Chad Harriss
      This is an excellent start. If you really think through your project then I think you might even be able to create a bullet list things that students can develop in this environment. BTW, if you guys like this form of feedback (Diigo groups), then you might even integrate this technology into your proposal.
    • Chad Harriss
      The content is here, but work on the delivery of that content just a bit. How would you react as a student if you were presented with what you have written? In essence, I'm suggesting that you look at the tone more than the content of your statements. A tonal change may also dictate changes to your descriptions below.

Broadcastr Beta - 0 views

    Podcast community.

The Bucket List Proposal | AU COMM Studies - 1 views

    • Chad Harriss
      Is Devlin's proposal available in any sort of written form? If so, then can it be linked to this post so readers can see it?
    • Chad Harriss
      Rework the last sentence in paragraph 3. It's a bit clunky.
    • Chad Harriss
      You need to be making some decisions about which social media form(s) and including that information here.
    • Chad Harriss
      You need to describe what the Bucket List is and do so using clear and direct language. Make your reader care about this project early. You can condense this first section quite a bit and still describe your project more clearly.
    • Chad Harriss
      In short, tighten this section up and be more specific about the plan. The plan is great, but it's not coming across on paper.
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • Chad Harriss
      NOTE TO THE CLASS: Across the board, the "5 Sentence" sections need to be punched up. Try not only to describe your project in five sentences, but also try to sell that project in the process.
    • Chad Harriss
      These are good ideas. Bring this information to the first section of your proposal.
    • Chad Harriss
      Possibly rework this step in a way that focuses on defining your concept. 
    • Chad Harriss
      It could also be promoted to future students. Think about your audiences more fully and define them all. Pluralizing the audience is generally preferable to singularizing the audience. Who else might be interested beyond students? Is this a project that might be used to define AU and its student body? If so, then how?  Think big!
    • Chad Harriss
      Do you want to collect it, or do you want to create a way that the students collect it themselves as it is entered? See if there is a way to streamline this process. It might be as simple as SurveyMonkey. Find examples of similar processes and repeat what succeeded in those projects.
    • Chad Harriss
      End with more punch! Really sell your idea with this final sentence. Tell us why it matters in the headline. The description does a better job of doing this than the headline.
    • Chad Harriss
      I agree with this sentiment, but on the same token letting loose of the reins might also create a self-moderated community. For example, I could see using a technology like IdeaScale. The ideas can be submitted then voted up or down. If the larger project begins with FYE classes, then the initial list can be more controlled because the info that is collected is done so in a class setting where decorum tends to be a different. In the end, think through the ways this plan could be designed and launched.
    • Chad Harriss
      If you sketch out your idea, then some of the missing components might become more apparent.

dechevarria1 - 1 views

    • Chad Harriss
      Is there a way that you might envision this space as a communal location? In other words, how might you get experts in the field to contribute to your growth? The blog is a good start, but how will you drive traffic to it? What will that traffic be encouraged to do once they are there?
    • Chad Harriss
      It might also work for you if you simply find more pre-existing communities and figure out a way to become part of one or more. In other words, don't underestimate the importance of creating a personal brand for yourself if you hope to pursue this career.
    • Chad Harriss
      Provide the reader with a link to that website so we can see it. I might also recommend finding others doing something similar to what you have proposed. Evaluate what these guys are doing. Also, aren't you and Griffin combining efforts? If so, then rework your proposal as a combined proposal. As I mentioned, I might also talk to Joe since he's doing something similar to you guys if I am not mistaken.
    • Chad Harriss
      Think about all potential audiences and define them more specifically. The more fully your definition of your audience is the better sense you will have of how to reach that audience. Different audiences may require different strategies. I think the sports agent audience can certainly be one, but there are others. Tailor your content in such a way that you can generate awareness of and interest in your efforts.
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    • Chad Harriss
      D & E can both be used to really pitch your idea. Think through these questions more carefully. Think of this in the same way that you might apply for a job. This is your opportunity to sell yourself. Would you buy into you based on your responses?
    • Chad Harriss
      Take a look at some of the example Drumbeat proposals in the Drumbeat blog. Punching up the content in section #2 will help. I think your ultimate goal is to advance yourself in respect to eventually becoming a sports agent. There are a lot of ways to accomplish that goal using social media and web-based media. Think through all of the technologies that we've experienced. What do you need to do to achieve your goal? What technologies can be used to advance that goal? For example, this occupation will eventually require a law degree with a focus on contract law. Can you begin learning the basics now? How can social media help you collect, organize, and retrieve what you have learned or hope to learn. I am not suggesting that you change the project entirely, but based on your goal you ought to think carefully about what will be the best use of the technologies we've discussed for your purposes. Is the blog it?
    • Chad Harriss
      Excellent graphic. Take a look at your process. What can you replace blog with or add to blog to help you achieve your goal.

Drumbeat steps to my personal project. « MV's blog. - 0 views

    • Chad Harriss
      Is there a way to present this idea so it has a chance to continue after you graduate? 
    • Chad Harriss
      Didn't you also join AUTV to tackle this project? Are there examples of this idea being executed at other campuses? If so, what can you learn from them? I can also offer to help you breakdown the footage in the examples you find. Learning to deconstruct can help you learn to construct. This will help you identify all of the components in a news package.
    • Chad Harriss
      There are additional audiences that you are overlooking. I might even suggest that current students should not be your primary audience. Who else would be interested in seeing your creation? 
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    • Chad Harriss
      See the examples provided in the Drumbeat post. Notice the way it is structured like a pitch. For example, does your first sentence make you want to participate? If not, then rework it so it does. Give this sort of attention to all of the sentences. 
    • Chad Harriss
      BTW, as you rework these sentences the section that follows will also need to be reworked as a result. The core of what you want to say is here, but it all needs to be punched up some.
    • Chad Harriss
      How will you recruit? Dig into the process in a bit more detail.
    • Chad Harriss
      If you plan more fully, then you'll have a better idea of who you need to recruit and what you will need them to do.
    • Chad Harriss
      There is a lot more to unpack in the step. You need to plan for the pre-production, production, and post-production steps. I can share a rubric from my video production class if it helps.
    • Chad Harriss
      Here's where you need to leave behind a process that others can pick up and continue in the future. If you do this, then you have the chance to leave something of yourself behind after you graduate.
    • Chad Harriss
      What else do you need in this studio? Think about lighting, sound, teleprompters, costuming, make-up etc.

Personal Project Drumbeat - Matthew German « matt's blog - 1 views

    • Chad Harriss
      One of the other things you are going to need to do is manage your own social media presence. Nothing will sell this service more than demonstrated success. The question how do you want to do this?
    • Chad Harriss
      This is a pretty good list of what you need to analyzing. How will you collect the data that you need? In other words, when you are analyzing your competition what will you look for? Also, what sources exist that can help you stay two steps ahead? Identify those sources. For example, how might you use Twitter for this purpose?
    • Chad Harriss
      Eventually, you may want to consider identifying niche audiences. For example, restaurants might need something different that comic book stores. What I am getting at is that the promotional efforts need to be directed (identify type of business, size of business, location of business, or some combination of these factors). I might also suggest that you think about making your concept flexible enough so that the customers do not need to be geographically close by.  How are you gonna reach out to your potential customers? 
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    • Chad Harriss
      Don't underestimate your idea. There are lots of ways that your idea could make the world a better place. If you can answer this question well, then this can help form your sales pitch.
    • Chad Harriss
      Use these five sentences to clearly explain the importance of having a social media plan. Don't tell them what they don't understand help them understand it.
    • Chad Harriss
      Think of this step like the outcomes that you have read for our Gen Ed proposal. These five sentences are your objectives or outcomes. The next section involves explaining why these outcomes are important, how you will achieve those goals, and how you will measure your success. If you rethink your response here, then this will necessarily change everything after that.
    • Chad Harriss
      This sentence has little to do with your plan. 
    • Chad Harriss
      Have you used iThoughts on the iPad or Cmap Tools on the laptop? You might be able to use these techs or Prezi to improve this graphic.
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