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Group Members

123 members total, 5 receiving alerts immediately, 59 receiving alerts daily, and 27 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • thinkahol *

    thinkahol *

    information addict

    shared 30 items

    member since 2010-05-13

  • Jack Frost

    Jack Frost

    Finally free thinking with a deep appreciation for truth, beauty, and goodness -- which I find through logic, reason, and evidence. Curious about the big question we don't like to deal with, a little less than concerned about hurt feelings along the way. Awestruck by the cosmos, nature, the mac...

    shared 15 items

    member since 2010-04-11

  • shared 15 items

    member since 2007-09-13

  • shared 10 items

    member since 2009-03-23

  • Jaakko Wallenius

    Jaakko Wallenius

    New information has always been the best entertainment for me. My everlasting love of historý started at the elementary school at tender age of nine, when I read The 600 pages of Pocket World History, admittedly skipping the dull parts about culture... I have studied history, political history, po...

    shared 10 items

    member since 2009-04-16

  • Susan Thur

    Susan Thur

    About me: I love to Travel.I met a lot of people in Europe.I even encountered myself. ~James Baldwin Interests:CREATION-creating something, either through--- writing, home decor, cooking, crafting, gardening or film.

    shared 6 items

    member since 2010-04-15

  • shared 6 items

    member since 2008-03-21

  • Bakari Chavanu

    Bakari Chavanu

    Freelance Writer for

    shared 6 items

    member since 2009-09-25

  • Colin Bruce Milne

    Colin Bruce Milne

    I am on the internet.Interests;genealogy,politics,internet.

    shared 5 items

    member since 2010-08-27

  • Omnipotent Poobah

    Omnipotent Poobah

    I am the Omnipotent Poobah, Grand Maven of all that is media. I speak the truth because I’m all-knowing and all-powerful! That Oz guy? Pure bush league. I believe everyone has a right to be heard and others have a right to smite them if they should so choose, but not before I get my licks in...

    shared 4 items

    member since 2009-10-17

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2010-02-22

  • shared 2 items

    member since 2007-03-25

  • shared 2 items

    member since 2011-02-07

  • shared 2 items

    member since 2009-01-12

  • AskMissAndrea B

    AskMissAndrea B

    “My kids” call me Miss Andrea. As a public school teacher for over 12 years with experience in both general and special education (MS, Ed), I share scientific research and insider teaching tips that have helped me help parents raise happy, fulfilled, good kids using evidence-based strategies from ...

    shared 1 items

    member since 2012-01-12

  • Todd Suomela

    Todd Suomela

    I'm a peripatetic wanderer through the awesome edifice of human knowledge, intent on self-development, reflection, and the synthesis of disparate ideas. I have always been, and will remain, a student. My interests are truly marvelous but this text box is too small to contain them.

    shared 1 items

    member since 2008-05-05

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