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Is there anything teachers or students need that Google Apps can't do? | Education IT |... - 0 views

shared by lelapin _ on 19 Nov 08 - Cached
    Of all comments I read it looks that the most important issue using Google docs is the lack of power vs MS Office or OpenOffice solutions. True, but the gap is rapidly filling in and, as the author wrote (to which I 100% subscribe) "you can't teach Excel macros [...] we can teach (that) programming elsewhere". Another very important point is teaching kids and students how to work collaboratively. None of aforementioned solutions can permit that.

Le partage améliore les connaissances des salariés - 0 views

    près d'un quart à s'interroger sur une possible mesure d'un retour sur investissement de sites sociaux internes. "Ces changements sont sociologiques plus que technologiques, il est du coup difficile d'étudier leur pertinence avec de seuls critères financiers"

Getting the most value out of Collaborative Technologies | Collaboration 2.0 | - 0 views

    This reinforce my impression I highlighted in the previous post I commented. "Shadow IT applications" is the right term for what is happening.

Facebook should be embraced by offices - Telegraph - 0 views

    technology could be used to boost productivity by building and developing links between staff, former employees and prospective customers, and lead to a more innovative and democratic working environment.

david schultz dot org » Blog Archive » How are you using Evernote? - LAMP Web... - 0 views

    The use of the Iphone mic is, to me, a bit extreme but taking shots of the board and storing them via Evernote sounds interesting enough to make me want an Iphone.

Gartner Says Financial Institutions Must Focus on IT Innovation or Hibernate to Weather... - 0 views

shared by lelapin _ on 06 Nov 08 - Cached
    I too believe some kind of banking system based on networks is round the corner. We already have Kiva and alikes as charities, the money beint lent to people to help them kick start their businesses. Why not by-passing traditional banks using same systems?

Google Translate - 0 views

    • lelapin _
      Way better now that options of languages are seperated.
    • lelapin _
      excellent instrument

Jean Michel Billaut: Bluenity : Air France se met au 2.0 et aux réseaux socia... - 0 views

    "Air France estime que 30% de sa clientèle est "2.0 minded". D'autres fonctionnalités sont à venir : mobilité avec iPhone et autres, peut-être un blog Bluenity, des partenariats envisagés, ... etc..."

Phys Ed - Stretching - The Truth - - 0 views

    "A well-designed warm-up starts by increasing body heat and blood flow. Warm muscles and dilated blood vessels pull oxygen from the bloodstream more efficiently and use stored muscle fuel more effectively. They also withstand loads better."

Talking Business - So When Will Banks Give Loans? - - 0 views

    Does this surprise anybody?

Wikinomics » Blog Archive » The Problem with Knowledge Work Part I: It's not ... - 0 views

    supplement to highlighted part: "E-mail often gets blamed for all of this "extra work," but the reality is, these tasks and activities won't go away simply by switching to other technologies like wikis, IM, or intranets. Moreover, these tasks often result in new value for the enterprise and need to be recognized as "important work" not "extra work."

Online Office: Microsoft keeps promising while Google delivers | Between the Lines | ZD... - 0 views

shared by lelapin _ on 30 Oct 08 - Cached
    to me the key benefit (along with the possibility of sharing) of using so-called in the cloud applications in addition to being available without the trouble of saving on USB keys, etc.

State of the Art - A Look at Google's First Phone - - 0 views

  • The Android software looks, feels and works a lot like the iPhone’s. Not as consistent or as attractive, but smartly designed and, for version 1.0, surprisingly complete. In any case, it’s polished enough to give Windows Mobile an inferiority complex the size of Australia; let’s hope Microsoft has a good therapist.
    • lelapin _
      "a complexe inferiority the size of Australia" I thought it was funny enough to highlight it ^_^

The Ed Techie: The VLE/LMS is dead - 0 views

    Un article qui prévoit la disparition des outils de gestion centralisée des apprentissages, remplacés par l'assemblage d'outils du Web 2.0.

Et le pays le plus compétitif est… - Détail d'article - 0 views

    La France 30ème, les USA premiers, tout va donc bien... Malgré la Chine 30ème et l'Inde encore plus loin sont bien les banquiers du reste du monde en plus d'en être l'atelier, j'ai raison ou bien j'ai raison?

La Chine éternelle - Conversation avec Jacques Attali - Lexpress - 0 views

    La question est: La Chine peut-elle réellement 'retirer' ses capitaux de l'Occident?

Lorcan Dempsey's weblog: Web 2.0 again - 0 views

    I do not totally agree to this. Pagerank takes into account the contribution of participants by gathering links they chose to refer to but, and this is where I difer, as implicit and intentional as this may sound it is also passive.

Parents Often Unaware of Cyber-Bullying - Well Blog - - 0 views

    the major difference is that there are naturally traces of the bullying, easily retrievable at that.

Dimebrain: Books vs. blogs: the value of technical books and ideas to improve them - 0 views

  • A story treats the material like a complete whole, and it has context. While a blog offers schizophrenic, just-in-time information to help me tell my own story somewhere else, a book is, or should be, a story about me, using the technology, encountering challenges, overcoming them, and emerging the hero.
    • lelapin _
      probably the most meaningful reason to day 'against' blogs.

TV : Chine-USA : "une guerre sans limite" - 0 views

    dans des moments comme ça je regrette de ne pas avoir la télé.
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