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The outlook for offshore oil drilling jobs. - 0 views

    Outlook for offshore oil drilling jobs for the next year.

Is eating beef good for the environment? - 0 views

    Is eating free range beef actually good for the environment?

Is Your Well Water Making You Sick? Well Water Testing Tips - 0 views

    How you can test your well water for dangerous chemicals with a well water testing kit.

Review Of The Gentle Leader Dog Collar - 0 views

    Gentle leader collar user review.

How To Get Your Family Into Geocaching - 0 views

    How to get the whole family addicted to geocaching

How to choose mutual funds that are socially responsible. - 0 views

    how to choose mutual funds that are socially responsible.

Solo Scuba Diving Techniques. Should You Dive Alone? - 0 views

    The pros and cons of solo scuba diving. There is a certification program for solo scuba divers.

Does Firewood Spread Oak Wilt Disease? - 0 views

    Cutting and storing firewood from trees infected with oak wilt can spread the fungus to oak trees in your area.

Google - 0 views

shared by lelapin _ on 14 Jul 08 - Cached
    • lelapin _
      I didn't know you could add a floating sticky note on a Google page... Mmmm this is going to escalade very quickly.

Innovation in College Media » Blog Archive » Use free tools to better your ne... - 0 views

    • lelapin _
      Not every company is ready to resort to having their data in the clouds and utilizing tools like the ones mentionned in this post. they still have a long way to go.
  • Paul notes that the Guardian uses tools like, Google gadgets, Yahoo Pipes, and others to bring more content to their readers, and do so without having to develop their own software. None of them owned or built by the Guardian. But all of them do the job required, and well - for nothing. Culturally, this is a hard thing for many news organisations to do (”But we can’t control it!”), but increasingly, it’s something they’re learning tends to work better than unwieldy bespoke software. It’s cheaper - and importantly in these times, much, much quicker.
    • lelapin _
      many companies are still hesitant about releasing their data in the clouds let alone using tools like the ones mentionned in this post. Still a long way to go.

赵老师之家的BLOG - 赵老师之家 - 新浪BLOG - 0 views

shared by yanglu on 07 Sep 07 - Cached

Study: Fastest Growing US Companies Rapidly Adopting Social Media - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • It means that when you tell people you write, read or listen to blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks and online video - if they give you a funny look, it is now officially them that's a freak, not you.
    • lelapin _
      I'm afraid this remains true, those blogging, podcasting, maintaining a wiki, in my company. We currently use none of afementioned tools, not even a message board...

Visual Science - The Genetic Map of Europe - - 0 views

  • The map also identifies the existence of two genetic barriers within Europe. One is between the Finns (light blue, upper right) and other Europeans. It arose because the Finnish population was at one time very small and then expanded, bearing the atypical genetics of its few founders.
    • lelapin _
      I don't quite buy the explanation of the barrier between Finns and the rest of Europe as having to do with the size of the population, at least not only.

Les "mini-PC" bousculent le marché des portables - Technologies - Le - 0 views

  • Autre gagnante de l'opération "mini-PC" : la communauté GNU/Linux et ses nombreuses distributions. En effet, la quasi-totalité des netbooks disponibles sur le marché est proposée avec un système d'exploitation préinstallé Linux et éventuellement un système Windows en option.
    • lelapin _
      c'est peut-être le cheval de troie attendu créant la brêche dans le monopole Microsoft
    ca pourrait être le cheval de troie qui créerait la brêche dans le monopole Microsfoft. Sans bataille juridique cette fois-ci

Techdirt: Hasbro's Nightmare: Scrabulous Returns With New Name And (A Few) New Rules - 0 views

  • lawyers all too often make business decisions based on what can be done legally, rather than what makes the most business sense, those options are all too rarely considered. In the past, there was often little that could be done for those impacted by such decisions. These days, however, things are quite different. Pissing off a large group of people, even if you have the legal right to do so, can often be a disastrous business move.
    • lelapin _
      Serves Hasbro right in the teeth for listening to lawyers not the public. Algthough, like the article says, the firm had all the rights to sue, they might been a lot wiser to cut some kind of deal with the two creators. Both parts would have benefitted from it.

Goodnight Skypecasts - Skype Blogs - 0 views

  • Skypecasts is one of the many features that we've developed to enable these conversations. What we've learned by watching how the product is used and through user feedback is that Skypecasts is not quite measuring up to our high standards and expectations for connecting and delighting our users.
    • lelapin _
      At first I thought skypecasting was a great idea: giving the possibility to everybody to create a local, mini-radio. It just never found its audience. All noise and nothing really interesting and serious ever came out of it. Too bad.

玉兰花 作者:刘墉-赵老师之家 - 新浪BLOG - 0 views

  • 玉兰花
    • yanglu
  • 作者:刘墉
    • yanglu
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • 有些东西我们拥有得过多,反而不感觉它的美好,何不将它分给那些需要的人呢
    • yanglu
    • jchris
    • jchris
  • 让我们从别人的笑验上,看到自己的笑吧
    • yanglu
  • 狭窄的快乐
    • yanglu
  • 让我们小小庭院的芬芳,散播在每个人的身边;让我们狭窄的快乐,扩展到社会每个角落;让我们家中的炉火,温暖每颗寒冷的心:让我们阶前的灯,照亮每个夜归人的路;让我们从别人的笑验上,看到自己的笑吧!
    • yanglu
  • 麻烦也值得

鸽子飞翔---让我们一起飞 - 鸽子 - 新浪BLOG - 0 views

shared by yanglu on 07 Sep 07 - Cached
  • 希望她已经顺利适应了,说实话,娃娃真是个让我们省心的好孩子!

My Bookmarks - 0 views

shared by yanglu on 07 Sep 07 - Cached
  • 百度一下,你就知道

Who's on Your Team? Enterprise 2.0 and Team Boundaries « Skilful Minds - 0 views

    • lelapin _
      I'm more and more certain, as time passes and nothing really changes in my work environment that, although great apps, wikis and web2.0 tools will never make it to the mainstream. At least not in my lifetime. Too many would feel they'd loose power hence control if they did.
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