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John Hanson - 0 views

shared by Joshua Kim on 01 Apr 08 - Cached
  • John Hanson's Presidency, despite being the first to serve over a group of Delegates entirely elected under the new Articles of Confederation, also suffered from cavalier attendance under the new Confederation Constitution.
    • Joshua Kim
      why Articles of Confederation was a failure
  • Delegate Hanson understood this and was instrumental in persuading the Maryland Legislature to ratify the Articles of Confederation, The new Congress of November 1781 rewarded Hanson for this service by electing him President on November 5, 1781.

::Beliefs of the Republican Party:: - 0 views

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Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

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Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

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First Ladies' Biographical Information - 0 views

    Father: John Dandridge
    Mother: Frances Jones
    Physical Appearance: no extant record but tradition identifies as being less than five feet tall; dark brown hair
    Religious Affiliation: Church of England
    Education: Informal education; trained at home in music, sewing, household management. Later knowledge of plantation management, crop sales, homeopathic medicine, animal husbandry suggests a wider education than previously thought.
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Martha Dandridge Custis Washington - 0 views

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    Born in 1731 in New Kent County, VirginiaEldest of nine childrenTwo of four children died youngdied 1802


Martha Washington - 0 views

    At the age of eigteen, Martha was married to Danial Parke Custis(wealthy, handsom, 20years older than Martha)in 1757, when Martha was 26, Daniel Parke Custis died after a brief illnessMartha married George on Jn. 6, 1759Martha would not rejoin her husband until lFebbruary of 1778, where she joined him at Valley Forge

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Carnegie Corporation - About - 0 views

    Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, on November 25, 1835. The son of a weaver, he came with his family to the United States in 1848 and settled in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. At age thirteen, Carnegie went to work as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill. He then moved rapidly through a succession of jobs with Western Union and the Pennsylvania Railroad. In 1865, he resigned to establish his own business enterprises and eventually organized the Carnegie Steel Company, which launched the steel industry in Pittsburgh. At age sixty-five, he sold the company to J. P. Morgan for $480 million and devoted the rest of his life to his philanthropic activities and writing, including his autobiography. Many persons of wealth have contributed to charity, but Carnegie was perhaps the first to state publicly that the rich have a moral obligation to give away their fortunes. In 1889 he wrote The Gospel of Wealth, in which he asserted that all personal wealth beyond that required to supply the needs of one's family should be regarded as a trust fund to be administered for the benefit of the community. Carnegie set about disposing of his fortune through innumerable personal gifts and through the establishment of various trusts. In his thirties, Carnegie had already begun to give away some of his fast-accumulating funds. His first large gifts were made to his native town. Later he created seven philanthropic and educational organizations in the United States, including Carnegie Corporation of New York, and several more in Europe. One of Carnegie's lifelong interests was the establishment of free public libraries to make available to everyone a means of self-education. There were only a few public libraries in the world when, in 1881, Carnegie began to promote his idea. He and the Corporation subsequently spent over $56 million to build 2,509 libraries throughout the English-speaking world. After termination of this program in 1917, the Corporation continued for about forty ye

Andrew Carnegie - 0 views

  • Born: November 25, 1835Died: August 11, 1919Andrew Carnegie's life was a true "rags to riches" story. Born to a poor Scottish family that immigrated to the United States, Carnegie became a powerful businessman and a leading force in the American steel industry. Today, he is remembered as an industrialist, millionaire, and philanthropist. Carnegie believed that the wealthy had an obligation to give back to society, so he donated much of his fortune to causes like education and peace.
    Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Carnegie spent his last years as a philanthropist. From 1901 forward, public attention was turned from the shrewd business acumen which had enabled Carnegie to accumulate such a fortune, to the public-spirited way in which he devoted himself to utilizing it on philanthropic objects. His views on social subjects and the responsibilities which great wealth involved were already known from Triumphant Democracy (1886), and from his Gospel of Wealth (1889). He acquired Skibo Castle, in Sutherland, Scotland, and made his home partly there and partly in New York. He then devoted his life to the work of providing the capital for purposes of public interest and social and educational advancement.
    Andrew Carnegie

The American Experience | Andrew Carnegie | People & Events | Andrew Carnegie - 0 views

shared by Justin Lee on 07 Apr 08 - Cached
  • Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, the medieval capital of Scotland, in 1835. The town was a center of the linen industry, and Andrew's father was a weaver, a profession the young Carnegie was expected to follow. But the industrial revolution that would later make Carnegie the richest man in the world, destroyed the weavers' craft. When the steam-powered looms came to Dunfermline in 1847 hundreds of hand loom weavers became expendable. Andrew's mother went to work to support the family, opening a small grocery shop and mending shoes.
    Andrew Carnegie

John Hanson, First President - 0 views

  • If he had failed, the government would have fallen almost immediately and everyone would have been bowing to King Washington. 
    • Joshua Kim
      info why John Hanson should be famous
  •  Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents. President Hanson also established the first Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department. Lastly, he declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. 
    • Joshua Kim
      info why John Hanson should be famous
  • The Articles of Confederation didn't work well. The individual states had too much power and nothing could be agreed upon. A new doctrine needed to be written - something we know as the Constitution. 
    • Joshua Kim
      1 reason why john hanson isn't famous

Soldier of Furtune: John Smith before Jamestown - 0 views

    info for primary source question
    how he became a mercenary and soldier

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John Smith: A Founder of Jamestown - - 0 views

  • The settlers established Jamestown on May 24, 1607; it became the first permanent English settlement in North America. Jamestown was located on an island in the James River in what is now Virginia. Smith was the colony's leader and also led hunting and exploration expeditions around the area. He traveled as far as what is now Richmond, Virginia (1607).
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Captain John Smith - 0 views

  • orn in 1580 in Willoughby, England, John Smith left home at age 16 after his father died. He began his travels by joining volunteers in France who were fighting for Dutch independence from Spain. Two years later, he set off for the Mediterranean Sea, working on a merchant ship. In 1600 he joined Austrian forces to fight the Turks in the "Long War." A valiant soldier, he was promoted to Captain while fighting in Hungary. He was fighting in Transylvania two years later in 1602. There he was wounded in battle, captured, and sold as a slave to a Turk. This Turk then sent Smith as a gift to his sweetheart in Istanbul. According to Smith, this girl fell in love with him and sent him to her brother to get training for Turkish imperial service. Smith reportedly escaped by murdering the brother and returned to Transylvania by fleeing through Russia and Poland. After being released from service and receiving a large reward, he traveled all through Europe and Northern Africa. He returned to England in the winter of 1604-05.
    info on his early life
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ABC-CLIO: American History: Entry Display - 0 views

  • John Smith Individual The English soldier and adventurer Capt. John Smith not only helped to found the Virginia colony but also, through his bold and vigorous leadership, played a crucial role in its survival. Born the son of a farmer in Willoughby, England in 1579 or 1580, Smith left home at an early age to seek adventure as a soldier in Europe. While serving with the eastern European forces that were fighting the Turks, he was captured and sold into slavery. After a dramatic escape and further adventures abroad, Smith returned to England. There, by his own account, he helped organize the Virginia Company of London for the purpose of starting a colony in Virginia. In December 1606, Smith was one of the 108 colonists who sailed for America in three ships. Landing in Virginia in May 1607, the colonists founded a settlement at Jamestown, 40 miles up the James River. From the start, Jamestown was wracked by disease and internal dissension. Unlike Smith, who at the age of 27 was already a tough and experienced captain, most of the settlers were ill-prepared for the serious business of establishing a colony. They had come expecting to make their fortunes through the discovery of gold and silver and were unwilling to work to feed and defend themselves. As a later settler observed, the colonists "would rather starve in idleness . . . than feast in labor." Smith quickly emerged as a natural leader by virtue of his energy and resourcefulness. He traded with the Powhatan Confederacy for corn to feed the starving settlers and went on several voyages to explore the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. On one expedition, undertaken in December 1607, Smith and seven companions were ambushed by Native Americans, and Smith was taken prisoner and brought before their chief, Powhatan. According to Smith, he was saved from death through the intervention of Powhatan's 11-year-old daughter, Pocahontas. In this and subsequent dealings with the Native Americans, Smith showed himself a shrewd strategist. He drove a hard bargain and generally got what he wanted through bluff and a show of force but very little bloodshed. Upon his return to Jamestown in January 1608, Smith found that rival leaders had assumed control. Held responsible for the deaths of two of his men, he was arrested, tried, and sentenced to hang. Only the timely arrival of a supply-laden English ship, with a high official on board (who restored Smith as a leader of the colony), saved Smith from the gallows. The following fall, Smith managed to defeat his rivals and get himself elected president of Jamestown's governing council. He soon put the colony under what amounted to martial law. Declaring that the settlers "must be more industrious or starve," Smith made them farm and work at other constructive tasks, including strengthening the settlement's defenses against Indian attack. Smith's term as president lasted just a year. In September 1609, he returned to England. That winter, the colony was nearly wiped out by starvation and Indian attacks. In 1614, Smith again sailed for America, this time to explore the area around Cape Cod, which he named "New England." He returned with a valuable cargo of fish and furs, along with accurate maps of the region. Smith's second and last voyage to America ended when he was captured by pirates. Escaping and making his way back to England, he devoted himself to writing accounts of his travels. His most important book was The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles (1624). In it, Smith emphasized the importance of products like fish, furs, and timber; criticized the fruitless quest for gold and silver; and urged that future colonists be willing to work hard. His information and maps were most helpful to later settlers. A colorful, near-legendary figure, Smith has inevitably been the subject of much controversy. Although in the past historians discounted Smith's overblown accounts of his exploits, modern research has largely substantiated his claims to fame. Smith died in England on June 21, 1631.
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Mass Moments: Charles Goodyear Receives Patent for Vulcanized Rubber - 0 views

  • While the rubber industry in America seemed destined for failure, Charles Goodyear had not lost faith. He had no scientific training, but by 1835, he had spent two years experimenting with rubber and was completely obsessed with it.
    • Sangwoo Nam
      info on his interests in rubber

Untitled Document - 0 views

  • He experienced a sudden curiosity and wonder about this mysterious material. "There is probably no other inert substance," he said later, "which so excites the mind."
    • Sangwoo Nam
      info on his first experience with rubber
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