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Fred Delventhal

Thinkfinity In Virginia - 3 views

    Thinkfinity content providers are as follows: * ArtsEdge, a program of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, provides art education resources. * EconEdLink, developed by the Council for Economic Education, offers economic and personal finance lesson materials for K-12 teachers and students. * EdSitement, from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Trust for the Humanities, includes information in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. * Illuminations, created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), provides resources for teaching mathematics. * Literacy Network, a program of the National Center for Family Literacy and ProLiteracy, offers resources for literacy instruction and lifelong learning for adults and family literacy programs. * ReadWriteThink, from the International Reading Association (IRA) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), includes resources for reading and language arts instruction. * Science NetLinks, developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), provides standards-based science resources including downloadable 60-second science updates. * Smithsonian's History Explorer, created by the National Museum of American History, features resources and artifacts from the museum's collections. * Xpeditions, from National Geographic, offers geography resources including printable maps and an interactive atlas. Professional Development Thinkfinity provides a number of professional development opportunities. Many Virginia educators have become Thinkfinity field trainers through online training classes and have become certified trainers. Resources A special Educator section highlights the newest available resources. Correlations between the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and Thinkfinity resources are available in the following Excel spreadsheets
Fred Delventhal

Learning center - classes - 0 views

    Free online classes. Another avenue for professional and/or personal lifelong learning.
Fred Delventhal

Tools Class - 0 views

    "In this class you will learn how to work with an incredibly powerful and easy to use suite of tools.  And the best part is they are free!  The main core group of tools is called Google Applications and these are the tools we will focus on."
Fred Delventhal

iPad As.... - 4 views

    iPad Learning Objectives I want my students to record and edit video on the iPad.  I want my students to record and / or edit audio on the iPad.  I want my students to read class content on the iPad.  I want my students to annotate course readings on the iPad  I want my students to be able to use audio books on the iPad.  I want my students to use the iPad as a digitial notebook / note-taking device.  I want my students to use their iPads to create screencasts to share and demonstrate their understanding. I want my students to create presentations on the iPad.  I want my students to create digital stories on the iPad.  I want my students to be able to study with the iPad.  I want to use the iPad as a student response system.  I want my students to create written content on the iPad.  I want my students to blog on the iPad. I want my students to create ePubs / iBooks to read on the iPad.
Fred Delventhal

SMART Notebook App for iPad - SMART Technologies - 1 views

    The SMART Notebook app for iPad enables students to open their own version of a SMART Notebook lesson on their iPad and take it with them, wherever they go. Now students can work with the same SMART Notebook file - individually on their iPad and then collaboratively in class on the SMART Board interactive whiteboard.
Fred Delventhal

GoClass - Redefining classroom learning. Empowering instructors. - 0 views

    A powerful new tool for innovative teaching and inspired learning. GoClass is a teaching application for tablet devices that redefines the boundaries of computing in the classroom. Connect with your students like never before, customize and fine-tune your lesson plans on the fly, engage students in new ways and continuously evaluate their understanding while you are in class.
Fred Delventhal

Welcome to | - 0 views

    About the iTILT project iTILT is a European project on Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching which focuses on the use of interactive whiteboards in the communicative language classroom. View over two hundred examples of classroom practice including video of class activities, lesson plans and files, and commentary from the teachers and learners involved. See interactive teaching with technology for different languages, proficiency levels, and age groups from seven European countries, helping teachers gain confidence with technology in communicative language teaching."
Fred Delventhal

PBS Teachers | Activity Packs - 3 views

    an activity pack is a set of educational resources focused on a theme and packaged in a widget-format that you can embed in your own class or social media web page. each pack includes links to pbs websites and a set of activities by grade level.
    Fred, You also can embed the html code in a Blackboard site. I just loaded it to test, it works great.
Fred Delventhal

7 Things You Should Know About Google Jockeying | EDUCAUSE CONNECT - 0 views

    A Google jockey is a participant in a presentation or class who surfs the Internet for terms, ideas, Web sites, or resources mentioned by the presenter or related to the topic. The jockey's searches are displayed simultaneously with the presentation, helping to clarify the main topic and extend learning opportunities. The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning practices and technologies. Each brief focuses on a single practice or technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use "7 Things You Should Know About..." briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues.
Fred Delventhal

4 Steps to a Skype-tastic Video Conference | always learning - 0 views

    4 Steps to a Skype-tastic Video Conference 7 05 2007 We had our second video conference with our partner class in New Zealand last Thursday - and this time I remembered to take pictures! There were a few things we learned last time around that helped make this conference a little smoother:
Fred Delventhal

Into the Book: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies - 0 views

  • Into the Book is a reading comprehension resource for K-4 students and teachers. We focus on eight research-based strategies: Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing. Your class can watch our engaging 15-minute videos, and try the online interactive activities.
Fred Delventhal

VerbaLearn - Study vocabulary for free - 0 views

  • VerbaLearn is jam-packed with great features to help you study more efficiently, track your progress, score higher and simply save you time! VerbaLearn's patent pending system will automatically remove words as you master them so you don't waste time studying like you used to. You can learn your words by listening to customized mp3 files or practicing examples online, track your progress, and even review all your words from your homepage whenever you need a brush-up.
    VerbaLearn is jam-packed with great features to help you study more efficiently, track your progress, score higher and simply save you time! VerbaLearn's patent pending system will automatically remove words as you master them so you don't waste time studying like you used to. You can learn your words by listening to customized mp3 files or practicing examples online, track your progress, and even review all your words from your homepage whenever you need a brush-up.
Fred Delventhal

VirtualBox - 0 views

  • VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). See "About VirtualBox" for an introduction.
Fred Delventhal

TECHMATRIX - Your Guide for Technology Tools for Learning - 0 views

  • JAVASCRIPT IS TURNED OFF This website requires Javascript. If you cannot turn on Javascript in your browser, click here to access directly the full list of Products and use the sitemap to browse the website. The interactive matrices are not accessible for screen readers or when javascript is turned off. Use the "print version" of the matrices (click "Print" on Matrix page) or access directly the list of products to find a product. The TechMatrix is a powerful tool for finding educational and assistive technology products for students with special needs. See the Find Product menu for other search options. Create a customized matrix by subject and/or learning support. Send your customized matrix to a friend or colleague. Learn what questions to ask and how to make informed decisions in the Consumer Guide.
    The TechMatrix is a powerful tool for finding educational and assistive technology products for students with special needs. See the Find Product menu for other search options. Create a customized matrix by subject and/or learning support. Send your customized matrix to a friend or colleague. Learn what questions to ask and how to make informed decisions in the Consumer Guide.
Fred Delventhal

Using Google Docs in the Classroom - 0 views

    We've heard many ingenious ways that teachers have used Google Docs in the classroom. Here are just a few: * Promote group collaboration and creativity by having your students record their group projects together in a single doc. * Keep track of grades, attendance, or any other data you can think of using an easily accessible, always available spreadsheet. * Facilitate writing as a process by encouraging students to write in a document shared with you. You can check up on their work at any time, provide insight and help using the comments feature, and understand better each students strengths. * Create quizzes and tests using spreadsheets forms, your students' timestamped answers will arrive neatly ordered in a spreadsheet. * Encourage collaborative presentation skills by asking your students to work together on a shared presentation, then present it to the class. * Collaborate on a document with fellow teachers to help you all track the status and success of students you share. * Maintain, update and share lesson plans over time in a single document. * Track and organize cumulative project data in a single spreadsheet, accessible to any collaborator at any time.
Fred Delventhal

The Million Project OKC - 0 views

    "The Million program encourages students to be excited about their own education and work hard in class. It connects the things they like outside of school with things they learn in school. And it all begins with something every kid wants: a free, limited edition, personal mobile device."
Fred Delventhal

: PBS LearningMedia - 0 views

    This next-generation digital media service empowers PreK-16 educators to re-imagine classroom learning, transform teaching, and creatively engage students. It brings together the best of public media, produced specifically for educators, from PBS, WGBH, and 55+ public media partners. This flexible service includes high-quality content tied to Common Core and national curriculum standards. The service is freely available to educators as a basic service that can be enhanced with premium solutions for schools and districts-designed for seamless media integration and customization. The basic service offers: Unique access to best-in-class resources from PBS producers and partners and technology resources tied to Common Core and national curriculum standards A robust content library of thousands of digital core curriculum resources, designed with today's student in mind Carefully created, purpose-built media: videos, interactives, audios, lesson plans, multimedia, professional development, and more Ability for educators to search, save, share, and review content Cross-platform flexibility to display on classroom presentation tools to mobile devices
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