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Benjamin Young

Childhood Obesity - 0 views

    "Childhood Obesity." Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Yvonne Jackson, in the article Childhood Obesity, explains that obesity is one of the easiest medical conditions to diagnose, but one of the hardest to cure and or treat. Jackson supports her claim by explaining that to treat obesity one must be patient because there are no "overnight" cures. Throughout the article the author discusses that the only way to beat obesity is to be patient. Without patience one cannot hope to overcome obesity, this fact is made clear throughout the article. Jackson's purpose is to educate people about the cold hard facts of obesity. The article wasn't necessarily what we wanted to read, but it was what we needed. Yvonne Jackson discusses the hard facts about obesity and overcoming them. It is made clear very early in the piece that beating obesity is not easy, and will not happen overnight. It takes dedication and extremely hard work. Jackson also makes it clear that once the weight is lost it is very important to keep it off. I see myself using this source to show that it is essential that American children stay healthy because the road from obesity is not an easy one.
Benjamin Young

Obesity 'The UK's Leading Independent Health Website' - 0 views

    "Obesity." - The UK's Leading Independent Health Website. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . Roger Henderson, in the article 'What is Obesity' explains that the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if your weight is considered "healthy". Roger Henderson supports his claims by explaining that you are morbidly obese if your BMI is 40 or higher. The author's goal is to educate the public on obesity, as well as showing the public what a healthy BMI looks like. Henderson writes for anyone who is concerned about weight issues, and the guidelines, which one should stick to for a healthy life. This source's credibility is shown through the correct use of statistics (verified with another source), and because it was published on a well-known medical research website. Roger Henderson is the holder of a valid medical license. I see myself using this source because it is nothing like any of my other sources, it brings a new kind of information to the table. This article is a great article because it is so different.
Benjamin Young

'Obesity' Surgery - 0 views

    "Diseases & Conditions - The Mount Sinai Hospital." Home - The Mount Sinai Hospital. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . Tish Davidson, in the Health and Wellness Resource Center, explains that obesity surgery is an operation that either reduces the size of the stomach or bypasses a part of the digestive system so that severely overweight people obtain fewer calories and can achieve significant weight loss. Davidson supports his claim by going into a deep description of the weight loss surgery and it's lasting effects. He explains the pros and cons of the procedure, however believes that if a patient is severely overweight the surgery may be the best option to reduce risk of obesity drawn illnesses. Davidson 's purpose is to let the public know that there is a solution to help victims of obesity loose weight and begin on a route to a healthier life. This source, published on a hospital website, is very credible. Davidson, a doctor who performs the specific procedure, wrote the article to not only inform people suffering from obesity of a potential cure, but also to inform them of the potential risks as well. The procedure as a whole is generally looked at as a positive thing, and is seen that way throughout the article. Tish Davidson uses his knowledge of the procedure to inform the audience of the effects it can have on his patients.
Benjamin Young

Weight Loss - 0 views

    "Obesity" (Weight Loss) Complete Medical Information on This All Too Common Disease on" Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Jerry R. Balentine, in the article 'Obesity' Weight Loss, explains that obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. Balentine supports his claim by explaining that obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. 1 in 3 Americans is obese. The author's goal is to let the public know how high the obesity rates have grown in the United States. Balentine writes to make it clear that America has an issue with obesity, and that if we do not do something about it, obesity will consume us as a nation. He makes it clear that stopping obesity starts with keeping our children healthy. This is an excellent source that I will surely use to show that obesity has reached epidemic proportions and must be stopped. Balentine qualifies his claim by using statistics that were found on a medical statement. Balentine has passion for the topic, which can be seen throughout the article. He states that not only is obesity a rising issue, but an epidemic. The author feels that if the problem at hand is not addressed soon it will continue to spiral out of control and take over us. This source differs from my other sources because this is the first source in which the author shows strong emotions within the piece. I can envision myself using this peace to show the emotions attached with obesity.
Ben Westen

Archived: 10 Fact About K-12 Education Funding - 0 views

  • The U.S. Constitution leaves the responsibility for public K-12 education with the states.
  • The primary source of federal K-12 support began in 1965 with the enactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
  • The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a reauthorization of ESEA
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  • Total taxpayer investment in K-12 education in the United States for the 2004-05 school year is estimated to be $536 billion.
  • taxpayer investment in education exceeds that for national defense.
  • However, nations that spend far less achieve higher levels of student performance.
  • States and localities are the primary sources of K-12 education funding and always have been.
  • 83 cents out of every dollar spent on education is estimated to come from the state and local levels (45.6 percent from state funds and 37.1 percent from local governments). The federal government's share is 8.3 percent. The remaining 8.9 percent is from private sources, primarily for private schools.
  • The federal share of K-12 spending has risen very quickly, particularly in recent years.
  • Total education funding has increased substantially in recent years at all levels of government, even when accounting for enrollment increases and inflation.
  • Importantly, the increase in funds has been linked to accountability for results, ensuring taxpayers get their money's worth.
  • Federal funding for two main federal K-12 education programs will have increased by $9.3 billion since 2001, under the president's proposed budget.
  • Most federal funds are sent directly to states and local school districts for their use in schools.
  • There are no unfunded federal education "mandates." Every federal education law is conditioned on a state or other grantee's decision to accept federal program funds.
  • The federal commitment to education can be found in the actual dollars earmarked for education.
  • K-12 education is funded at the federal level through a variety of laws and programs.
    "10 Facts about K-12 Education Funding." U.S. Department of Education. ED, n.d.  16 Jan. 2012. The Department of Education has established these ten facts in order to depict to a public audience the truth about education and funding associated with it. With an appeal to logos, the Department of Education asserts facts to appeal to the audience. They write to explain that there are many facts that have escaped the eye of the public. In terms of tone, formal would be the best way to describe the article, even though these are merely facts.  This source assesses ten facts about federal funding through government and taxes. This source is absolutely excellent for it addresses a key root of a fundamental problem. I intend to use this source to help convince my audience that educational funding in Arizona is not necessarily the primary issue, rather that how it is distributed might be the concern that should be addressed .
Benjamin Young

Obesity Among Children - - 0 views

    "Obesity Among Children -" Family Life, Child Development, Nutrition, Teen Health & School Safety - Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Alvin Poussaint. In the article Obesity Among Children (2007), explains that we need to prevent our children from becoming obese to stop the ever rising percentages. Alvin Poussaint supports his argument by explaining that the percentage of obesity has risen 30% in the last thirty years. Poussaint's purpose is to educate the public on a rising issue and prevent it from rising further. Poussaint writes to educate the parents of America and shed light on an ever growing issue. This is a reviewed medical statement, published on a well-know medical website. The author, Alvin Poussaint, used not only his own research but also that of others to support his claims. Poussaint is very passionate throughout the entire article. His purpose is to raise awareness of the risks and dangers obese children face everyday. This particular source differed from my others because it's soul purpose was to make clear the dangers of obesity among children. The article was written for parents of obese children.
Benjamin Young

Obesity In Children And Teens - 0 views

    "Obesity In Children And Teens." American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. . Kyla Boyse, in the article, Obesity and Overweight, claims that obesity means having too much body fat. Boyse supports her claim by explaining that a child is obese if their weight is more than 20% higher than the ideal weight for a child of their age. Boyse's purpose is to explain the cut off weight for childhood obesity. She makes it clear that all it takes for a child to be considered obese is for them to be 20% heavier than the average cutoff for normal weight. Boyse gets right to the point eliminating any previous doubts on the subject of childhood obesity. The article "Obesity in Children and Teens" is a credible source because Kyla Boyse is a pediatric doctor posting about obesity. Along with the facts published about the cutoff for obesity in children Boyse also covers ways to prevent obesity. This source was published on a University website, therefore making it very useful and credible. I see myself using this site to establish just when a child is considered obese, and by doing so I can hopefully prevent them from ever getting that far.
Benjamin Young

Obesity & Overweight - 0 views

    "Obesity & Overweight: Your Child." University of Michigan Health System. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Harper Collins, in the article Obesity in Children and Teens, explains that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Collins supports her claim by explaining that one in three Americans are obese. She qualifies this by showing reviewed data from a recent survey. The author's purpose is to inform the public that childhood is real and is a rising issue and needs to be dealt with. She explains that if obesity is not taken as a serious issue, it will become more and more dangerous. It needs to be stopped. This article is similar to a previous source of mine, and I chose it because the author has very similar views about child obesity as a previous author. This proves that it truly is an issue that must be addressed immediately. Collins' views on childhood obesity are that it must be made known that it is a ever rising issue and that if it is not addressed soon it will be a substantial hit on America's health. Because this source is similar to another I will be using it along with the other to show that this is a very serious problem within America.
Benjamin Young

Emotional Apsects & When to seek Help - 0 views

    "Obesity Facts, Causes, Emotional Aspects and When to Seek Help." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Jonathan L Gelfand, in the article What is Obesity, explains that obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. Jonathan L Gelfand supports his claim by explaining that as you get older your body's ability to metabolize food slows down and you do not require as many calories to complete tasks. Gelfand's purpose is to explain to the public the signs and dangers of obesity. Gelfand takes all of the medical terms and translates them into everyday English; because of this his article is very relatable. The average person can now understand the underlying causes of obesity. The article by Jonathan L Gelfand is a fantastic piece because he talks to the audience in a way that is clear and to the point. Throughout the article there is never a piece of information that a child could not comprehend, which is very important because the subject, after all, is childhood obesity. I will use this piece to make it clear to everyone that childhood obesity is an issue and we need to do something about it.
Sydney Hart

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • Researchers estimate that in an area containing 100,000 children younger than 8 years old, the results could translate annually into 688 fewer cases of child maltreatment, 240 fewer out-of-home placements, and 60 fewer children with injuries requiring hospitalization or emergency room treatment.
  • Preventing maltreatment by ensuring that all children are protected and raised in a nurturing environment is key to achieving lasting health
  • Safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and adults help immunize children against maltreatment and other adverse exposures occurring during childhood.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Each year more than 900,000 children are confirmed by child protective services as being abused or neglected and more than 1,500 children die from abuse or neglect. An estimated 8,755,000 juvenile victims of child maltreatment live in this country, translating to more than one out of seven children between the ages of 2 and 17 years.
  • Maltreatment causes stress that can disrupt early brain development. Extreme stress can harm the development of the nervous and immune systems. As a result, children who are abused or neglected are at higher risk for health problems as adults.
  • increases risky behavior such as smoking, substance abuse, obesity and sexual promiscuity, which are, in turn, associated with a variety of long-term adverse health problems
  • Our primary emphasis is on reducing the factors that put people at risk while increasing the factors that protect people from harm
    Arias, Ileana. "Preventing child maltreatment through public health." Policy & Practice June 2009: 17+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.
Calvin Coleman

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | Resource Conservation | US EPA - 0 views

    United States. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. , 2010. Web. 5 Dec 2010. The author, in the website "" (2010), explains that recycling is a national issue and needs to be adressed as quickly and effectively as possible. The author supports their argument by giving several statistics about recycling, ways to recycle, laws about recycling, etc. The author's purpose is to persuade people to change their habits in order to prevent using up too many landfills and polluting our environment. The author writes in a formal tone for a audience of people from all over the country. This source is credible because it is a government run website that is updated frequently. There are several contributing authors that make the website the best it can be. I foresee myself using this source in my paper because it has government insight on environmentalism and ideas for how everyday citizens can change the world.
Calvin Coleman

Environment Quotes - 0 views

    Commoner, Barry. "Recycling." Reycling. Address. The author, in the quote "Recycling."(2010), states that there is a difference between people who recycle for the feeling of accomplishment it gives them and the people that do it because they want to solve the trash issue. Mr. Commoner supports his statement by describing his view on recycling and the waste issue. The author's purpose is to persuade people to become actively involved in recycling so that we can make a real difference instead of simply scratching the surface. The author writes in an informal tone for the citizens of the world. This is a credible source because it is a statement that many people will support and is used commonly to this day. The author is a college proffesor and scientist specializing in environmental sciences. I see myself using this quote in my paper because it is relevant to people who recycle and those that want to become involved and get into it.
Calvin Coleman

Recycling Quotes - 0 views

    Carter, Jimmy . "Recycling." Reycling. Address. Jimmy Carter, in the quote "Recycling"(2010), explains that solid waste is becoming a growing problem and is symbolic of our country. Mr. Carter supports his argument by stating his opinion with strength and conviction. The authors's purpose is to point out the problems American's face today in order to change them and their bad habits. The author writes in a casual tone to inform everyone of the problem they are causing and fueling. This is a credible source because the author was the president of the United States and is well informed about topics of national interest. Jimmy Carter was the president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. I foresee myself using this quote in my final paper because it shows a very powerful man's perspective on waste and suggest a change in our many horrible habits.
Calvin Coleman

Did you know? Recycling Facts - YouTube - 0 views

    "Did you know? Recycling Facts." Youtube. Web. 15 Nov 2010. . The author, in the video "Did you know? Recycling Facts." (2010), explains that recycling is beneficial to our world and should be practiced by everyone. The author supports his explanation by giving several recycling related facts, statistics, etc. The authors purpose is to suggest everyone should recycle in order to provide our world with more energy, less waste, and cleaner environment. The author writes in a casual tone for anyone who uses Youtube to realize the importance of recycling. This is a reliable source because it has statistics that were proven true by several tests, surveys, etc. and gives a compelling argument to recycle. There is no information known about the author. I foresee myself using this source because it gives useful information and helps when trying to support an argument.
Calvin Coleman

Earth Island Institute: Earth Island Journal, Summer 1993 - 0 views

    Kupfer, David. "The greening of Hollywood." Earth Island Journal 8.3 (1993): 40. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 15 Nov. 2010 David Kupfer in the article "The greening of Hollywood."(2010), that argues that producers, stage technicians, and everyone in Hollywood should go green, mostly by stopping the use of Indonesian rainforest wood which is known as lauan. Mr. Kupfer supports his argument by explaining the misuse of lauan by Hollywood's major players as well as giving good examples of companies that have switched, useful lauan substitutes, and responsible movie making. The author's purpose is to reduce the use of lauan and other endangered materials in order to preserve the Indonesian rainforests and keep our environment looking as good and natural as it can. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for environmentalists and anyone interested in conserving the environment. This is a credible source because it is reviewed and published in a reliable database. The author is an environmentalist who writes several persuasive articles about enivormentalism and recycling. I foresee myself using this information in my final research paper because it provides a real life application of environmentalism and how it can change our world as well as being from the well known Opposing Viewpoints database.
Calvin Coleman Current Issues (9780028657448): Gale Group: Books - 0 views

    "Environmentalism." Current Issues: Macmillian Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. Mr. Gale, in the article "Environmentalism" (2010), explains that environmentalism is something that has been practiced for years in many ways and gives a brief history of environmentalism and how it is relevant today. Mr. Gale supports his explanation by demonstrating his knowledge on the topic and giving many factual and true stories to make sure the reader knows he knows what he is talking about. The authors purpose is to inform the reader about environmentalism in order to give them perspective on the subject and let them form their own opinion on recycling. The author writes in a formal tone for anyone interested in environmentalism. This is a credible source because it is edited and published by a reliable source. The author has written many articles about environmentalism and several other topics and is peer-reviewed. I foresee myself using this article in my final research paper because it provides a detailed history and facts about environmentalism's roots and how it has evolved. This is useful in comparing environmentalism today to the environmentalism and its importance in the past.
Calvin Coleman

Recycling Advert - RCN | Webwork - 1 views

    "Recycle Adver-RCN." Web. 16 Nov 2010 The author in the picture "Recycle Advert-RCN" (2010), illustrates that recycling can be modern by recycling old electronics to help save our planet instead of throwing them out. The author supports the reusing of phones and their contents by telling customers to cometothem with their broken "ewaste" and that we need to start recycling because simply put, our planet depends on it. The authors purpose, however, is to sway more and more people to recycle not just electronics but everything they can in order to save the planet. The author writes in an informal tone to get his point across to everyone and anyone that will hear him out. This is a credible source because the author runs a recycling based business and is a recycling enthusiast. Unfortunetly, not much is known about the author. I foresee myself using this source in my article because it shows how recycling can be modernized and the modern day importance of it. It also shows that technology doesnt have to be left out of the recycling movement.
Sydney Hart

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    Alvy, Kerby. "Spanking Should Be Illegal." Child Abuse. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.
Calvin Coleman

recycling Facts, information, pictures | articles about recycling - 0 views

    "recycling." The Columbia Ecnyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. 16 Nov. 2010 . The author, in the entry, "recycling." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition (2010), explains the nature of recycling as well as its history as we know it. The author elaborates by giving specifics about recycling including what laws are in effect, percentages of waste recycled, etc. The authors purpose is to inform the public about what recycling is, who it affects, how it can be done, etc. The author writes in a formal tone in order to seem as intelligent as possible for those who wish to learn about recycling. This is a credible source because it is written and reviewed by reliable authors in a well-known encyclopedia. There is no one author as many pitched in to help write the article. I forsee myself using this information in my research paper because it gives many facts, statistics, and insight into recycling as well as being credible and reliable.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

What kind of civil society is best for democracy? - 0 views

    Marc E. Warren, in the article "What kind of Civil Society is best for Democracy?" (2004), asserts that a strong civil society with a re-enforcing democracy is the best match. Mark E. Warren, supports his assertion by listing the importance of a well-behaved society alongside a government. The author's purpose is to inform any society seeking help so that everyone can come together as a one. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for political purposes. This is a useful source and can be used in my research paper to explain the importance of a reinforcing democracy alongside a civil society. This source may be partial biased, but reliable because solid information is mentioned. To inform the public was the goal of this source and it has changed the way this topic can be looked upon by having a more full circle understanding of society. My argument is getting supportive information.
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