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Sydney Hart

National Child Abuse Statistics | Childhelp - 0 views

  • Over 3 million reports of child abuse are made every year in the United States; however, those reports can include multiple children. In 2009, approximately 3.3 million child abuse reports and allegations were made involving an estimated 6 million children
    • Sydney Hart
      from the graph we can see that in a 12 years span the number of deathes per day have increased from 3.13 to 5+
    • Sydney Hart
      types of abuse (greatest to least): neglect,physical, sexual, psychological maltreatment, medical neglect, other
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse
  • 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4
  • A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds
  • Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy.
  • 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder
  • Abused teens are less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at greater risk for STDs
  • Children whose parents abuse alcohol and other drugs are three times more likely to be abused and more than four times more likely to be neglected than children from non-abusing families
Sydney Hart

National Child Abuse Statistics - 0 views

  • More children (age four and younger) die from child abuse and neglect than any other single, leading cause of death for infants and young children.  This includes falls, choking on food, suffocation, drowning, residential fires, and motor vehicle accidents
  • Each day in the United States, more than 3 children die as a result of child abuse in the home.
  • In 2000, an estimated 1,200 children died of abuse and neglect—an average of more than 3 children per day
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Most of the children who die are younger than six years of age
    • Sydney Hart
      This to me is crazy. Children are dying due to their own parents or other people they know than everyday accidents such as choking on food, car accidents, falling down, etc.
  • Approximately 3 million reports of possible maltreatment are made to child protective service agencies each year.  In calendar year 2000, these referrals concerned the welfare of approximately 5 million children
  • In 1999, an estimated 2.974 million child abuse reports were received by local child protective services (CPS) agencies
  • abuse and neglect is estimated to be three times greater than the number reported to authorities
  • Child abuse is reported—on average—every 10 seconds
    Karl Loren, in the article National Child Abuse Statistics states various statistics about child abuse and about the various types of child abuse. Karl Loren supports his statements by telling the audience different statistics about child abuse in order to help the reader understand how big of an issue child abuse is. The author's purpose is to point out and to inform the reader that child abuse is a growing issue and need to be dealt with. The author writes in an informative tone for the audience. After reading this article I found this source reliable and very useful. This source is one of my most valuable resources because it is filled with information and statistics and being a .org website it is more reliable than a .com website. It also provides the sources from where the information was gathered which also proved to be reliable sites. The author, Karl Loren, gives a somewhat biased but mainly objective view on the issue of Child Abuse. The goal of this source was to inform the reader about Child Abuse by providing them with various statistics, graphs, and other information with in this issue. These facts will be very useful to prove and support my view on Child Abuse.
Cassidy Boggs

What is Autism? | Autism Speaks - 0 views

    "What Is Autism? | Autism Speaks." Web. 30 Jan. 2012. . In the article What Is Autism? the author question what autism really is. The author supports their argument by having different representations of their data. Their purpose is to compare and contrast boys and girls in order to figure out that autism occurs in boys more than it does girls. The author writes in a formal tone for their audience of anyone that wants to learn more about autism. Each individual disorder is characterized depending on the level of the degree of the disorder. Difficulties in social interaction, which include the different variations of communication and compulsive behaviors. The author of this passage stated that "autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development", even though the range from when autism can be noticed is 2-3 years old. The usage of sources that this author uses gives their audience the opportunity to obtain the information and gain clear knowledge of people, more or less children, with autism. I will use this authoritative information to create a proposal that will award my audience to know more about autism, and what THEY can do to help spread the word. Spread the word about being normal. Spread the word about being equal.
Cassidy Boggs

Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review. - 0 views

    Ratajczak, Helen V. "Theoretical Aspects Of Autism: Causes--A Review." Journal Of Immunotoxicology 8.1 (2011): 68-79. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Helen V.Ratajczak, explains how often autism appears in a certain amount of people. Ratajczak supports her decision by telling the different affects that cause autism, like inflammation of the brain. The author's purpose is to inform her audience of how sudden and incurable this disease in order to find out different individuals that share common symptoms. This author writes in a semi-formal tone for the audience of highschoolers. Autism is a party of the pervasive developmental disorfer (PDDs) and has been increasing since 1943. When it was first tested, autism occured in 4-5 per 10,000 children and now in the U.S., the numbers are now ever 1 in 100. Unfortunately, in the United Kingdom its 1 in ever 64 children that are diagnosed with autism. According to the author, the cause of autism is a genetic disorder caused by defects and inflammation of the brain. Helen Ratajczak uses statistical data to analyze the different numbers of children and families that are effected with autism giving me the opportunity to get a good idea of how many people are affected with it. I will use her date and create charts of the different types of disorders that associate with autism and show people how different, yet similar each disease is.
Cassidy Boggs

Myths about Autism and Retardation - 0 views

    "Mental Retardation and Autism - Effects of the Mind." Web. 30 Jan. 2012. . Sue Rubin, the author of her own personal experience about Myths About Autism and Mental Retardation (2003), that shares her experience with being treated differently, and how the society as a whole needs to change. Rubin supports her own exclusive experience by defining how it feels to be treated with disrespect. Sue's purpose is to expose the truth behind being autistic so that the people around treat her no different than any other person. The author writes in a very formal tone for her audience to be fully aware of the position she has been put in throughout her whole life. Many automatically think that just because someone has Asperger's Syndrome or autism, they are retarded. Sue Rubin knows what it's like from personal experience for people to stare strangely, just by the way she walks. She's just as normal as anyone else, and by using different examples of her journey throughout school, it shows that she is as unique as the most normal person out there, maybe even smarter. She's in an honor's society in college and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Most people without Asperger's or Autism can't even do that. With her personal experience, I will associate more carefully and clearly with the child that I do my final act towards. I will know how they are thinking, and it's no different than any ordinay person.
Cassidy Boggs

Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders. - 0 views

    Patrick F. Bolton, et al. "Functional Impact Of Global Rare Copy Number Variation In Autism Spectrum Disorders." Nature 466.7304 (2010): 368-372. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Patrick F Bolton, in Functional Impact of Global Rare Copy Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorders, asserts that autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of conditions characterized by impairments in reciprocal social interaction and communication, and the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors. Bolton supports his assertion by illustrating the 'behind the scene' information. The purpose of his argument is to allert others of individuals with an ASD can differ in their development in order to find the determinants of autism. The author writes in a formal tone for his audience of young adults. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition some are diagnosed with that cause impairments in social and communication skills. It is know that ASD's are heritable, and some cases are more rare than others. The author uses the rhetorical strategy of observing data to include correct information so that their audience can be sociall aware. I will use this author's information that he came up with in my research to get involved more with children that have autism spectrum disorder.
Cassidy Boggs

Daily Experiences Among Mothers of Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. - 0 views

    Somer L. Bishop, et al. "Daily Experiences Among Mothers Of Adolescents And Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder." Journal Of Autism & Developmental Disorders 40.2 (2010): 167-178. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Somer L. Bishop in Daily Experiences Among Mothers of Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, explains the different between children with and without disabilites. Bishop supports their argument by including graphs of different styles to show the differences in the two categories. Their purpose is to provide each family with information on the differences on being normal, and being autistic. The author writes in a formal tone to reassure that there is a difference between someone with autism, and someone without. By comparing mothers of children without disabilites, and mothers of children with disabilites, studies came to show that children with ASD spend more time providing for their child. "Fatigue, arguments, avoided arguments, and stressful events were also more common among mothers of individuals with ASD" says Bishop. Even children with ASD had way more social interaction than children without it. Bishop uses interesting tecniques to carefully observe the different families. This will help me try to gain experince and become socially connected with someone that has ASD. .
Cassidy Boggs

Autism: Symptoms - - 0 views

    Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Autism: Symptoms -" Mayo Clinic. 27 May 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. . The Mayo Clinc Staff in the article Autism Symptoms (2010), asserts that children with autism have problems in specific areas in their every day lives. The staff supports their claim by listing the different types of social, language, and behavior skills that each person lacks. The author's purpose is to provide extreme examples in order for the onlookers to know what some symptoms are. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for the audience of ages ten to thirty, Each person is different in their own unique way. Using the examples of social skills, language, and behavior, Mayo Clinic Staff uses enthnographic data that proves the social interactions between different autistic people. Each piece of ethnographic data validates their argument by using their knowledge incourage others to pay close attention to the symptoms of their children in case of a symptom of autism. Within the first three years of a person's life, generally the child would be communicating, and associating with others. Most children with autism seem to learn new knowledge gradually slower than other children. A lower sign of intelligence to a below normal sign is an affect of their communication skills. As children with autism mature, the level of behavior and communication can sometimes increase leading them to possibly live a normal life. Using other observational data, each example has back-up information that certifies that it is true. I will use this source as a basic "lean-to" site to go to if I need to read about the symptoms of an early staged child with autism.
Cassidy Boggs

The Correlation between Rates of Cancer and Autism: An Exploratory Ecological Investiga... - 0 views

    Barbara Porton, et al. "The Correlation Between Rates Of Cancer And Autism: An Exploratory Ecological Investigation." Plos ONE 5.2 (2010): 1-8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The authors in The Correlation between Rates of Cancer and Autism: An Exploratory Ecological Investigation, questions whether or not cancer and autism are related. The author's support their comparisons by getting tests of each disease and comparing them in different levels. Their purpose is to point out the similarites in each of the medical field's they were studying in order to get a full glimpse of what they're trying to research. The tone the author writes in is formal way that questions the audience to get them to think. Autism is associated the the chromosomal arrangements where cancer is a disease with genomic arrangements also play a role. These findings suggest that there may be an association between autism and specific forms of cancer. The authors analyzed and obtained obtained data the was state-wide reported by age and gender throughout the United States and somehow found out that cancer correlates with autism in an unnormal way. Using the experimental and observational data they gathered enough information to get enough evidence to relate cancer to autism, and with that information I will obtain the knowledge that children with autism can relate to someone.
Cassidy Boggs

Autism - PubMed Health - 0 views

    "Autism - PubMed Health." Http:// Web. 30 Jan. 2012. . In the article Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Autism (2010), that claims that autism can be helped by either going to therapy, or by taking medicine. The author supports their argument by using ideal examples to back-up their thoughts on autism. The author's purpose is to inform and provide logic and proof so that their readers understand just exactly what autism really is. The author writes in a formal tone for the audience that wants to learn about autism. In this entry, the author argues that autism is an "abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain". Vaccines and many other tests have been done to administer the exact cause of autism. It is known that autism affects boys three to four times more than it affects girls. The author uses brief examples to affirm that autism be known for the concealed facts that not everyone knows. Each section of information provides candid information that allows the reader to get valid points from. Social interactions are the most obvious symptoms of autism. Each different affected person has different symptoms, and depending on the level, each person can be treated differently. Starting a conversation appears to be hard, as well as maintaining a social conversation with another person. Communicating with gestures and not using words as frequently can easily be solved by speech therapy and also helps with developing a larger vocabulary. In this passage about autism, and just about every piece of information needed, the rhetorical strategy that is used is the logical proof that the author clearly knows what he/she is talking about. I will use this source to come up with authorized information to back up my argument on how people with autism are no different than a person without autism. Each bit of information that this source gives me, gives me an opportunity to understand and correlate each
Sydney Hart

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) argues that the child protective services system hurts children by unnecessarily disrupting families. Removing children from homes based on false or trivial allegations disrupts the bond of trust that is necessary for healthy family relationships
  • But the trouble with the child protective system in America is not that it hurts parents, though of course it does. The trouble with the system is that it hurts children.
  • by disrupting their families, invading their privacy, and jeopardizing the bond of trust that is essential for healthy parent-child relationships
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • More than two million children are victimized by false allegations of child abuse every year.
  • This is a system that destroys children in order to save them
    "Child Protection Services Hurt Children and Families" by National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. Domestic Violence. Louise I. Gerdes, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2012. National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, "How the War Against Child Abuse Became a War Against Children," Issue Paper 1, December 29, 2009. Copyright © 2009 by National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR).
michael mcardle

The politics of food - 0 views

    Nazeer, Kamran. "The politics of food." Renewal 15.2-3 (2007): 135+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author is telling about the use of government in food regulations in order to stop the people from listing to the government and listen to health professionals. The author supports his argument by talking about how the government wants to solve it and then an alternative solution that is believed to be more effective. Kamran Nazeer in his non-fictional informational article, "The politics of food" (2007), agues that the government should not be effective in people's health and should govern the country. The intended audience for the piece is the government itself, telling them what they should do. The article tells about how the government should not interfere with the common citizen's life and allow them to make decisions on their diets. Believing that it would give to much influential power to the government he decides to go against it and inform them they need to set up guidelines but not control. The author has good intentions on making the government less communist and not giving them more power but in the case of people's health is incorrect. The citizen's don't always make the best choice and could harm themselves and so the government should step in and help, not just be a dictatorship. The source will be used as an opposing view point to strengthen the augment and to provide outside views and how to defend against them.
michael mcardle

The Obesity Crisis in America - 0 views

    Carmona, Richard H. "The Obesity Crisis in America." Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). Surgeon General, 8 Jan. 2007. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. The surgeon general talked to the country as a whole in order to discus obesity and try to inform the public it can be stopped. The author gives statistics about obesity in America and how it will affect people and then how it can be stopped. Richard H. Carmona, in his informational testimony "The Obesity Crisis in America" (2003), claimed that Obesity can be prevented if the necessary precautions are taken and it can be helped if they are not met. the audience was all Americans and anyone that has influential power over someone else's health. The testimony told of solutions that people can use to help fight obesity can help reverse some of the effects that have already happened. The testimony is very updated and very useful to help people doing research because it is from the top physician in our country. The Surgeon general is the best person to give the testimony because he is to be seen as the leader of health in the U.S. and gives clear guidance to help combat obesity. the source will be used as one of the most quoted in the report because it gives clear percentages and very actuated seasonings behind each of the solutions presented.
michael mcardle

Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity - 0 views

    "Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity." All Things Considered 12 Apr. 2007. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The broadcast was used as a new source of information to the public that has not be shed light on. All Things Considered talked about how obesity can be caused not just by eating or not exercising but also by genes. They talk about how some scientists have studies genes and saw that their were genes that caused obesity and studied them to see if it was true. All Things Considered, talk show's informational broadcast "Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity" (2007), confirmed that their was a gene that caused obesity in some people, and that it is not just excess eating that causes it. The talk show was informing their audience of adults anywhere from their usual age range of 30-60 of the recent discovery. The source is telling its audience of the recent discovery and how they went about testing it to find out that it was specifically this gene that contributes to obesity. the source is accurate and can be used for school reports because they have scientists from medical schools and Boston's children's hospital. They use multiple sources and give explanation to the people in a common way to understand it. The source will be used for direct quotes to support the topic and help people understand obesity and how to prevent it.
Michael Padilla

American Poverty Statistics | Welfare and Welfare Spending. - 0 views

    Contrast. "Understanding poverty in America. The Heritage Foundation." Conservation Policy Research and Analysis. The HeritageFoundation. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. Robert Rector and Kirk Johnson, in the essay Understanding Poverty in America (2004), explains that the poor aren't in poverty. Rector supports his explanation by illustrating facts that show the number of people in poverty conditions within the 35 million poor peoples. The authors main purpose is to point out all the people in real poverty situations. The author writes in a informal tone for those who listen to the census bureau.  In this research, they state that the plague of poverty can be over exaggerated to make a good story. It is very much so apposing my topic, that is to support relief groups to clean up the community. I can tell how the poor aren't in poverty, but are in danger of being in poverty. I could explain how the economy causes a downward spiral from the middle class, to poor, then to poverty. As a solution,  The government will try to fix the economy. The current economic situation affects all classes, but the poor are neglected by the government so the community must do its part.
michael mcardle

Obesity - The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic - 0 views

    International Obesity Task Force. "Obesity - The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic." Nature Publishing Group : Science Journals, Jobs, and Information. International Obesity Task, 2001. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author talks about how the WHO should not be as active as they are, in order to stop the use of the BMI scale. One of the main topics they talk about are how they don't think the BMI scale is accurate and should not be used to determine if a person is obese or not. The author gives examples of why they should not be engaged and talks about cases where the BMI scale is incorrect and its completely wrong. The International Obesity Task Force Inform people in their non-fictional article "The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic" (2001) ague that the WHO should not have created the BMI scale and not have measured people by it when it is falsely created. They are talking to other health scientist and doctors about the BMI scale and trying to convince them that it is falsely grounded. The IOTF convince health scientists and physicians that the BMI scale is falsely grounded and should not be used. The article is a large misconception and informational on the flaws the BMI scale has but is over generalized and is exaggerating the problems. They over uses the fact that people with muscle will be counted as obese and will consider abnormally tall people with skinny frames for anorexic. The source will be used as a counter argument and can be used to defend opposing view points and prove them false, or over generalized.
michael mcardle

obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic - 0 views

    WHO Consultation. "Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic." WHO Technical Report Series. World Health Orginization, 2004. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . This is a book containing all the current information of obesity and ways to help prevent it or stop it and reduce it in order to create a healthier society and inform people on the ways it can affect them. The authors outline and tell the problems of obesity, they support it with research from multiple sources and peer review it. They give information in parts such as what they know, what is known, how they know it, the costs of being obese, health risks and so on. WHO Consultation in their nonfictional informative book, obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic (1999, reprinted 2004), inform readers that obesity is serous and can be easily stopped. The authors intended on not having a big relationship with the reader and only to inform the readers of the problems at hand. The source is an all in one encyclopedia about obesity and has an organized system for each of the chapters and topics. They talk about each of the topics in depth and give as much detail as they can. This will be one of the most useful sources and can help with the writing of the project the most above the others. The source is a little bit dated and has some incorrect information since 1999 but can be revised by the other sources. The book will be the most used source and will be used for the background information and to inform and give the causes and available treatments.
michael mcardle

Fat - 0 views

    KELLY, LIONEL. "American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story." Yearbook of English Studies (2001): 218. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author wants to give a fresh look on how people see obesity and fat, he goes right down to the cells he sees everyday and makes the reader make a deep connection with them. the author first talks about fat cells as if they are so powerful and captivating but then brings the reader to a person and talks about her struggles with the cells. SPENCER NADLER, in his non-fictional article "Fat" (2001), asserts that their is a connection between the fat cells and the way the human body stores fat and how people become obese. the author is trying to make the audience feel a deep connection like he does to the fat cells, trying to make a relationship with them.  the author shares his deep relationship with fat cells to the reader and hopes they connect as well. He then talks about what they do how they are formed and tells a personal story with them. the author is very persuasive in his article but is also very informative. The article will probably be used to support evidence or for direct quotes to introduce a topic.
michael mcardle

Doctor On Childhood Obesity - 0 views

    "Doctor On Childhood Obesity." All Things Considered 9 Feb. 2010. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author is talking about how children are talking about how people are working together in order to inform the public about the incoming epidemic is not striking our children. the author talks specifics and how he once saw a child that was over 400 pounds. All Things Considered, a radio talk show interviewed a doctor in the episode "Doctor On Childhood Obesity" (2010), they state that the epidemic sweeping across the nation is also harm our children and affecting them directly. they intend the audience to be a person between the ages of 30-50 considering most of the people in those age groups have children to care for. they state that the epidemic is attacking our children now and affecting them directly and will harm them more in the future then it will the adults. the information is accurate and ca be used because of the sources used to put it together. they are repetitive in some cases but can always be used to straighten augments in other ways. the source will be used for direct quotes and can be the introduction to new topics.
michael mcardle

American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story - 0 views

    NADLER, SPENCER. "Fat." American Scholar 70.2 (2001): 83. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author is telling people the stories of others in order to inform people that obesity can strike them as well as others around them. The author tells them of specific stories about obese people. LIONEL KELLY in her informative article, "American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story," (2001) implies that obesity is an important and serous condition and should be treated with as much respect as other diseases. She talks to over weight and healthy adults between the ages of 20-50 by making a friendly informative relationship with the audience. The author tells stories about other over weight people and how their lives has been affected by obesity. A story that really stood out was one about a obese mother in a bathing suit where a child pours sand down her shirt. The author goes to tell and describe the mother and how she is made fun of by other people in the local area. the don't just do this when the sand is poured down her shirt they laugh at the struggle she has to go thought in order to get the sand out from he bosom. The author tells of other stories and about how it affects them and their lives. The article is a very convincing and very informative about how it might affect people's lives and how it continues to grow. the source will mainly be used as a reference to how it can affect people's lives and for informative stories or examples.
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