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Andrea Duran

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on - 0 views

    Robinson, Ken. "In Bring on the Learning Revolution!" TED: Ideas worth Spreading. TED, May 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2012.>. Ken Robinson adds on to his first video blog back in 2006 and argues that the learning revolution needs to start now. He supports his argument by providing information of America's conformity of education, that the schools systems standardize everything and students just have to become accustom to the environment of the classrooms. He analyzes that all kids are different and they all have different skills that are better than others. A child could be really good at something, but lack the passion to continue on with it. Robinson recognizes that passion is also the main key to creativeness. In his speech, his main purpose is to have the audience in the room that work for major businesses, multimedia, or are entrepreneurs, to help revolutionize education, as it will help their children and future generations to flourish their ideas for the future. He uses an informal tone to connect with his audience on a comfort level. "In Bring on the Learning Revolution", Ken Robinson discusses again why the education system is important to change. This source is credible because the video was found on a site, Ted talks, that bring in businessmen and women, educators, innovators, and politicians to a convention to discuss the large issues in the world. The video adds more information and continuing from the first video in 2006, it shows that Robinson is dedicated to the cause, since the second video was made three years later. This video will make my argument stronger because it provides more examples of the education systems in America.
Andrea Duran

Interview - Google Docs - 0 views

    Nariduchi, Nicholas. Personal Interview By Andrea Duran. 17 Jan 2012. 18 Jan 2012 In a personal interview, I asked a teacher's point of view about the epidemic of creativity. Nicholas Nariduchi, the graphic designer teacher at Basha High School, discusses why technology is vital in the creativity process for students and how it helps "generate" new ideas. The purpose of the interview was to show the point of view of an educator so the audience can have more perspective of a teacher who support creativeness in students. The questions are written in a formal tone so the person being interviewed can answer candidly about the subject The interview provides more perception of what an educator feels about their schools systems and the possibilities of what could be done to help the students be more creative. Nariduchi answers my questions thoroughly, and provides me information on what he believes causes and destroys creativity in students. I would use this in my research because it is coming from the point of view of a teacher, who teaches graphic design, to be creative by using technology. This interview is reliable and will be used in my research paper because it gives me facts, the point of view of the person being interviewed, and explains why creativeness is important for teens to retain.
Andrea Duran

Learners Together » Creative Thinking in the Higher Education Classroom - 0 views

    Puccio, Gerard J. "Creative Thinking in the Higher Education Classroom." Learners Together. Teaching and Learning Centre, Mar. 2007. Web. 16 Jan. 2012.>. In "Creative Thinking in the Higher Education Classroom" discusses how the learning process is shaping students to become followers and not leaders. Puccio argues that students need the balance of knowledge, imagination, and evaluation in order to be successful and to be leaders in the job markets. By using outside studies, Puccio supports his arguments by describing that creativity is one of the seven skills mainly used in the workplace. In the society that we live in today, he describes that creative and critical thinking has been taken advantage of and as students are losing grasp of their creativity, it has now become a "survival skill" that is needed now more than ever. Puccio's purpose in the article is to encourage higher education so schools can give students the possibility to flourish and be more creative. Puccio uses formal tone for educators and organizations that encourage creativity in the classrooms. The article is credible because the author puts his credentials of having a PhD and having a job at New York College. This article gives out straightforward information that allows the reader to understand the issue. Puccio also provides facts of how creativity stems and how higher education can influence a student's thinking ability. It uses pathos to grab educators and parents attention because it concerns their kids and their future. Compared to Anya Kamentezs' article, it concerns more around the kids and how it benefits them, and Kamentezs concerns more about the future, and how the future is important. This article helps add more information about the concerns of schools putting standards on students.
Andrea Duran

Unleash Creativity-How Encouraging Your Teens Creativity Supports Their Development | P... - 0 views

    Kelly, Amy. "Unleash Creativity-How Encouraging Your Teens Creativity Supports Their Development." Parent eSource, 24 Dec. 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2012 Amy Kelly in "Unleash Creativity-How Encouraging Your Teens Creativity Supports Their Development" argues that creativity can help a teens express themselves. In this article, Kelly promotes that the arts is an outlet for teens to have fun and express how they feel. This encourages the audience, the parents, to help their teen be creative and to gain self-confidence in this media frenzy society. Kelly's main purpose is to have parents be more involved in their teen's life. She uses an informal tone to connect to parents about the issue. "Unleash Creativity-How Encouraging Your Teens Creativity Supports Their Development" author Amy Kelly is a reliable source because she is the CEO of the eSource newsletter that helps parents connect with their child. Compared with the other sources, the solution to a teen's creativity in this article is quintessential; art or drawing always been publicized as the solution to being more creative. The other sources focus more on changing the structure of education and having students take more high-level classes. This is a good source because it provides a broad base of what teens can do to be more creative. This article helps show that self-confidence is important in a teenager's life and it also influences the creativity outlet for teens.
Andrea Duran

Why Education Without Creativity Isn't Enough | Fast Company - 0 views

    Fast Company 14 Sept. 2011: 1. Where Ideas and People Meet. Fast Company, Sept. 2011. Web. 16 Jan. 2012>. Anya Kamentezs argues that the core subjects in school are not enough in today's fast and innovating world. Kamentezs claims that STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is not enough to beat the leading powers in the global economy. She emphasizes that creative thinking and teamwork should be important in schools, because the ideas from students today will be new and creative and that would help innovations in the future. She interviews a top executive from India, to get perspective form someone from the outside looking at the education system of the United States. This helps bring in perspective of what other countries think of American school systems. In the article, she writes that American school systems well prepare students to be capable to take the top market jobs. Her purpose is if America's wants to continue to innovate, we have to the change our school systems to make a better future. She uses a formal tone to for business people who read the magazine. This article is a reliable source because it comes from a publishing magazine. It is useful because it has a lot of interesting points of how innovating and creativity comes hand in hand, and without creativity, we wouldn't have the technology of today. It brings up a lot of controversial points that America is not up to par with other countries economically, and that our education systems is the root of the problems. With her interview with the top executive from India, he refutes her argument saying that America has the best education in the world and we are much more innovated than we think. The article also has a graph that shows the progress Americans have gone through from having low skill, working in productive service, to having high technological skill. This article helps my research that creativity is needed
Andrea Duran

Rethinking Advanced Placement - - 0 views

    Drew, Christopher. "Rethinking Advanced Placement." Education Life. New York Times, 7 Jan. 2011. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. In " Rethinking Advance Placement", Christopher Drew discusses that higher-level thinking gives students the challenge of being able to do more problem-solving and deeper analysis of the subjects.  Drew argues that AP classes are becoming harder as each year passes. He expresses the facts that College Board is changing the criteria to fit the student's needs rather the student fit their needs.  College Board hopes that the "New AP" will help students focus on what they need to know and "what they are able to do with their knowledge". Drew main purpose is to show that there has been improvement in changing the education system. His tone is formal as he uses a lot of outside information to report on the news.  Christopher Drew in " Rethinking Advance Placement" is a reliable source because he is an official reporter for the New York Times. The article has a lot of facts about the "New AP" standard and it brings up the issue of why College Board has decided that it was time for a change in AP classes. It also has quotes from both students and teachers of how they feel towards the AP classes and what should be change about them. Compared to other articles, it focuses more on the high- level courses and this will help in my research because creativity stems from the critical thinking, and a lot of the AP classes make students go in-depth in the subject.
Sydney Hart

Child Abuse Statistics - 0 views

    • Sydney Hart
      even though this information was taken in the '90s it still holds some very interesting information/ statistics that have probably only increased as time has gone on.
  • In 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children were reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies as alleged victims of child maltreatment.
  • Neglect represents the most common type of reported and substantiated form of maltreatment
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • In 1999, an estimated 1,401 child abuse and neglect related fatalities were confirmed by CPS agencies, nearly 4 every day.
  • more than three children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect
  • Approximately 54% of the deaths were due to physical abuse while 43% resulted from neglect.
  • 82% of these children were under the age of five while an alarming 42% were under the age of one at the time of their death
  • the Harm Standard, under which children are counted as maltreated only if they have already experienced demonstrable harm
  • definitions of child maltreatment
    • Sydney Hart
      each source has their own definition of child abuse, but all of the sources have a commonality: maltreatment and physically harming children.
  • the Endangerment Standard, under which children are counted if they have experienced maltreatment that puts them at risk of demonstrable harm.
  • Girls are sexually abused three times more often than boys.
  • Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls.
    • Sydney Hart
      "poverty is significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment/ abuse" -why do parents who have less money or are less fortunate than some result in harming their children? that isnt going to put food on the table or help out in any way shape or form.
  • Poverty is significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment
  • More than 22 times more likely to experience maltreatment
  • More than 44 times more likely to be neglected
  • Over 22 times more likely to be seriously injured
  • 60 times more likely to die from maltreatment under the Harm Standard.
  • children with disabilities
    • Sydney Hart
      children with disabilities of ll types have enough trouble fitting in with the rest of society why make their lives harder by sexually abusing them? its not their fault they were born with a disability more than likely it was the parents fault.
  • children and youths suffer more victimization than do adults in virtually every category, including physical abuse, sibling assault, bullying, sexual abuse, and rape
  • 4 to 10 times more vulnerable to sexual abuse than their non-disabled peers
  • Children whose parents abuse drugs or alcohol are put at a greater risk for violent victimization
  • Long term effects of child abuse include fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, poor self esteem, tendency toward substance abuse and difficulty with close relationships
  • Adults who viewed domestic violence in the home as children have a greater difficulty holding jobs, maintaining relationships with their peers and have a higher risk of developing mental health disorders
Kara Kaiser

Mammography Screening: National Breast Cancer Coalition - 0 views

  • Two of the trials are generally considered to be the most reliable – the Malmo and Canadian trials
  • same breast cancer mortality or death rate as the women who did no
    NBCC. "Mammography Screening: National Breast Cancer Coalition." National Breast Cancer Coalition. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author's purpose of this article is to address the fact that screening for breast cancer may not be as beneficial as it is portrayed, this is done in order to inform the public that the mammography is not as efficient as it seems. The article is developed through data and informational facts that would contradict that the screenings are beneficial. The National Breast Cancer Coalition argues that the form of testing for breast cancer is not as sufficient as is reported by doctors. The article is written towards an audience who is suspicious about the techniques used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms are no longer considered a valid screening test according to the article by the NBCC they make a small difference to those who do not have this screening. The author and source was reliable and interesting because it went against what is known as of today. I will use this source as to refute my paper; it is the opposing side of the treatments or screenings.
Kara Kaiser

What are the key statistics about breast cancer? - 0 views

    American Cancer Society. "What are the Key Statistics About Breast Cancer" (2010). American Cancer Society. 11/26/10 The American Cancer Society, in the article, "What are the Key Statistics About Breast Cancer" (2010), explains the statistics of breast cancer in America. The American Cancer Society supports their claim by using information about the risks and deaths of breast cancer. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of the negative effects on people diagnosed with breast cancer in order to show that breast cancer is a serious problem in the U.S. The author writes in a formal and serious tone to an audience who needs the knowledge of solid facts about the life-destroying disease. Knowing the key data on breast cancer is a necessary piece of information that is completely resourceful. The author wrote well, considering it mostly basic statistics anyway. It is credible and relevant by all means. This source will be used often and it is very reliable because the data was taken in 2010. The death rates and risk rates can be compared to the graphs, which can, again, make me more confident in my paper.
Kara Kaiser

Stages of Breast Cancer - National Breast Cancer Foundation - 0 views

    National Breast Cancer Foundation, "Stages of Breast Cancer" (2010). National Breast Cancer Foundation. 11/26/10 The National Breast Cancer Foundation, in the article, "Stages of Breast Cancer" (2010), shows the stages of breast cancer and survival. The National Breast Cancer Foundation supports their claim by using reliable statistics and information on the stages of the disease. The author's purpose is to inform the reader about the stages in order to help the patient to understand the disease they are currently fighting against. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for a supportive audience. This source is useful background information on breast cancer. It can help me clearly understand what the disease is, mainly providing information on the stages of the disease and what should be done during and after each stage. The author provides accurate data and information that will give me the base I need to intelligently write about the illness that is so harsh in times such as these.
Kara Kaiser

Psychologic intervention improves survival for breast... [Cancer. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Department of Psychology, "Psychological intervention improves survival for breast cancer patients" (2008). Department Psychology. 11/26/10. The Department of Psychology, in the article, "Psychological intervention improves survival for breast cancer patients" (2008), illustrates that patients who receive psychological intervention during the treatment stage will have a better chance of survival. The Department Of Psychology supports their claim with strong research on people who suffer with the disease. The author's purpose was to report on the study in order to show that psychological intervention can save the life of a victim with breast cancer. The author writes in a formal, serious tone to enforce the reality of possible options for those who hope each day something better will come along. Breast cancer does not leave opportunities for the individuals who struggle with it. Fortunately this source gives hope to those who are willing to strive for an answer and to those strong enough to keep going. Psychological intervention will help those people get through these devastating times. The author puts the words in plain text as to understand clearly the outcome of this technique. My goal for this article was to find something interesting about how psychological intervention cause more of a survival. It can help me learn more about one of the treatments for the patients and the research behind it.
Kara Kaiser

Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer - Magazine - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • aradoxically, women are both too anxious about their chances of developing breast cancer and too hopeful about our current approaches to diagnosing and treating the disease.
  • This year, according to the American Cancer Society, some 184,300 women will discover that they have the disease; another 44,300 will die of it
    Plotkin, David. "Good news and bad news about breast cancer" Atlantic Monthly 277 (jun96). Atlantic Monthly. 11/26/10 Plotkin, in the article Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer (1996), claims that women don't have to be so worried about getting breast cancer but they should be more worried if they do get it, how to treat it. Plotkin supports his argument with research that has been done (by himself and others) that breast cancer is a challenging task for those in the medical filed. The author's purpose is to show that breast cancer is difficult to treat and it is not curable in order to convince that a cure needs to be found soon because the treatment that is current is not efficient enough. The author writes with intelligence in a formal tone to an audience who is patiently waiting to understand the amount of worriment they must take in from contracting this illness. The treatments that are accessible to the patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer are beneficial but there is no cure and even the drugs used are not top notch. Plotkin writes that women need to worry more about the types of treatment than the actual disease. The author gives plenty of viable and accurate information to the readers, interesting topics were brought up and much of the document served beneficial as a source. The knowledge I have obtained from this article will give me a chance to grasp the vast entirety of the treatments out there. I will be able to use this as background information so as to be intelligent when in need to discuss this very topic with my peers, teachers, family, and others that will help me accomplish my goal of raising money for a family in need.
Kara Kaiser

Cancer Statistics, Trends, and Multiple Primary Cancer Analyses from the Surveillance, ... - 0 views

  • Past trends in cancer incidence rates, coupled with shifts in the U.S. age structure, are described by changes in the median age of patients diagnosed, which is a summary statistic of age-specific incidence for the population at risk.
    SEER Program. "Epidemiology and Population Studies: SEER Series" (2006). SEER. 11/26/10 The SEER program, in the article, "Epidemiology and Population Studies: SEER Series" (2006), explains the cancer statistics and research on the subject. The SEER program supports their claim by providing credible data from multiple, reliable sources. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of the rates in research in cancer and breast cancer patients in order to inform the reader that action needs to be taken with as much faith and dedication as those who are fighting an awful illness such as this. The author writes in a formal tone to a supportive audience. This source shows examining the trends of breast cancer and the statistics on the topic; it describes the risks of developing cancer as well. The author wrote his facts intelligently and clearly giving the information that was needed. I will use this source as evidence of breast cancer's rising power of an epidemic that is now spreading across America as the Black Plague did in the Early Modern period.
Kara Kaiser

Breast Cancer Background, Part 1 - 0 views

  • Even with these tests, scientists still do not have a way of directly treating the defective genes. Although esearchers are investigating the possible roles of heredity, environment, lifestyles, and
  • STAGE I - The cancer is no wider than 2 centimeters (about 1 inch) and has not spread outside the breast. Stage II - The tumor is more than 2 cm but less than 5 cm in the greatest dimension. Stage III - Tumor is more than 5 cm in the greatest dimension. Stage IV- Tumor of any size with growth extending to the chest wall or skin. Even
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's ELSI Project, "All About Breast Cancer" (2010). Lawrence Berkley. 11/26/10 The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's ELSI Project, in the article, "All About Breast Cancer" (2010), informs the reader on basic knowledge about breast cancer. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's ELSI Project supports their claim by using statistics from the American Cancer Society. The author's purpose was to inform the reader about breast cancer in order to widen the knowledge about the disease. The author writes in a formal tone to a supportive audience. Unsure of causes and unsure of treatment, breast cancer has fallen into the unknown. Researchers and doctors do what they can, but still a cure is just beginning to seem reachable. The author wrote without basis and evident facts. This article gave me knowledge on the statistics and interesting facts on breast cancer in American. This is very good information to have; it can help me to fully know how the disease is affecting the American public.
hayden householder

World Poverty (2010) - 0 views

    World Poverty. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. . The author, in the article World Poverty (2010), explains some of the issues the world is having with poverty. The author supports their explanation by using pictures. The author's purpose is to inform readers of poverty around the world so that action can be taken to stop it. The author writes in a formal tone for any kind of reader. The goal of this source is to help people get a better understanding of the world's poverty problem. This article is helpful in that it further helps me to understand that poverty is everywhere in the world. This source will help in my project by helping me understand some of the things people are going through around the world. I will probably use this source for its examples in my paper.
hayden householder

Solutions to World Poverty - 0 views

    "Solutions to World Poverty." World Poverty. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . The author, in the article Solutions to World Poverty (2010), explains possible solutions that can be taken to fight poverty around the globe. The author supports their explanation by giving detailed plans on ways to fix world poverty. The author's purpose is to suggest ways in which we can take action to solve the poverty problem of the world so that people can take action to try to solve problem. The author writes in a formal tone for anyone interested in the solutions to poverty. The goal of this source is to inform the readers of possible solutions to the problem of poverty. This article will help in my project by giving me a base of where to start in looking for a solution. I believe this source to be credible because the information comes from an official organization giving aid to poverty victims. This source will be used in my paper to help me develop new ideas on how I can help.
hayden householder

Poverty Definitions - U.S Census Bureau - 0 views

    "Poverty Definitions - U.S Census Bureau." Census Bureau Home Page. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. . The U.S. Census Bureau, in the article Poverty Definitions (2010), explains all of the different terms used to determine poverty. The U.S. Census Bureau supports their explanations by giving a full definition of the term before it. The author's purpose is to inform the readers of the terms used to talk about poverty. The author writes in a formal tone for all readers. This source will be helpful in my research in that it will help me to understand all of the different terms used in other articles. I believe this source is reliable because it comes from a government organization. The goal of this source is to help the people who don't know all the terms used by writers of articles to understand what is being talked about. This source is only definitions so no other information could be used from this source.
hayden householder

CIA - The World Factbook - 0 views

    "CIA - The World Factbook." Welcome to the CIA Web Site - Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. . The CIA, I the article The World Factbook (2010), states the percentages of countries around the world that are under the poverty line. The CIA supports their statements by listing the percentages for each country. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of the percentage of people in different countries that are living beneath the poverty line. The author writes in a formal tone for those looking to find the percentage below the poverty line of different countries. The purpose of this article is to show the reader of the different percentages under the poverty line in different countries. The author lists all the different countries alphabetically and their percentages. Every country differs, but countries like the United States have lower percentages than other third world countries. The country with the lowest percentage is China.
hayden householder

Causes of Poverty - 0 views

    "Causes of Poverty." GDRC | The Global Development Research Center. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. . The author, in the article Causes of Poverty, explains the factors that contribute to reaching a state of poverty. The author supports their explanation by including several facts from legible sources. The author's purpose is to inform readers what causes poverty in order to avoid it. The author writes in a formal tone for any type of reader. The goal of this source is to inform other readers how they can avoid poverty by learning some things that can cause the effect of poverty. This source will help in my efforts by helping me to understand possible reasons as to why that person may be poor. I believe the source to be reliable because it has come from a specific organization. This source can be used in my project to help better people by informing them in ways to avoid poverty.
hayden householder

A Variety of Approaches Are Needed to Cut Poverty - 0 views

    "A Variety of Approaches Are Needed to Cut Poverty." Catalog. 2009. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. . The author, in the article A Variety of Approaches Are Needed to Cut Poverty (2009), explains ways that can be taken to escape poverty. The author supports their explanation by describing different plans that can be taken to overcome poverty. The author's purpose is to inform the people on how to get away from poverty in order to live a better life. The author writes in a formal tone for everyone interested in poverty. This article will be helpful to me in that it will provide ideas to help stop or decrease poverty. I believe the source to be credible because it came from a government website. The goal of this source is to inform readers how to get out of poverty. Information can be taken from this source to help make a plan to take action at a later time.
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