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Andrew Kaye

Alternative energy sources - Darrin Gunkel - Google Books - 0 views

shared by Andrew Kaye on 01 Feb 12 - No Cached
    Gunkel, Darrin. Alternative Energy Sources. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006. Print Darrin Gunkel, in the book "Alternative Energy Sources" (2006), asserts that our society must find a renewable energy source that would sufficiently supply the world's energy consumption needs for years to come. Gunkel supports his assertion by describing different energy sources and their advantages compared to their drawbacks. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of high quality materials that would meet the criteria to be a mass-produced fuel source. Writing in a casual tone, the author encourages support for the topic from advanced economists or adult professionals who are concerned with the fuel crises. The source explains that the energy policy of our world today is really a bandage for the greater problem which many capable minds have not attempted to repair. Gunkel uses background knowledge and research to support his claims and to present a credible approach to dealing with the energy crisis. The layout of cause and effect or negatives versus positives aides the development of the premises regarding which fuel would be most practical in reality. Also, the book is written for the same audience as is my research summary, which will create a unified stance on the matter of finding ways to power the world in the future. I foresee myself using this resource within the main section of my research paper because it strongly supports my rhetoric and addresses many key points about the topic of energy alternatives to electricity. This book is also helpful due to the fact that it is linked to multinational organizations dealing with energy dilemmas and looking for solutions themselves.
Andrew Kaye

Biofuels - 0 views

    New, Phil. "The Potential of Renewables." The Economist UK Energy Summit. UK. 23 June 2011. Conference Presentation. Phil New, in his unbiased speech, "The Potential of Renewables" (2011), argues that there is no need to worry about the abrupt end of our natural resource supply because our society will be advanced enough to live independently of those resources in the future. New supports his claims by exclaiming that the best fuel will be the one to replace oil in the transportation industry. His purpose for the speech was to persuade scientists to research a renewable fuel that has similar properties to oil, but has a lesser impact on the environment. New speaks in a professional tone for researchers and other professionals in the scientific field who will value the information he presents to them. This resource gives a valuable opinion of the main cause of the energy crisis, which he relates to be transportation. With cars, ships, trains, buses, and airplanes, transportation is the largest business of fuel consumption. The author shows his credibility through the data he relates to the Committee and through his sophisticated tone. He also makes several convincing arguments about bio-fuels being the greatest possible resources for the future. His stand on the matter is that plant based materials will provide the steadiest source of fuel if production was increased onto undeveloped lands owned by governments or large businesses. I foresee myself using this source in an introductory paragraph to support my argument of being an activist in the materials engineering community and taking the initiative to present major findings to a large panel of powerful people. Most importantly, this is a very accommodating piece to my major premise of research.
Andrew Kaye

The clean tech revolution: the next big growth and investment opportunity - Ron Pernick... - 0 views

shared by Andrew Kaye on 01 Feb 12 - No Cached
    Pernick, Ron. "The Clean Tech Revolution." New York: HarperCollins, 2007. Print. Ron Pernick, in his nonfiction book, "The Clean Tech Revolution," explains that the modern era has brought along technology that is revolutionizing the world. Pernick supports his claims by describing the top choices for renewable energy possibilities. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of many positive outlooks on modern businesses and even to illustrate jobs that have yet to be invented. Pernick writes in an prognostic tone with many references to specific corporations for an audience of knowledgeable adults or professionals. The author portrays a very possible lifestyle of our future society made up of clean energy and efficient resources. Adding to his already powerful thesis, he does not only touch on the fuel issue, but also the other technological feats mankind has created lately. Specifically in the technological age, the author evaluates our position in progression of mankind. One of the most influential arguments of the author involves his theory that the science and technology has been created, and now all we need to do is apply it to our lives. I foresee myself using this source in the body of my research paper to further enhance the ideas of progression and activism. This source will be a commonly referenced piece throughout my conclusions in the report as well.
Andrew Kaye

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    "Technology and Society." Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author, in their biased article, "Technology and Society," argues that technology has only benefited society and no harm has come from anything related to technology. Their claims are supported through sections of specific details relating to the overall theme of beneficial advancements in our society. The author's purpose for this article is to convince the reader that technology benefits all who have access to it and it is a major asset to living prosperously. The tone of the article is casual, giving the reader a sense that anyone can find this information valuable, if they know how to interpret it correctly. The author introduces many controversial topics in this discussion including the use of technology for destruction and for radical situations. Conversations about where the usage of it is most prominent is also found throughout the discussion. The author seems to be a reliable source with seemingly accurate data supporting his claims and opinions based on facts. It almost seems as well that the author was afraid to take a different position on the topic, perhaps to strengthen his credibility. I will use this information in the main body section of my report so that I have another opinion voicing the benefits of new advancements.
Andrew Kaye

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    "The Energy Crisis." Is the World Heading Toward an Energy Crisis? Ed. Daniel A. Leone. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. At Issue. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author, in their descriptive article, "The Energy Crisis," explains that our world will run out of natural resources and be forced into a dark age if there is nothing left to power our world. Their claims are supported with historical recollections of finding fossil fuels which powered our society in the modern era. The purpose of this article is to persuade the public to take action in science and in materials engineering to start testing possible renewable resources as fuel substitutes. The tone of the piece is urgent because of the drastic wording and manner of the speaker as he writes for the common person or intrigued scientist. This source describes a situation of the greatest demise for the world. The author states that one day there will be no more supply for the ever-expanding demand of the populous. When this day comes, a doomsday scenario would occur leaving millions without power, light, or heat. It is amazing how dependent we are on oil and other resources we take for granted as being forever available and readily acquired. According to the article, some desire for the government to intervene on the energy crisis, but others believe that the government would only drive up the cost of those resources and exaggerate the truth about other possibilities to oil. Especially since there are not perfectly exact estimates of resources supplies in the Earth, we have reason to worry if the pumps start to run dry earlier than was previously expected. The author's information appears to be credible with valid historical references and facts. I will use this source in the conclusion on my report to emphasize the need for change.
Andrew Kaye

Gale Science In Context - Document - 0 views

    "Computer science and electrical engineering." World of Computer Science. Gale, 2007. Gale Science In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author, in their explanatory article, "Computer Science and Electrical Engineering," describes the historical situation of how computer sciences and electrical engineering came about. The author's claims are supported by their background in historical facts and a basis in the cause and effect process. The purpose of this article is to inform the readers of how electrical engineering and computer sciences can be applied to real life. The tone of the article in formal for educated scholars looking for credible information. This article discusses how electrical connections and circuits are formed with specific references to computing technology. The author also associates electrical engineering with the development of technology and advancement of our society. This theme is found throughout the piece and seems to be the central topic of the essay. In a broader sense, the whole process of engineering and testing goes through a continuous cycle to produce the greatest product possible. This source is very slightly opinionated making it appear rather valid in its statements. I will use this source in the body section of the report to support other information I have collected related to the continuous cycle of creating and tweaking designs for better products. This specific topic can also be used as a model for the energy solution to follow, with it having one brave thought introduced, and many other ideas branching off of the original.
Andrew Kaye

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Generator - 0 views

    "Generator." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2011): 1. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author of the essay, "Generator," describes the process of converting different kinds of energy into electrical energy through a generator. The author's claims are supported by references to other known credible sources. The purpose of the essay is to inform readers of how to use, assemble, or describe a generator. The tone of the passage is informal and mainly for a specific audience of electricians or electrical engineers. Specifically speaking in terms of energy, this source describes how to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, exemplified in turbines. Basically, you would have to create a complete circuit through the generator to have a constant flow of voltage around the extractor of the turbine. A powerful electromagnet is then used to divert the mechanical energy into electrical energy flowing only in one direction. The author of this source appears to be credible with professional diction relating to generators. I will use this source in the body section of my report where it will provide an outlook on how efficient wind or water turbines may be, or how they can be improved.
Andrew Kaye

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Renewables - 0 views

    "Renewables." New Statesman 140.5084/5085 (2011): 64. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author of the essay, "Renewables," argues that electricity is the key to supplying our future with sustainable and clean power. The author's claims are not well supported with any factual or credible information related to the topic. The purpose of the essay is to show the administrative viewpoint from someone who understands the energy industry and believes they have a solution to the problem. The tone is very professional for adults who understand the main theories of energy consumption or anyone who is interested in the topic. This essay discusses many of the already discovered renewable energy resources as obsolete and the author suggests that they can be improved or redesigned. The theme to the essay is that the electric demands in the world are on the rise and fossil fuels are strong additions to help supply the demands of the public. Although, fossil fuels release carbon emissions and will not be accepted any longer into our atmosphere. The world has changed to one which is specifically "green" and it requires clean energy that can also be easily produced at a reasonable price. This task seems almost impossible, but with the technology being introduced into our markets for anyone to take advantage of, it is very likely that possible solutions will be conjured and then considered for application. The author of the essay seems credible because of the accreditation at the end of the piece which shows his research as well on this topic. I will use this information in the body section of the report which will encourage others to follow the instructions set by this author.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Partial Eating Disorder Syndromes Among Teens - 0 views

    "Partial Eating Disorder Syndromes Among Teens. (Cover story)." Eating Disorders Review 19.3 (2008): 4. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. The author, in the article "Partial Eating Disorder syndromes Among Teens (Cover story)" (2008) claims the number of eating disorders accounted amongst teenagers have at dangerously increased rates in the past 20 years. The author supports his/her assertion by listing facts and statistics of the increasing number of teens diagnosed. The purpose is to paint out the importance it is to inform terms of the dangers they are involving themselves into if one attempts to engage in starving themselves. The author writes in a formal tone for young teens, mostly teenage girls. This is a very useful source, because detailed statistics are given. This is a reliable source that shows a strong objective to inform teens of these problems. The goal of this source is to attempt prevention of more early disorders to follow. I can use this source in my research paper to shape my argument more fluently and descriptively.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Reality Travels, Warner Turns To Teens, LAMC Goes Hollywood - 0 views

    Cobo, Leila, et al. "Reality Travels, Warner Turns To Teens, LAMC Goes Hollywood." Billboard 115.19 (2003): LM-34. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. Leila Cobo, in the editorial "Reality Travels, Warmer turns to Teen, LAMC Goes Hollywood" (2003), asserts that mega TV channels are using teenagers as companpy advertisements and promotions. Cobo supports her assertion by describing the process television shows are involving themselves in just to get success. The authors purpose to inform the public of this knowledge so awareness is brought upon this issue. The author writes in a formal tone for the public to read. This configures to be useful in the overall research topic. The article's goal is to inform the public of a better understanding of 'teen marketing'. This shapes my arguments to include television shows. In addition, I can use this source in my research project to use "teen advertising" as a sub-topic.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Music piracy is OK by Christian teens - 0 views

    "Music piracy is OK by Christian teens." U.S. Catholic 69.7 (2004): 10. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. U.S Catholic, states in the article "Music privacy is ok by Christian Teens" (1993) that even Christian teens pirate songs and have no issue with it. The author supports their assertion by listing the statistic of how many teens pirate compared to the number of Christian teen who pirate. The purpose is to point out how music piracy is so common and how morals have changed throughout teens. This article is written informal for the public to read. This source can be utilized to prove a change in morality amoungst teenagers. The goal of this source was to prove the point that music piracy is a very common. This helps shape my argument by explaining not all 'good' people are 'good bible people'. It can use this source in my research topic to explain teen behavior.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Keeping Pace With Teen Media Use: Implications and Strategies for Educators. - 0 views

    Fuller, Heidi A., and Amy M. Damico. "Keeping Peace With Teen Media Use: Implications and Strategies for Educators." Journal of Educational Research 101.6 (2008): 323-332. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. Heidi A. Fuller and Amy Damico in the article "Keeping pace with Teen Media Use: Implications and strategies for Educators" (2008) argues that media allows students (high school) to re-think the glamorous life style and it allows them to evaluate life. Fuller and Damico support their argument by defining the use of media in schools important in a teen life, while in a school atmosphere. The author's purpose is to point out the impact media provides students in order to clarify media are not only a damaging aspect in life. This article is written in a formal tone for readers who believes teen receive too much media 'glamorous'. This is a very useful source due to the simplicity and variety of opinions it states. The information is reliable but may be a biased understanding, because the goal of this article seemed as if was a convincing informative piece of writing. This source was helpful to me and it shapes my argument as a more defined topic. I can use this source in my final paper to argue the amount of effect media has on a teen daily life.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Teens and seniors enjoy summer together - 0 views

    Peltier, Michael. "Teens and seniors enjoy summer together." Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management 55.8 (2006): 59-60. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. Michael Peltier, in the article "Teens and seniors enjoy summer together" (2006) explains teenagers of all ages say their favorite time of the year is how they spend their vacation. Michel Peltier supports his explanation by describing an average teens summer, a camp. The authors purpose is to group various ages of teens from all ages that consider such an in event during summer 'paradise'. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for teenagers to read. This is a semi useful source as it is not much expected information as needed in this project. This source seems reliable and a defining piece of writing. The goal of this source was to state no matter your age, everybody could have fun with each other. This source can be used in my research paper to explain teenage attitude.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

Teens can get fake IDs in a few keystrokes on Web - 0 views

    Jonsson, Patrik. "Teens can get fake ID's in a few keystokes on Web. (Cover story)." Christian Science Monitor 29 Aug. 2001: 1. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Patrick Jansson, in the article "Teens can get fake ID's in a few keystrokes on Web. (Cover story)" (2001), asserts that fake ID's are so common amongst teen due to their desire of tobacco and alcohol. Patrick Jonsson supports his assertion by describing the easy process of getting one and the easy use of one. The author's purpose is to point out to bars and dance clubs to watch carefully for fake ID's so that alcohol and tobacco is not landing in the 'irresponsible' hands of teenagers. The authors write in an informal tone for people of all ages to read. This source is very useful because it gives me the opportunity and small facts needed to understand how easy teens are receiving alcohol, tobacco, and essentially drugs. This is an objective source that is reliable because Johnson is educated amongst this topic. As this helps me shape my argument in the way of inferring the poor 'checking' of bars, markets, and grocery stores. I can use this source in my paper to receive a better understanding of retrieval of such items.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Parenting - 0 views

    Joussemet, Mireille, Renée Landry, and Richard Koestner. "A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Parenting." Canadian Psychology 49.3 (2008): 194-200. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. Mireille Jaussement, in the editorial 'A self determination theory perspective on Parenting" (2008) claims that supportive parenting leads to successful life's for their children. Joussement supports her claim by contrasting between a well-off teen and a troubled one. The authors purpose is to suggest supportive patently form all families in order for their children to live great lives. The author writes in a formal tone to the public. This is a very useful source as it allows this research to expand into the parent-hood side of one's 'self-image'. The goal of this source is to encourage parents to embrace their parentally skills and guide their children. This source can be used to argue teen behavior in my research project. This topic is recieving information from all angles of the spectrum.
Vincent Japacrupetalon

What kind of civil society is best for democracy? - 0 views

    Warren, Mark E. "What kind of civil democracy is best for democracy?" Portuguese Journal of Social Science3.1 (2004): 37-47. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. Marc E. Warren, in the article "What kind of Civil Society is best for Democracy?" (2004), asserts that a strong civil society with a re-enforcing democracy is the best match. Mark E. Warren, supports his assertion by listing the importance of a well-behaved society alongside a government. The author's purpose is to inform any society seeking help so that everyone can come together as a one. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for political purposes. This is a useful source and can be used in my research paper to explain the importance of a reinforcing democracy alongside a civil society. This source may be partial biased, but reliable because solid information is mentioned. To inform the public was the goal of this source and it has changed the way this topic can be looked upon by having a more full circle understanding of society. My argument is getting supportive information.
Sydney Hart

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • family structure and size, poverty, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, and community violence are contributing factors to child abuse and neglect.
Andrea Duran

Can Education and Creativity Mix? | Innovations - 0 views

    Rieland, Randy. "A Cheat Sheet to Help Schools Foster Creativity." Web log post. Innovations. Smithsonian, 22 Aug. 2011. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. Randy Rieland discusses in the article, " A Cheat to Help Schools Foster Creativity", how schools are still following the model education for the industrial economy, and not for the modernize economy today. Rieland argues that more corporate companies want people who are more creative. As the economy today is striving on the new innovations in technology, they need more visionary people to produce even better innovations in the future. Since there is a lot of budget cuts in schools, Rieland main purpose is to get teachers and other educators to motivate students into being original and passionate about learning again. The tone of the article is informal tone as the author puts his opinion towards the end of the article.  Rieland is a reliable source because he is a writer for an online magazine. The article has a lot of ethos and it connects to societies issue with education. Compared to the other articles, it brings up the issue of the model of the educational system; that since America was industrializing up to the 1970s, America set their educational system of what jobs were needed then. Now that America is no longer in the industrializing, we should change the educational system to fit what is needed now. This source is useful because it helps understand the educational system, which will help in my research.
Andrea Duran

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on - 0 views

    Robinson, Ken. "Schools Kill Creativity." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. Ted, June 2006. Web. 16 Jan. 2012.>. Ken Robinson is at display at the Ted convention in 2006 and his main argument was that creativity is being lost in kids when they go to school. He analyzes that schools are making kids grow up quickly and make them understand life principals. Though understanding these principals are helpful, we lose the opportunity of experiencing life, making our own mistakes, and solving our own problems. Robinson discusses that every education system has a hierarchy of subjects; that the math and sciences are more important than the english and the arts. But his purpose wasn't o inform the audience that creativity is just as important as the sciences and math classes because many of innovators would have not made technology possible if there wasn't creativeness behind those inventions. The video grabs the audience's attention my using pathos, because many of the audience members are likely to be parents, or educators, and so they feel emotion towards the speech. Robinson in an informal tone connects to the audience that kids and teens need imagination and originality, to be able to prepare for the future. This speech gives important ideas that many people are listening to and provides a lot of information not just from the point of view of an educator, but as a parent. Robinson provides well insight to others for them to understand that our kid's future are important, and this speech gives good awareness to the general public. This is useful for my research because it provides the insight of the issue about the education system in America, and the emphasis of what will happen if we don't change the school systems in our communities.
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