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carlo arayon

What is breast cancer? - 0 views

  • lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (tiny tubes that carry the milk from the lobules to the nipple), and stroma
  • Most breast cancers begin in the cells that line the ducts
    "What is Breast Cancer" "What is Breast Cancer?" Detailed Guide Breast Cancer. Web. 9 December 2011. The article on is an in-depth explanation of what breast cancer is, how it forms, where it forms, and how it spreads mainly. It explains the structure of the breast and which parts of most susceptible to the malignant tumors. While some tumors are benign, some are detrimental to a person's health so being checked regularly through mammograms is the most essential way in reducing risk of breast cancer. Being a .org website, you already know that it is reliable but also being makes it a no brainer to use. It's primary goal is to inform readers what breast cancer is and explains so easily without contributing to the complexity of the phenomenon. This source has given me an understanding on how breast cancer works and I see myself using this extremely helpful source in my research.
carlo arayon

Dan Dubno: Politicizing Breast Cancer: Komen Foundation's "Race For Controversy" - 0 views

    Politicizing Breast Cancer: Komen Foundation's "Race For Controversy" Dubno, Dan. "Politicizing Breast Cancer: Komen Foundation's "Race For Controversy." Politics. Huffington Post. Web. 2 Feb. 2012. Dan Dubno explains the possibilities of foul play within the Susan B. Komen Foundation, the most well-funded breast cancer charity. He suspects that the foundation has halted their subsidizing of cancer screenings and education in Planned Parenthood clinics due to the conservative leadership of the Komen Foundation. An organized smear upon Planned Parenthood was used as the primary excuse for the denial of services to women in need. The conservative heads in Komen say it is for the sake of pro-life. Dubno believes that it is just political ploy in order to gain votes from the prolife demographic within America, especially since it is election time. The source does a great idea of exposing the information to the reader in a very emotional and ethical approach. It is biased in a sense that it only shows one side and refuses to show the other without any supporting facts to provide a well-balanced argument. However, I will disregard this fact since it is a very reliable source and I fully support the case of the author.
Erica Sorensen

Working Toward a Crohn's Cure - Crohn's Disease Center - Everyday Health - 0 views

    Rodriguez, Diana. "Working Toward a Crohn's Cure." Everyday Health. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Diana Rodriguez, in the article Working Toward a Crohn's Cure (2010), explains that finding a cure for Crohn's Disease is imperative. Rodriguez supports her explanation by illustrating how the Crohn's Disease patients have gone from limited types of surgeries and medications to choose from to now an abundant amount. However, not one of the treatments cures the disease still. The author's purpose is to point out how far we have come in finding a cure for this illness so that we can inch even closer to a cure. Diana Rodriguez writes to those who are more in their twenties and middle aged in a semi-formal way because they are the generations that have jobs and are most likely able to donate in order to keep the research going. The article "Working Towards a Crohn's Cure" is a very credible source. It is by Diana Rodriguez and was medically reviewed by Lisa Marcellin who has a MD and MPH. This article has medicines and treatments that were mentioned in several other articles I found. The information and suggestions found within this article will be a huge asset to my paper. It will provide patients, loved ones, and doctors a more positive outlook because they will know that reaching the goal of finding a cure is showing that it is attainable which is shown through the abundant amount of progress that has been made.
Erica Sorensen

Teen diagnoses her own disease in science class - CNN - 0 views

    Cohen, Elizabeth. "Teen Diagnoses Her Own Disease in Science Class." CNN Health. Turner Broadcasting System. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Elizabeth Cohen, in the article Teen diagnoses her own disease in science class (2009), explains how Jessica Terry, a high school student, turned being diagnosed with Crohn's disease into a positive experience. Cohen supports her explanation by describing how Jessica discovered that she had Crohn's Disease in her science class. The author's purpose is to show that even the worst news can empower someone to work and try to turn the situation around so that your body can get back on track. The author writes in a semi-formal tone for teens diagnosed with Crohns disease. "Teen Diagnoses her own disease in Science Class" is a credible article. It was published by Elizabeth Cohen who is a CNN Senior Medical Correspondent. It was reviewed by CNN Health and CNN is a very popular news source used throughout the United States. This article compared to others by how similar Jessica Terry's symptoms were but differed in the fact that her doctors noticed her symptoms but could not determine that it was Crohn's Disease. That inspired Jessica one day in her science class to figure out her illness and she was correct in her findings. The fact that Jessica had the ability to distinguish what type of disease she had all on her own not only motivates medical professionals to further their exploration in finding a cure but will also be good insight to others when it is included in my paper later on.
Erica Sorensen

Managing the Costs of Crohn's Disease Treatment - Crohn's Disease Center - Everyday Health - 0 views

    Rodriguez, Diana. "Managing the Costs of Crohn's Treatment." Everyday Health. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Diana Rodriguez, in the article "Managing the Costs of Crohn's Treatment" (2010), suggests that Crohn's Disease is expensive to treat but there are different ways to handle the medical bills. Rodriguez supports her suggestion by describing all the various expenses that are involved with Crohn's and how the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America have numerous amounts of programs and opportunities to save money, work out payment plans, or even raise money for yourself and others. The author's purpose is to suggest that there are different ways to pay for the necessary treatments and medications in order to keep the disease under control. Rodriguez writes in a semi-formal tone for adults in order for them to understand all the payment options.  Diana Rodriguez is the author of the article from, "Managing the Costs of Crohn's Disease". This article was medically reviewed by Lindsay Marcellin who has a MD and MPH and the editorial staff of It is also very credible because it is the most recent up to date article I found. It was last updated September 2, 2010. This article relates to other articles that I found because it provides advice on how patients could manage their money in order to pay for all their treatments and all the treatments mentioned were discussed throughout the other articles. The information will be necessary in my paper later on to help give financial ideas to those who are struggling with Crohn's Disease.
Erica Sorensen

Living With Crohn's Disease: Janice's Story - Crohn's Disease Center - Everyday Health - 0 views

    Diana, Rodriguez. "Living with Crohn's Disease: Janice's Story." Everyday Health. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Diana Rodriguez, in the article Living With Crohn's Disease: Janice's Story (2010), explains how the struggles that come along with Crohn's Disease can dramatically change a persons life. Rodriguez supports her explanation by telling the story of 37 year old Janice Chavkin and her life with Crohn's Disease. The author's purpose is to point out how living with Crohn's Disease can positively and negatively impact an individuals life especially when diagnosed at the young age of fifteen so that others suffering with the same symptoms can realize that they are not in the fight alone. The author writes in semi-formal tone for those between the ages of fifteen and up. This is another credible source by Diana Rodriguez. The article was medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III who obtains a MD and MPH. It was also recently created in 2010 providing the most recent information available. The focus of the article was Janice Chavikin and her story about living with Crohn's Disease. Her experiences correspond to multiple symptoms and treatments that were mentioned in several other articles. This article displays how average individuals deal with the hardships caused by this illness and will be especially important to the paper when displaying that specific issue.
Erica Sorensen

Interview with Author Toni Whitley - Crohn's Disease, Career & Motherhood - Yahoo! Voic... - 0 views

    Peeples, Tambria. "Interview with Author Toni Whitley - Crohn's Disease, Career & Motherhood." Yahoo! Voices - Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Toni Whitley, in the book Interview with Author Toni Whitley-Crohn's Disease, Career and Motherhood (2007) is an interview between her and an unknown questioner that explains how a single mother deals with kids, work, bills, and Crohns Disease. Whitely supports her explanation through telling the story of her life with Crohn's Disease and how it has impacted her life. The author's purpose is to point out that Crohns Disease is hard to live with but with determination a successful life is still attainable. The author writes in a semi-formal tone focusing towards middle aged women.  The author Toni Whitely is a credible author because her book was published and sent to several bookstores such as Author House. Whitely not only published her interview but it was viewed and attains information from,, and In the few pages from Toni's interview she is asked questions that are the most frequently asked questions that people suffering with Crohn's Disease have in the previous articles. This article not only describes the struggles an average American parent may encounter with Crohn's disease but also provides insight on how to deal with life's difficulties, which will help pull my paper together.
Erica Sorensen

Friend with Crohns Disease: How to Relate - 0 views

    "Sharing More Than A Tissue." Crohn's Disease Information Is Available at Crohn's And Me. UCB, Inc. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Ann Bregman, in her column Sharing More Than a Tissue: Relating to Your Well Friends, suggests that when suffering from Crohn's Disease you need to keep your friends informed on your illness but also make time for yourself to relax. Bregman supports her suggestion by describing one of her real life experiences with her friends when she was first diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. The author's purpose is to suggest that once you are diagnosed with Crohn's, to not think that your life is over but better yet still hang out with friends to keep them informed so that you have an even stronger support group. The author writes in an informal tone focusing mostly towards women in their 20's to 40's.  This advice column is not reviewed by an organization, doctors, or health institutes but better yet the actual people who are diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Ann Bergman's advice column was made to help people jump back into their life easier after periods of illness and give them an outlook on life they may have never seen before. Since the author suffers from Crohn's Disease herself she knows what her readers go through on a day to day basis and can relate to them better than most individuals can. Bregman does talk about the signs and symptoms that she goes through that are found on other articles that give a specific definition of Crohn's Disease. I believe that this article is credible because of the amount of inspiration and advice it provides the patients of Crohn's Disease, which will be useful when it comes to my paper.
Erica Sorensen

Exercising With Crohn's Disease - Crohn's Disease Center - - 0 views

    Brichford, Connie. "Exercising With Crohn's Disease." Everyday Health. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Connie Brichford, in the article Exercising With Crohn's Disease, asserts the positive side that comes along with Crohn's disease. Brichford discusses how a good exercise routine plays a major role in anyone's life especially those suffering with the illness. The author informs the reader that exercise with Crohn's disease adds to quality of life, stress relief, and limits the amount of hospital visits. By providing the reader, anyone suffering with Crohn's Disease or trying to help, with a positive outlook that can come with Crohn's when combined with exercising it portrays a different perspective that is rarely seen. In the article, Exercising With Crohn's Disease, Connie Brichford discusses an alternative perspective of Crohn's disease. Brichford informs the reader that with exercise it can help an individual with this illness come closer to having a healthier and longer life. The article was reviewed by doctors and approved, making it credible. This article will be used within the research of my project by adding a different view point of the disease and show some of the positives that can come along with trying to remain healthy when diagnosed with the illness.
Erica Sorensen

Crohn's disease sidelines Waratahs lock - 0 views

    "Crohn's Disease Sidelines Waratahs Lock." The Sydney Morning Herald. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The Australian Associated Press, in the newspaper article RU: Crohn's disease sidelines Waratahs Lock (2010), asserts the problems Will Caldwell, a professional rugby player, faces with Crohn's Disease. The newspaper in which this article was found supports their assertions through Cadwells story on how Crohn's Disease has stopped him from playing rugby. The author's purpose is to illustrate how even professional athletes that people look up too can suffer from life threatening diseases. The author writes in a formal tone for a wide range of audiences but specifically athletes diagnosed with Crohn's.  This article is credible because it was published in the Australian Associated Press that was reviewed by the newspapers publishers multiple times before it was printed for all to see. It is also a very recent article from September 2010. This article differed from others because it didn't just give an average persons point of view on living with disease but one of an athlete. I feel that this article contains positive and negative aspects of living with Crohn's disease and will be beneficial to my paper to describe how physical fitness helps decrease symptoms but is also hard to obtain depending on how severe the disease is.
Erica Sorensen

Crohn's Disease - National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse - 0 views

    National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Information Clearinghouse,. "Crohn's Disease." Crohn's Disease. NIH Publication No. 06-3410, 2006. Web. 31 Jan 2012. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC), in the article Crohn's Disease (February 2006), gives an explanation of what Crohn's Disease is, how to deal with the stress that comes along with it, and some ways of treating the illness. The NDDIC supports their claims by pointing out how the research of the Crohn's and the Colitis Foundation of America helps patients deal with the difficulties that come along with the disease. The author's purpose is to show the reader what Crohn's Disease is like and how to manage it so that they can get a little closer to the disease free life they used to have. The author writes in a formal tone for an audience of individuals interested in learning about Crohn's Disease in order to inform and enlighten their view on the illness.  This article is another credible source. It is a PDF file created by the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC). The NDDIC is a service found through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which was established in 1980. They work with patient organizations and government agencies in order to ensure their article is up to date. This article shows how individuals receive the disease and multiple treatment options. All this information was found throughout more than half of my articles I found. I feel like this article was very informative when it came to treating the disease and will be included in my paper because of that specific information.
Erica Sorensen

Crohn's disease: Lifestyle and home remedies - - 0 views

    "Crohn's Disease: Lifestyle and Home Remedies -" Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The Mayo Clinic staff, in the article Lifestyle and home remedies, suggests an alternative way to help individuals suffering with Crohn's disease. The staff discusses how a change in diet and lifestyle can help minimize the amount of times a person suffering with Crohn's disease goes to the hospital for treatment. The author presents different dietary and lifestyle changes throughout the article in order to implicitly direct his audience towards the fact that there are other options that could be done to help those suffering with Crohn's disease besides only raising money to find a cure such as helping those diagnosed change their eating habits or donate food. The Mayo Clinic Staff directs this article towards those who are suffering with Crohn's disease and those who want to help. The article by the Mayo Clinic Staff discusses the right diet that a Crohn's patient should be following and lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking that can be helpful. The source appears very reliable considering it written by a medical clinic, which has the certification and information to discuss when it comes to this illness. This source will be used throughout my research when it comes to discussing different ways to help out those suffering with Crohn's. Instead of donating only money to foundations some money could be put towards helping the patients make these necessary changes discussed in this article. The article, Lifestyle and Home Remedies, provides a different perspective on how to help those with Crohn's disease.
Erica Sorensen

Complications of Crohn's Disease - 0 views

    Baertlein, By Lisa. "Complications of Crohn's Disease." Everyday Health. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Lisa Baertlein, in the article Complications of Crohn's Disease (2008), argues that medication is not the only way to help those who are suffering with Crohn's Disease but that surgeries may also be necessary. Baertlein supports her assertion by explaining what Crohn's Disease can do to the digestive track and that blockage and inflammation may need to be removed surgically. The author's purpose is to inform those about different foods and activities that may cause the disease to flare up and have to be treated with medicine or possibly surgery in order to keep the patient's alive. Baertlien writes to those of all ages in a formal tone in order to get across the complications that come along with Crohn's Disease. Lisa Baertlein is the author of the credible article "Complications of Crohn's Disease". This source is credible because the author frequently has the article revised and it was looked over by the editorial staff of The article was also found on an information database where it was also reviewed and credited for its good information. I foresee myself using these sources because it lays out all the complications people with Crohn's Disease can encounter emotionally and financially which are the two areas that can dramatically alter an individual's life.
Erica Sorensen About Crohn's Disease - 0 views

    Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, . "About Crohn's Disease." Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. N.p., 2009. Web. 23 Nov 2010. . The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, in the article About Crohn's Disease (2009), explains how people may get Crohn's Disease, future medical problems and diseases it could lead too, complications that come along with the illness, and some emotional factors that people may encounter. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation support their claims by comparing the disease itself to those who have the disease and their point of view. The author illustrates all the different forms of the illness and what people diagnosed may encounter on a day-to-day basis so they are aware of what their body may do or how they may react. The author writes in a formal tone for those of all ages who may be suffering with Crohn's Disease, specifically for those between fifteen years and older. "The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America" (CCFA) article was created by the CCFA to inform people about the disease, what is being done to help, and how individuals can contribute. This article was not only written by a well enhanced organization that has been around since 1967 but was also reviewed by the CCFA's National Scientific Advisory Committee. They include information that they have researched that has been compared to other medical researcher's findings in the article. I strongly believe that this article was very useful. It will be included in my paper to show how organizations not only help raise money to find a cure but try to spread awareness as well as let their research become public.
Alex Cordell

The State of Homelessness - 0 views

    "The State of Homelessness." Phoenix Rescue Mission - Phoenix Rescue Mission. The Phoenix Rescue Mission, 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. . The author in the article "The State of Homelessness" (2012) asserts that the homeless population in the state of Arizona has grown substantially and the conditions that these people are subject to are utterly inhumane. "The State of Homelessness" makes clear that while we obliviously live our comfortable lives everyday and take our luxuries for granted, tens of thousands in Arizona alone do not know when their next meal will be. The author develops their thesis by supporting their argument with relevant facts and statistics concerning the rising crisis and what the Phoenix Rescue Mission is doing to stop the progression of this issue. The sole purpose of this editorial is to spread information concerning this topic in order to instigate positive change in our community and reverse this negative aspect of our society. The author writes in an informal tone for those that are not fully aware of the magnitude of this problem, or those that do want to help- but do not know how. "The State of Homelessness" was written for the use of the Phoenix Rescue Mission. They utilize facts, figures and statistics relevant to their argument. I forsee myself using this source in the final step of my research, because the source that it comes from is a well developed organization that helps so many in our community. The author is very straightforward and blunt in their depiction of the harsh existence these people face. Their use of facts and statistics along with testimonials and success stories gives the grim reality a hopeful and inspiring feel. The essay is extremely helpful due to the fact that it stresses the importance of not only physical aide, but also mental and emotional.
Erica Sorensen

Article: Crohn's disease.(Disease/Disorder overview) | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting libr... - 0 views

    "Crohn's Disease.(Disease/Disorder Overview)." AltCareDex Medicine Modality. Web. The AltCareDex Medicine Modality group, in the article "Crohn's Disease" (May 2010), explains an overview of what Crohn's Disease is, the signs and symptoms, along with a few treatment options. The author supports their explanations by basing their information from local organizations that are trying to find a cure and help the people with Crohn's disease. The author's purpose is to inform individuals about what to be aware of when suffering from Crohn's Disease and some optional forms of treatment that they can consider so they can try to work towards a healthier life again. The AltCareDex Medicine Modality writes in a formal tone for a wide range of people whether they are teenagers or elderly, which was shown through the authors understanding of the disease.  This source is credible even though it doesn't have a specific author. The article was created by the AltCareDex Medicine Modality who received the information from six other medical resources. "Crohn's Disease" is an article that was also found in a reliable database that has been reviewed. I view this article to be credible because of the precise information it contains and the fact that it was found on a database. It has very similar facts that many other sources that I viewed had and it will be very beneficial to my paper later on because of the data and ability to clearly display what Crohn's Disease is.
Alex Cordell

Why I Choose Streets Over Shelter - 0 views

    "Why I Choose Streets Over Shelter." News., 06 Mar. 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . The author, in the editorial, "Why I Choose Streets over Shelter" asserts their argument that it is not always the more advantageous option to reside in a Homeless shelter rather than on the street and that the common thought that those who reside on the streets as an alternative are worse off than their counterparts in the shelters. The author develops their thesis by giving a list of points supporting their argument and by backing them up with relevant and real life examples of each detail. It seems that the intended purpose is to clear up the misconception that life on the street always pales in comparison to that of a shelter in order to provide another side to the homeless debate and educate that there are more sides to this story, and that it is a topic that needs more attention. The author writes for an audience of those that truly want to see real change evoked, and are passionate about the topic- but are not aware of all sides of the argument. This article derives from a popular organization known for their efforts against many different social ills and their actions toward a solution of these problems. The author has experienced, first-hand, the life of someone without a fixed address, and is able to share their thoughts and feelings on the topic. This resource has provided me with an alternative view to help further shape my argument. Is homelessness a choice? After reading this, and a few other sources regarding the controversial issue, I believe that in some cases, yes, homelessness can be a choice. That being said, however, the slim population of those that choose this life do not take away from the severity of the issue of those not living on the streets by choice. I envision myself using this source and the ideas it shared in the final step of my project- when I act on this iss
Alex Cordell

Phoenix may use Seattle program to battle homelessness - 0 views

    Newton, Casey . "Phoenix may use Seattle Program to Battle Homelessness"" 23 May 2008. 15 Nov. 2010 . Casey Newton in the Article "Phoenix may use Seattle Program to Battle Homelessness" (2008), explains the advantages of "Housing First," a program implemented in Seattle, Washington that has had immense success in comparison to traditional homelessness programs. She advocates that the program, in which homeless families are given homes even if one or more members of the family is abusing substances, is a better solution to the problem, and that Phoenix could drastically change their homeless population in the next few years by implementing the policy. Newton supports her argument by explaining to the readers the benefits and the success this program has had in the past. Many homeless individuals turn to alcohol and drugs for the temporary feeling of safety and comfort that they provide, so when a stable, safe house is made available for them, their chances at sobriety increase exponentially. The author's purpose is to inform those who may not be informed on this topic so that "Housing First" can gain more support in Arizona. Casey Newtonwrites in a semi-formal tone for the readers of the Arizona Republic interested in the program and its potential in our own state. This source was very useful in my research because it provided me insight into this program, which, prior to my research- I had never heard of. The author explains Housing First in an easy to understand manner, and incorporates testimonials and statistics to accompany her argument. This was a very useful source and correlates well with my other sources on homelessness in Arizona. This source was written by a reliable and objective author, who has written many other periodicals for the well-known azcentral website. I see myself using this source in the final stages of my research, because it introduces
Alex Cordell

Homelessness is Declining - 0 views

    Fagan, Kevin. "Homelessness Is Declining." San Francisco Chronicle (14 May 2006): A3. Rpt. In Poverty and Homelessness. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Current Controversies. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 21 Nov. 2010 Kevin Fagan, in the Article Homelessness is Declining (2009), asserts that homeless numbers are declining three years after the launch of an aggressive nationwide strategy to combat homelessness. Fagan supports his argument by explaining the new statistics on homelessness in reaction to this new policy. The author's purpose is to convince others who may not support this new plan so that more can be done to fight against this growing predicament. The author writes in a fairly semi-formal tone for those who were not aware of this new plan and the change that it has initiated. This is a very useful source to support my argument because it information on a process used to fight against homelessness that has actually made progress. It connects well with the other sources I have found and provides a good example of a method that has worker. However, this source is different than the others that I have included because the author discusses a method that has worked, and provides statistics and facts to back up his claim that this plan has majorly affected the homeless environment in cities across America. The source is so helpful because the author discusses what the plan is, and what we have accomplished with it, and the statistics provide a backbone for his argument. The information written in this article was written by a very reliable and objective source. The argument presented in this piece has allowed me to gain insight from another angle and provide the readers with a plan that has worked, so when it comes time for me to act on my topic, this is a good place to start.
Alex Cordell

Homelessness: Current Issues - 0 views

    "Homelessness." Current Issues: Macmillian Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. Nov. 2010. The author, in the article "Homelessness: Current Issues" (2010), explains the different ways homelessness has developed and the impact that the recession and downturned economy has had on the homeless population. His/her argument is supported by clarifying to the reader what the different statistics and facts mean in a way that is easy to understand so more people are exposed to the facts. Their primary intention is a a no-nonsense, candid editorial in which those who are unaware or uneducated on this grave dilemma in our society can understand the severity of the issue. "Homelessness: Current Issues" is written in an easy to understand and relatable semi-formal tone for students, teachers and those searching for an answer to the many challenges faced by the homeless in America. "Homelessness: Current Issues" has been very useful in my research, the article is very reliable because the site it comes from is an online database and is written in a very objective manner. This is an expose that anyone wanting to learn more on this topic should read- the author goes into great detail concerning the issues that the root of homelessness has stemmed from. By explaining the history of this problem, we can be sure that history does not repeat itself and we come to a solution. This source is very helpful in my project and it has helped shape my argument because it provided me with more information on what is truly going on in America, without the media's yellow journalist influence and where the root of homelessness originated from. It has not really changed how I think about my topic in a drastic way but it has made it more clear to me that something needs to be done about this.
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