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carlo arayon

Does diet really matter in breast cancer? - - 0 views

    Jampolis, Melina. "Does diet really matter in breast cancer?" 28 Oct. 2011. CNN. Dr. Jampolis discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy diet in her Q&A with breast cancer. She stresses that the risk could potentially be decreased up to 38% by keeping a healthy weight and exercising regularly and keeping alcohol consumption in moderation. She claims that being overweight or obese could up your risk of getting breast cancer. This credible source from a well-respected doctor on CNN is extremely useful in using to inform my audience in which habits to develop in order to prevent breast cancer. I will definitely be using this source. I will be using this source as a way of giving advice on my research paper on the importance of keeping a healthy body and diet.
carlo arayon

More Personalized Breast Cancer Screening May Detect Disease Better - 0 views

  • a more individualized approach that considers risk factors such as breast density may help to balance the benefits and costs of screening.
  • he U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that routine screening of average-risk women begin at age 50 and be performed every two years. The American Cancer Society recommends annual screening beginning at age 40.
  • Women with high breast density are at increased risk of developing breast cancer.
    Cancer Consultants. "More Personalized Breast Cancer Screening May Detect Disease Better." Annals of Internal Medicine. 2011: 155. Opposing Views. Web. Chandler Public Library. This article could just be one of the biggest findings in breast cancer research. Basically, most breast cancer mammograms are applied with a single set of guidelines used for most women but the more personalized screenings might help detect the risk of the disease more effectively. Since females do not have the same breast size and density, this is a very ideal way of screening but it might take more time and money rather than the traditional guidelines more often used. But I don't think that should matter when a life is on the line. This is a credible source from a well trusted database and it was acquired from a medical book, Annals of Internal Medicine. Its purpose is to show women that more personalized mammogram screenings might help them in detecting breast cancer. I don't plan on using this source mainly because I don't think it would really make a difference.
carlo arayon

FDA revokes Avastin's approval for breast cancer treatment - The Washington Post - 0 views

    Stein Rob. "FDA revokes Avastin's approval for breast cancer treatment." National, Health and Science. Washington Post. Web. 18 November 2011. Rob Stein explains the FDA's decision to revoke their approval for the use of Avastin as breast cancer treatment. The FDA under Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg issued their decision claiming that the drug had done more harm than good to the patients. Many studies indicate that Avastin have serious side effects such as bleeding, and heart attacks. Avastin is still undergoing many types of research and as time goes on, we will be able to fully tell whether it is worth to utilize or not. The use of Avastin is still an ongoing debate. Even though it has been revoked by the FDA, patients can still choose its treatment, whether through sole purchases or donations by certain organizations. This is a very important source since Avastin is a possible alternative in curing breast cancer even in its advanced stages. I find myself using this source as a way of opposing the use of Avastin to make a very balanced argument in how breast cancer should be cured.
Ronnie Querry

You're Not Supposed To Judge Me- The Difference Between Judging and - 0 views

    Renee, Sister. You're Not Supposed To Judge Me. Luke 17:3 Ministries, n.d. Web. 10 Nov 2010. . Sister Renee, in the article "You're Not Supposed To Judge Me" (2003), describes the difference between judging and rebuking. Her thesis of how most people don't know the difference between the two terms, is created by her giving a real life scenario that occurs often. Her purpose in the article was to emphasize the difference between the two terms so they don't get confused in certain real life issues or conflicts involving judging or possibly rebuking. The intended audience is people who get frustrated when others mistake the difference between the two terms and unknowingly rebuke when they think they are just judging. This source is useful because gives a straight forward definition of both judging and rebuking. Those definitions will be helpful when including logic into my paper. It compares with the other sources because it deals with judging, and another topic: rebuking. Most of the others deal strictly with judging and have nothing else to compare to. It is also credible because it is religious ministry that only includes few scenarios that may be looked at as bias, and more definitions of terms or verses from the bible.
Ronnie Querry

What Parents can do to Stop Bullying! - 0 views

    High , Brenda. "SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS ." jaredstory, n.d. Web. 31 Jan 2012. . Brenda High in her online piece "What Parents can do to Stop Bullying!" (2010), states a numerous amount of actions parents can take to stop their kid from being bullied and be accepted. These actions and descriptions are displayed in somewhat of a chronological sequence, starting with parents getting the story from their kids, talking with the school, and so on. Their purpose is to give these guardians of bullying victims a guideline to overcoming the situation. The apparent intended audience for this article is parents and guardians. This source is a specifically formatted piece that should be followed in order. Every section states the main idea in bold, then describes in detail the background reasoning behind it. When followed in order, it nearly guarantees that a parent's child will soon be bully free. It even states some ideas that may seem out of the box, but will definitely ensure assiatnce frore a child when the case is presented and handled, such as documenting everything that happens. Overall, it is useful because it gives a perspective of what parents can specifically do, rather than others such as students or teachers.
Ronnie Querry

The need for social acceptance and approval --- its power - 0 views

    Miller, James. "The need for social acceptance and approval --- its power." The Way, n.d. Web. 10 Nov 2010. James Miller in, "The need for social acceptance and approval --- its power" (1977), discusses the need for power and acceptance in human beings. He develops his thesis, of how social acceptance and approval account for a great deal of what people do, by following up on it with descriptions of children and adults in this situation. His purpose is to describe how these two age groups will do many things out of desire for acceptance and approval by their peers, even if they don't like it. The intended audience is most likely children and adults because that's what the article is split into. This article is useful because it supports my topic of acceptance. Being accepted is something everyone strives for and sometimes act against their own will to achieve it. This is a problem I want to hopefully reduce in my school in the future. I can use this in paper by including it as a problem that falls under trying to be accepted. This information is credible because it has no connection or affiliation with groups, organizations, or religious denomination and is strictly facts with real life reasoning.
Ronnie Querry

MTV Strikes a Nerve with "If You Really Knew Me" - 0 views

    Matte, Christy. "MTV Strikes a Nerve with "If You Really Knew Me"." Christy's Family Computing Blog., n.d. Web. 17 Nov 2010. . Christy Matte in her article, "MTV Strikes a Nerve with "If You Really Knew Me" (2010), describes high school from the perspective of a student and the meaning behind MTV's new hit show, "If You Really Knew Me." She supports her thesis of, digital communication changes how we connect and define ourselves, by breaking down the problems that are behind digital communication. Her purpose of the article is to inform the reader of the new show while also depict the problems behind digital communication like cyber bullying and sexting that now seem to be woven into our generation's culture. The intended audience is teens along with their parents. The article is useful because it deals with different forms of digital communication problems like cyber bullying and also describes the meaning behind the MTV show that highly influenced my decision to follow through with this type of project. It will be helpful when I am going to describe some steps that are already being taken to prevent judging and bullying because that is what takes place on this show. The source helps shape my argument because it correlates exactly with what I am hoping to set up and achieve. It is also reliable because I myself have seen the show and it is exactly how it is described in the article written by Christy Matte.
Ronnie Querry

Judging Others - 0 views

    Lang, Stephen. "THE BOOK OF GOD'S PROMISES Judging Others." Spiritual Life. Christian Broadcasting Network, n.d. Web. 10 Nov 2010. (1999), the reality behind how often judging occurs and its harshness. He develops his thesis, of how its easy to judge someone but not easy to have to be the one being degraded, with a list of rhetorical questions that emotionally appeal to readers. His purpose of this article is to point out the negatives behind unknowingly judging someone and how most people are very hypocritical with it. The intended audience is Christians who are trying to stay faithful to God by following his ideals about judging one another. This source is useful because it applies a harsh reality check at the beginning when Lang is developing his thesis. His thesis states something along the lines of how hypocritical people are with judging in life. I can possibly use something like this when introducing my topic during the project. The information is reliable because it is written by a bestselling author who has sold over 30 religious books, all dealing with content such as this.
Ronnie Querry

Choice and Social Acceptance in Human Organizations - 0 views

    Winslow, Lance. Choice and Social Acceptance in Human Organizations. Ezine@rticles, 18 May 2005. Web. 13 Nov 2010. . Lance Winslow in, "Choice and Social Acceptance in Human Organizations" (2005), discusses how people try to be accepted into certain groups or cliques and the problems behind how social groups are formed. He develops his thesis, of how the way we form social groups is bad, by supporting it with evidence of how people will sometimes do anything to be accepted into a group and how we have made "requirements" in our world that people must fulfill to be accepted. The intended audience for the article is everyone because it gives many different perspectives; these include from a group leader's standpoint, people who dislike how groups are created, and those who will do anything to be accepted. This source is useful because it explains many different topics of acceptance such as how social groups are formed. These topics can be used in my paper when describing acceptance and what people will do to be accepted socially. It did kind of change how I think of my topic because it also describes in the paper what you must do to join a desired group, slightly emphasizing to do things sometimes against your will. However, it is credible because it is written by a retired Franchisor, Business Consultant, and a Philanthropist who now runs a Think Tank.
Ronnie Querry

Being Bullied Can Make Kids Stronger - - 0 views

    Belkin, Lisa. "Being Bullied Can Make Kids Stronger." New York Times [New York] 07 04 2009, n. pag. Print Lisa Belkin in her online newspaper article "Being Bullied Can Make Kids Stronger" (2009), argues that bullying victims can be somewhat postively effected also. She supports her argument by tying it into many ral0world events and stating that being bullied makes kids stronger and more appreciative. Their purpose is to exemplify hwo and why being a victim can someimes change your life for the better. The author writes in a formal, but relaitic tone that is intended for parents. This article is a typical piece from the New York Times business written by sole, but very analytical author. She uses a logical and ethical appeal quite a few times while supporting why bullying can be good. An example is how she states if kids aren't bullied or tampered with mentally, then they won't be able to handle the real world when they move out. Despite the fact that the attempt of ethos and logos leans more toward overgeneralization, this piece gives a useful and different perspective to bullying and being accepted.
Ronnie Querry

Acceptance of Self And Others - 0 views

    Matthews, Wayne. "Acceptance of Self And Others." North Carolina Cooperative Extension Services, n.d. Web. 18 Nov 2010. re OK that deals with the same material Wayne Matthews used in his argument.
Mikayla Warner

Leukemia - 0 views

    "About Leukemia". Kids Health. The Numeors Foundation, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The article "About Leukemia" the author has a short,to the point description of the idea. The form of the information is materialized through specific details on how the leukemia effects the body. Throught the article the reseach is strong and makes a point to provide people with the basic knowledge of leukemia. The audience is people who need the broken down, easy to understand version of the fatal leukemia. The research on "About Leukemia" was produced by a foundation that specializes in kids health. The article describes the information to give a simple understanding. most of the research is based on the effects of younger kids and talks more about the acute side of leukemia. This article can be used to develop my argument about the young kids who are effected more than adults.
Mikayla Warner

Leukemia - 0 views

    "Leukemia" American Society of Hematology. AMerican Society of Hematology, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. In the article "Leukemia" the author argues the risks of getting leukemia. The information is developed through the author asking.his audience rhetorical questions that he himself answers later on. The article was written to provide information on how people can be at risk and how they can prevent it. "Leukemia" is aimed towards people thatwant to keep their distance from the deadly cancer. The "Leukemia" research is developed by a group of professionals specializing in hematology. Their data is clear an makes a point of providing all the major questions people have with answers. The article lists specifically how each type of leukemia is caused and how it can be prevented. This research can be used to provide a clear direction of how leukemia can be treated among people. The article is also important to set up a stable argument for the research.
Mikayla Warner

EBSCOhost: Risk Factors for Acute Leukemia in Children: A Review - 0 views

    Environmental Health Perspectives; Jan2007, Vol. 115 Issue 1, p138-145, 8p. In the review "Risk Factors for Acute Leukemia in Children" the author argues that most kids get the cancer very young. The author produces his argument with effective data on the subject. He disagrees that older people get it as often as young teens and children. This review talks about how leukemia develops more in younger children. The aim for this review is for adults with children that are experiencing syptoms. The "Risk Factors for Acute Leukemia in Children" focuses highly on acute leukemia that thrives in children. The author feels that children are more effected by the cancer than adults and that research needs to focus on the young kids first. The review strongly hits all the main questions for parents that have kids with leukemia. This will help support my argument and add on with children needing help.
Mikayla Warner

EBSCOhost: Chapter 7: Looking Ahead - 0 views

    Leukemia (0-7368-0282-7); 2000, p54, 6p, 2 Color Photographs. The "Chapter 7: Looking Ahead" aruges the difference between the two types of leukemia. The author builds their research on the background of leukemia leading into the differences. The chapter is for people who want to know the specifics of the leukemia. The audience the chapter is aiming for are people who are looking to go indepth with one of the types. The chapter "Looking ahead" was reviewed for the Health Source. There are two main types of leukemia but serveral types that branch off, all which have to do with the overpopulation of white blood cells. The chapter goes into differences between all of the types and decifers which type would kill the quickest. This research would be important to include in the background of the types of leukemia.
Mikayla Warner

EBSCOhost: Chapter 4: Treatment for Leukemia - 0 views

    Leukemia (0-7368-0282-7); 2000, p26, 10p, 3 Color Photographs. In the "Chapter 4: Treatment for Leukemia" the author presents a clear argument of effective treatments. He or she develops their information through a series of well organized data from each type of treatment. The information in this chapter is meant to be viewed for answers of treatments and cures. The audience are people who need to be helped or are looking to help with the knowledge of treatments. The book chapter "Treatment for Leukemia" was reviewed by Health Source Consumer Edition. The chapter provides a deeper look into the treatments avaliable for patients with leukemia. The chapter mostly talks about chemotherapy and how the treatment is the best for a "cure", but even that sometimes cannot stop the leukemia. This research can be used to support my idea for helping fund the research for leukemia.
Mikayla Warner

EBSCOhost: Chapter 2: Types of Leukemia - 0 views

    Leukemia (0-7368-0282-7); 2000, p12, 6p, 2 Color Photographs. In the article "Leukemia" the author disscuses the types of leukemia, chronic and acute and the quickens of their developing. The author possesses the knowledge of the the rapid building of the white blood cells. The article is written for people who show interest in the different types of the same cancer. This article appeals to the people who need knowledge of the one or the other types of the cancer. This is a reviewed article meant to show how the two types of leukemia manifest, slowly and quickly. The information is presented clearly and hits the point of the myeloid leukemia. The information that is written in the article has two different views, but describe the leukemia itself will the intense knowledge. This will start off my paper's argument but proving the difference between the types of leukemia.
Mikayla Warner

Background of Leukemia - 0 views

    Marsh, Jennifer. "Background of Leuekmia" Ezine Articles. n.p., 22 Oct. 2008. Web. 31 Jan 2012. Jennifer Marsh in the article "Background of Leukemia" articulated the effects after being diagnosed with leukemia. The article's information goes deep into the research and expresses fundamental knowledge of how leukemia works. The atricle is written to show people the depth of leukemia and share knowledge of how the body reacts when diagnosed. The audience is meant to be people who want to know the background of leukemia in depth. "Background of Leukemia" is a self published article by and highly educated professor. She presents valuable information on how the luekemia progresses over time. The research presented the two types of leukemia with very deep and descriptive paragraphs leading up to the end of the fatal cancer. This will conclude my background information with a strong purpose on how the leukemia weakens and kills the body.
Mikayla Warner

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) Background - Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL... - 0 views

    "Acute Lyphocytic Leukemia" New York Times: Health Guide. A.D.A.M., 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The article "Acute Lyphocytic Leukemia" the author discusses the formation of leukemia. The information is developed through the use of research made to support the topic. The article is written to inform the audience of the effects of leukemia and the understanding of the fatal cancer. The information is directed towards people looking for a cause or strong research on the cancer. This article is published by an online article publisher "New York Times". The research provided was dedicated strongly towards the effects of leukemia. The article approaches the matter straight-forwardly and proves the point that leuekmia is highly fatal. This can be used to start of the section with background information on the cancer.
carlo arayon

Studies suggest Avastin may fight early breast cancer; drug lost OK in US for advanced ... - 0 views

    Associated Press. "Studies suggest Avastin may fight early breast cancer; drug lost OK in US for advanced cases." National Health and Science - Washington Post. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. The usage of Avastin with breast cancer patients might be reconsidered and the article by the Associated Press explains that the debate might be reopened. Studies have shown that Avastin slows down cancerous tumors and even makes them disappears. It sounds like a miracle drug but it is not without its side effects because it can also cause heart problems, bleeding, and a handful of others. Many studies are still being conducted so the validity of the usage of Avalin is still pending. This resource might prove useful if I were to use it later in the year, but as of right now I won't. The studies are still going on right now and if they were to finish later and show positive numbers, then I would use it. It is a good alternative to the traditional chemotherapy and Avalin's research has the potential to change how breast cancer is treated.
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