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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sydney Hart


Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • family structure and size, poverty, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, and community violence are contributing factors to child abuse and neglect.

Child Abuse Statistics - 0 views

    • Sydney Hart
      even though this information was taken in the '90s it still holds some very interesting information/ statistics that have probably only increased as time has gone on.
  • In 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children were reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies as alleged victims of child maltreatment.
  • Neglect represents the most common type of reported and substantiated form of maltreatment
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  • In 1999, an estimated 1,401 child abuse and neglect related fatalities were confirmed by CPS agencies, nearly 4 every day.
  • more than three children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect
  • Approximately 54% of the deaths were due to physical abuse while 43% resulted from neglect.
  • 82% of these children were under the age of five while an alarming 42% were under the age of one at the time of their death
  • the Harm Standard, under which children are counted as maltreated only if they have already experienced demonstrable harm
  • definitions of child maltreatment
    • Sydney Hart
      each source has their own definition of child abuse, but all of the sources have a commonality: maltreatment and physically harming children.
  • the Endangerment Standard, under which children are counted if they have experienced maltreatment that puts them at risk of demonstrable harm.
  • Girls are sexually abused three times more often than boys.
  • Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls.
    • Sydney Hart
      "poverty is significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment/ abuse" -why do parents who have less money or are less fortunate than some result in harming their children? that isnt going to put food on the table or help out in any way shape or form.
  • Poverty is significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment
  • More than 22 times more likely to experience maltreatment
  • More than 44 times more likely to be neglected
  • Over 22 times more likely to be seriously injured
  • 60 times more likely to die from maltreatment under the Harm Standard.
  • children with disabilities
    • Sydney Hart
      children with disabilities of ll types have enough trouble fitting in with the rest of society why make their lives harder by sexually abusing them? its not their fault they were born with a disability more than likely it was the parents fault.
  • children and youths suffer more victimization than do adults in virtually every category, including physical abuse, sibling assault, bullying, sexual abuse, and rape
  • 4 to 10 times more vulnerable to sexual abuse than their non-disabled peers
  • Children whose parents abuse drugs or alcohol are put at a greater risk for violent victimization
  • Long term effects of child abuse include fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, poor self esteem, tendency toward substance abuse and difficulty with close relationships
  • Adults who viewed domestic violence in the home as children have a greater difficulty holding jobs, maintaining relationships with their peers and have a higher risk of developing mental health disorders

National Child Abuse Statistics | Childhelp - 0 views

  • Over 3 million reports of child abuse are made every year in the United States; however, those reports can include multiple children. In 2009, approximately 3.3 million child abuse reports and allegations were made involving an estimated 6 million children
    • Sydney Hart
      from the graph we can see that in a 12 years span the number of deathes per day have increased from 3.13 to 5+
    • Sydney Hart
      types of abuse (greatest to least): neglect,physical, sexual, psychological maltreatment, medical neglect, other
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  • About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse
  • 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4
  • A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds
  • Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy.
  • 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder
  • Abused teens are less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at greater risk for STDs
  • Children whose parents abuse alcohol and other drugs are three times more likely to be abused and more than four times more likely to be neglected than children from non-abusing families

National Child Abuse Statistics - 0 views

  • More children (age four and younger) die from child abuse and neglect than any other single, leading cause of death for infants and young children.  This includes falls, choking on food, suffocation, drowning, residential fires, and motor vehicle accidents
  • Each day in the United States, more than 3 children die as a result of child abuse in the home.
  • In 2000, an estimated 1,200 children died of abuse and neglect—an average of more than 3 children per day
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  • Most of the children who die are younger than six years of age
    • Sydney Hart
      This to me is crazy. Children are dying due to their own parents or other people they know than everyday accidents such as choking on food, car accidents, falling down, etc.
  • Approximately 3 million reports of possible maltreatment are made to child protective service agencies each year.  In calendar year 2000, these referrals concerned the welfare of approximately 5 million children
  • In 1999, an estimated 2.974 million child abuse reports were received by local child protective services (CPS) agencies
  • abuse and neglect is estimated to be three times greater than the number reported to authorities
  • Child abuse is reported—on average—every 10 seconds
    Karl Loren, in the article National Child Abuse Statistics states various statistics about child abuse and about the various types of child abuse. Karl Loren supports his statements by telling the audience different statistics about child abuse in order to help the reader understand how big of an issue child abuse is. The author's purpose is to point out and to inform the reader that child abuse is a growing issue and need to be dealt with. The author writes in an informative tone for the audience. After reading this article I found this source reliable and very useful. This source is one of my most valuable resources because it is filled with information and statistics and being a .org website it is more reliable than a .com website. It also provides the sources from where the information was gathered which also proved to be reliable sites. The author, Karl Loren, gives a somewhat biased but mainly objective view on the issue of Child Abuse. The goal of this source was to inform the reader about Child Abuse by providing them with various statistics, graphs, and other information with in this issue. These facts will be very useful to prove and support my view on Child Abuse.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) argues that the child protective services system hurts children by unnecessarily disrupting families. Removing children from homes based on false or trivial allegations disrupts the bond of trust that is necessary for healthy family relationships
  • But the trouble with the child protective system in America is not that it hurts parents, though of course it does. The trouble with the system is that it hurts children.
  • by disrupting their families, invading their privacy, and jeopardizing the bond of trust that is essential for healthy parent-child relationships
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  • More than two million children are victimized by false allegations of child abuse every year.
  • This is a system that destroys children in order to save them
    "Child Protection Services Hurt Children and Families" by National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. Domestic Violence. Louise I. Gerdes, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2012. National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, "How the War Against Child Abuse Became a War Against Children," Issue Paper 1, December 29, 2009. Copyright © 2009 by National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR).

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

  • Researchers estimate that in an area containing 100,000 children younger than 8 years old, the results could translate annually into 688 fewer cases of child maltreatment, 240 fewer out-of-home placements, and 60 fewer children with injuries requiring hospitalization or emergency room treatment.
  • Preventing maltreatment by ensuring that all children are protected and raised in a nurturing environment is key to achieving lasting health
  • Safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and adults help immunize children against maltreatment and other adverse exposures occurring during childhood.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Each year more than 900,000 children are confirmed by child protective services as being abused or neglected and more than 1,500 children die from abuse or neglect. An estimated 8,755,000 juvenile victims of child maltreatment live in this country, translating to more than one out of seven children between the ages of 2 and 17 years.
  • Maltreatment causes stress that can disrupt early brain development. Extreme stress can harm the development of the nervous and immune systems. As a result, children who are abused or neglected are at higher risk for health problems as adults.
  • increases risky behavior such as smoking, substance abuse, obesity and sexual promiscuity, which are, in turn, associated with a variety of long-term adverse health problems
  • Our primary emphasis is on reducing the factors that put people at risk while increasing the factors that protect people from harm
    Arias, Ileana. "Preventing child maltreatment through public health." Policy & Practice June 2009: 17+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    Alvy, Kerby. "Spanking Should Be Illegal." Child Abuse. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

Child Abuse - Document - 0 views

    • Sydney Hart
      (statistics- green) (facts- yellow) (history- blue)
  • Hundreds of thousands of children in the United States are estimated to be victims of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
  • Most people would agree that sexually assaulting or causing serious physical harm to a child qualifies as abuse
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  • Children as young as five and six years old regularly worked long hours in factories or mines, performing dangerous tasks. At home, some parents and guardians used beatings as a means of disciplining children. What happened within the family was considered a personal matter. Children had no legal rights, and parents generally were free to raise their children as they saw fit, even if that meant physically abusing or neglecting the welfare of their child.
    • Sydney Hart
      in the past/ history (blue): - long hours -unsafe working conditions -got beat when in trouble - perfectly legal
    • Sydney Hart
      this is absolutly disturbing. what culture thinks its ok the sexually abuse their children?
  • Cultural and religious practices also cloud the issue of what constitutes child abuse. In some cultures, incest and sexual activity between adolescents and adults is considered normal and healthy
    • Sydney Hart
      this is absolutly disturning what culture thinks this is ok?
    • Sydney Hart
      what if the family/ parents couldnt afford to go to the doctors to treat their children. whould that be considered abuse too?
    • Sydney Hart
      court cases from recovered memories, not always true
    • Sydney Hart
      psycological issues
    • Sydney Hart
      have their been tests or studies to prove this?
  • Child abuse is strongly associated with problems in adulthood, including psychological problems and criminal behavior. Moreover, individuals who remain in abusive families often go on to abuse their own children.
  • Sometimes therapists use hypnosis or other tactics to enable a person to recover lost memories of child abuse. Such "recovered memories" have led to many court cases in which the person who believes that he or she suffered abuse wins money from the abuser, often a parent. However, psychologists debate the accuracy of such therapies and have conducted studies which show that people's memories can easily be distorted through suggestion and exposure to false information. In the 1990s, several individuals successfully sued therapists after learning that their "recovered memories" were false.
    "Child Abuse." Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.
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