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Contents contributed and discussions participated by michael mcardle


The politics of food - 0 views

    Nazeer, Kamran. "The politics of food." Renewal 15.2-3 (2007): 135+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author is telling about the use of government in food regulations in order to stop the people from listing to the government and listen to health professionals. The author supports his argument by talking about how the government wants to solve it and then an alternative solution that is believed to be more effective. Kamran Nazeer in his non-fictional informational article, "The politics of food" (2007), agues that the government should not be effective in people's health and should govern the country. The intended audience for the piece is the government itself, telling them what they should do. The article tells about how the government should not interfere with the common citizen's life and allow them to make decisions on their diets. Believing that it would give to much influential power to the government he decides to go against it and inform them they need to set up guidelines but not control. The author has good intentions on making the government less communist and not giving them more power but in the case of people's health is incorrect. The citizen's don't always make the best choice and could harm themselves and so the government should step in and help, not just be a dictatorship. The source will be used as an opposing view point to strengthen the augment and to provide outside views and how to defend against them.

The Obesity Crisis in America - 0 views

    Carmona, Richard H. "The Obesity Crisis in America." Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). Surgeon General, 8 Jan. 2007. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. The surgeon general talked to the country as a whole in order to discus obesity and try to inform the public it can be stopped. The author gives statistics about obesity in America and how it will affect people and then how it can be stopped. Richard H. Carmona, in his informational testimony "The Obesity Crisis in America" (2003), claimed that Obesity can be prevented if the necessary precautions are taken and it can be helped if they are not met. the audience was all Americans and anyone that has influential power over someone else's health. The testimony told of solutions that people can use to help fight obesity can help reverse some of the effects that have already happened. The testimony is very updated and very useful to help people doing research because it is from the top physician in our country. The Surgeon general is the best person to give the testimony because he is to be seen as the leader of health in the U.S. and gives clear guidance to help combat obesity. the source will be used as one of the most quoted in the report because it gives clear percentages and very actuated seasonings behind each of the solutions presented.

Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity - 0 views

    "Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity." All Things Considered 12 Apr. 2007. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The broadcast was used as a new source of information to the public that has not be shed light on. All Things Considered talked about how obesity can be caused not just by eating or not exercising but also by genes. They talk about how some scientists have studies genes and saw that their were genes that caused obesity and studied them to see if it was true. All Things Considered, talk show's informational broadcast "Scientists Identify a Gene Linked to Obesity" (2007), confirmed that their was a gene that caused obesity in some people, and that it is not just excess eating that causes it. The talk show was informing their audience of adults anywhere from their usual age range of 30-60 of the recent discovery. The source is telling its audience of the recent discovery and how they went about testing it to find out that it was specifically this gene that contributes to obesity. the source is accurate and can be used for school reports because they have scientists from medical schools and Boston's children's hospital. They use multiple sources and give explanation to the people in a common way to understand it. The source will be used for direct quotes to support the topic and help people understand obesity and how to prevent it.

Obesity - The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic - 0 views

    International Obesity Task Force. "Obesity - The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic." Nature Publishing Group : Science Journals, Jobs, and Information. International Obesity Task, 2001. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author talks about how the WHO should not be as active as they are, in order to stop the use of the BMI scale. One of the main topics they talk about are how they don't think the BMI scale is accurate and should not be used to determine if a person is obese or not. The author gives examples of why they should not be engaged and talks about cases where the BMI scale is incorrect and its completely wrong. The International Obesity Task Force Inform people in their non-fictional article "The Worldwide Obesity Epidemic" (2001) ague that the WHO should not have created the BMI scale and not have measured people by it when it is falsely created. They are talking to other health scientist and doctors about the BMI scale and trying to convince them that it is falsely grounded. The IOTF convince health scientists and physicians that the BMI scale is falsely grounded and should not be used. The article is a large misconception and informational on the flaws the BMI scale has but is over generalized and is exaggerating the problems. They over uses the fact that people with muscle will be counted as obese and will consider abnormally tall people with skinny frames for anorexic. The source will be used as a counter argument and can be used to defend opposing view points and prove them false, or over generalized.

obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic - 0 views

    WHO Consultation. "Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic." WHO Technical Report Series. World Health Orginization, 2004. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . This is a book containing all the current information of obesity and ways to help prevent it or stop it and reduce it in order to create a healthier society and inform people on the ways it can affect them. The authors outline and tell the problems of obesity, they support it with research from multiple sources and peer review it. They give information in parts such as what they know, what is known, how they know it, the costs of being obese, health risks and so on. WHO Consultation in their nonfictional informative book, obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic (1999, reprinted 2004), inform readers that obesity is serous and can be easily stopped. The authors intended on not having a big relationship with the reader and only to inform the readers of the problems at hand. The source is an all in one encyclopedia about obesity and has an organized system for each of the chapters and topics. They talk about each of the topics in depth and give as much detail as they can. This will be one of the most useful sources and can help with the writing of the project the most above the others. The source is a little bit dated and has some incorrect information since 1999 but can be revised by the other sources. The book will be the most used source and will be used for the background information and to inform and give the causes and available treatments.

Fat - 0 views

    KELLY, LIONEL. "American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story." Yearbook of English Studies (2001): 218. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author wants to give a fresh look on how people see obesity and fat, he goes right down to the cells he sees everyday and makes the reader make a deep connection with them. the author first talks about fat cells as if they are so powerful and captivating but then brings the reader to a person and talks about her struggles with the cells. SPENCER NADLER, in his non-fictional article "Fat" (2001), asserts that their is a connection between the fat cells and the way the human body stores fat and how people become obese. the author is trying to make the audience feel a deep connection like he does to the fat cells, trying to make a relationship with them.  the author shares his deep relationship with fat cells to the reader and hopes they connect as well. He then talks about what they do how they are formed and tells a personal story with them. the author is very persuasive in his article but is also very informative. The article will probably be used to support evidence or for direct quotes to introduce a topic.

Doctor On Childhood Obesity - 0 views

    "Doctor On Childhood Obesity." All Things Considered 9 Feb. 2010. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. the author is talking about how children are talking about how people are working together in order to inform the public about the incoming epidemic is not striking our children. the author talks specifics and how he once saw a child that was over 400 pounds. All Things Considered, a radio talk show interviewed a doctor in the episode "Doctor On Childhood Obesity" (2010), they state that the epidemic sweeping across the nation is also harm our children and affecting them directly. they intend the audience to be a person between the ages of 30-50 considering most of the people in those age groups have children to care for. they state that the epidemic is attacking our children now and affecting them directly and will harm them more in the future then it will the adults. the information is accurate and ca be used because of the sources used to put it together. they are repetitive in some cases but can always be used to straighten augments in other ways. the source will be used for direct quotes and can be the introduction to new topics.

American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story - 0 views

    NADLER, SPENCER. "Fat." American Scholar 70.2 (2001): 83. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author is telling people the stories of others in order to inform people that obesity can strike them as well as others around them. The author tells them of specific stories about obese people. LIONEL KELLY in her informative article, "American Fat: Obesity and the Short Story," (2001) implies that obesity is an important and serous condition and should be treated with as much respect as other diseases. She talks to over weight and healthy adults between the ages of 20-50 by making a friendly informative relationship with the audience. The author tells stories about other over weight people and how their lives has been affected by obesity. A story that really stood out was one about a obese mother in a bathing suit where a child pours sand down her shirt. The author goes to tell and describe the mother and how she is made fun of by other people in the local area. the don't just do this when the sand is poured down her shirt they laugh at the struggle she has to go thought in order to get the sand out from he bosom. The author tells of other stories and about how it affects them and their lives. The article is a very convincing and very informative about how it might affect people's lives and how it continues to grow. the source will mainly be used as a reference to how it can affect people's lives and for informative stories or examples.
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