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Home/ APES 11-12/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Shelby VanDamme

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Shelby VanDamme


EBSCOhost: The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students' Mathematics Achievement an... - 0 views

    Zakaria, Effandi, and Yusoff Daud. "The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students' Mathematics Achievement and Attitude towards Mathematics." Journal of Social Sciences 6.2 (2010): 272-75. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Effandi and Duad present their argument in "The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning on mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics." (Effandi and Duad 272). They argue that through an experimental study on the way in which students learn cooperatively and the affect it has on their mathematics scores that, cooperative learning can greatly improve upon the way in which students receive information and retain it. Effandi and Duad have the purpose of enlightening the American people as to the value of science and mathematics in everyday life and the measures that can be taken to improve student performance in the subjects. Essentially the main idea is to create better overall understanding of the worlds of math and science and to demonstrate how it can be used more effectively by all. This source would be found credible owing to the amount of citations in published works as well as their method for peer review currently utilized in all forms of scientific publication. It shall prove an excellent source to use in the research paper portion of the four year plan as well as providing reference at which to use in the persuasion of The Arizona Board of Regents. As it illustrates the importance of math, which many hold to have little value in the so called "real world" as well as the value of cooperative learning and allowing students to work with one another to form a better understanding.

Education | The White House - 0 views

  • he grants will support states in creating systems of high-quality early learning and development programs, developing new approaches to raising the bar across early learning centers, and closing the school readiness gap.
  • On October 25, 2011, the Obama Administration announced a proposal to make managing student loan debt easier.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      So technically no child left behind is still in effect but we are working towards correcting that with the help of recuperation periods and assistance from specialists to work with the schools
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  • provide relief from the No Child Left Behind Act. The flexibility will help states move forward with education reforms that are based on rigorous college- and career-ready standards, state-developed accountability systems that reward progress and address achievement gaps
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Obama announced four commitments to education on July 18, 2011 in his Educate to Innovate for the performance of students in science, technology and math.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      "ready for college and career, and they are going to be competitive in a global economy" that is truly what high school and all education should be about not necessarily going into college but finding the skills needed to succeed in a world that changes over night.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      what was necessary to qualify for participation in this program and how effective will it be in stimulating the needed reform
  • President Obama signed an overhaul of the student loan program into law, doubling funding for Pell Grants and allowing for direct student loans.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      I have heard of this but how much does this cover in terms of additional state funding and can they both be applied or does one cancel the other out.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      The one cent tax law was much needed in Arizona and has prevented further loss of the funds required to maintain high standards of education though Chandler School District did not lose nearly as much as some of those in the state what effect does the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act play in all of this
  • The Act also provides $77 billion for reforms to strengthen elementary and secondary education, including $48.6 billion to stabilize state education budgets
    • Shelby VanDamme
      The speech addresses new and innovative ideas and techniques designed to move away from the traditional testing method and to insted make the American educational system a global program to benefit the country immediately
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Does this still include standardized tests or will they more so mirror that of Europe, there are rumors of a national standardized test being developed how would this effect scholarship money and college entry
  • ff-the-shelf" tests, and support new, state-of-the-art assessment and accountability systems that provide timely and useful information about the learning and progress of individual students.
    Obama, Barrack. "Winning the Future Through Education." Office of the Press Secretary. Miami Central High School , Miami. 04March 2011. Speech. This source is a transcript published by the White House Public Relations, it summarizes the plans and goals President Obama has set for the educational standards of the United States.  The president supports his informational address with plans developed using recent statistics on the overall American Educational System ranking in comparison to that of the world, new programs placed into effect to aide schools that have as of late been struggling with finical means as well as addressing "No Child Left Behind" and what has become of the policy instituted by President Bush. The White house published this for the purpose of informing the nation on the current state of affairs as well as a testing ground for new measures being taken to ensure excellence in all things academic. Furthermore it also serves as good publicity for the upcoming election in November 2012. The tone is that of an unbiased observer as the nation has come to expect when receiving information after an event concerning the future of the nation, this serves to present the fullest image of professionalism during an election year.  As this overview has come from the White House and contains a video of the president's State of the Union Address it is a reputable source, the federal government cannot hold and publish libel information for the public if the constitution is to be upheld and their image tarnish free. It will allow for a basis in the state of America's educational system and where Arizona, particularly the Chandler Unified School District lie in that rating. Furthermore, providing information on new programs and opportunities for schools and students alike to use to their advantage will be key in convincing the Board of Regents to reevaluate their current stance on the AIMS Scholarship.

Information for Parents & Students - 0 views

  • Part 1 (Course Competency)
    • Shelby VanDamme
      4 English, 4 math, 3 science, 1 art, 2 foreign language, 2 social studies
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Why top 5% and can the two options cancel each other out if say you had the GPA but not the rank
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  • Part 2 (GPA/Class Rank)
  • GPA: A CORE GPA of 3.50 IN THE 16 CORE COMPETENCY COURSES on an un-weighted 4.00
  • 16 Core Competency Courses by graduation with a B* or better in each unit of credit awarded or receive an acceptable score
  • Part 4 (SAT1/ACT)
  • Part 3 (AIMS Exams)
  • EXCEED Standards on all 3 of the AIMS Exams (Reading, Writing, and Math) by the end of junior year
  • XCEED Standards on 2 of the AIMS HS Exams (Reading, Writing, and Math) and MEET Standards on 1 of the AIMS HS Exams by the end of their junior year
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Including AP classes adds stress to the students life as often times students will take those classes simply for dual credit or as a preparatory class
  • Class Rank: Student is in the top 5% of high school graduating class upon graduation.
  • At least a 28 on the ACT test
    • Shelby VanDamme
      The original AIMS scholarship did not include the two tests run by College Board to determine college readiness
  • At least a 1300 on the SAT1 test (critical reading & math, excluding essay)
    Tucker, Shannon, ed. "Information for Parents & Students."Arizona's Official Website. Arizona Department of Education, Dec 2011. Web. 27 Jan 2012. . Ms. Shannon Tucker, Program Project Specialist for the AIMS Scholarship, offers information for parents and students on the AIMS scholarship, both the amount of money granted and the requirements for classes 2013 and below. Tucker supports the information with requirements decided by the Arizona Board of Regents as well as budget information for the last four years. The author's purpose is to make aware the students at large of the standards they must now meet and disregard any false rumors about what is necessary to achieve the merit based scholarship, furthermore as this is such a highly sought after scholarship it is Tucker's job to illustrate completely the need to cut the scholarship to 25 percent. The tone is one of professionalism lending credibility to the statements and allowing the Board of Regents to remain untouched by parents and their emotional reactions. The website first offers information on what the award is and where it may be applied; the three in state universities as well as the provisional requirements to receive the funding. This will be utilized in the research portion of the project, as well as in communicating with officials at Basha High School. In addition to convincing fellow students to both tutor and be tutored and what is at stake. Having been published by the Arizona Department of Education, this source proves to be factual and beneficial in the overall success of this proposal.

Tuition increases at Arizona colleges lead to spending cuts - 0 views

  • Mar. 13, 2010
  • hikes in tuition and mandatory fees of between 15.7 and 20.4 percent at the three universities next school year.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      If the average instate college student already spends approximately 30,000 dollars a year on a university education and the AIMS tuition scholarship has been limited than those trying to finance their education will not be able to do so with any sense of ease.
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    • Shelby VanDamme
      Yet they are still raising tuition rates and laying off employees in an attempt to save money, it is understandable that the amount of money needed to maintain a university is exceptional however isn't there a better way to save money.
  • The universities collectively have been allocated $901 million in state funding in fiscal 2009-10.
  • the regents,
  • pproved tuition hikes that will add more than $1,000 a year in costs for all students at the University of Arizona and incoming students at Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University
  • Arizona's three universities say they are facing an even darker budget picture should a May ballot measure to impose a temporary 1-cent-per-dollar sales tax fail. It would force the state to cut an additional $107 million from higher education
    • Shelby VanDamme
      The one cent sales tax credit did pass that year so the universities were not forced to cut the additional 107 million dollars and are now attempting to keep tuition costs with in a reasonable zone for the next few years.
    Rough, Ginger. "Tuition increases at Arizona colleges lead to spending cuts Arizona regents want schools to reduce salaries by 2.75%." The Arizona Republic 13 Mar. 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Ginger Rough in the article "Tuition increases at Arizona colleges lead to spending cuts Arizona regents want schools to reduce salaries by 2.75%" (2010) explains the future budget cuts needed to be instated by the three state universities, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona to remain with in their $901 million dollar budget. Rough supports her clarifies the reasoning behind the budget cuts and the measures that will be taken to avoid any more unnecessary spending. Suggestions include salary cuts for employees and raising tuition rates anywhere from 15.7 to 20.4 percent beginning in the 2011 Fall Semester for all three universities.  The purpose is to inform the public of what is happening to their beloved colleges. The audience is the public at large but most specifically the high school as well as college students, both current and future, within the state. The informational tone is clearly for the parents and students concerned about financing their education upon graduation from high school. Having been printed in a reputable Newspaper The Arizona Republic and the author being credited to many well research articles of similar subjects it is concluded that this is a credible source. The article summarizes the current economic situation of students and faculty alike at the colleges and universities in the state and places the emphasis on tuition increasing so as to help lend the spotlight to needed scholarships for Arizona students. Rough's article will be utilized to high light actions taken by the Arizona Board of Regents and the possibilities the continued one cent sales tax and programs set in place by the federal government to fund education more fully. It should serve as a factual source of general information on the deci

Chandler schools rate high on Arizona's report card - 0 views

  • Oct. 14, 2011
    • Shelby VanDamme
      There is still room for improvement 
  • The vast majority of Chandler schools (70 percent) earned an A or B in the state's report card.
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  • A to Chandler Unified School District.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Basha, Perry, Chandler and Hamilton all received A's wit h 90 percent of students passing the AIMS Test with help from those students it would be possible to increase the numbers even more as well as the number of students who exceed on the test thereby helping them to earn the scholarship.
  • This is the first year the education department is giving letter grades along with AZ LEARNS Profile labels,
  • so-called "legacy" labels, of excelling, performing, underperforming and others.
  • Chandler's public schools brought home a stellar - but not perfect - report card in the state's first effort to grade schools and districts on student performance.
  • All four high schools earned A's and excelling labels
  • Schools that receive low grades are expected to improve their AIMS scores, reduce the number of dropouts, increase the number of students who graduate on time and boost the percentage of students who pass an English-proficiency test.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      That is a great deal of goals to achieve how much time is allotted to the schools to correct their problems. 
    • Shelby VanDamme
      If as the article suggests, the lower income schools are struggling to pass the AIMS Test owing to a lack of necessary money than imagine how hard it would be for the students to enter college prepared. Furthermore volunteers as tutors would help to cut down on costs especially if they work alongside faculty to keep the curriculum in mind and on course with passing the test.
  • Schools in north and central Chandler, where family incomes tend to be lower, earned lower grades generally than those in the more affluent parts of the district in south and east Chandler
  • "We want to see a year's worth of growth for a year's worth of work."
    Fehr-Snyder , Kerry. "Chandler schools rate high on Arizona's report card Read more: Kerry Fehr-Snyder's article provides information to readers on both the newly instituted ranking system for the performance of schools on the AIMS test and the ranking of Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) as a whole in regards to the test. Fehr-Snyder supports her article with information taken from the Arizona Board of Regents announcement on the new rating system, using letter grades along with the old excelling labels, as well as data collected overall of CUSD at all levels of education; also provided are quotes from people from Camille Casteel who offer insight to attempts made by the school district to bolster scores. The purpose of this article being an informative piece on the state's new system and how it can be distinguished in Chandler schools for a grade A school district. A clear professional tone is used throughout the piece to add an official mindset to the readers opinion and avoid charges of libel. Owing to the amount of information on all levels of school rankings for the chandler school district, from elementary to the four high schools along with the explanations of old and new ranking systems and the opinions from Mrs. Casteel it is apparent that this source is credible. It will be utilized for the changes being made in the system as well as the amount of improvement that can still be made on the school system. Furthermore by showing what state the schools currently are at it will allow for more custom programs to be completed.

Arizona drops in overall education rankings, but 'achievement' on rise - East Valley Tr... - 0 views

  • Arizona dropped in the overall state rankings in this year's Quality Counts report released
  • from Education Week.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      Arizona is not well known for its academic achievement and as such it puts students at a disadvantage when applying for colleges, taking standardized tests at a national level such as the ACT or SAT. 
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  • gave a C-minus to Arizona, just below the national average of a C.
  • 44th out of 51
  • down from last year's ranking of 42nd.
  • Quality Counts 2012 How Arizona scored...Overall: C-Chance for success: C-K-12: D+Standards, assessments and accountability: B+Teaching profession: D-School finance: D+Transitions and alignment: C[Source: Education Week]
  • e have a lot of good best practices starting to be implemented in Arizona. Obviously we have tons and tons more work to do," Gau said.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      If a few small improvements can provided a large jump in educational ranking across the country than it stands to reason that small study groups could improve the performance of students dramatically.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      School finance and teaching profession are very similar probably owing to the fact that teachers cannot live off low wages and provided the funding for continued education for themselves there by rendering their methods dated if not obsolete. 
  • Chandler Unified School District governing board member Bob Rice agreed there are a lot of changes being done to improve education.
    • Shelby VanDamme
      There are methods in place the thing needed is to begin more intensive individualized ideas. Things like Panther Prep are great school wide however it does not give needed attention to private struggles.
    Reese, Michelle. "Arizona drops in overall education rankings, but 'achievement' on rise." East Valley Tribune (2012): n.pag. Web. 28 Jan 2012. . Michelle Reese asserts the overall opinion based on testing standards and national census of the overall Arizona Educational System stating it to be lacking in overall but steadily improving with new measures to be implemented in the future. Reese supports her claims with information collected by Education Weekly in their annual "Quality Counts" report. The overall purpose is to enlighten readers from parents to politicians on the current standards the children are currently dealing with and the districts as well as the people in charge of reversing the adverse conditions before they grow more desperate. Reese does state that there have been sources of improvement over the last year and that many officials are searching for better ways to implement new strategies. The tone is that of a concerned bystander yet remains unbiased despite the appearance currently being portrayed by educators and legislators across the state. Being that this article is similar to those posted on the entire United States, with 51 school districts in total including that of the District of Columbia and uses data collected by the national government it is safe to assume that it cannot be charged with libel. Simply put this is to be employed for the debates likely to ensue with the Board of Regents so as to make evident the state of disrepair that the state has become and the ways in which renewing the AIMS scholarship, if reinstated or chartered, could benefit the state as a whole. Furthermore convincing parents and faculty to support this new tutoring program will be difficult and with the statistics listed here it would prove more likely to succeed if they were to be informed of truth of things.

The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students ' Mathematics Achievement and Attitude ... - 0 views

    Zakaria, Effandi, and Yusoff Daud. "The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students' Mathematics Achievement and Attitude towards Mathematics." Journal of Social Sciences 6.2 (2010): 272-75. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Effandi and Duad present their argument in "The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning on mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics." (Effandi and Duad 272). They argue that through an experimental study on the way in which students learn cooperatively and the affect it has on their mathematics scores that, cooperative learning can greatly improve upon the way in which students receive information and retain it. Effandi and Duad have the purpose of enlightening the American people as to the value of science and mathematics in everyday life and the measures that can be taken to improve student performance in the subjects. Essentially the main idea is to create better overall understanding of the worlds of math and science and to demonstrate how it can be used more effectively by all. This source would be found credible owing to the amount of citations in published works as well as their method for peer review currently utilized in all forms of scientific publication. It shall prove an excellent source to use in the research paper portion of the four year plan as well as providing reference at which to use in the persuasion of The Arizona Board of Regents. As it illustrates the importance of math, which many hold to have little value in the so called "real world" as well as the value of cooperative learning and allowing students to work with one another to form a better understanding.
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