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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ben Westen

Ben Westen

Educated in America: College graduates and high school dropouts | vox - Research-based ... - 0 views

    New source for Research Paper. 
Ben Westen

World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science? | News... - 0 views

    Shepherd, Jessica. "World Education Rankings: Which Country Does Best at Reading, Maths and Science? | News |" Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. n.d. Theguardian. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. . Shepherd's purpose in this article is to establish global education rankings in perspective to the UK. Shepherd develops her argument through the experiments and studies that have been done with the countries being studied. Shepherd asserts her cause through evidence of studies so that an appeal to logos is present making the argument more difficult to refute. The intended audience Shepherd wants to appeal to is more likely to be a government or Parliament of a country which is conveyed through the formal tone used throughout the article.  This article shows the audience the global ranking of 65 different countries. The author does a wonderful job displaying effective use of her constructed argument to appeal to her given audience. I see myself using this source to appeal to a sense of competition to my own personal audience, America is ranked 14th overall and much worse in terms of specific subjects which would invoke a sense of urgency in the Race to the Top.
Ben Westen

Massachusetts Common Core of Learning - Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Seco... - 0 views

    "Massachusetts Common Core of Learning." Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 15 May 1995. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. . The purpose of this article is to explain the common core standards of Massachusetts. The thesis is supported by means of Massachusetts being the number one state in terms of educational ranking. The Massachusetts Common Core of Learning asserts how children can receive a prime education in the world so that they may prosper in the current global job market. The intended audience is the education system in Massachusetts; however every state ranked below Massachusetts can use their common core standards to reform their own system around the top.  The Massachusetts Common Core standards are what every school in Massachusetts are required to follow in terms of how the fundamental needs of the Massachusetts school systems are structured. This article has information contributed to it by world renowned teachers and very famous individuals i.e. Martin S. Kaplan, which in turn aids the credibility of the article tremendously. I intend to demonstrate to the Board of Education in Arizona how the number one educationally ranked state in the United States structures their education and perhaps they will in turn structure Arizona education similarly.
Ben Westen

Making College More Affordable | The White House - 0 views

  • These investments, coupled with the funding provided in the Recovery Act and the President’s first two budgets, will more than double the total amount of funding available for Pell Grants since President Obama took office.
  • The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act covers the expected funding shortfall and much of the recent growth in Pell costs, putting the program on more secure footing for years to come.
  • As the largest part of the nation’s higher education system, community colleges enroll more than 6 million students and are growing rapidly.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act includes $2 billion over four years for community colleges.
  • They account for nearly one-third of all degree-granting institutions and enroll nearly sixty percent of the 4.7 million minority undergraduates in our nation today.
  • That’s why the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act provides $2.55 billion in mandatory funding for these institutions – dollars that can be used to renew, reform, and expand programming to ensure that students at these colleges and universities are given every chance to rise to their full potential.
  • To ensure that Americans can afford their student loan payments, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act expands the existing income-based student loan repayment program
  • The education related initiatives funded by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act are fully paid for by ending the government subsidies currently given to financial institutions that make guaranteed federal student loans.
  • highest proportion of college graduates in the world
  • by 2020.
    "Making College More Affordable." The White House. The White House, 24 Feb. 2009. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. . The purpose here is to establish an explanation of how college will be more affordable in the future. The thesis is established by the credibility of the White House and the logistics of the investment they intend to make. Obama asserts the value of a college education so that every child in the U.S. has the potential to compete in the global job market. The intended audience of the article is the national Board of Education and the Cabinet of Obama portrayed through a formal tone. This article is about sufficient funding and grants for every child in America to receive a college education. This source is credible for it comes from the White House and supports the cause very well and in a logical manner. I intend to use this source to help America compete at a global level in my quest for education reform in America and Arizona.
Ben Westen - 0 views

    "Fiscal Year 2012 Budget of the U.S. Government."  16 Jan. 2012.  PDF File.       The purpose of President Obama is to establish the Fiscal Year  national budget in order to explain where the money will be distributed. The support in the budget statement is seen through the explanations of where and why the money is being put where. President Obama supports his claims by asserting a logical approach so that no questions will be asked and so it makes sense to answer the where's and why's. The intended audience of this budget plan is Congress in which Obama uses a formal tone to appeal to the likes of all the Congressional Committee.  This budget plan addresses the matter of how the budget for the money will be spent. President Obama conveys his views and positions very well as well as why the money is going where so that here can be no questions asked. I intend to use this source to aid in demonstrating how money can be used advantageously in creating a world class education, but also in appealing to the Board of Education in Arizona in a manner that money can be distributed in an effective fashion and to places where it would be more beneficial i.e. calculus classes rather than sports.
Ben Westen

Education reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Child-study Jean-Jacques Rousseau has been called the father of the child-study movement. It has been said that Rousseau "discovered" the child (as an object of study). Rousseau's principal work on education is Emile: Or, On Education, in which he lays out an educational program for a hypothetical newborn's education to adulthood. Rousseau provided a dual critique of both the vision of education set forth in Plato's Republic and also of the society of his contemporary Europe and the educational methods he regarded as contributing to it; he held that a person can either be a man or a citizen, and that while Plato's plan could have brought the latter at the expense of the former, contemporary education failed at both tasks. He advocated a radical withdrawal of the child from society and an educational process that utilized the natural potential of the child and its curiosity, teaching it by confronting it with simulated real-life obstacles and conditioning it by experience rather than teaching it intellectually. His ideas were rarely implemented directly, but were influential on later thinkers, particularly Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel, the inventor of the kindergarten. [edit] Transcendentalist education H. D. Thoreau's Walden and reform essays in the mid-19th century were influential also (see the anthology Uncommon Learning: Henry David Thoreau on Education, Boston, 1999). For a look at transcendentalist life, read Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. Her father, A. Bronson Alcott, a close friend of Thoreau's, pioneered progressive education for young people as early as the 1830s. The transcendental education movement failed, because only the most gifted students ever equaled the skills of their classically educated teachers. These students would, of course, succeed in any educational regime. Accounts seem to indicate that the students were happy, but often pursued classical education later in life. [edit] National identity
  • Contemporary issues In the first decade of the 21st century, several issues are salient in debates over further education reform:[5] Longer school day or school year After-school tutoring Charter schools, school choice, or school vouchers Smaller class sizes[6] Improved teacher quality Improved training Higher credential standards Generally higher pay to attract more qualified applicants Performance bonuses ("merit pay") Firing low-performing teachers Internet and computer access in schools Track and reduce drop-out rate Track and reduce absenteeism English-only vs. bilingual education Mainstreaming special education students Content of curriculum standards and textbooks Funding, neglected infrastructure, and adequacy of educational supplies
  • Between 1960 and 1995, U.S. public school spending per student, adjusted for inflation, increased by 212%. In 1994, less than half of all U.S. public school employees were teachers. Out of 21 industrialized countries, U.S. 12th graders ranked 19th in math, 16th in science, and last in advanced physics.
    "Education Reform." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. 5 Jan. 2012.  16 Jan. 2012.  Wikipedia's purpose for this article is to establish how education reform has been attempted in order to portray to its audience of readers what we may learn from past failures. From Plato to modern day, Wikipedia establishes how education reform has been done from "Child Study" by Rousseau to the transcendentalist movement reform to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Wikipedia claims that through the centuries many attempts towards education reform have failed that led to more modern problems; however these problems are being resolved by the President, his cabinet, and Congress. The intended audience is anybody seeking education reform and how it has been attempted in the past, while the tone is formal to appeal to an audience such as a board of education.   This article addresses the matter of education reform in the past 150 or so years. The source has many citations and is an excellent tool  to utilize in my effort to help reform education. Through failures we see the door to excellence open up and I intend to analyze why these reforms did not work and change them to match up with more modern era educational systems.
Ben Westen

Education | The White House - 0 views

  • "A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids can compete for the best jobs but whether America can out-compete countries around the world. America's business leaders understand that when it comes to education, we need to up our game. That's why we’re working together to put an outstanding education within reach for every child"
  • -President Barack Obama, July 18, 2011
    "Education." The White House. The White House, n.d. 16 Jan. 2012. President Obama, in the article "Education" explain that in order for the next generation to have any shot in the competitive global job market they must have a world class education. Obama develops his explanation through an appeal of ethos from major business leaders of the world. Obama writes to bring ease to the American public that hopes of the future in terms of American leadership in the world will become reality. The intended audience of President Obama is the American public and education reform groups with a formal tone that ensures a well developed plan. This article is intended to portray means of the most powerful authority in the United States aiming to "fix" the education crisis. Without a fundamental education, the following generation has no hopes in competing in the global job market. Although the problem is not fully resolves, President Obama and his Cabinet assure that the proper measures are being taken to ensure a world class education for every child. In order to aid in reforming education and providing a good means of support for change, I intend to utilize this article to see how I can help improve what is already being done and to aid in appealing towards an education board my proposal for the future.
Ben Westen

Education Reform - 0 views

  • To restore a sense of self-government, empower families, and yield educational excellence, it is imperative that educational authority be returned to states and local leaders and parents.
  • national standards and tests, which threatens the long-established right of parents to direct their children’s education and muzzles the states’ traditional role in designing school curricula.
  • Today, combined federal, state, and local education spending exceeds $580 billion annually, or about 4.2 percent of GDP.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • academic achievement has stagnated and graduation rates have remained flat.
  • more than doubled since 1970
  • 95 percent of their contributions going to left-leaning politicians and their causes.
  • Policymakers can look to past models, such as the Academic Achievement for All Act (Straight A’s) and the A-PLUS Act for inspiration.
  • Congress should reject and dismantle the Obama Administration’s effort to establish federal standards and tests.
    "Education Reform." Conservative Policy Research and Analysis. The Heritage Foundation, 17 Aug. 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. . The purpose in this article is to address the issue of education reform and to introduce the public to the facts about the issue followed by how to resolve the issues. The conciseness of the article develops a to the point feel of the article while still addressing every key point. The Heritage Foundation asserts that much of what is being done by the Obama Administration is not as effective as what some solutions may offer in that education reform is at the door and we are just not answering because we are too busy looking for the key. The intended audience is a Board of Education in light of the formal tone of the author.  The source addresses the key issues of education and how to properly resolve the issues at hand. The author does a phenomenal job in conveying their cause in an effective manner. I can use these facts and proposed resolutions in my proposal to help reform education by changing the solutions as I see fit and using the facts to help my credibility and argument.
Ben Westen

Archived: 10 Fact About K-12 Education Funding - 0 views

  • The U.S. Constitution leaves the responsibility for public K-12 education with the states.
  • The primary source of federal K-12 support began in 1965 with the enactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
  • The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a reauthorization of ESEA
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Total taxpayer investment in K-12 education in the United States for the 2004-05 school year is estimated to be $536 billion.
  • taxpayer investment in education exceeds that for national defense.
  • However, nations that spend far less achieve higher levels of student performance.
  • States and localities are the primary sources of K-12 education funding and always have been.
  • 83 cents out of every dollar spent on education is estimated to come from the state and local levels (45.6 percent from state funds and 37.1 percent from local governments). The federal government's share is 8.3 percent. The remaining 8.9 percent is from private sources, primarily for private schools.
  • The federal share of K-12 spending has risen very quickly, particularly in recent years.
  • Total education funding has increased substantially in recent years at all levels of government, even when accounting for enrollment increases and inflation.
  • Importantly, the increase in funds has been linked to accountability for results, ensuring taxpayers get their money's worth.
  • Federal funding for two main federal K-12 education programs will have increased by $9.3 billion since 2001, under the president's proposed budget.
  • Most federal funds are sent directly to states and local school districts for their use in schools.
  • There are no unfunded federal education "mandates." Every federal education law is conditioned on a state or other grantee's decision to accept federal program funds.
  • The federal commitment to education can be found in the actual dollars earmarked for education.
  • K-12 education is funded at the federal level through a variety of laws and programs.
    "10 Facts about K-12 Education Funding." U.S. Department of Education. ED, n.d.  16 Jan. 2012. The Department of Education has established these ten facts in order to depict to a public audience the truth about education and funding associated with it. With an appeal to logos, the Department of Education asserts facts to appeal to the audience. They write to explain that there are many facts that have escaped the eye of the public. In terms of tone, formal would be the best way to describe the article, even though these are merely facts.  This source assesses ten facts about federal funding through government and taxes. This source is absolutely excellent for it addresses a key root of a fundamental problem. I intend to use this source to help convince my audience that educational funding in Arizona is not necessarily the primary issue, rather that how it is distributed might be the concern that should be addressed .
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