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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ally Mitchell


USDOJ releases trafficking victim statistics for the U.S. - 1 views

    "USDOJ releases trafficking victim statistics for the U.S." The Human Trafficking Project. 12 Sept. 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author, in the article "USDOJ releases trafficking victim statistics for the U.S." (2009), explains that human trafficking is a major issue in the United States. The author supports their explanation by listing statistics from the Human Trafficking Reporting System that were released by the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics. The author's purpose is to make the public aware of the enormity of human trafficking in the U.S. so that they gain an understanding of what is going on in the country. The author writes in an educated and logical tone, mostly just listing statistics, for the people looking for research, such as students or teachers. Justin Hakuta, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, is the founder of the Human Trafficking Project. However, this information was taken directly from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics. The article is made up of mostly statistics, and since they were from the USDOJ, the source is credible. The statistics are from the first 21 months of a new program, the Human Trafficking Reporting System. Most of the other articles just have loose estimates of information regarding numbers in human trafficking situations; however, this study has allowed more solid numbers to come into existence. My research paper will benefit from the information in this study because it does give more trustworthy percentages and estimates concerning the sex trafficking industry.

Stockholm Syndrom- RAINN - 0 views

    "Stockholm Syndrome." RAINN. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The author, in the article "Stockholm Syndrome", explains that the syndrome develops when victims are in a threatening and controlling environment as an attempt to survive. The author supports their explanation by describing the cause of the symptoms and situations in which the syndrome could develop. The author's purpose is to inform the readers about Stockholm syndrome so that they know what to look for if they suspect someone to have developed it. The author writes in a semi-formal tone, making a personal bond with the reader, but keeping the article sounding educated. The source was written by the organization RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) and there is a citation at the bottom of the page, citing where they found their information. The organization received their information from a credible source, Dr. Joe Carver, a clinical psychologist, so their information is reliable. This article relays similar facts to the excerpt from "Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine", but this source discusses situations that help to foster the development of Stockholm syndrome. The information in RAINN's article will help in my research paper because the situations that are discussed correlate with what women forced into sex trafficking face. This supports my idea that therapy is needed for the victims because they can be seriously damaged psychologically and physically.

Stockholm Syndrome - 0 views

    Frey, Rebecca. "Stockholm Syndrome." Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 3rd ed. Vol. 5. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 3530-532. Health and Wellness Resource Center. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Rebecca Frey, in the article "Stockholm Syndrome" (2006), explains that extreme trauma, under the proper conditions, can cause a person in a captive or hostage situation to develop a bond to their captor. Frey supports her explanation through details about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Stockholm syndrome. The author's purpose is to inform the reader about what causes the psychological symptoms so that they understand the effects, diagnosis and treatment. The author writes in a formal tone for the educated audience in the medical field that would be reading an encyclopedia of medicine. The source was found on an online database and it was originally published in the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, so it is a reliable source. Also, the author of this article, Rebecca Frey, received her PhD so she is well-versed in the subject of medicine. Many of the other articles discuss the girls showing symptoms of Stockholm syndrome, such as having positive feelings towards their captor and negative feelings towards the police. The other article about Stockholm syndrome says most of the same things, but Frey emphasizes more the relation it has to posttraumatic stress disorder. This information will help in my research paper because it shows how sex trafficking victims are affected psychologically due to the trauma of the situations that they are put it. This supports my argument that more therapy is necessary for the victims to recover after they escape from the traffickers' grip.

Sexual Trafficking in the United States: A Domestic Problem with Transnatio... - 0 views

    Hodge, David R. "Sexual Trafficking in the United States: A Domestic Problem with Transnational Dimensions." Social Work 53.2 (2008): 143. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. David R. Hodge, in the article "Sexual Trafficking in the United States: A Domestic Problem with Transnational Dimensions" (2008), claims that trafficking is a bug problem in the United States that is fueled by international trafficking and prostitution being seen and a societal norm. Hodge supports his opinion by comparing the human trafficking industries in the United States to other countries like Sweden who have more effective laws. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of the consequences of sex trafficking so that the reader will understand how big of an issue it really is in the United States. The author writes in a formal tone for an older audience. This is also a credible source because it was published in an online database and it was published in the journal "Social Work". Hodge discusses many topics that the other authors similarly write about, like the causes and effects of sex trafficking. However, Hodge also recognizes the Swedish system for controlling sex trafficking, which has proven to be effective in their country. He brings up the idea that media influences the sex industry in countries. In the United States, pimps are almost made heroes in music, TV shows, and video games. This creates a positive image of prostitution for teenagers. In Sweden, it is moreso that sex trafficking is widely accepted as immoral. I see this information helping me with my research project because it provides another avenue that sex trafficking ties into, freedom of speech.

Opinion: Why Decriminalize Child Prostitution? - 0 views

  • The argument goes that children shouldn't be arrested, because that only punishes the children twice.
  • it won't end the exploitation but will likely make it worse, by removing the only safe and secure protection these vulnerable children have from the pimps -- being arrested and placed under the protective custody of law enforcement.
  • their arrest is the only reason they are alive today.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • pimps to tell children that law enforcement can't touch them
  • There aren't sufficient shelters or programs to handle all the victims.
  • The children would be free to walk
  • it will create a great atmosphere for exploiters to coerce more victims
  • Many minors in prostitution do not see themselves as victims, either because they believe they are in a love relationship with their pimp or because they do not have a pimp
  • It gives the police access to the victims and the legal right to remove minors from the situation where they are being prostituted.
  • but adding an affirmative defense to the law and allowing prosecutors and judges the option of diverting minors into services, such as medical or counseling
    Crouse, Janice Shaw and Penny Young Nance. "Why Decriminalize Child Prostitution?" Aol News, 4 Mar. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Crouse and Nance, in the article "Why Decriminalize Child Prostitution?" (2011), argue that child prostitution should not be decriminalized. They support this opinion by outlining the consequences of legalizing prostitution for those under 18. The author's purpose is to persuade the audience that it would cause more harm than help if child prostitution was decriminalized. Crouse and Nance write to the average American with a concern in sex trafficking. The decriminalization of child prostitution is portrayed as an awful idea in this article. Without being sent to jail, the authors believe there is more of a chance that the children would run back to their pimps. The authors are both reliable sources. Crouse wrote "Children At Risk" and is heavily involved with Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute. Nance is a special adviser for the Federal Communications Commission and CEO of Concerned Women for America. The set-up of this article is very logical. A cause and effect style is used to make the reader grasp onto the ideas with greater ease. In my research paper, I may use this article to discuss the dangers of not having enough shelters available for the girls. Without an adequate amount of housings, jail is the only "safe" place for the victims, who will then be treated as criminals.

New efforts target child sex trafficking - 0 views

    Koch, Wendy. "New efforts target child sex trafficking." USA Today 2010, News sec.: 03a. Student Research Center [EBSCO]. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Wendy Koch, in the news article "New efforts target child sex trafficking" (2010), asserts that advertising child prostitution on online classifieds does exist in today's world. Koch supports her assertion by listing quotes and statistics about the increase in child prostitution due to online advertisements. The author's purpose is to show that our laws concerning freedom of speech must be revised in order to decrease the amount of child prostitution cases that fail when regarding online advertisement. The author writes in an educated, formal tone for an older audience. The article is credible because it was published on an internet database and in USA Today. The author and investigator, Wendy Koch, graduated from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service with a master's degree. This article addresses the issue of online advertisement for adult-services, something that is not discussed in the other articles. Craigslist shut down their adult-service section, but has yet to do so. They claim that they are merely trying "to capitalize on political opportunity." This will help with my research paper because it shows how many people are unconcerned with what is happening because they merely want to make money. However, if awareness was raised about sex trafficking and companies like actually understood what they were assisting, then more thought might be taken about allowing adult-service sections online.

LOST GIRL - 0 views

    Amber, Jeannine. "LOST GIRL." Essence (Time Inc.) 40.7 (2009): 164. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Jeannine Amber, in her report "Lost Girl" (2009), explains that trafficked children are victims, not criminals, and it is very difficult for them to escape from their trafficker. Amber supports her explanation by telling the story of a young girl who was tricked into prostitution at age 12. The author's purpose is to inform the reader of the difficulties that the women and children face and to persuade them to help the victims so that the victims are understood more by society and so they can receive more help with their recovery. The author writes in an informal tone for the average teenager and adult to portray the girl's story. This is a credible source because it is published in an online database. The author, Jeannine Amber, is an award-winning reporter for Essence, the Village Voice, Glamour, Vibe, and others. She graduated from Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism. The report says similar things as other articles, including describing the difficulties that the women and children face in these types of situations. It shows how it is not their choice to do this, they are often held against their will. I would use the information in this report because it gives the details of a young girl's life in the sex trafficking industry. I would use this because it shows how greatly young women and children are affected by being pulled into prostitution.


    Berman, Howard L. "Human Trafficking Prevention." Speech. FDCH Congressional Testimony. Committee on House Foreign Affairs. 30 Sept. 2010. Student Research Center [EBSCO]. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Howard L. Berman in his speech "Human Trafficking Prevention" (2010), explains that human trafficking is a problem in the United States that is currently being fought with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Berman supports his explanation by describing the human trafficking industry and how the act has helped the victims, raised awareness, and increased the penalty for the criminals. The speaker's purpose is to show how the Trafficking Protection Act has helped, but to point out that the act can still be improved so that more victims can be helped and more traffickers can be penalized. The speaker speaks in a formal tone for the other committee members. This is also a credible source because it was published in an internet database. The speaker is the chairman of the committee on house foreign affairs, so it is a reliable source. The speech discusses similar things as the other sources, however Berman contradicts another source, stating that human trafficking is the second highest global criminal enterprise, whereas another article says it is the third highest. This could just be due to different times that the sources were published. I see myself using this source in my research paper because it shows how large of a criminal enterprise human trafficking is, which supports my opinion that it needs to be taken care of and stopped.

Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States - 0 views

    Kotrla, Kimberly. "Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States." Social Work 55.2 (2010): 181. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. Kimberly Kotrla, in her article "Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the Unites States" (2010), states that youths in the United States are at high risk for becoming victims of sex trafficking. Kotrla supports her statement by discussing the culture of tolerance that the U.S. has built up concerning prostitution, and the factors that cause children to become at risk for being pulled into sex trafficking. The author's purpose is to inform readers about domestic minor sex trafficking and who is at risk for becoming a victim. The author writes in a formal tone, stating the information for an educated audience. Kotrla's article is a credible source because it was published on both an online database and the journal "Social Work" Kimberly Kotrla is an assistant professor in the school of social work at Baylor University. She also worked as a social worker for ten years prior to teaching, making her information reliable. This article is different from the other sources because it specifically discusses domestic minor sex trafficking, or the trafficking of anyone under 18 for the use of commercial sex. Kotrla, as well as Hodge, discusses the culture of tolerance that the U.S. has built up, regarding sex trafficking and prostitution. This is important for my research paper because it addresses the idea that media plays a huge role in how the public perceives prostitution. Many people don't realize that for a huge portion of the women, it was not a choice to become involved in commercial sex acts. Awareness must be raised about the truth of sex trafficking, and that is something that I hope to achieve with my research paper.

The Case for Legalized Prostitution - 0 views

  • laws prohibiting prostitution may well be the oldest example of government regulation and government (sex) discrimination
  • violate the basic rights and liberties
  • over one million women
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • one in every six American men has been a willing client
  • engaging in sex with a prostitute is now the third most common way for an American male to contract the AIDS virus
  • the spread of AIDS would be reduced by the decriminalization of prostitution services
  • these public resources could have been used to protect law-abiding citizens from real criminals
  • futile and forever doomed to fail
  • close down a market between willing buyers and sellers
  • As long as the prostitution transaction is voluntary, there is no justification for governmental interference.
  • . In a free market for prostitution services, suppliers of labor services that are physically harmed would have the same rights to police protection and to legal recourse as the rest of us
    Armentano, Paul. "The Case for Legalized Prostitution." Freedom Daily. The Future of Freedom Foundation, Dec. 1993. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Paul Armentano, in the article "The Case for Legalized Prostitution" (1993), argues that in legalizing prostitution, brutality will decrease and the spread of AIDS will be reduced. Armentano supports his point of view through comparing and contrasting areas where prostitution is legal to areas where it is illegal. The author's purpose is to convince the reader that the decriminalization of prostitution would be better for both the women in the industry and the public. Armentano uses logos to persuade the audience that his ideas are backed up with facts and statistics. The organization behind this website is very liberal, advertising beliefs of limited government and desires to repeal all freedom-limiting programs. This bias must be taken into consideration when reading the article. However, Armentano provides many interesting points to consider regarding the legalization of prostitution. The article was written almost 20 years ago; although many ideas still remain valid, the source is slightly outdated. This source will help contribute to my project because it provides solid counter-points to my arguments. This will force me to think outside of the box with my ideas to form my own rebuttals. David Hodge's article ("Sexual Trafficking in the United States") balances nicely with this piece because Hodge compares and contrasts as well, only he compares Sweden's model of zero tolerance to other countries' models.

Arizona flunks sex-trafficking survey - 0 views

    Sunnucks, Mike. "Arizona Flunks Sex-trafficking Survey." Phoenix Business Journal. 24 May 2007. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. Mike Sunnucks, in the article "Arizona flunks sex-trafficking survey" (2007), claims that Arizona has weak penalties against illegal trafficking. Sunnucks supports his claim by comparing it to the failing grade that The Center for Women Policy Issues gives Arizona, regarding protecting trafficking victims. The author's purpose is to point out that Arizona needs stricter policies concerning sex trafficking so that women and children are protected from being brought into the sex industry. The author writes in an academic, but easy to understand tone for an older audience. The article was published in the Phoenix Business Journal, so it is a reliable source. It is also a recent source, published in 2007, so the information is trustworthy. This article brings new ideas to the research, comparing California's more effective policies to Arizona's laws. The article discusses Arizona's policies, something that most of the other sources fail to cover. This will help in my research paper because it shows how Arizona's laws regarding sex trafficking can still be improved. More information concerning the difference between Arizona and California's illegal trafficking regulations could be gathered so that lawmakers would know what to mirror in order to reduce the amount of trafficking in Arizona.
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