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Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: Beta Applications Keys to be sent this coming week! - 2 views

  • Beta Application Keys will be sent this coming week.
  • To redeem you Beta Application Key you must first create a GamersFirst account and then log in with the account on which you want to activate your beta access.
  • Beta Application Keys guarantees that you will have a chance to APPLY for access to the APB Reloaded Closed Beta, regardless of how you received your key
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  • At the moment it appears it should take no more than about 15 minutes to complete the application.
  • The application contains 10 items, from entering your DxDiag info, to pinging three core server locations, and then telling us a little bit about yourself.
    With this article, the APB Diigo group concludes it's run as I can't afford keeping it up to date now as I am focusing to my new clan duties on -- Feel free to join us there! -- Hope to see you all in the roads of San Paro!
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: 150,763 requests for Closed Beta applications - 0 views

  • So - as of last night at the cut-off time we had received 150,763 unique Closed Beta application emails. Clearly this puts us WELL ABOVE the 8,000-10,000 people we had estimated were a good initial closed beta group.
  • Thus, in the next few days (and it hasn't happened yet), we will send out part two of the application, and after logging in with your G1 account, and filling everything in along with your unique Beta Application Key (which will be mailed to you), we then presume some percentage of the above number will be activated in the actual live closed beta.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: 150,763 requests for Closed Beta applications - 0 views

  • So - as of last night at the cut-off time we had received 150,763 unique Closed Beta application emails. Clearly this puts us WELL ABOVE the 8,000-10,000 people we had estimated were a good initial closed beta group.
  • Thus, in the next few days (and it hasn't happened yet), we will send out part two of the application, and after logging in with your G1 account, and filling everything in along with your unique Beta Application Key (which will be mailed to you), we then presume some percentage of the above number will be activated in the actual live closed beta.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 13 Update : The calm before the Beta Storm - 0 views

  • This week time to share a key deadline; in order to be considered for the first wave of Closed Beta keys, you need to submit your email at by midnight PST on Tuesday February 15.
  • You will receive an email with this ID along with a custom link that will take you to the actual Beta Activation page
  • first Closed Beta during the week of February 28
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 12 Update : A "New District" sneak peek, plus many things tha... - 0 views

  • We're going to add a contact to each district that you don't level and gives out new missions that we'll add that will be more fun for all participants. As the new missions get positive feedback, we'll replace the worst offenders from the existing missions with the new ones. This should hopefully allow us to constantly be phasing out sub-par content and replacing it with great stuff, without just stripping out too many things from the beginning and accidentally leaving too little content. At the same time, we'll be fixing the mechanics on all the existing missions that are broken at a base level to improve the experience (top contenders for fixes include Hold Item, Territory Control, VIP and Chase missions).
  • When non-mission crimes are committed, the criminal doesn't receive money directly, instead it's added to a pool of dirty money that they need to visit a money launderer to actually add to their cash. When they do so, the money is multiplied by their notoriety bonus (we'll be making this a lot more obvious for players) to give the amount they actually get, and then their notoriety is reset to the base level. This should hopefully introduce a play-style where criminals want to go on a large crime-spree before cashing in.
  • At the same time, when they commit a crime, any off-mission enforcer can witness them (the icon will only appear if you can witness them, rather than the previous implementation of being able to witness, but a match not occurring). When witnessed, their dirty-money pool is moved into a small task item in the criminal’s inventory that either team must drop off to end the encounter. Whichever side drops it off gets the cash. If either the criminal or enforcer was on an unopposed mission when doing the crime, that mission will immediately end and the new mechanic will kick in.
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  • Survivor : Reduces Damage taken, reduces movement speed, adds spark effect rather than blood when shot. Fast Regen: Reduces time before you start regenerating health, increases time before you regenerate to full health. Nitro: Heavily increases acceleration and top speed when active but reduces handling. Mobile Supply Unit: Allows you to resupply and switch items from the trunk of your car. Removes the ability to place items in the trunk. Spray and Pray : Increases fire rate, decreases base accuracy, removes crosshair. SuperMag : Increases Clip size, increases reload time.
  • certain upgrades have built in downsides (field supplier for instance makes you very vulnerable for its duration), so those won't need negative modifiers.
  • Our current thinking is we'll make Nitro a modification that players can't normally unlock but that will appear on certain preset or mission vehicles that are done up like crazy stunt cars
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 11 Update : Game Changes and Closed Beta Features - 0 views

  • we’ve upped initial damage on all weapons, adjusted recoil for most weapons, and changed accuracy so the weapon very quickly blooms out to its minimum accuracy, but regains it very quickly once you stop firing
  • marksmanship will not disable when you fall short distances, teammates will now show accurately on your personal radar screen, the arrest exploit has been fixed
  • Witnessing has been completely removed for the time being (the ready system kind of broke it), but we plan to reintroduce it in a near future build in a much improved fashion
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  • The default camera position has also been moved out slightly so that your head doesn’t obscure the centre of screen when the player runs to the right
  • The first thing we did was remove organisation standing. It was a fairly obtuse mechanic that didn’t really fit into the game very well. Then we adjusted the contacts so they each fall under the category of either Weapons contacts or Vehicle contacts. As the names suggest – vehicle contacts unlock new vehicles, vehicle upgrades, and vehicle components, while weapons contacts now unlock preset weapons and character upgrades. All contacts unlock preset and customisable clothing options. Since the presets are now properly named you will now be able to tell which items and combinations are actually meant to be worn together (an annoying missing item in the original release).
  • new ability to see how much progress you have made in a certain role or for a certain achievement
  • All Symbols and some pieces of clothing are now rewarded through random rewards at the end of a mission.  Players have a very high chance (50%, modified by mission performance) to unlock one at the end of each mission, with different contacts unlocking different symbols.
  • High level vehicles are now using a slightly different unlock system. You unlock the base vehicles and presets through vehicle contacts at high levels, with kits and open slot versions gained through completing time trials around the districts with those vehicles
  • We felt that leagues were not providing their original purpose, and instead were just causing players to exploit game systems, or ‘Zerg’ things in order to compete.  As such we’ve removed them completely in the short term, though we plan to add back Leagues at some point, potentially along with the revised (and more meaningful) Clan mechanics which are used in other games as well.
  • cost for most items has been drastically increased
  • We’ve moved all upgrades into groups, so you can only use one of each type (we’ve also renamed them to fit with each system). I’ve also removed a couple of mods that either didn’t fit or were duplicates (Savage is gone, and Monolith has also been removed as it was functionally identical to Survivor).
  • The biggest change is the removal of the “Han Cellente,” ie. the starting vehicle. We thought it looked pretty awful and handled terribly, leading many to concludes that cars sucked in general
  • The largest change to an existing vehicle is the Balkan Kolva (Dump Truck). We have made it rarer in the game, and massively increased the weight and torque, while lowering the turning speed and initial acceleration.
  • Weather updates in updated game
  • new world/map (other than the fact that it will be called "Asylum" we know very little)
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 10 Update : Busting some Punks? - 0 views

  • Johann, who originally had worked on the PB integration for the original release, and is now responsible for the overall anti-hack/anti-cheat detection for the game as a whole
  • while it may be virtually impossible to ever win the war against cheaters completely, we certainly intend to give it our best shot
  • We originally integrated PunkBuster into APB in January 2009. After this was completed, it was disabled and essentially left untested until near the end of Closed Beta (~ April 2010), since it was not deemed an essential feature to enable before launch.
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  • So in a nutshell,  it was quite a mess.
  • We were forced to disable PunkBuster again straight away until we could fix it, and ended up launching the game with it turned off.
  • We also plan to have anti-cheating enabled on all servers from the very start of Closed Beta, allowing us to get as much testing done as possible.
  • If a player is positively identified as running a known aimbot, he/she will be immediately kicked from the district and a notification message will be sent to all other players in that district. The cheater’s account and PC will be immediately banned for a period of time, during which the person will not be able to play using that account on any computer. If an aimbot is detected a second time, the account and computer will immediately be permanently banned, all monies paid will be forfeited and any upgrades or customizations will be revoked.
  • At some point we want to introduce bullet-proof vests, and for that to work, we clearly need headshots also be something you can actually achieve.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 9 Update : We are still here! - 0 views

  • YES (and it bears repeating), the goal is to let you keep ALL customizations you created using the old game. In some cases that might mean some odd situations, such as having items that may or may not fit the new progression system, and having items that the new F2P model may not have let you design unless you had a premium account (or similar "issues"). That's ok. You will basically be unique thanks to you having played the game "back in the day" and our goal is to make sure your many gazillion of hours of investment do not go to waste.
  • we are indeed long term working on "Purposeful End-Game PvP." However, this modificaiton is not likely to make it in to the first beta
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 8 Update : Steps to Join the Beta - 0 views

  • To register for the beta, we have decided to take a pretty "simple" route in order for you to take the first step; (1) simply submit your email here: in the "stay up to date" box. Make sure you give us one that we can actually reach you on - and not the 14 minute email variation :). (2) Create a GamersFirst account (preferably with the same email, though not required)
  • But then it gets a little trickier. About 2 weeks before the closed beta (which probably means on or about the first week in February), you will receive an email sent to the address you submitted above. That email will have a unique link where you will go to activate your beta request. In order to do so you will be asked to submit a lot of additional data, among other things your DxDiag (if you don't know that is, then you might not be a great closed beta candidate) and some additional information about you, as well as about your system and your own background as a gamer. Once we have verified the data, we will then send you back your actual beta key.
  • NO PRE-EXISTING ACCOUNTS will be part of the closed beta. During the closed beta you will create throw-away accounts. That's the purpose of closed beta.
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  • As a thank you to our beta testers we expect to give away a token that shows you were a beta tester back in the day. Trust us, we will not forget who you were :)
  • YES - we plan on letting players of the original APB game reclaim the original content (ie characters etc.) that existed at the time the game shut down, since that data is considered "game content." This would give you most (if not all) customizations, gear, and character names back that you had during the first run of the game.
  • NO - we are likely to NOT give you back all the progression data
  • YES - you will need to create a NEW user account (a G1 account that is) before you can reclaim your characters, which means you have to basically sign up and agree to the new terms of service that govern the use of all G1 accounts (ie your old RTW account cannot sign you in to the game or anything else)
  • NO - we will NOT have any of your original payment data on our side, and therefore you also will have no RTW points or cash-equivalent credits.
  • it's LIKELY - that you will be able to "patch-up" to the new game from the original installation.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 7 Update : Two key "to do" items; CB Client Build and Network... - 0 views

  • CB will likely start sometime in February
  • the Closed Beta client will be a LITTLE bit smaller than the original shipping client, it will have a basic "premium" system built in, various balance fixes, and we MIGHT be able to turn on the chaos rule-set (!)
  • Next week marks the beginning of the detailed game client discussions, so stay tuned!
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 5 Update : A GTA Style Story, or a Counterstrike Style Match? - 0 views

  • On the other hand, there is no reason the PvP fighting shouldn't also be extended to it's logical conclusion, and we are considering starting a new mode where we hand back direct control to the player, a la Counterstrike. Potentially we would call that "Session Mode," "Clan Mode" or "Team Mode" or something similar. Of course this type of mode risks breaking the design-continuity between the Social Districts and Action Districts, but fundamentally, there is no good reason you should not be able to have more of a lobby-type function where your clan can take on a competing clan (even Crims on Crims), and have a show-down in a new (presumably smaller) map until one clan or team stands victorious. It would be like challenging someone to a duel at dawn, posse vs posse. And if you don't yet have a clan, what better method to find future clan mates than by permitting a more user-controlled joining process that enables short, fast paced game instances that can be completed in ten to twenty minutes.
  • There is even a third design philosophy; PvE collaborative mode using fast-paced (minimal-story) PvP mechanics. The closest here would be a Zombie style mode (hah - didn't I just question Zombies earlier?). The idea would be that you and some buddies should be able to show up at a building in the Social District, and upon entering you descend into a Resident Evil style nightmare clearing Zombies (and not a whole lot of story progression beyond shooting). This third mode is really just a PvE event with minimal story line, but would be something that provides more variety for the gamers, since it's a really great "introductory" collaborative mode mechanic (everyone is a winner, except the dead zombies who are all losers).
  • Our end goal is clear - we want people to become so engaged in the activities we will make available in San Paro that gamers want to "hang out" in some part of the city almost all the time. There should be a huge variety of interactions (PvP, PvE, collaborative, single-player, storylines, social interactions etc.) and  players should really drive what modes we spend our time expanding and increasing in size (and what modes we abandon).
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 4 Update : UK Studio Strategy and "Hackers and Cheaters" - 1 views

  • So what can we do about Cheaters in APB? Well there are a ton of "cheat-busting"solutions out there such as NProtect, HackShield, PunkBuster, XTrap etc.
  • none of them are perfect
  • easily circumvented
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  • interfere with normal gameplay
  • That's generally the type of protection we are now moving toward.
  • before APB was shut down most aim-bots were actually actively being detected. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the data was not being acted on for various reasons
  • Will you be instating in-game moderators?
  • One big flaw of RTWs APB was that if you did come across someone cheating, you had to leave the game, write an email, hope they read the email, and then hope that they did something about it.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 3 Update : Patch 143 (Closed Beta) Status In other ... - 0 views

  • Therefore we are very likely to launch a closed beta version WITHOUT the original character data, and then wipe the databases at the end of Closed Beta after we have been able to determine the impact of the various game changes, and then look to restore some of the original character data for the Open Beta start.
  • our presumption is actually that players will upgrade to Premium accounts, NOT primarily because of the customization expansions, but rather because of all the other goodies that Premium Account holders will get
  • we are now seriously considering setting up a permanent UK studio with full-time staff in 2011 to work with our teams in Southern California, Bangalore, Istanbul and Sao Paulo. We might still consider Hamburg for a European presence since that’s where a lot of our PR and marketing work is being done, but Scotland (or possibly some other UK locations) now certainly look like interesting alternatives for sure on the studio side.
Saxtus .

APB-Reloaded: End of Week 2 Update : A New Category of Players - the Premium Ones - 0 views

  • instead of limiting what you can customize as a free player, you will be allowed to customize almost anything, but you will not be able to store (and share) complex customizations above a certain complexity level unless you are a Premium player AT THE TIME OF CUSTOMIZATION.
    • Saxtus .
      So that means that if you're creative enough to offer something complex, you will be penalized to do so by obtaining premium membership. Sweet... O.o
Saxtus .

1.3.1 (55) Patch Notes - 0 views

  • Cash rewards for witnessing have been removed as a temporary solution
Saxtus .

Scheduled Maintenance - All Game Servers 17/08/2010 - 0 views

  • All APB game servers will be offline between 09:00 GMT until 12:00 GMT on 17/08/2010. This is to deploy 1.3.1 (55). This is a small patch to fix ''I''ve Friends in High Places'' achievement and an exploit. Full patch notes will be available on Tuesday.
Saxtus .

APB 1.4.1 is on its way! - 1 views

    Cannot go live fast enough :3
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