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Jakarta Will No Longer be the Capital of Indonesia - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    As per Bambang Brodjonegoro, the Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia, Jakarta is no longer going to be the capital of the country. President Joko Widodo has decided on relocating the capital of Indonesia on an "important decision". It is yet not known which location is going to be the new capital but if media reports are to be believed, it is probably going to be Palangkaraya, situated on Borneo's island.

Bullet Train project to affect 54,000 Mangrove trees - Development at the cost of Envir... - 0 views

    When PM Narendra Modi had announced the high-speed bullet train project in India in September 2017, few would have imagined the impact on the ecology of the region around the proposed Mumbai-Ahmedabad route. In response to question raised by Shiv Sena legislator ManeeshaKayande in the state Legislative Council, state transport minister Diwakar Raote said Monday confirmed that close to 54,000 mangrove trees spread over 13 hectares would be affected due to the construction.However, he clarified that the number of trees cut down would be far less as the height of the pillars would be well above the trees and the damage to environment would be limited. As a compensatory measure, the Government has also proposed to plant five times the number of trees felled for the bullet train project.

Super Pupper Party -Time to unleash your pet dogs! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    Ugghhh!! Summers are not just here but dreadfully taking a toll on all of us. We humans can at least choose to decide on our recreations to drive away our summer blues. But, what about your darling pet dogs? They too might be longing for some entertaining activities but can't express. I am sure you all must be deeply in love with your fur pals and already be doing anything and everything to keep them happy and healthy. But, just imagine those glaring eyes in your locality when you take your dog for a stroll. I am sure you must have come across such people because of whom you don't feel comfortable taking your dogs to public places. Also, if you do take your dog out, the poor thing must wear a leash. Can you imagine putting your pet in the community pool? Your pet might be clean and disciplined. But other people are not so considerate.

⁠Top 5 Reasons Playtime is Crucial for Your Dog's Well-being - 0 views

    For your dog, play is an important part of their everyday routine that enhances their general well-being, and it's not only enjoyable. Regular play is important for your dog's physical and mental well-being, no matter what age he is - whether he's an active puppy or a senior dog. Here are five important reasons for why play time is important to your dog's happiness and well-being.

Top Instagram food bloggers- The Multifaceted Men! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    India is populated by foodies of all kinds. The love for food can be traced back to time immemorial! Be it men or women, food connoisseurs cannot be confined by gender. We have already covered a blog on women food bloggers on Instagram and we thought why to leave the men out! So here is our curated list of top male Instagram food influencers that you would love to go through.

The future of gaming Honeycomb Glacier - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    Chipmaker giant Intel seems to be in a different orbit altogether. At the recently concluded Computex event in Taipei, Intel showcased a prototype of what it believes would be the future of high-end gaming laptops. Codenamed 'Honeycomb Glacier', this laptop places two screens on each other - a primary display having 15.6" Full HD display and a secondary display with 12.3" 1920×720 pixel screen. The secondary screen is supported on a mechanical one-way roller hinge and can be put to rest horizontally in continuation to the keyboard, when not in use.

Ganga water is officially unfit for drinking and bathing- CPCB - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    This environment day, we come across a very disheartening news! The most revered river of our country, Ganga is now officially declared to be unfit for drinking and bathing as per CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). Ganga is not just any river for most of the Indians, insteadit has been carrying a special spiritual significance.People from all over flock to take a dip in this 'holy' river. Leave apart drinking, but even bathing is considered detrimental now. As per their report, there are mere seven spots from where the river Ganga passes, which can be used for consumption after disinfection. Also, only 18 spots are being considered fit for bathing,whereas, 62 areas from where the river flows areunfit for the same purpose.

Dog Training in the Winter: Challenges and Solutions - 0 views

    Winter can be a truly lovely season, With fresh snowflakes and cozy nights by the fire. However, it can also provide a number of difficulties for dog owners. Although it can be difficult to keep your dog active and comfortable in colder weather, you can both survive the winter with the appropriate information and preparations. This in-depth manual will examine "Dog Training in the Winter: Challenges and Solutions." We've got you covered when it comes to protecting the safety and well-being of your furry friends as well as keeping them warm with Dog Winter Clothes and jackets.

How The Pet Cremation Urns Are As Equal As Human Urns? - 0 views

    The human being has been developing the bonding with the animals since time immemorial. It is seen that the animal sometimes is more reliable than the human being. The animals such as dogs and cats are more lovable and sometimes the dog saves the life of its master from the thief, dacoit and other wild animals.

What The People Do With Human Or Pet Ashes? - 0 views

    The human body is mortal and no one can survive in this world. Be it human being, animals, creepers, plants and trees. This is the law of nature and everything is perishable in this world. A lot of confusions do take place when our loved one depart this material world.

The Pet Cremation Jewelry - An Expression Of Love By Human Towards Pets - 0 views

    The creation of the God is really amazing. God has created the whole world with equality and balance. The human being, animals, saplings, plants and creepers are the part of the creation of the Almighty. Human being is the most intelligent social animal among all.

bike Mechanics in Madhapur - 0 views


started by autoshed on 21 Apr 16 no follow-up yet

Parvo Virus 80% Of Dogs Will Die From It ! | Dog Resources Blog - 0 views

    Imagine getting up in the morning to take your loving dog for a morning walk and finding your dog throwing up, having violent attacks of diarrhea, not eating, and literally wasting away right before your very eyes. "But how could this be? ", you may ask. "Last night my sweet loving dog was doing fine and now… is my dog poisoned, what could possibly be wrong?  Oh my, this throwing up is out of control, the diarrhea won't stop!"

10 easy ways to reduce the plastic waste on this World Environment Day! - Gossip Ki Gal... - 0 views

    5th June is the World Environment Day! A lot of us might be environment enthusiasts to participate in various activities, plant trees and celebrate this day in every possible way, while the rest of us might shrug it off as just another day. Some of us might be upholding a great zeal but we might end up doing nothing!

Tough looks, but kind hearts are on a mission to save animals! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    Imagine a tough body builder and a swagger, with multiple piercings, tattooed all over, and riding a huge swanky bike! The vision itself is intimidating enough and we would certainly keep a distance from someone similar in real life. But, it is rightly said, outward appearance can be deceptive.Don't be judgemental if you come across such a swagger biker gang in New York! They are not out to create a ruckus, but to save animals!

The Importance of Dog Winter Jackets: Keeping Your Canine Companion Warm and Cozy - 0 views

    Dog winter jackets play an important role in keeping our canine companions warm, comfortable and protected during the cold winter months. By providing insulation, protecting against harsh elements, and promoting overall health, these jackets ensure your dog's well-being. Remember to choose a jacket that fits properly, provides appropriate insulation and meets your dog's specific needs. Introduce the jacket slowly, using positive reinforcement, and maintain it properly to increase its lifespan. With a dog winter jacket, you can be sure that your furry friend can enjoy the winter weather while staying comfortable and safe.

Top 10 tips to keep your dog happy and healthy - 0 views

    Welcoming a furry friend into your family is an exciting experience. As a responsible dog owner, it's a crucial priority to the happiness and health of your canine companion. One essential aspect of ensuring their safety and comfort is choosing a personalized dog harness. By selecting a suitable harness, you can provide your dog with a safe and comfortable walking experience while promoting their overall well-being. By following these top 10 tips, you can ensure your dog's well-being while a strong bond with your beloved pet.

Top 10 Tips to Comfort Your Dog When They're Home Alone - 0 views

    Leaving your dog home alone can be difficult for both of you. Dogs are social animals, and being alone can make them feel bored, anxious, or even sad. Whether you're at work, school, or just out for a while, it's important to make sure your dog feels safe and comfortable. Here are the top 10 tips to comfort your dog when they're home alone.

Top 10 Tips to Stop Your Dog From Pulling on the Leash - 0 views

    Walking your dog can be a great way to bond and exercise, but it can be stressful if your dog pulls on the leash. Many dogs pull because they are excited to explore the world around them, but this behavior can make walks less enjoyable for both of you. Luckily, there are simple strategies to help your dog learn to walk peacefully calmly by your side. Here are the top 10 tips to stop your dog from pulling on the leash.

Dog Walks: Safe and Fun Tips for Walking Your Dog - 0 views

    A great way to maintain your dog's happiness, health and well-being is to take them for walks. It is also an ideal way to exercise and breathe fresh air. Walking your dog can be an enjoyable experience for both of you, no matter the size of your dog - for example, a small Chihuahua or a large German Shepherd.
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