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Online School Management System - 0 views

    The Online School management Systems are intellectual and user-friendly. It helps manage a huge administration task along with data and records of teachers, staffs, students and their parents. The schools are also looking forward to developing and adapting the school management software which will help them in turning out to be the brand. Advanced Online School Management System, Open source school management, PHP based School Application, School Administration & Management software, school ERP, School Management software, SMS.

Advantages of Online Food Delivery System - 0 views

    The Online Food Delivery System is one of the most important and fastest growing marketing policies for most of the Businessman for gaining more profit and explores business.

PHP MySQL Login System - 0 views

    In this topic, we will learn how to create a PHP MySQL Login System with the help of PHP and MySQL database. There are few steps given for creating a login system with MySQL database.

IPS/ IDS systems Vs Firewall: Which is better for network security? - 0 views

    When Firewalls fails to detect attack then IPS and IDS networks security system start their jobs by detecting and blocking the malicious activities on the network.

How to fix three most common problems while upgrading Operating System. - 0 views

    Upgrading Operating system can never be easy, you might encounter many issues while installation process. Here are some most common problems that need to be take care while performing installation.
Jenny Smith

Content Management System | Mobile Application Development Services - 0 views

    Posts about Content Management System written by Jenny Smith WeeTech Solution specializes in web development. We provide a wide range of technologies that fits your requirements. Our skilled team of designers and developers give you excellent customizable options for your website. We understand our client's requirements and assist them to get the best.
Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

Request for Quote - Event Management System Development - 0 views

    Get a quote within 24 hours of contacting Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd for your website designing and development, mobile apps development, travel portal development, transport & logistics Software, enterprise mobility solutions, event management systems, web application, social media app, CRM software eCommerce & m commerce application development. Having any queries regarding our products or services? Just fill out our simple form to request a quote, information or advice and we will get back to you.
Top apps

WhatsApp Messenger Will Not Support For Older Operating Systems | Topapps4u - 0 views

    WhatApps has published the list of following operating systems which no longer be supported by the coming months:
App Inventiv

Google Fuchsia OS Developer Portal is Now Live - 0 views

    Google's brainchild Fuchsia is finally here to consolidate mobile devices and Chrome OS devices under a single operating system. Previously asked questions like "what is the future of Android", "is Huawei's ArkOS is going to overthrow Android from its long reign", and many others are a few questions regarding the future of Android. But the new Fuchsia Operating System is coming up with many exciting features to delve in.

Android - Location using GPS - 0 views

    Main objective of this tutorial is to help you to get Your Current Location using the GPS system.
    Main objective of this tutorial is to help you to get Your Current Location using the GPS system.

A Summary about Android Operating System - 0 views

shared by wscubetech on 25 Feb 16 - No Cached
    Android is a mobile operating system (OS) currently developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Android Device Manager - javatpoint - 1 views

    Device Manager is a control panel applet of the operating system. It allows us to view and control all the hardware attached to our system. It highlights any piece of hardware attached to our system.
Heyoya info

Heyoya - Best Comments Platform - 1 views

    Look no further for the best commenting system for your blog or ecommerce website. We provide you with a high quality audio commenting system that records clear, crisp and noise free audio comments of your users. Search in the WordPress plugin directory or download directly from our website.
Richard Boss

How Google is being dragged into Apple and Samsung's court battle - Telegraph - 0 views

    Apple is taking an indirect swipe at Google, whose Android operating system is a key fixture in around three-quarters of all smartphones sold last year
Pooja Runija

Artificial Intelligence, Is the Future of New Age of Smartphones - 0 views

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a leading technology concept. It is not just something coming in the distant future, AI systems are everywhere around us, it already involved in our daily life in the form of virtual environment.
Pooja Runija

Biology- Is This The Future Of All Next Gen Technology? - 0 views

    Biology is a new science and technology series that are now able to tell the stories behind the guiding system embedded in your body. Smartphones mapping features with the body are great for getting directions, until you lose signals.
Pooja Runija

Why Windows10 is a Big Charm of 2015? - 0 views

    MICROSOFT this morning drew back the curtain on the operating systems by kicking off Windows 10 with a mob of business-friendly features and also with some surprises.
mahesh 1234

Android Tutorial - Javatpoint - 0 views

    Android Tutorial. Android is a software package containing linux based operating system for mobile devices such as tablet computers, smartphones etc, middleware and key mobile applicaitons.
mahesh 1234

Android: What, Where and Why? - javatpoint - 0 views

    Android is a software package and linux based operating system for mobile devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. It is developed by Google and later the OHA (Open Handset Alliance). Java language is mainly used to write the android code even though other languages can be used. The goal of android project is to create a successful real-world product that improves the mobile experience for end users.
mahesh 1234

Android Screen Orientation Example - javatpoint - 0 views

    The screenOrientation is the attribute of activity element. The orientation of android activity can be portrait, landscape, sensor, unspecified etc. You need to define it in the AndroidManifest.xml file. For example: The common values for screenOrientation attribute are as follows: Value Description unspecified It is the default value. In such case, system chooses the orientation. portrait taller not wider landscape wider not taller sensor orientation is determined by the device orientation sensor.
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